Barry J. Epstein, Eva K. Jermakowicz
IFRS Policies and Procedures
Издательство: Wiley, 2008 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 480 стр.
Get the answers you need to effectively implement IFRS rules and keep up to date on the latest IFRS requirements. Designed to complement any Wiley IFRS product, IFRS Policies and Procedures is sequenced in the same manner as Wiley IFRS and incorporates additional categories of information to assist you in properly implementing IFRS.
Featuring handy, illustrative decision trees clarifying how to interpret multiple options under IFRS requirements, this invaluable book presents:
Authoritative advice and everyday guidance to all areas of bookkeeping, accounting, and financial statement preparation in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards
Current content on all IFRS and IFRIC pronouncements through Fall 2007
The most effective methods to convert IFRS rules into an operational implementation
Definitions and concepts in every chapter addressing the most common IFRS issues
Coverage of all aspects of annual and interim financial reporting, including segment reporting, accounting changes and correction of errors, use of revaluations for long-lived tangible and intangible assets and investment property, revenue recognition, and specialized industry rules
With all current IAS, IFRS, SIC and IFRIC guidance addressed in depth, IFRS Policies and Procedures will assist you with timely coverage on all aspects of annual and interim financial reporting.
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