Нестандартная реклама "A new warrior", рекламодатель: Greenpeace, агентство: DDB Paris
Название: A new warrior
Агентство: DDB Paris
Рекламодатель: Greenpeace
Страна: Франция
Сектор бизнеса: Экология
Год выхода: 2011
Вид рекламы: Нестандартная реклама
Name | Company | Position |
Alexandre Hervé | DDB Paris | Executive Creative Director |
Benjamin Marchal | DDB Paris | Art Director |
Olivier Lefebvre | DDB Paris | Copywriter |
Julien Leguyader | DDB Paris | Digital Producer |
Ulysse Loreaux | DDB Paris | Technical Director |
Xavier Mendiola | DDB Paris | Account Director |
Paul Ducré | DDB Paris | Account Manager |
- | Les 84 | Production Company |
- | Panarama | Sound Production |
- | Virtek | 3D modelisation |
Stiv Spasojevic | Editor case study |
Describe the brief from the client: Since 1978, the Rainbow Warrior allowed Greenpeace to gain numerous victories for the protection of our planet. Today it made its time and Greenpeace needs to replace her The promotion objectives : Raise funds to finance the construction of the new Rainbow Warrior and involve all the people who want to be part of this story.
Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation: Offer people to purchase and own a piece of the new Rainbow Warrior, by launching an e-commerce website anewwarrior.com. More than 400.000 pieces for sale from 1 euro to 7.000 euro. Contributors receive a certificate of ownership and their name appears on the Contribution Wall onboard the real Rainbow Warrior. The new Rainbow warrior`s website also includes architectural plans, a 3D tour of the ship and video stories adventure told by crewmembers. Visitors can also watch the Rainbow Warrior`s construction live via a webcam installed at Fassmer Shipyard in Bremen, Germany.
Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results: Thousands of new owners posted their certificates on social networks, which created a media burst. With 0 euro media investment, the results so far are : 1 256 122 euro raised 31 486 Certificates of ownership 1 857 304 visitors from 171 countries Time spent : 3 minutes per visitor For Greenpeace, it`s « the most successful fundraising campaign of the decade »
Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service: For the first time in a fundraising campaign, we`ve materialized the gift. The fact to know for what exactly you donate by receving a certificate of ownership made all the donators part of the story of the new Rainbow Warrior as an activist. Anewwarrior.com is translated in 6 different languages to be more accessible to everybody. Each donator becomes a « warrior ».
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