Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

The Power Index Method: For Profitable Futures Trading

Harold Goldberg

The Power Index Method: For Profitable Futures Trading

Издательство: Windsor Books, 1986 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 162 стр.

"What you learn in this book can be put to use immediately. You will not be subjected to any "hocus-pocus" by word or deed.

You will be pleasantly surprised to know that there are no algebraic equations any place in this book. Most people I have met cannot work with that type of math, so out it goes, with no loss at all to you. If you can do simple arithmetic, composed of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, I will make an effective futures trader out of you. The simple arithmetic, and I stress the word simple, can be done by hand or with a $5.00 calculator. The only difference is that the calculator is faster.

As you study, try not to let your mind wander. If you have experience with bar charts, P&F charts, moving averages, oscillators, technical formations, etc., don`t think about them. They do not have anything to do with this study. We do use graphs, but they do not incorporate the aforementioned factors.

It is further suggested that you refrain from "fine tuning" the techniques herein. Certainly they are not the absolute, ultimate and only way as they stand, I`m not that vain. But they do work. Learn first, experiment later. In other words, get the theory, the basics, the procedures down pat. Then, if you so choose, improvise. But do yourself a favor, do it on paper first!"


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03.05.2024 - 09:37
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