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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 24.09.2019 0:31  |  #144839
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Источник иллюстраций.


Some 600,000 holidaymakers woke up in beachside hotels on Monday to discover that their travel company had vanished overnight after rescue talks failed.
At the CAA headquarters in central London, a “war room” has been established to coordinate the repatriation.

CAA chief executive, Richard Moriarty, said: “We have launched, at very short notice, what is effectively one of the UK’s largest airlines.

“The nature and scale of the operation means that unfortunately some disruption will be inevitable. We ask customers to bear with us as we work around the clock to bring them home.”

Mr Shapps said: “Our contingency planning has helped acquire planes from across the world – some from as far away as Malaysia – and we have put hundreds of people in call centres and at airports.”
On day one, 64 missions were flown, carrying an estimated 15,000 passengers.

Meanwhile, 800,000 UK customers of Thomas Cook with future bookings began the process of obtaining refunds – which could take two months or longer.

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As we say goodbye to the world’s oldest tour operator, here are the most important years in Thomas Cook’s illustrious history.

1841: Rail revolution
Thomas Cook single-handedly industrialises railway tourism – chartering a train to take 500 passengers about 10 miles from Leicester to the neighbouring town of Loughborough. The fare for the round-trip is one shilling and sixpence (7.5p). A spiritual and abstinent man, Cook organised the trip to attend a Temperance meeting. But for many of the participants, the attraction was the opportunity to travel by train for the first time.

1855: Cook goes international
The international exposition in Paris, set in the dramatic surroundings of Baron Haussmann’s newly redrawn city, provided the perfect target for Thomas Cook’s first international expedition. The steadily rising incomes and increased aspirations of the middle classes brought about by the industrial revolution convinced Cook that there would be a market for trips from London to Paris.
He offered a complete holiday “package” (comprising travel and accommodation, as well as meals) for the first time.

1865: A travel agent is born
Thomas Cook opens a travel agency in Fleet Street, central London. It coincides with the opening of the London Underground, the world’s first subterranean railway.

1874: Cheque it out
“Cook’s Circular Note,” the prototype of the traveller’s cheque, is launched – providing a safe and easy way to carry funds abroad.

1892: Next generation
Thomas Cook dies in Leicester. The business is taken on by his son, John Mason Cook – whose initials are later used for a rebrand of the firm’s package holidays (an experiment which is swiftly and expensively reversed).

1928: Up for sale
The last two Cooks, Thomas’s grandsons Frank and Ernest, retire. They sell the business to the first of many outside owners, the railway sleeping car firm Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits.

1948: Nationalisation
During the nationalisation of the UK’s railways, Thomas Cook somewhat bizarrely also becomes state-owned. Two years later, the first, embryonic mass-market package holidays by air are sold by a young man called Vladimir Raitz – comprising flights from Gatwick to Corsica, a tent on a beach and non-rationed meals.

1972: Staying the course
Thomas Cook reverts to the private sector, with the Midland Bank, hoteliers Trust House Forte and the Automobile Association buying the firm. Two years, the economic gloom of the “Three-day Week” precipitated by a miners’ strike, amplified by the Middle East oil crisis, finished off many travel companies. But not Thomas Cook.

1992: New owners
A German consortium, comprising Westdeutsche Landesbank and the LTU Group, acquire the Thomas Cook Group.

2019: It's all over
The Thomas Cook Group, by now an Anglo-German firm, ceases trading at 2am on Monday, 23 September

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Туризм - форма ведения войны мирными средствами, когда и где, заморские головорезы, могут посетить пленительный берег и хорошо провести время, в безопасном и даже прибыльном, для аборигенов состоянии.
"Контору Кука" сгубила не первая мировая. И не вторая. И конечно, не Интернет.
"Контору Кука" обрушили мысли людей, потомков головорезов, которые решили вспомнить, своё - не своё лихое прошлое.


POLITICO Playbook: Behind the scenes on Trump’s Ukraine pressure campaign

BIDEN’S STATEMENT: "If these reports are true, then there is truly no bottom to President Trump’s willingness to abuse his power and abase our country. This behavior is particularly abhorrent because it exploits the foreign policy of our country and undermines our national security for political purposes.

“It means that he used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation—a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia—pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favor.”

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Trump Didn’t Bribe Ukraine. It’s Actually Worse Than That.
But the impulse to label this as a potential crime, as many respected former prosecutors and legal analysts have done, is flawed legally and even strategically. Even if true, this is not a case that would end up in a criminal proceeding even if Trump were no longer in office.

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Опубликовано: 23 сент. 2019 г.
Источник видео.

18+. Материал содержит ненормативную лексику Игоря Валерьевича.

Опубликовано: 23 сент. 2019 г.
Источник видео.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и соответствующими пожеланиями, Dimitriy.

Последний раз редактировалось: Dimitriy (24.09.2019 1:14), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 24.09.2019 1:00  |  #144840
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"Я/Мы Отопление": как Россия переживает осенний холод в домах

Аномально холодный сентябрь на значительной части территорий европейской территории России не только побудил коммунальщиков пообещать скорейшее включение отопления, но и породил волну шуток и мемов в интернете.

Согласно российской практике, отопление включают после того, как пять дней подряд среднесуточная температура в городах не поднимается выше 8 градусов тепла по Цельсию.

Однако после многочисленных жалоб москвичей в пятницу, 20 сентября, досрочно включили отопление в социальных учреждениях: детских садах, школах, больницах.

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Отопительный сезон в России как национальная идея

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Реклама Агрессии.

С насморком, кашлем, температурой и пламенными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 24.09.2019 15:56  |  #144843
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Russia: US denied visas to UN delegation members
Russia’s foreign ministry reportedly said Tuesday that the U.S. denied visas to members of the nation's delegation to the United Nations General Assembly.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov s set to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in New York to discuss the matter, Reuters reports, citing a ministry spokeswoman.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, meanwhile, said the U.S. move justifies a tough response from Moscow and the United Nations, the news service noted.
Konstantin Kosachyov, who leads the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia's Parliament, called the action "outrageous," adding that "there is no explanation or justification” for it.

”The United States breached its obligations to the international community and did not issue in due time visas to a number of members of the official delegation, including myself, and the group of accompanying officials who were due to depart for New York today to attend the 74th session of the UN General Assembly," he said, according to RadioFreeEurope.

Two senators — Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) — were recently denied visas to enter Russia as part of a congressional delegation. Moscow also denied a visa for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) in 2017.

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The Human Rights Crisis in Xinjiang
Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan is co-hosting an invitation-only panel discussion for United Nations delegations and non-governmental partners on the Human Rights Crisis in Xinjiang. The event will feature the deeply personal stories of victims of China’s brutal campaign of repression against Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, and other Muslim individuals in Xinjiang.
The Deputy Secretary welcomes global partners in joining the call for China to end the cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of the people of Xinjiang.

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Why does Ukraine need US military aid?

Ukraine is dealing with Russian-backed separatists in the Eastern part of the country and still opposes Russia's 2014 takeover of Crimea, which had been part of Ukraine (выделено автором поста). The country is very much standing between Vladimir Putin's Russia and the West.

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Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections
Earlier this month, during a bipartisan meeting in Kiev, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) delivered a pointed message to Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

While choosing his words carefully, Murphy made clear — by his own account — that Ukraine currently enjoyed bipartisan support for its U.S. aid but that could be jeopardized if the new president acquiesced to requests by President Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate past corruption allegations involving Americans, including former Vice President Joe Biden’s family.

Murphy boasted after the meeting that he told the new Ukrainian leader that U.S. aid was his country’s “most important asset” and it would be viewed as election-meddling and “disastrous for long-term U.S.-Ukraine relations” to bend to the wishes of Trump and Giuliani.

"I told Zelensky that he should not insert himself or his government into American politics. I cautioned him that complying with the demands of the President's campaign representatives to investigate a political rival of the President would gravely damage the U.S.-Ukraine relationship. There are few things that Republicans and Democrats agree on in Washington these days, and support for Ukraine is one of them," Murphy told me today, confirming what he told Ukraine's leader.

The implied message did not require an interpreter for Zelensky to understand: Investigate the Ukraine dealings of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, and you jeopardize Democrats' support for future U.S. aid to Kiev.

The Murphy anecdote is a powerful reminder that, since at least 2016, Democrats repeatedly have exerted pressure on Ukraine, a key U.S. ally for buffering Russia, to meddle in U.S. politics and elections.

And that activity long preceded Giuliani’s discussions with Ukrainian officials and Trump’s phone call to Zelensky in July, seeking to have Ukraine formally investigate whether then-Vice President Joe Biden used a threat of canceling foreign aid to shut down an investigation into $3 million routed to the U.S. firm run by Biden’s son.

As I have reported, the pressure began at least as early as January 2016, when the Obama White House unexpectedly invited Ukraine’s top prosecutors to Washington to discuss fighting corruption in the country.

The meeting, promised as training, turned out to be more of a pretext for the Obama administration to pressure Ukraine’s prosecutors to drop an investigation into the Burisma Holdings gas company that employed Hunter Biden and to look for new evidence in a then-dormant criminal case against eventual Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a GOP lobbyist.

U.S. officials “kept talking about how important it was that all of our anti-corruption efforts be united,” said Andrii Telizhenko, the former political officer in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington who organized and attended the meetings.

Nazar Kholodnytsky, Ukraine’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, told me that, soon after he returned from the Washington meeting, he saw evidence in Ukraine of political meddling in the U.S. election. That's when two top Ukrainian officials released secret evidence to the American media, smearing Manafort.

The release of the evidence forced Manafort to step down as Trump’s top campaign adviser. A Ukrainian court concluded last December that the release of the evidence amounted to an unlawful intervention in the U.S. election by Kiev’s government, although that ruling has since been overturned on a technicality.

Shortly after the Ukrainian prosecutors returned from their Washington meeting, a new round of Democratic pressure was exerted on Ukraine — this time via its embassy in Washington.

Valeriy Chaly, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States at the time, confirmed to me in a statement issued by his office that, in March 2016, a contractor for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) pressed his embassy to try to find any Russian dirt on Trump and Manafort that might reside in Ukraine’s intelligence files.

The DNC contractor also asked Chaly's team to try to persuade Ukraine’s president at the time, Petro Poroshenko, to make a statement disparaging Manafort when the Ukrainian leader visited the United States during the 2016 election.

Chaly said his embassy rebuffed both requests because it recognized they were improper efforts to get a foreign government to try to influence the election against Trump and for Hillary Clinton.

The political pressure continued. Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in crucial U.S. aid to Kiev if Poroshenko did not fire the country’s chief prosecutor. Ukraine would have been bankrupted without the aid, so Poroshenko obliged on March 29, 2016, and fired Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

At the time, Biden was aware that Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma, the firm employing Hunter Biden, after a December 2015 New York Times article.

What wasn’t known at the time, Shokin told me recently, was that Ukrainian prosecutors were preparing a request to interview Hunter Biden about his activities and the monies he was receiving from Ukraine. If such an interview became public during the middle of the 2016 election, it could have had enormous negative implications for Democrats.

Democrats continued to tap Ukraine for Trump dirt throughout the 2016 election, my reporting shows.

Nellie Ohr, the wife of senior U.S. Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, worked in 2016 as a contractor for Fusion GPS, the same Hillary Clinton-funded opposition research firm that hired Christopher Steele, the British spy who wrote the now-debunked dossier linking Trump to Russia collusion.

Nellie Ohr testified to Congress that some of the dirt she found on Trump during her 2016 election opposition research came from a Ukrainian parliament member. She also said that she eventually took the information to the FBI through her husband — another way Ukraine got inserted into the 2016 election.

Politics. Pressure. Opposition research. All were part of the Democrats’ playbook on Ukraine long before Trump ever called Zelensky this summer. And as Sen. Murphy’s foray earlier this month shows, it hasn’t stopped.

The evidence is so expansive as to strain the credulity of the Democrats’ current outrage at Trump’s behavior with Ukraine.

Which raises a question: Could it be the Ukraine tale currently being weaved by Democrats and their allies in the media is nothing more than a smoke screen designed to distract us from the forthcoming Justice Department inspector general report into abuses during the Democratic-inspired Russia collusion probe?

It’s a question worth asking.

Материал полностью.

Everything we know right now about Trump's call to Ukraine

Did Trump talk to Ukraine's new president about Joe Biden?

Yes. Trump initially denied it, but over the weekend admitted that when he talked to Zelensky on July 25, he brought up Joe Biden. Trump also made clear that in his mind, Biden = corruption.

On Sunday, Trump said of the conversation:
"We had a great conversation. The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption -- all of the corruption taking place, was largely the fact that we don't want our people like Vice President Biden and his son (adding to the corruption)," Trump told reporters.

The call is part of the whistleblower complaint against Trump. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump told Zelensky "that he should work with [Mr. Giuliani] on Biden, and that people in Washington wanted to know" whether allegations were true or not, a person familiar with the matter said, according to the Journal. While Trump pressed Zelensky, he did not bring up military aid on the call, CNN reported Friday.

Mr. Giuliani is former New York mayor and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who has been calling for months for a new inquiry into Biden's role in a corruption purge in Ukraine during the Obama administration. He renewed those calls during a remarkable interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo last Thursday during which he said he asked officials in Ukraine to investigate Biden.

Why is anyone suggesting Trump pressured Zelensky or tied a Biden investigation to military aid?

At the same time Trump was mentioning Biden to Zelensky, Giuliani was actively pushing Ukraine's top prosecutor, who has since left that position, to officially investigate Biden and his son.

That's also about the same time Trump's administration was putting the skids on $250 million in aid.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said on Twitter last week that after he met recently with Zelensky, there was no question the Ukrainian was concerned both about the aid being cut off and about Giuliani's calls for an investigation in Biden.

"Zelensky did not explicitly connect the two in our meeting, but he was VERY concerned about the cut off of aid, and VERY aware of the conversations that Rudy Giuliani was having with his team. I told him it was best to ignore requests from Trump's campaign operatives. He agreed," Murphy explained in a series of tweets.

An aide to Zelensky, Andriy Yermak, summed up his contacts with Giuliani in an interview published Monday.
"So, Giuliani and I talked on the phone, and after that we personally met in Madrid. I repeated to him the same points. He noted that it was important for him to hear that the new Ukrainian government would preach the principles of openness and legality, will fight corruption, and set as its goal to make Ukraine successful."

Who is Zelensky?

Zelensky is a former comedian, and like Trump, a newcomer to politics. Before his election in April, he was better known as the star of a TV show in which he played the President of Ukraine. When he won a landslide victory over Petro Poroshenko, he promised to clean up corruption.

Did Zelensky feel pressured by Trump to investigate Biden?

There are conflicting accounts on this. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said over the weekend that his country would not take sides in a US election. "I know what the conversation was about and I think there was no pressure," he told the Ukrainian media outlet Hromadske, according to Reuters. "This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions, sometimes requiring serious answers."

Did Trump directly tie military aid to Ukraine to investigating Biden?

We don't entirely know. It does not appear Trump ever explicitly told Zelensky that if he didn't investigate Biden, he wouldn't get the military aid. There is a transcript of the call, but it's not clear if or when anyone outside the White House will see it. Some details of the call have been reported, including by CNN.
"I did not make a statement that 'you have to do this or I'm not going to give you aid.' I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that," Trump told reporters on Monday.
He also suggested it's his hope the call's transcript is released: "It was a very nice call. I hope you get to see it and I hope you get to see it soon."

When was the military aid to Ukraine frozen?

The Washington Post, citing anonymous sources in the administration, reported Monday that at least a week before his telephone conversation with Zelensky, Trump told his acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to hold back up to $400 million of aid. Officials from the Office of Management and Budget told officials from the Pentagon and State Department about the freeze at a meeting in mid-July, according to the Post.


When did Trump's focus on Biden and Ukraine start?

This is a story that has been percolating for some time. Giuliani has long lobbied Ukraine to investigate Biden's call in 2016 to remove the country's top prosecutor, who at one point had been investigating the natural gas company connected to Hunter Biden. CNN reported in August that Giuliani and Yermak, the aide to Zelensky, had spoken several times over the phone and met in Madrid.
Now according to The Washington Post, Giuliani said he has had five conversations with Yermak.
Separately, Giuliani told the Post he did not address the issue of US aid to Ukraine in the Madrid person to person meeting this summer. "I was not involved in the aid at all," he said. "I had no idea the $250 million was on the table."
He said that Yermak was pushing for an Oval Office meeting between Trump and the Ukrainian president and that the Ukrainians were "embarrassed" there had not been one yet.

Giuliani has said he essentially stumbled upon the Biden element. He had been pushing in Ukraine on an effort to clear Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who is currently in jail for tax evasion on money he made for political consulting in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Why does Ukraine need US military aid?

Ukraine is dealing with Russian-backed separatists in the Eastern part of the country and still opposes Russia's 2014 takeover of Crimea, which had been part of Ukraine. The country is very much standing between Vladimir Putin's Russia and the West.

What is the aid used for?

The assistance, according to previous CNN reports, is for sniper rifles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, counter-artillery radars, night vision and military medical treatment -- all of which Ukrainians could use to counter pro-Russian separatists.

What was the official reason that aid to Ukraine was frozen?

The White House has said it wanted to make sure the new administration in Ukraine would stay true to its word and cut down on corruption.
Vice President Mike Pence, for instance, denied earlier this month that the holdup had anything to do with Biden, but he did say, "We have great concerns about issues of corruption... I mean, to invest additional taxpayer in Ukraine, the President wants to be assured that those resources are truly making their way to the kind of investments that will contribute to security and stability in Ukraine."
That's very similar to language Trump used Sunday, except Trump tied the idea of corruption in Ukraine to Biden, perhaps further suggesting a link between the money and the investigation.
Trump returned to corruption during his comments to reporters at the United Nations on Monday.
"If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" he said. "One of the reasons the new president got elected is he was going to stop corruption. It's very important that on occasion you speak to somebody about corruption. Very important."

When and how were the funds frozen?

That's not entirely clear, although acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has long been skeptical of the aid. Former national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did not agree on much, but the did agree that Ukraine should get the aid. Congressional staffers say Congress was in the dark on the holdup.
"The administration did not notify us that the aid was frozen," according to a Senate aide. "The House Appropriations Committee learned of it on or about August 23rd and informed us, and then the first news stories appeared days later. In response to our inquiries, DoD confirmed to us that the funds were frozen on August 28th."
Further, according to CNN reporting, officials in Ukraine were never formally told the funds were being frozen.

How was the aid unfrozen?

There was bipartisan opposition to the freeze up on Capitol Hill. CNN reported on September 12 that the administration had suddenly dropped its opposition to the aid after Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, got bipartisan support for an amendment to force the administration's hand. Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and Trump ally who nevertheless supported the aid to Ukraine, gave Durbin credit for making the aid happen.
"So why was it released? Because of your amendment, that's why it was released," Graham said during an appropriations hearing earlier in September. "Because I was going to vote for it, so I think they got the message. If you're listening in the Ukraine on C-SPAN, you're going to get the money."

Has Ukraine gotten any of the aid?

"The Department of Defense was able to begin obligating these funds last week. We will continue to leverage all available tools to expedite the implementation of these programs. We expect the majority of the funds to be obligated by the end of the fiscal year," according to Cmdr. Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman.
Some $60 million had been obligated fairly quickly (as of last Monday), according to a US official. The Pentagon is confident that it can obligate $220 million before the end of the fiscal year and is working with Congress to get an extension to continue the aid delivery. The House voted last week to extend the window for the aid through November.

Why is it important when Trump talked to Zelensky?

It's completely incredible that Trump may have pressured the Ukrainian president, essentially asking him to investigate a US political rival, in the very midst of denying his campaign colluded with Russia's election interference in 2016.
On Wednesday, July 24, former special counsel Robert Mueller testified before Congress about all of the Trump campaign interactions with Russia in 2016 and explained why his report did not recommend charges against the President or his aides for seeking political help from a foreign government.
"NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION!" Trump tweeted that day and his allies hailed the end of calls for impeachment. Turns out things were just beginning. He talked to Zelensky the next day.

What is the fight over the whistleblower?

While there had been plenty of reporting on Biden's involvement in the Ukraine, on Giuliani's quest to highlight it for campaign season and on the temporary halt of aid to Ukraine, the whistleblower complaint is what tied them all together.
But the White House tried very hard to keep it quiet. While Congress should be entitled under the law to hear about whistleblower complaints, the White House had justified keeping it from Congress. The Intelligence Community Inspector General informed lawmakers that the complaint existed, but no one outside the intelligence community or the White House has actually seen it.
That's because the DNI has, on the advice of the White House and Department of Justice, resisted providing the report to Congress and have said it is not actually covered by the whistleblower law.

What are Democrats saying?

Even some Democrats who had opposed impeachment proceedings against Trump are now saying there is no alternative.
"I don't think we have a choice under the Constitution," said Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez on CNN Monday. "We must move forward with impeachment proceedings."
"I don't think we'll have much of a choice," he said. "It seems like the President is really pushing us for impeachment proceedings. I don't know if he's baiting us because he has a personal agenda that he thinks this might be helpful to him."

What is Trump saying now?

He was asked exactly during an appearance Monday at the United Nations if he's taking impeachment seriously.
"Not at all seriously," Trump said, denying any wrongdoing and staying impeccably on-message that this whole thing has more to do with Biden.
"We had a perfect phone call with the president of Ukraine," Trump said. "Everybody knows it's just a Democrat witch hunt. Here we go again. They failed with Russia, they failed with recession and now they're bringing this up. The one who has the problem is Biden. Biden did what they would like to have me do except one problem, I didn't do it."

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 24.09.2019 23:04  |  #144844
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"Важна поддержка на геополитическом уровне": Зеленский впервые прокомментировал скандальный разговор с Трампом
"Ожидают не просто президента Украины, самое главное, что говорят об Украине, что никто не забывает Украину. Всем интересна новая власть, что ее поддерживают. ... Я ожидаю, что у нас будут очень крутые отношения с США. Я ожидаю, что мы пригласим Дональда Трампа посетить Украину. Я хотел бы, чтобы лидеры стран приезжали и видели, какая красивая Украина. Надо верить не словам, а глазам", – подчеркнул он. Больше читайте здесь:

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....You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo! This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!
11:12 - 24 сент. 2019 г.

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I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine....
11:12 - 24 сент. 2019 г.

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The US intelligence official who "blew the whistle" on Donald Trump's phone call with the leader of Ukraine reportedly wants to testify before Congress.
“We have been informed by the whistleblower’s counsel that their client would like to speak to our committee and has requested guidance from the acting DNI as to how to do so,” Mr Schiff tweeted.

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Источник иллюстраций.

Реклама Агрессии.

С умилением и отраслевыми пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 26.09.2019 0:30  |  #144850
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Внимание! Трансляция начинается с 57.35

President Trump Participates in a Press Conference
25 сент. 2019 г.
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Полная стенограмма разговора Зеленского и Трампа на русском языке


25 сент. 2019 г.
Источник видео.

Ukraine president says he thought only Trump's side of conversation would be released
“I just thought that they would publish their part.”

Материал полностью.

How to read Trump’s wild phone call with Ukraine’s president

“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code,” Cohen said. “And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade.”

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Зе не услышал Большого Учителя. Что стало понятно из разговора Зеленского и Трампа

... Анализируем его главные тезисы и делаем выводы.
Основной вывод – информация, опубликованная Белым домом, на импичмент никак не тянет. Зеленский и Трамп общались в максимально корректном тоне. А Зе иногда был уж слишком дружелюбен – вплоть до сервильности и готовности подхватывать любую мысль своего визави. Зе даже назвал Трампа своим "большим учителем".
Никакого давления и уж тем более угроз в разговоре не было. Не затрагивалась и тема военной помощи Украине (Трамп ее вообще проигнорировал, хотя Зе пытался о ней заговорить, когда просил "Джавелины").
Второй вывод – многое из того, что пообещал Зеленский Трампу, так и не произошло. Пока нет информации о расследованиях ни по Байдену, ни по утечке, которая погубила Манафорта (видимо, это и имелось в виду, когда говорили о расследовании против Йованович).
Да и в целом Зе, видимо, не слушает совета Трампа и связывается с людьми, которые могли быть причастны к сливу компромата на Манафорта в 2016 году (то есть с людьми, связанными с Демпартией и с Йованович).
Скорее всего, из-за этого сорвалась встреча в Польше 1 сентября и так до сих пор не произошло официального визита Зе в Вашингтон. Посмотрим, чем закончится сегодняшний разговор Зеленского и Трампа.

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Did Trump Just Impeach Himself?
Eight legal experts on whether the president’s phone call with the Ukrainian president was an abuse of power—and if not, what the House would need to learn to arrive at an answer.

The White House memo reconstructing a July phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky landed on the internet on Wednesday like a dress that is either clearly blue and black or clearly white and gold, depending on the viewer.

Here was evidence, clear and unambiguous — and provided by the White House itself — that Trump requested a foreign leader to investigate the son of one of Trump’s potential 2020 opponents, former Vice President Joe Biden. But where some saw an impeachable abuse of power, Trump defenders saw proof that that he did nothing wrong, because his request for a “favor” wasn’t explicitly tied to the withholding of U.S. military aid.

Who’s right? We asked a group of legal experts what to make of it all. Do President Trump’s actions, as described in the summary of his phone call, meet the Constitution’s definition of an impeachable offense? If yes, why? If no, what more should be investigated, if anything?

Here are their responses:


Still, more investigation would serve the public interest. Rep. Robert McClory was right, speaking in 1974 about the prospect of Nixon’s impeachment, that it should serve as a “guide for future presidents.” An overly narrow inquiry would wrongly suggest that none of Trump’s other violations have been impeachable. Beyond the Ukraine call, Trump’s potential obstruction of justice detailed in the Mueller report, his failure to report Russian interference in the election, and his quest for intellectual copyright from China while president, among other emolument violations, all warrant careful congressional scrutiny and could reasonably be found impeachable.

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"Much Ado About Nothing".

Реклама Агрессии.

С умилением и отраслевыми ожиданиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 29.09.2019 1:47  |  #144897
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27 сент. 2019 г.
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В сети опубликовали свидетельские показания Шокина против Байдена

4. Теперь я излагаю детали.
6. Обстоятельства моего увольнения были таковы, что подали просьбу о моей отставке из Рады по адресу президента Порошенко. Порошенко попросил меня уйти в отставку из-за давления в частности со стороны администрации президента США, в частности со стороны Джо Байдена, который был вице-президентом США. Байден угрожал удерживать 1 миллиард долларов в виде субсидий Украине до тех пор, пока меня не отстранят от должности. После того, как я уступил просьбе президента и подал свою добровольную отставку, Порошенко прокомментировал это в СМИ. Он сказал, что я провел колоссальный объем работы в качестве генерального прокурора, чего не смог сделать ни один из моих предшественников, особенно в том, что касается моей работы по реформированию различных органов прокуратуры, по созданию специализированной антикоррупционной прокуратуры...


8. Правда заключается в том, что меня вынудили уйти, потому что я вел широкомасштабное расследование коррупции в Burisma Holdings ("Бурисма"), компании по производству природного газа в Украине, а сын Джо Байдена, Хантер Байден, был членом совета директоров. Я предполагаю, что Burisma, которая была связана с добычей газа, имела поддержку США - Джо Байдена, потому что его сын был в Совете директоров.

9. Несколько раз президент Порошенко просил меня взглянуть на преступника и свернуть дело против Буризмы и рассмотреть возможность сворачивания следственных действий в отношении этой компании, но закрывать это расследование я отказался. Поэтому я был вынужден покинуть свой пост под прямым и интенсивным давлением Джо Байдена и американской администрации".

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McCain Institute head Kurt Volker steps down as US diplomat

Executive Director of the McCain Institute Kurt Volker resigned from his position as the U.S. Special Envoy for Ukraine Friday, following reports he collaborated with Ukraine and President Donald Trump.
Volker’s name was mentioned in the recent whistleblower complaint, which has sparked an impeachment inquiry for Trump. Trump has defended his actions, including a phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky where Trump requested dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.

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"Ястребы" улетают. Прилетят ли "голуби"? Почему ушел Волкер и что это значит для Украины

"Именно Волкер организовал в июле мадридскую встречу Джулиани с Ермаком, советником Зеленского, на которой говорилось о расследовании дела Байдена. Теперь, когда эта информация всплыла, спецпредставитель подал в отставку", - говорит источник.
"По информации наших источников, знакомых с эти вопросом, так он сможет чувствовать себя намного увереннее и рассказать все подробности встречи Джулиани с Ермаком и многое другое, что может помочь делу об импичменте", - сказал "Стране" журналист NBC Джош Ледерман.
"Волкер пытался ограничить ущерб от попыток адвоката Трампа Руди Джулиани оказать давление на Украину для расследования действий демократов", - написал сайт
"Отставка Волкера косвенно связана с отставкой Болтона, - говорит "Стране" политолог Руслан Бортник. - Из Госдепа и администрации Трампа уходят люди, которые имели имидж "ястребов" и были связаны с республиканцами-"ястребами". Тот же Волкер в свое время был связан с Маккейном. И вся их политика в последнее время не удовлетворяла Трампа. И это одна из причин отставок Болтона и Волкера".
"В Украине роль и значение Волкера слишком переоценили - не в последнюю очередь благодаря Петру Порошенко, который устраивал высокие государственные приемы любому клерку из США - будь то Волкер или ещё кто-то. Очевидно, что отставка Волкера говорит об изменении политики США относительно Украины, России и Минского процесса. Какой будет эта политика - непонятно. Уже 1 октября Руди Джулиани посетит Ереван, где в это же время будет находиться Владимир Путин. Думаю, многое прояснится после этой даты", - говорит Бондаренко.
"Стена между ЕС и Америкой становится все более непреодолимой. Никакого американского участия в Нормандской четверке теперь и близко не может быть. А это значит, что Киев уже вряд ли сможет кивать на "особую" позицию США по формуле Штайнмайера. Тем более после отставки Волкера. И если у нового руководства Украины будет желание начать движение по этой формуле, то он сможет это сделать. Ну а если нет желания - то это уже другой вопрос", - сказал источник.

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Trump's Ukraine scandal: Who's who?
(CNN)The fast-moving scandal involving President Donald Trump and allegations that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his political rival Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, has upended politics in Washington, DC, and turned Democrats toward an impeachment investigation. There is no evidence that either Biden did anything wrong.

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Read the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower complaint
Congress released the unclassified report Thursday morning.
An intelligence community whistleblower claimed White House officials expressed alarm that they had witnessed President Donald Trump "abuse his office for personal gain" during a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky in July.

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Ukraine envoy resigns amid scandal consuming Trump’s presidency

“Kurt’s wealth of experience makes him uniquely qualified to move this conflict in the direction of peace,” Tillerson said in a statement announcing the move. Russia hawks, alarmed at the new president’s overtures to the Kremlin, praised Volker’s appointment as a welcome sign.

“He brings the right experience and judgment needed to represent the United States as we continue in our efforts to stop Russia's aggressive actions in Ukraine,” McCain said at the time.

Volker struggled, however, to make much progress in ending the conflict, though not for lack of trying—it may be an impossible task given Moscow’s recalcitrance, observers say.

In the meantime, Volker's unusual arrangement with the Trump administration drew notice: He essentially was a part-time volunteer envoy who held other positions.

Those include serving as the executive director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership, a D.C.-based think tank that is part of Arizona State University, and acting as an adviser to the BGR Group, lobbying and public relations firm in Washington that temporarily represented the previous Ukrainian government. (BGR Group says Volker recused himself from all issues related to the government of Ukraine.)

Some former U.S. officials privately expressed discomfort with Volker’s overall setup, saying it was often unclear in what capacity Volker was operating. But all stressed that they’ve seen no clear evidence of improper activity or a conflict of interest, and none has emerged publicly.

Volker’s mission was supposed to focus narrowly on resolving aspects of the Russia-Ukraine military standoff, but at times he seemed to go beyond that remit, the former White House official noted. He spoke out, for example, on a dispute between Hungary and Ukraine over the latter’s adoption of a law giving special status to the Ukrainian language.

The strangest thing about Volker’s role, a former U.S. diplomat said, may be that it was part time given that “our relationship to Ukraine is a really important one."

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Trump Killed the Seriousness of Impeachment
It is too early to tell what will come of House Democrats’ decision to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, but not too early to conclude that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has failed to revive the concept of solemnity in American politics.

That was the obvious intent Tuesday, when she stood in front of a bank of flags, invoking the Founding Fathers and Constitutional Convention of 1787, as she announced the impeachment inquiry.

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Stop Comparing Trump’s Impeachment Case to Johnson’s … or Nixon’s … or Clinton’s

Turning to the past is understandable: A presidential impeachment cries out for historical context. The past is supposed to offer a map of sorts through what feels like an unfamiliar and treacherous adventure. But—as historians, ironically, are sometimes the first ones to point out—history isn’t actually a very good guide here. We’re in uncharted waters, and it’s best that we recognize that.

Why do the Johnson, Nixon and Clinton examples offer us so little direct help today? Every impeachment poses two discrete sets of questions for the House and Senate to consider. First, there are constitutional questions: Are impeachment and conviction justified? Second, there are political questions: Are impeachment and conviction possible? With every previous presidential impeachment, the answers have been different, and in the case of Trump and Ukraine, the answers are different still. We’ve simply never had a case before where the removal of a president was so well justified—while at the same time so obviously unlikely to happen.

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Schumer: Trump's reported Russian meddling remarks among 'most disturbing things' yet
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) hammered President Trump on Saturday over a report that the president told Russian officials months after entering office that he was unconcerned over Moscow’s efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.
Schumer added that the White House should “immediately” give the House and Senate Intelligence committees “all the records” from Trump’s 2017 Oval Office meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, during which Trump reportedly made the remark.

The Washington Post reported Friday that Trump told Lavrov and Kislyak that he was not concerned over Russian election meddling since the U.S. did the same thing to other countries.

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Источник иллюстраций.

Реклама Агрессии.

С умилением и отраслевыми пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 01.10.2019 0:02  |  #144902
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30 сент. 2019 г.
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30 сент. 2019 г.
Источник видео.


Munich Agreement Signed. Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, Daladier (1938)


Starting on Sep. 29,1941, over the course of several days, 33,771 Jews were killed at a ravine just outside of Kyiv



Let us kindly help you to use the words related to #Ukraine correctly.

- Ukraine, not “the” Ukraine
- Kyiv, not Kiev

These are the only politically correct terms that express respect to the country and its nation. Be smart and avoid Soviet style clichés

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Biden campaign demands networks stop booking Giuliani
“While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough,” Biden senior adviser Anita Dunn and deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield wrote in a letter obtained by POLITICO. “By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation.”
“We write to demand that in service to the facts, you no longer book Rudy Giuliani,” they continued, suggesting that the Trump surrogate has “demonstrated that he will knowingly and willingly lie in order to advance his own narrative.”

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Conflict of interest questions add to scrutiny of Trump’s Ukraine envoy
But at the same time Volker was pushing Trump to arm Ukraine, he also held positions with a major lobbying firm, BGR Group, and a think tank, the McCain Institute, that each had financial ties to Raytheon Co., which manufactures the Javelin system and earned millions from Trump's decision.
Volker has not been accused of violating any conflict-of-interest rules. But his resignation is likely to fuel further investigations beyond his unorthodox role working with Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in pressing Ukrainian officials on Trump's behalf. Congress is now all but certain to scrutinize his conduct as special envoy, a post to which he was appointed on July 7, 2017, by former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. He now leaves with Ukraine and Russia no closer to peace.

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BIG NEWS by @Hyundai, @Kia, and @Aptiv on a 4 BILLION DOLLAR joint venture to develop autonomous driving technologies in the USA. That’s a lot of $$ and JOBS! Great jobs coming back to America!!

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Дональд Иванович, Вас опять обманули, Водитель - Процедура Всадника, по этому, заморозить его квалификацию очень и очень трудно. Более того, если у Вас это получится, то вместо Дороги, как Цикла Обмена, Вы получите Дорогу, как Сувенир - дорогое и бесполезное произведение инженерного искусства.



Источник иллюстрации.


Stanley Kubrick’s 10 best films – ranked: From A Clockwork Orange to The Shining
One of the most influential directors ever, Kubrick died 20 years ago....

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It is ok to have differing political beliefs, but it is not ok to go after someone's CHILDREN because of those differing beliefs. You have lost my complete respect Mr. Hamill. Maybe you should take your own advice and #GoForceYourself

You misspelled "Fraud." # GoForceYourself

The Force is strong in my family.


Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 02.10.2019 0:47  |  #144903
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28 сент. 2019 г.
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Соловьев увидел влияние Бандеры в песне Гребенщикова
Российский телеведущий Владимир Соловьев прокомментировал новую сатирическую песню Бориса Гребенщикова «Вечерний М».

Соловьев, предположительно, принявший критику на свой счет, высказался у себя в телеграм-канале. Он предположил, что на рок-музыканта влияет Украина. «Бандеровская Украина – это черная вдова. Ее укус ядовит. Влияние тлетворно. Вот и Гребенщиков из поэта деградировал до куплетиста», — сокрушается Соловьев.

В песне «Вечерний М» Борис Гребенщиков смеется над собирательным образом журналиста, работающего на российском телевидении и занимающегося пропагандой.

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Источник иллюстраций.

Борис Гребенщиков @Bg53G дал уличный концерт в Киеве, но его попытался сорвать провокатор. Впрочем, испортить праздник не удалось: радикала прогнали украинские поклонники Гребенщикова. Как сказал один из слушателей: "(БГ) вне политики. Это просто искусство. И это чудесно".

Не сотвори себе кумира из невеликих мелочей...

20.05.2017, 11:35

Была ли рок-музыка нравственной проповедью или мы сами все придумали ?

Честно говоря, я никак не могу ощутить себя солидарным с теми тысячами людей, которые были оскорблены в лучших своих чувствах, узрев фото Бориса Гребенщикова в обнимку с советником министра внутренних дел Украины Антоном Геращенко, являющимся одним из наиболее активных идеологов нынешнего украинского режима.

Для несведущих — хотя таковых, думаю, не слишком много, но все-таки — Геращенко является также инициатором создания сайта «Миротворец», на страницах которого публикуются персональные данные с адресами и телефонами неблагонадежных, сепаратистов, их пособников, сочувствующих, всех, кого сам господин советник и его скорая на расправу команда считает врагами украинского государства. От других взошедших на политическом небосклоне за последние годы националистических звезд Геращенко отличает какая-то кислотная яркость.

Поклонникам БГ такая ситуация кажется нестерпимой. Видно, что с одним из самых культовых рок-музыкантов последней четверти века его обожатели расстаются с трудом. Среди хора проклятий отчетливо звучат голоса, призывающие понять и простить: дескать, художник — дитя вселенной, не от мира сего. Как ему разобраться в политике, когда он общается с иными мирами? Вероятней всего, он и знать не знал, кому положил руку на плечо

Уморительней всего эту позицию воспроизвел на своей странице в Фейсбуке прекрасный донецкий журналист Рамиль Замдыханов. Не могу отказать себе в удовольствии процитировать его блестящую и уморительную эскападу:
«Летит Гитлер по Берлину, а тут БГ стоит. Гитлер говорит: — Можно с тобой сфотокаться, селфи-фуелфи, бабе своей покажу, она твой фанат.
А Гребень говорит: — «Дык, мейк пис, нот вор, конечно, какие проблемы, 10 баксов фото или по курсу. Как бабу зовут?» — Ева.
- Польrа?— Нет, арийка.
- Ну, давай.
Гитлер достает смартфон «Редми Ноут Фоккевульф», камера 10 мекапикселей, селфится, все такое, садится на «Мессершмит» и улетает по делам.
А Гребень спрашивает потом в бложике:- «Кто это было вообще, что за стремный чувак такой?»
А ему пишут все:- «Ты чоооооо? Эта ж Гитлер! Ну ты даешь! Ваще зашквар получился, елы-палы, как же ты так?».
А он:- «Да я не знаю никого, я музыкант, я от политики далек, ноты, стихи, синкопы. Послушайте лучше мою новую песню «Танго влюбленных френдов».
- У, давай, БГ Бог, в натуре. Жги. Темноту озаряет пламя тысяч зажигалок».
Может и впрямь БГ настолько отрешен от политических реалий, что для него репутация Геращенко — это Tabula rasa? Или же он просто не готов принимать ту систему координат, в соответствии с которой политику украинской власти, продолжающую кровопролитную войну в Донбассе, поддерживающую националистические группы внутри страны, ограничивающую права и свободы украинцев, преследующую инакомыслящих, большинство российских граждан, да и жителей двух отколовшихся республик считают преступниками.

Честно говоря, меня одолевают некоторые сомнения относительно малой осведомленности Гребенщикова о происходящем на Украине. Есть фото, сделанное в прошлом году, на котором певец запечатлен рядом с Михаилом Саакашвили, который в момент съемки еще был губернатором Одесской области. Этот снимок тоже вызвал крайне негативную реакцию у тысяч поклонников БГ, о чем рок-звезда не знать не может. Кроме того, мимо его внимания не могли пройти скандалы, сопровождавшие гастроли Андрея Макаревича по Украине и заявления коллеги о российско-украинских отношениях .

Поэтому речь, как мне кажется, идет о равнодушии, почти апатии, неспособности к сопереживанию и видению войны в ее ужасающих, сопряженных со смертью тысяч людей, формах. В том мире, где живут герои БГ, где расцвеченный его фантазиями разворачивается диковинная, хотя и легковесная предметность, нет места человеческим боли и страданию.

Это ни хорошо, ни плохо. Мы можем говорить о некоторой нравственной бесчувственности, которую демонстрирует не только БГ, но и многие его собратья по эстрадным подмосткам, которые охотно гастролируют по Украине, поскольку последняя является вторым по значению после России русскоязычным пространством, где их музыка и песни пользуются широкой популярностью.

Мне кажется, что нет смысла негодовать и пытаться обратить БГ в собственную веру. Мы все являемся жертвой заблуждения, сформировавшегося в годы перестройки. Почему-то тогда все уверовали в то, что рок-певцы являются обладателями тайного знания, что они учителя жизни, которым есть чему научить общество. Выясняется, что это совсем не так.

Есть группа певцов и музыкантов, которых можно пересчитать по пальцам, которые дают концерты в Крыму и Донбассе. Им путь на Украину заказан, они сознательно лишили себя тех существенных доходов, которые приносят украинские гастроли. А подавляющее большинство не поедет в Крым, уж тем более в Донбасс, самые продвинутые персонажи открыто говорят о своей поддержке евроатлантического выбора Украины.

Надо просто раз и навсегда отказаться от тех, прежних иллюзий. Автор «Старика Козлодоева» пишет забавные, иногда мастерские рифмованные куплеты, неплохо их аранжирует, но от этого он не становится Львом Толстым или Федором Достоевским, а «Вот, новый поворот!» вовсе не является целеуказателем для тех, кто находится в поиске смысла жизни.

Кумиры нашей мятежной юности, конечно, претендовали на роль духовных гуру и даже в течение некоторого времени кое-как с нею справлялись, но, похоже, пришла пора расставаться с миражами.

Рок-музыка не могла быть нравственной проповедью и никогда ею не будет. Даже в самых утонченных своих формах, она остается продуктом массовой культуры. Поэтому нас никто не предавал и не обманывал, мы сами когда-то наделили ее несвойственными ей функциями учить нас правде, которой у нее нет.

Андрей Бабицкий

Материал полностью.


Источник иллюстраций.

В прошлом веке, в Англии жил такой писатель, Вудхауз (автор "Дживс и Вустер"). И вот, в начале 30-х, будучи состоятельным человеком, по экономическим соображениям, он покинул Америку и переселился во Францию.

Когда началась война и Германия захватила Францию он оказывается в лагере.

Однако его пребывание в лагере было непродолжительным - американские почитатели его творчества добились его освобождения. После чего Вудхауз написал несколько комических рассказов о беззаботной лагерной жизни.

Потом он говорил, что его обманули. Что так он хотел успокоить тех, кто его освободил. Но, в последствии выяснилось, что он не только всё прекрасно понимал, но ещё и взял плату с ведомства Гебельса, за оказанные им услуги.

После освобождения из лагеря он никуда не уехал и продолжал жить и писать в Германии. В 1943 он переехал во оккупированную Францию.

В 1947 он вернулся в США. Но, у американцев, никаких вопросов к Вудхаузу, по поводу его сотрудничества с Германией, не возникло. За то они возникли в Англии. Его простили за коллаборационизм только в 1975, на 93 году жизни.

Дело не в том, что подобно Вудхаузу в Германии и Франции, Гребенщиков зарабатывает на Украине, сотрудничая с национал-патриотическим русофобским режимом. А в том, что в отличии от Вудхауза, зарабатывавшего в Германии и в оккупированной Франции, за исключением первого выступления, не занимавшегося политикой, Гребенщиков не только политикой занимается, но и почему-то полагает, что ему, за это ничего не будет.

Реклама Агрессии.

С отвращением и нелиберальными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.

Последний раз редактировалось: Dimitriy (02.10.2019 2:30), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 02.10.2019 2:23  |  #144904
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1 окт. 2019 г.
Источник видео.


Источник иллюстраций.



1 окт. 2019 г.
Источник видео.


Внимание. Материал содержит призывы к войне.

29 сент. 2019 г.
Источник видео.


Гоча Гварамиа: Абхазия давно перестала существовать

В этом контексте нельзя не сказать пару слов об оккупации Крыма. Если посмотреть на карту Черного Моря, то получается - оккупировав Абхазию и Крым, Россия, имея всего лишь мизерную долью собственной акватории, практически за счет оккупированных территорий контролирует все Черное Море. Акватория Абхазии дает возможность кораблям Черноморского флота РФ находиться на постоянном дежурстве максимально близко к Турции, а Крым являясь основной опорой перекрывает все море, оставляя всего лишь малую полосу странам членов НАТО проплывать близ своих акваторий. Конечно некоторые зададутся вопросом - а что же с Новороссийском? Интересно то, что единственная гавань на Черном Море, которая замерзает на некоторое время зимой, является Новороссийск. А Крым на Черном Море занимает слишком выгодное стратегическое положение. С этого полуострова практически контролируется все Черное Море. Тут самое интересное то, что на Черном Море российский флот не самая большая угроза в виду ее вооружения, а наземная система атаки и обороны Черноморского Флота России. Крым после оккупации практически напичкан всякими разными системами ПВО, наземными противокорабельными как наступательными, так и оборонительными системами дальнего радиуса действия. Стоит отметить, что военно-морские порты рельефом полуострова прикрыты от систем обнаружения возможного противника.

А ведь Россия могла без всякого кровопролития иметь добрососедские отношения со всеми ее соседями, не чиня им козни и учитывая их справедливые и законные собственные национальные интересы. И когда из Кремля слышны заявления о сдерживании продвижения НАТО к границам России, может сперва хорошо покопаются своей памяти – кто и по какой причине заставил этим странам поменять геополитический вектор в сторону НАТО. Хотя, когда читаешь русских классиков как они характеризуют сущность «Руси Московской», то перестаешь удивляться всему происходящему. А этих изречений, которые веками не видели света, найти сегодня в бездонном интернете не составляет труда. Процитирую вырезку из записки Алексея Толстого «… Русь - Московская. Это Русь тайги, монгольская, дикая, звериная. Эта Русь сделала своим национальным идеалом кровавую деспотию и дикую ярость. Эта Московская Русь издавна была, есть и будет полным отрицанием всего европейского и заклятым врагом Европы».

Материал полностью.



Highlights: China celebrates 70th anniversary with biggest ever military parade
30 сент. 2019 г.
Источник видео.


LIVE: Grand gathering and military parade mark China’s 70th National Day
Трансляция началась 10 часов назад
Источник видео.



Источник иллюстраций.


«Ирония судьбы» по-американски. Женщина перепутала квартиры и застрелила соседа
Полицейская пришла домой после 15-часовой смены и увидела дома незнакомого темнокожего мужчину. Женщина приняла его за грабителя и застрелила. Позже выяснилось, что Гайгер перепутала этажи и случайно вошла в квартиру соседа.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.
_________________ [/size]
С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10587
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Царское село.
Добавлено: 03.10.2019 12:28  |  #144910
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2 окт. 2019 г.
Источник видео.

"Есть правда, есть ложь, а есть статистика".
Истинного лидера - хвалят враги и ругают друзья.
Мнимого лидера - ругают враги и хвалят друзья.
"ЗЕ" - безразличен и тем и другим - статистика.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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