Печатная реклама "Running Shoe", бренд: Dentastix, агентство: BBDO Russia Group
Название: Running Shoe
Агентство: BBDO Russia Group
Бренд: Dentastix
Страна: Россия
Сектор бизнеса: Корм для животных
Год выхода: 2012
Вид рекламы: Печатная реклама
Dogs use their mouths as humans use their hands. When they bite into something, they do it because they want to understand more about the object: taste, texture, temperature, etc. The bite represents 20% of a dog`s senses. This means that if his teeth aren`t healthy he can`t bite it. 20% of his world is gone. That`s why the dog can`t understand what some objects really are. With Dentastix you can keep his teeth healthy and his world complete.
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