Dale Carnegie
How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking
Издательство: Vermilion, 1991 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 256 стр.
This book will show you how to overscome the natural fear of public speaking and even learn to enjoy it. Drawing on Dale Carnegie s years of experience as a business trainer, this practical book will help you to become a successful speaker. His invaluable advice includes ways to:
- Develop poise.
- Gain self-confidence.
- Improve your memory.
- Make your meaning clear.
- Begin and end a talk effectively.
- Interest and charm your audience.
- Improve your diction.
- Win an argument without making enemies Dale Carnegie s methods have helped millions of people worldwide.
Make sure you have the advantage, and make them work for you too. This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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