Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Книги издательства "Palgrave Macmillan"

Foundations of Marketing

Foundations of Marketing

Foundations of Marketing provides a highly accessible and absorbing introduction that explores the combination between theory and real-world practice. Moreover, this contemporary text expands the generic marketing mix beyond the 7Ps to 10Ps with ......

Company Law

Company Law

Company Law is a complete and accessible guide to the legal framework in which companies operate. Logically structured and with a readable style, the text includes helpful summaries for each chapter, along with case notes....

Key Concepts in Tourism

Key Concepts in Tourism

This book provides an accessible and comprehensive guide to the major themes, concepts, terms and theorists encountered by students of Tourism. Concepts are listed alphabetically and cross-referenced for ease of use. Tables and figures ......

Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument

Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument

The second edition of this leading guide helps students to develop reflective thinking skills, improve their critical analysis and construct arguments more effectively.Written byStella Cottrell, leader in the field with over 1/2 million book ......

Mastering Employee Development

Mastering Employee Development

This text is designed as a clear and concise introduction to employee development. Many people, in both human resource and general management positions, have little idea of what employee development is or should be. This book addresses this ......

Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook

Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook

Following-on from The Study Skills Handbook, this book enables students to think about personal, academic and career goals and to plan a path to success. Rich in activities that develop valuable career skills, this edition has a new chapter on ......

Mastering Fashion Styling

Mastering Fashion Styling

Fashion styling is one of the least well researched areas in fashion colleges. This "how to" book aims to provide an insight into the processes you have to follow to work in this area, be it editorial, commercial or show styling. It includes an ......

Economic Sanctions and Presidential Decisions: Models of Political Rationality (Advances in Foreign Policy Analysis)

Economic Sanctions and Presidential Decisions: Models of Political Rationality (Advances in Foreign Policy Analysis)

This important contribution to the debate over the efficacy of economic sanctions develops a rational theory of why leaders choose sanctions, rather than another foreign policy tool, what type, whether to sustain them, and when to terminate ......

Corporate Treasury and Cash Management

Corporate Treasury and Cash Management

The book is an analysis of corporate treasury and cash management with the principal financial instruments used by the corporate treasurer. The objectives of the book are to describe how corporate treasury departments should establish a ......

Social Partnership in the European Union

Social Partnership in the European Union

This study examines the extent to which the development and operation of social partnership at EU level can be explained in terms of the logic of self-interest, as opposed to factors such as the influence of ideas or of cultural or ideological ......

Foundations of Marketing

Foundations of Marketing

"Foundations of Marketing" provides a highly accessible and absorbing introduction that explores the combination between theory and real-world practice. Moreover, this contemporary text expands the generic marketing mix beyond the 7Ps to 1OPs ......

Key Concepts in International Business

Key Concepts in International Business

"Key Concepts in International Business" is one of a range of comprehensive glossaries with entries arranged alphabetically for easy reference. All major concepts, terms, theories and theorists are incorporated and cross-referenced. Additional ......

Brand Avatar: Translating Virtual World Branding into Real World Success

Brand Avatar: Translating Virtual World Branding into Real World Success

Brand Avatar is a look at business and branding strategies within the Internet`s latest phenomena of virtual worlds. Virtual world web sites such as Second Life and There.com have already garnered millions of users around the world, ......

Doing Business 2010

Doing Business 2010

"Doing Business 2010: Reforming through Difficult Times" 2010 is the seventh in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators ......

Mastering Fashion Marketing

Mastering Fashion Marketing

This is the first book that combines contemporary marketing theory with analysis of operational marketing practice within the fashion industry. It contains the views of key practitioners and much original case study material from leading fashion ......

Business, Government & Globalization

Business, Government & Globalization

The rise of globalization, and heightened debate over trade, protection, competition and the environment, have created unprecedented challenges for businesses and governments worldwide which are systematically assessed in this important new ......

Megacommunities: How Leaders of Government, Business and Non-Profits Can Tackle Today's Global Challenges Together

Megacommunities: How Leaders of Government, Business and Non-Profits Can Tackle Today's Global Challenges Together

In a time of rapid globalization and growth, the interconnected world demands a freshly recast consciousness and a revolution in perspective - a challenge that falls to leaders of organizations in three sectors: business, government and civil ......

Key Concepts in Management

Key Concepts in Management

"Key Concepts in Management" is one of a range of comprehensive glossaries with entries arranged alphabetically for easy reference. All major concepts, terms, theories and theorists are incorporated and cross-referenced. Additional reading and ......

Key Concepts in Information and Communication Technology

Key Concepts in Information and Communication Technology

An integral part of the modern world, information and communication technology (ICT) is the synergy between computers and communication devices. This invaluable companion is ideal for anyone undertaking a course where knowledge of ICT is ......

Economics for Business

Economics for Business

"Economics for Business" offers an interactive interpretation of the economics that anyone studying business needs to understand. The book explains how firms, consumers and government interact in markets, and how, from a business perspective, ......

Market-Driven Management: Strategic and Operational Marketing

Market-Driven Management: Strategic and Operational Marketing

Taking a market orientation approach, the author challenges the traditional concept of the 4 Ps and the "functional" role of marketing departments. The author enlarges the market definition to embrace all the key market players, to include ......

Leading the Board: The Six Disciplines of World-Class Chairmen

Leading the Board: The Six Disciplines of World-Class Chairmen

This book provides unique and powerful insights into what it takes to succeed as a chairman leading a modern organization. Based on global research, the authors unveil the six disciplines of world-class chairmen. "Leading the Board" will become ......

Leadership Landscapes

Leadership Landscapes

Recent leadership books have focused on how to lead where tasks are internal and relationships between companies are straightforward market or buy sell transactions. Things have now changed dramatically. This book looks at large scale ......

The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration

The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration

"The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration" focuses on the challenges of integration that face countries in the post-Soviet space, in particular Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The book explores these challenges and analyses the links ......

Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia

Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia

"Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia" is a study of the legislative actors and institutions that have shaped economic law making in Russia since 1990. Assessing the influence of partisan, bureaucratic, regional and corporate ......

The Green Multiplier: A Study of Environmental Protection and the Supply Chain

The Green Multiplier: A Study of Environmental Protection and the Supply Chain

Supply chain management, a generally overlooked area of management, is steadily evolving into a corporate function of ever-growing economic importance. Yet is this increasing importance reflected in environmental protection? This book offers a ......

Key Concepts in Human Resource Management

Key Concepts in Human Resource Management

Key Concepts in Human Resource Management is one of a range of comprehensive glossaries with entries arranged alphabetically for easy reference. All major concepts, terms, theories and theorists are incorporated and cross-referenced. Additional ......

Democratic Network Governance in Europe

Democratic Network Governance in Europe

How effective are governance networks? Do they present us with democratic challenges? In which ways, if any, are governance networks themselves being governed? These questions are key to this book`s study of governance networks at local, ......

Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Reflecting the challenges of formulating, implementing and monitoring strategy in practice, White's contemporary text discusses differing theories and approaches in the context of real-world experience. Readers are encouraged to conceptualize ......

Strategy, Value and Risk-The Real Options Approach

Strategy, Value and Risk-The Real Options Approach

In the 1990s shareholder value was applied to all aspects of corporate strategy and management decisions as a result of intense competition, globalization, advances in technology, deregulation and the financial markets. As we enter the 21st ......

Inside the EU Business Associations

Inside the EU Business Associations

This book is based on fresh and original research with 50 EU business associations and 150 of their members, drawing on literature from a wide range of disciplines, and presents some highly original synthesis. It assesses the effectiveness of EU ......

Prospects in Trade, Investment and Business in Vietnam and East Asia

Prospects in Trade, Investment and Business in Vietnam and East Asia

In order to do business successfully with Vietnam and other Asian countries, a deep understanding of the trends, problems, and developments currently arising there is important. Thoroughly researched by experts in the areas, this book provides ......

Construction and Real Estate Dynamics

Construction and Real Estate Dynamics

This collection deals with some interesting economic questions related to construction and real estate, namely how construction firms cope with the volatility of construction; whether speculative bubbles or market fundamentals drive those ......

A Practical Guide to Collateral Management in the OTC Derivatives Market (Finance and Capital Markets)

A Practical Guide to Collateral Management in the OTC Derivatives Market (Finance and Capital Markets)

This is the first book of its kind on the market and is aimed at collateral management professionals in the OTC derivatives markets. It is a guide to the key topics involved in establishing and running a collateral management function and is ......


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Эффективность мобильных кампаний сейчас зависит от грамотного...Эффективность мобильных кампаний сейчас зависит от грамотного...
Генеральный директор агентства мобильного маркетинга Mobisharks (входит в ГК Kokoc Group) — об эффективном мобильном маркетинге и примерах успешных стратегий.
Как банки в рекламе ищут новые смыслы и старые ценностиКак банки в рекламе ищут новые смыслы и старые ценности
За последние пару лет реклама банков изменилась. Появились новые сюжеты и герои. Реклама по-прежнему — не только инструмент продвижения услуг, но и способ формирования доверия к финансовым организациям. Главный тренд, который отмечают  эксперты,— переход от сухого перечисления выгод к эмоционально окрашенным коммуникациям.
Антитренды наружной рекламыАнтитренды наружной рекламы
Антитрендами наружной рекламы в текущем году стали прямолинейность и чрезмерная перегруженность сообщений. Наружная реклама продолжает показывать рост: число рекламных конструкций за последний год увеличилось более чем на 2 тысячи.
Мария Бар-Бирюкова, Sellty: продажи на маркетплейсах не заменят...Мария Бар-Бирюкова, Sellty: продажи на маркетплейсах не заменят...
В компании Sellty спрогнозировали развитие рынка электронной коммерции в сегменте СМБ на ближайший год. По оценке основателя Sellty Марии Бар-Бирюковой, число собственных интернет-магазинов среднего, малого и микробизнеса продолжит расти и увеличится минимум на 40% до конца 2025 года. Компании будут и дальше развиваться на маркетплейсах, но станут чаще комбинировать несколько каналов продаж. 
Более двух третей представителей сферы рекламы, маркетинга и PR...Более двух третей представителей сферы рекламы, маркетинга и PR...
10 сентября – Всемирный день психического здоровья. Специально к этой дате компания HINT опросила коллег в сфере маркетинга, рекламы и пиара, чтобы понять, как представители этих профессий могут помочь себе и другим поддержать в норме психическое здоровье.

Книги по дизайну

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Дизайн под грифом "секретно"Дизайн под грифом "секретно"
На чем раньше ездили первые лица страны? Эскизы, редкие фотографии и прототипы уникальных машин.
"Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции..."Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции...
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое...Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое... (2)
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».


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11.02.2025 - 22:08
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