Печатная реклама "Tears", бренд: Serviceplan Hamburg, агентство: Serviceplan
Название: Tears
Агентство: Serviceplan
Рекламодатель: Serviceplan Hamburg
Бренд: Serviceplan Hamburg
Страна: Германия
Рекламная кампания: Posters of Passion
Сектор бизнеса: Рекламно-полиграфические услуги
Год выхода: 2011
Вид рекламы: Печатная реклама
To communicate the message, we made posters out of these materials: In hospital we took blood samples of our copywriter for the first billboard. The blood was pumped through little tubes on the poster that gave the type. For the second one we rented a mobile sauna, in which our designers collected their sweat. The sweat was then sprayed on a poster out of black fabric. The salt made the type. With 3 kilograms of raw onions we produced enough tears for the third billboard. We fixed the tears with tissues on the billboard.
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Directors: Christoph Nann, Maik Kaehler
Art Directors: Manuel Wolff, Savina Mokreva
Typographers: Maik Kaehler, Manuel Wolff, Savina Mokreva
Programmer: Steffen Knoblich / plan.net
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