Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Книги издательства "John Wiley and Sons, Ltd"

The Do`s and Taboos of Hosting International Visitors

The Do`s and Taboos of Hosting International Visitors

Avoid business blunders with Do s and Taboos of Hosting International Visitors "Roger Axtell is an international Emily Post." The New Yorker America hosts some 41 million international visitors who spend $50 billion dollars each year while ......

Managing Media Companies: Harnessing Creative Value

Managing Media Companies: Harnessing Creative Value

The authors of this book have made an in depth study of the strategies and management practices of leading media companies and have identified the core competences media companies need to have to win in the new world. The book is strongly ......

The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 2016 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video

The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 2016 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video

Ace the GMAT(R) with the only official study guides from the creators of the exam With 25% brand new content, The Official Guide for the GMAT Quantitative Review 2016 is the only official study guide focusing on the quantitative portion of the ......

The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World???s Top Hedge Funds

The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World???s Top Hedge Funds

Written by Maneet Ahuja, the hedge fund industry insider, The Alpha Masters brings the secretive world of hedge funds into the light of day for the first time. As the authority that the biggest names in the business, including John Paulson, ......

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video

Ace the GMAT(R) with the only official study guide from the creators of the exam With 25% brand new content, The Official Guide for the GMAT Review 2016 delivers more than 900 retired questions from the official GMAT(R) exam, complete with ......

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

"The most entertaining book written on investing is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, by Edwin Lefиvre, first published in 1923". The Seattle Times "After twenty years and many re-reads, Reminiscences is still one of my all-time ......

Alternative Alternatives: Risk, Returns and Investment Strategy

Alternative Alternatives: Risk, Returns and Investment Strategy

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, investors are searching for new opportunities and products to safeguard their investments for the future. Riding high on the wave of new financial opportunities are Alternative Alternatives (AA). ......

Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics

Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics

Bestselling author Bill Bonner has long been a maverick observer of the financial and political world, sharpening his sardonic wit, in particular, on the vagaries of the investing public. Market booms and busts, tulip manias and dotcom bubbles, ......

Corporate Financial Distress and Bankruptcy: Predict and Avoid Bankruptcy, Analyze and Invest in Distressed Debt

Corporate Financial Distress and Bankruptcy: Predict and Avoid Bankruptcy, Analyze and Invest in Distressed Debt

This Third Edition of the most authoritative finance book on the topic updates and expands its discussion of corporate distress and bankruptcy, as well as the related markets dealing with high-yield and distressed debt, and offers ......

Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance

Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance

Cost Management" was written in response to changes in the global business environment. Unbridled access to information and intense competition has meant that cost accounting has become an increasingly important tool for managers and accountants ......

An Introduction to Banking

An Introduction to Banking

An Introduction to Banking provides an introduction to liquidity risk management and asset–liability management. It begins with an overview of modern banking, the goals of a bank, how they operate, and how a breakdown in the banking system ......

One Strategy

One Strategy

One Strategy examines the concepts, capabilities, processes, and behaviors that are essential to aligning an organization around one strategy. Learn some of the key management tools and processes the Windows 7 team put in place to manage ......

Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis: International Student Version

Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis: International Student Version

An excellent resource for investors, this book examines the characteristics and analysis of individual securities as well as the theory and practice of optimally combining securities into portfolios. The majority of chapters have been revised or ......

Real Estate Rainmaker: Guide to Online Marketing

Real Estate Rainmaker: Guide to Online Marketing

These are just some of the new rules of online marketing that you`ll find in this helpful, hands-on guide. In the REAL ESTATE RAINMAKER Guide to Online Marketing, Dan Gooder Richard offers new solutions and proven ways to use the Internet to ......

Virtual Teams: People Working Across Boundaries with Technology

Virtual Teams: People Working Across Boundaries with Technology

"If you want to see where organizational communications are going in the future, heed what these pioneers have written today". -Howard Rheingold, author, The Virtual Community, and founder, Electric Mind "Lipnack and Stamps have written an ......

The 1 Hour Plan for Growth

The 1 Hour Plan for Growth

A proven system for creating a clear and compelling business growth plan. There are 15 million businesses in the United States, and 13 million of them don`t utilize a planning process. Yet having a planning process is the most reliable predictor ......

The International Brand Valuation Manual

The International Brand Valuation Manual

The International Brand Valuation Manual is a detailed and extensive review of the main brand valuation models. The book reveals the state of the art in the field of brand valuation and coherently relates major trends in the theory and practice ......

The New Leader`s 100-Day Action Plan: How to Take Charge, Build Your Team, and Get Immediate Results

The New Leader`s 100-Day Action Plan: How to Take Charge, Build Your Team, and Get Immediate Results

Your first 100 days in a new leadership role are critical to the success of your mission, your relationship with your new team, and your career. Turnover is high among new leaders who "didn`t work out" and the costs to them and their ......

The International Dictionary of Event Management

The International Dictionary of Event Management

Event management has a language all its own, one that is expanding rapidly as the event marketplace keeps pace with today`s increasingly global economy. Because effective communication is the key to successfully researching, designing, planning, ......

Risk Management at the Top: A Guide to Risk and its Governance in Financial Institutions

Risk Management at the Top: A Guide to Risk and its Governance in Financial Institutions

In the years since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, expectations and requirements for financial institutions have changed dramatically. Aside from technical issues, such as changes to capital requirements, there is an increased expectation of ......

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

"Although Reminiscences...was first published some seventy years ago, its take on crowd psychology and market timing is a s timely as last summer`s frenzy on the foreign exchange markets." -Worth magazine "The most entertaining book written on ......

Collection Management Handbook: The Art of Getting Paid

Collection Management Handbook: The Art of Getting Paid

You don’t have to be gifted to be a great credit collector. All you need is a desire to learn from the best... and that’s the level of expertise this exhaustively researched volume puts right at your fingertips. The "Collection Management ......

The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 2015 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video

The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 2015 with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video

This is the only official study guide focusing on the quantitative portion of the GMAT exam. It delivers more than 300 retired GMAT(R) questions and answer explanations from the creators of the test to help focus your test preparation efforts. ......

Do`s and Taboos of Public Speaking: How to Get Those Butterflies Flying in Formation

Do`s and Taboos of Public Speaking: How to Get Those Butterflies Flying in Formation

Develop your powers of public persuasion with the ultimate guide to great speeches and business presentations. Do you get tongue-tied at the mere thought of speaking in public? Would you rather swim with sharks or undergo a tax audit than face ......

Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Roadtrip

Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Roadtrip

This is a gripping tale of adventure, danger and humor, peppered with investment tips from a Wall Street legend. The best-selling author of "Investment Biker" takes a fascinating journey through the world`s economic situation in a convertible ......

The Ultimate Road Trip: Adventure Capitalist

The Ultimate Road Trip: Adventure Capitalist

The bestselling author of Investment Biker is back from the ultimate road trip: a three–year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness record for the longest continuous car journey. In Adventure Capitalist, legendary investor ......

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015

This is the only official study guide from the creators of the test and delivers more than 900 retired GMAT questions and answer explanations and a 100 - question diagnostic exam to help focus your test preparation efforts. NEW to The Official ......



Rare is the opportunity to chat with a legendary financial figure and hear the unvarnished truth about what really goes on behind the scenes. Hedgehogging represents just such an opportunity, allowing you to step inside the world of Wall Street ......

Designing Brand Identity

Designing Brand Identity

A revised new edition of the bestselling toolkit for creating, building, and maintaining a strong brand From research and analysis through brand strategy, design development through application design, and identity standards through launch and ......

No One Would Listen

No One Would Listen

"No One Would Listen" is the thrilling story of how the Harry Markopolos, a little-known number cruncher from a Boston equity derivatives firm, and his investigative team uncovered Bernie Madoff`s scam years before it made headlines, and how ......

Math for Real Life for Dummies

Math for Real Life for Dummies

The easy way to brush up on the math skills you need in real life. Not everyone retains the math they learned in school. Like any skill, your ability to speak "math" can deteriorate if left unused. From adding and subtracting money in a bank ......

The New One-Page Project Manager: Communicate and Manage Any Project with a Single Sheet of Paper

The New One-Page Project Manager: Communicate and Manage Any Project with a Single Sheet of Paper

THE NEW ONE-PAGE PROJECT MANAGER demonstrates how to efficiently and effectively communicate essential elements of a project`s status. The hands of a pocket watch reveal the time of day without following every spring, cog, and movement behind ......

Pandora`s Box

Pandora`s Box

Computing technology is constantly evolving and changing, developing and consolidating its position as a vital component of our lives. It no longer plays a minor part in society - it is embedded in, and affects, all aspects of life, from ......

Special Events: A New Generation and the Next Frontier

Special Events: A New Generation and the Next Frontier

This text chronicles and champions the development, changes, and challenges faced by the global celebrations industry for event planners. New interviews are included with experienced event leaders to give a better understanding of the field. New ......

Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling

Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling

In today`s fast-paced environment, you must communicate your message in a concise and engaging way that sets it apart from the noise. Visual content - such as infographics and data visualization - can accomplish this. With DIY functionality, ......


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PR в 2025 году: как изменилась профессия, и кто сможет в ней работатьPR в 2025 году: как изменилась профессия, и кто сможет в ней работать
Владимир Нерюев, заместитель генерального директора коммуникационного агентства Аура поделился мнением, какие изменения произошли или произойдут в профессии PR-специалиста.
Эффективность мобильных кампаний сейчас зависит от грамотного...Эффективность мобильных кампаний сейчас зависит от грамотного...
Генеральный директор агентства мобильного маркетинга Mobisharks (входит в ГК Kokoc Group) — об эффективном мобильном маркетинге и примерах успешных стратегий.
Как банки в рекламе ищут новые смыслы и старые ценностиКак банки в рекламе ищут новые смыслы и старые ценности
За последние пару лет реклама банков изменилась. Появились новые сюжеты и герои. Реклама по-прежнему — не только инструмент продвижения услуг, но и способ формирования доверия к финансовым организациям. Главный тренд, который отмечают  эксперты,— переход от сухого перечисления выгод к эмоционально окрашенным коммуникациям.
Антитренды наружной рекламыАнтитренды наружной рекламы
Антитрендами наружной рекламы в текущем году стали прямолинейность и чрезмерная перегруженность сообщений. Наружная реклама продолжает показывать рост: число рекламных конструкций за последний год увеличилось более чем на 2 тысячи.
Мария Бар-Бирюкова, Sellty: продажи на маркетплейсах не заменят...Мария Бар-Бирюкова, Sellty: продажи на маркетплейсах не заменят...
В компании Sellty спрогнозировали развитие рынка электронной коммерции в сегменте СМБ на ближайший год. По оценке основателя Sellty Марии Бар-Бирюковой, число собственных интернет-магазинов среднего, малого и микробизнеса продолжит расти и увеличится минимум на 40% до конца 2025 года. Компании будут и дальше развиваться на маркетплейсах, но станут чаще комбинировать несколько каналов продаж. 

Книги по дизайну

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Дизайн под грифом "секретно"Дизайн под грифом "секретно"
На чем раньше ездили первые лица страны? Эскизы, редкие фотографии и прототипы уникальных машин.
"Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции..."Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции...
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое...Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое... (2)
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».


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18.02.2025 - 06:51
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