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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 0:43  |  #149210
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Уполномоченная правительства Германии посетила места преступлений РФ и Третьего Рейха в Одессе
Уполномоченная по культуре и медиа Федерального правительства Германии Клаудиа Рот (Claudia Benedikta Roth) и министр культуры Украины Александр Ткаченко посетили место будущего мемориала "Против забвения" в Одессе, где в годы Второй Мировой войны были сожжены 25 тысяч человек, преимущественно евреев, сообщается в Телеграм-канале Одесского горсовета во вторник.
"Это место связанно с моей историей, здесь совершено преступление немецкого народа против евреев. Я чувствую свою ответственность, поэтому я здесь", - отметила Рот.
В свою очередь, и.о. заммэра Одессы Олег Брындак отметил, что когда год назад закладывался первый камень будущего мемориала, "тогда даже не подозревали, что такие трагедии могут повториться". "Урок истории человечеством не выучен, в первую очередь российскими оккупантами, которые сегодня переоделись в нацистов", - сказал он.
Члены делегации лично увидели последствия ракетного обстрела Одессы – пострадавшие от взрывной волны жилые дома в центре города и Воронцовский дворец. "Я тут для того, чтобы увидеть все своими глазами, послушать и подумать, с чего мы можем начать нашу помощь. Что мы и будем делать", - сказала Рот.
Ткаченко выразил уверенность, "что после этого визита у нас будут конкретные планы, которые мы будем реализовывать".

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Реклама Агрессии.


Россияне воруют и вывозят сталь, принадлежащую металлургическим заводам в оккупированном Мариуполе
Россияне воруют сталь, принадлежащую металлургическому заводу в оккупированном Мариуполе. Представители предприятий подали по этому делу заявление в украинскую прокуратуру. Оккупанты хотят вывозить сталь на территорию России морским путем.
О хищении стали сообщает руководство мариупольских завода им. Ильича и металлургического комбината «Азовсталь». Оба принадлежат группе Metinvest, находящейся в собственности богатейшего украинского олигарха Рината Ахметова. В заявлении в прокуратуру сказано, что представители российских военных вывозят собственность заводов, которая хранились в порту Мариуполя. Как сообщается, оккупанты для этой цели, а также для вывоза зерна запустили работу порта. Металл планируется доставить в порт Ростова-на-Дону. Потери металлургических заводов, вызванные хищениями, составляют, как написано, десятки миллионов долларов.
Металлургический комбинат «Азовсталь» разрушен в результате многодневных бомбардировок и артиллерийских атак. Завод был последним бастионом защитников Мариуполя.

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«Энергоатом» обвинил МАГАТЭ в сговоре с российскими оккупантами
Национальная атомная энергогенерирующая компания «Энергоатом» обвиняет генерального директора Международного агентства по атомной энергии Рафаэля Гросси во лжи относительно якобы просьбы Украины о направлении миссии МАГАТЭ на Запорожскую атомную электростанцию, оккупированную российскими войсками, - сообщает украинский бизнес-портал Дело.ua.
Более того, как говорится в сообщении, опубликованном в Telegram-канале НАЭК, она подозревает международную организацию в вероятном сговоре с оккупантами, позволившем отключить передачу данных в МАГАТЭ с ЗАЭС.
Гросси снова лжет. Вчера он заявил, что они готовят экспертную миссию на Запорожскую АЭС, поскольку крупнейшая атомная электростанция Европы прекратила онлайн-передачу данных в МАГАТЭ о состоянии дел с ядерными материалами. «Украина приглашала нас, мы туда поедем», – написал он в своем Twitter. Это сообщение мы рассматриваем как очередную попытку любым путем попасть на ЗАЭС, чтобы легитимизировать там пребывание оккупантов и по сути одобрить все их действия», - заявили в «Энергоатоме».
Госкомпания подчеркивает, что в действительности потеря связи ЗАЭС с МАГАТЭ вызвана действиями российских оккупантов, которые отключили в Энергодаре связь украинского оператора Vodafone, с которым у МАГАТЭ контракт на передачу данных.
Украинская сторона настаивает на том, что не приглашала Гросси посетить ЗАЭС и раньше уже отказывала ему в таком визите, подчеркивая, что визит на станцию станет возможным только тогда, когда будет возвращен контроль Украины над ней.
Напомним, что Чернобыльская АЭС была временно оккупирована российскими войсками, а Энергодар продолжает оставаться под оккупацией.

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Реклама Агрессии.



Бывшая журналистка "Первого канала" РФ Овсянникова назвала себя украинкой и заявила о планах сменить фамилию

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Russia’s Navalny loses appeal on terrorist, extremist label
MOSCOW (AP) — Imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on Tuesday lost an appeal contesting the decision by penitentiary officials to label him as “inclined to commit crimes of a terrorist or extremist nature.”
Navalny, who has been behind bars since January 2021, was first designated by the penitentiary authorities as a flight risk, which implied additional checks and inspections in prison. But in October last year officials replaced that label with the “terrorist or extremist” one.
“I was worried they would demand that I kissed portraits of (President Vladimir) Putin and learned quotes by (his top associate Dmitry) Medvedev, but it wasn’t necessary. It is just that my bunk bed now has a label that describes me a terrorist,” Navalny, in his usual sardonic matter, commented on the move at the time in a social media post.
He and his defense team filed an appeal contesting the label, but a panel of judges in the Russia’s Vladimir region about 100 kilometers (62 miles) east of Moscow on Tuesday rejected the appeal and ruled to keep the designation in place.
Navalny, Putin’s fiercest foe, was arrested in January 2021 upon returning from Germany, where he had been recuperating from nerve-agent poisoning that he blames on the Kremlin, and handed a 2½-year sentence for a parole violation.
In March, Navalny was sentenced to nine years in prison on fraud and contempt of court charges that he rejected as politically motivated. The move signaled an attempt by the authorities to keep him behind bars for as long as possible.
The new sentence followed a year-long Kremlin crackdown on Navalny’s supporters, other opposition activists and independent journalists, in which authorities appear eager to stifle all dissent.
Navalny’s close associates have faced criminal charges and left the country, and his group’s political infrastructure — an anti-corruption foundation and a nationwide network of regional offices — has been destroyed after being labeled an extremist organization.
Navalny and several of his associates have been added to Russia’s registry of terrorists and extremists.

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Реклама Агрессии.

‘Several thousand’ dolphins may have already died during Russia-Ukraine war, Black Sea scientists warn
Scientists studying the Black Sea claim “several thousand” dolphins have died in the region during the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, sparking concerns about the effect of the war on marine ecosystems in the region.
Ivan Rusev, research director at Ukraine’s Tuzla Estuaries National Nature Park, said in a Facebook post that the marine mammals were washing up on the coastline of the Black Sea bordering several countries, including Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania.
Pictures shared by Dr Rusev showed dolphins washed up ashore with what he claims are war-related injuries, including burn marks from bombs.
He said the marine mammals are continuing to wash up on the coastlines with burns from bombs and landmines, as well as internal injuries, and also show signs of starvation.
“I emphasise once again that there have been serious casualties of the war among dolphins in the Black Sea in recent weeks,” Dr Rusev noted.
Based on data collected by his team as well as other researchers across Europe, he said “several thousand” dolphins have already died amid the war in Ukraine.
“Analysis of available data collected by us during three months of the war on the coast of our national park, as well as on the materials of fresh open publications from Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and based on the personal messages of my foreign friends and colleagues, we assume that due to the cruel and insane war of racists in the Black Sea, from the beginning of the war until now, several thousand dolphins have already died,” Dr Rusev said.
“Barbarians kill not only civilised people but smart dolphins,” he added.
Last year, an international team of more than 100 scientists estimated that there could be about a quarter of a million dolphins in the Black Sea, but it is unknown how many of these remain in the region now.
The Turkish marine research foundation had also raised an alarm about the effects of the war on marine ecosystems in the area.
“Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, biodiversity, marine, food and environmental security are under threat in the Black Sea,” it said in a statement in April.
“In addition to marine pollution, it is also known that intense ship noise and low-frequency sonars are a serious threat to marine species, especially dolphins using sound-activated ways,” the research foundation had warned, adding that oil and gas leaks from sunken military ships could also aggravate damages to the ecosystem.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 0:44  |  #149211
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Gas in these 13 states is now above $5 a gallon. The nation could soon follow
Gas prices have soared in the past week, jumping 29 cents in just seven days and lifting the national average on Tuesday to a record $4.92 per gallon, according to AAA. In 13 states, the typical gas price has already topped $5 per gallon, and the rest of the nation could soon follow in crossing that painful milestone, according to experts.
The latest surge in fuel costs comes after months of steadily rising prices at the pump, which has hit consumers hard as they also grapple with rising food and housing costs. But there may be no relief in the near-term, according to analysts, given the dynamics driving the startling jump in gas prices.
"Now expecting national average to hit $5/gal by June 10, one week earlier than expected," Patrick De Haan, an analyst for gas-tracking service GasBuddy, said Monday in a tweet.
Americans are paying record-high prices for gasoline as the summer travel season kicks off, but so far, consumers haven't changed their driving habits, according to AAA. At several stations in California, fuel now tops the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, while one station in Oregon is charging $7.40 a gallon, according to GasBuddy.
Several factors are keeping fuel prices high. The benchmark Brent crude oil is now trading at about $120 per barrel, or 68% higher than a year earlier, according to FactSet. Behind that surge is the failure of refineries to keep up with rising demand from consumers and businesses as the economy recovers from the initial peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile, Russia's war in Ukraine is also contributing to higher gas prices. The European Union's decision to drop most of the oil it imports from Russia over its attack on Ukraine is pushing crude oil higher, with JP Morgan analyst Natasha Kaneva forecasting earlier this month that Brent prices will peak at an average of $122 a barrel in June, partly due to this development.
The reason for banning imports of Russian oil is to hurt the nation in the long-term by cutting off its major source or revenue, which is fossil fuel exports. But in the short-term, such bans are hurting Western consumers more since the embargoes push crude oil prices even higher.
In the U.S., drivers are paying an average of at least $5 a gallon for fuel in 13 states, according to AAA. They are, in ascending order:
• Maine: $5.00 a gallon
• Massachusetts: $5.00 a gallon
• New Jersey: $5.01 a gallon
• Indiana: $5.15 a gallon
• Arizona: $5.16 a gallon
• Michigan: $5.17 a gallon
• Alaska: $5.42 a gallon
• Illinois: $5.45 a gallon
• Washington: $5.45 a gallon
• Oregon: $5.46 a gallon
• Hawaii: $5.48 a gallon
• Nevada: $5.52 a gallon
• California: $6.37 a gallon
Several other states are on the verge of reaching the $5 threshold, such as Pennsylvania, where the average per-gallon cost is currently $4.98; and Idaho, where the typical driver is paying $4.97 a gallon.

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Russia hikes oil exports from major Eastern port to help offset EU ban
Russia is ramping up oil exports from its major eastern port of Kozmino by about a fifth, aiming to meet surging demand from Asian buyers and offset the impact of European Union sanctions, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Moscow has said it hopes to reroute energy exports from the West to Asia, but doing so via long tanker voyages from European sea ports is expensive and complicated by Western sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine, such as on shipping.
Russia's pipeline monopoly Transneft has already increased the amount of crude pumped to Kozmino on its main Asian oil route, the East Siberia Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline, by 70,000 barrels per day (bpd) by using chemical additives to speed up oil flows, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Transneft did not immediately reply to requests for comment.
Moscow also plans to send an extra 80,000 bpd of so-called ESPO Blend crude to Kozmino via rail from Meget, a route previously used to supply Kozmino and domestic refineries when the ESPO pipeline was being built, the sources said.
The additional supplies will allow Kozmino to increase overall loadings to some 900,000 bpd in the months ahead, from an average of around 750,000 bpd so far this year, they added. In 2021, Kozmino loaded about 720,000 bpd (35.1 million tonnes).
ESPO oil exports via Kozmino are planned to reach all-time high of around 880,000 bpd in July, two of the sources said.
The EU announced its embargo on Russian oil last week, saying it would stop imports of 90% of oil and products from Russia from the end of the year.
Companies in China, which has repeatedly criticised Western sanctions on Moscow, and in India have been buying more Russian oil in recent months amid a fall in prices.
The ESPO pipeline, which connects Russia's Siberian oil fields to Kozmino and Chinese costumers by land, has an overall capacity of 1.64 million bpd.
Kozmino currently has the capacity to handle loadings of up to 1.1 million bpd, one of the sources said, but limited pipeline and rail capacity won't allow it to reach that level without further construction work.
The increase in oil loadings from Kozmino may force it to use more Suezmax vessels, which typically carry 800,000-1 million barrels each. It normally loads Aframax vessels carrying 500,000-750,000 barrels, considered more popular with buyers.

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Yellen: U.S. working with allies to curb Russia's oil revenue
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday said the U.S. is conducting “extremely active” negotiations with European countries to find a way to limit the amount of money flowing to Russia in payments for oil.
Yellen, acknowledging that “it’s virtually impossible” for the U.S. to insulate itself from global oil shocks, told the Senate Finance Committee that it was a desirable strategy to implement a cap on prices for Russian oil. She said the U.S. and its allies were still working through the best approach.
“What we want to do is keep Russian oil flowing into the global market to hold down global prices and try to avoid a spike that causes a worldwide recession and drives up oil prices,” she said. “But absolutely, the objective is to limit the revenue going to Russia.”
Her comments underscore the difficulty both the Biden administration and its allies face in trying to cripple Russia’s military as it continues its invasion of Ukraine without leading to excessive costs for consumers. Soaring prices at the gas pump have already contributed to the highest U.S. inflation in more than four decades.
The World Bank warned on Tuesday morning that the invasion of Ukraine was putting a further strain on economies around the globe and raising the risk of stagnant growth even amid high inflation, a phenomenon termed “stagflation.” The global financial institution forecasts that global GDP will grow 2.9 percent in 2022 — still healthy by pre-pandemic standards, but much lower than its 4.1 percent projection in January.
“Energy prices are forecast to rise 52 percent in 2022,” the bank said. “Prices are projected to moderate in 2023 as production rises elsewhere, including in the United States; however, they will remain much higher than previously forecast, and well above the average of the past five years.”
Yellen said oil companies have an incentive to increase production domestically but also called on Congress to invest in clean and renewable energy to further reduce U.S. reliance on foreign energy.
“We’re part of global oil markets, which are subject to geopolitical influence, and given the global nature of these markets, it’s virtually impossible for us to insulate ourselves from shocks like the ones that are occurring in Russia that move global oil prices,” she said.
Meanwhile, her department on Tuesday ramped up financial pressure on Moscow in another area by barring new investments by American firms in Russian debt, in a blow to the Russian government’s efforts to avoid defaulting on its sovereign bonds.

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Опубликован список европейских компаний, согласившихся платить за газ по схеме Путина
Об этом говорится в аналитическом материале, подготовленном KSE Institute.
В отчете приводится список компаний, которые платят по новой схеме:
1. MVM (Венгрия);
2. VNG, RWE, Uniper (Германия);
3. Engie (Франция);
4. Eni (Италия);
5. OMV (Австрия);
6. CEZ (Чехия);
7. SPP (Словакия);
8. Geoplin (Словакия);
9. DEPA Commerce, Mytilineos и Prometheus Gas (Греция);
10. Великобритания разрешила заключать договоры с "Газпромбанком" до 31 мая.
Аналитики KSE Institute пишут, что многие компании продолжают платить "Газпрому", открывая счета в евро или долларах в "Газпромбанке". Платежные механизмы не полностью известны общественности, и непонятно, открывают ли компании счета в рублях, что, по словам комиссии ЕС, означало бы нарушение санкций.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 0:46  |  #149212
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Figure skating raise minimum age for competition after Kamila Valieva controversy

Figure skating has voted to raise the minimum age for competition from 15 to 17 following the controversy that marred the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva tested positive for a banned substance in Beijing in February, when she was 15.
Valieva's case prompted questions over whether the minimum age for competitors in figure skating needed to be raised to protect minors.
The minimum age for skaters will be 16 years old for the 2023-24 season and increase to 17 from the 2024-25 season onwards, in time for the 2026 Winter Olympics in Italy.
The proposal was passed by 100 votes to 16 with two abstentions at the congress in Phuket, Thailand, well clear of the two-thirds majority required.
"This is very important decision," International Skating Union president Jan Dijkema said after cheers and applause from delegates greeted the result. "I would say a very historic decision."
Valieva, who is now 16, had failed a doping test at the Russian national championships last December but the result was only revealed on 8 February, a day after she had helped the Russian Olympic Committee win the team event at the Beijing Games.
She was cleared to compete in the women's singles event in Beijing by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, but stumbled to fourth place with an error-laden free skate.
Russian figure skating coach Tatiana Tarasova suggested the rule change was aimed squarely at her country.
"They see that there is a large number of girls and boys in our country and they want to block them from competing," she told Russia's Match TV.
The Israeli delegate to the congress, supporting a failed amendment to the proposal, argued that the rule change would have a disproportionate impact on smaller nations with fewer skaters.
In an impassioned speech, however, ISU Athletes Commission member Eric Radford said that the vast majority of skaters were in favour of the change.
"The life of an athlete is short and intense, their experience in this short phase sets the platform for the rest of their lives -- physically, spiritually emotionally," said the Canadian, who won a pairs gold at the 2018 Olympics.
"While I hear the concerns of certain nations about the immediate difficulty that they might face with this proposal being passed ... is a medal really worth the life of a young athlete?"

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England fans arrested in Munich after making Nazi salutes

Seven England fans have been arrested in Munich ahead of the match against Germany this evening, UK police have said, including three supporters who were detained for making Nazi salutes.
England manager Gareth Southgate had called on travelling fans to be on their best behaviour ahead of the team’s first away match in Germany since 2016 and following the “embarrassment” of the Euro 2020 final at Wembley last summer.
In preparation, the Football Association was on “high alert” for trouble and police confiscated the passports of 880 England fans ahead of the fixture.
Two further arrests were made for inciting police, one for setting off a pyrotechnic flare indoors and another for urinating in public. Officers added that the disorder was alcohol-fuelled anti-social behaviour.
England’s Nations League match in Munich was expected to attract a large following of away supporters as the Three Lions play their first fixture away from home and in front of a crowd since before the pandemic.
Local police said troublemakers had been ordered to pay an on-the-spot fine of £170, while two fans who did not have the money for the penalty were hauled in front of a court judge.
Southgate had pleaded for fans to behave amid a warning from the England manager that poor behaviour impacts team performance. England have received an allocation of around 3,500 at the Allianz Arena but there are fears many more have purchased tickets in the home end.
A Munich police spokesman told the PA news agency that police would only be able to stop England fans from going into the “home” end if there was an expectation they may cause trouble.
England will play their Nations League fixture at home to Italy behind closed doors as punishment from Uefa for the disorder at the Euro 2020 final at Wembley last July, and there are fears that further bad behaviour in Munich would lead to harsher measures.
Asked if he had a message to fans heading to Germany, Southgate replied: “Well, I doubt they’d listen to it really because we are always sitting, giving those messages but frankly if people are going to cause trouble, it is not going to make a jot of difference what I say about it.
“I just think we’re representing the country, so is everybody that travels. We should be good ambassadors for our country and leave a good impression. Thousands of football fans every year do that and are welcomed back and are greeted warmly by people all around Europe when they travel.
“So, I think everybody that leaves this country, goes on holiday or goes to watch football matches has that same opportunity and responsibility.”

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Реклама Агрессии.


Fetterman airs first general election ad on Fox
Some Democrats think the party should boycott Fox News. Not John Fetterman, though.
The Pennsylvania Senate Democratic nominee is airing one of his first two general election TV ads on the conservative network in an appeal to blue-collar voters.
The commercial, which was shared exclusively with POLITICO, portrays Fetterman as a political outsider who has pushed for policies that benefit the working class.
Braxton White, an Army veteran and local school board member, says in the spot that for years “Washington, D.C. attacked towns like” Braddock — a struggling steel town in southwestern Pennsylvania where Fetterman previously served as mayor — by writing “bad deals that sent away our jobs” and approving “the drugs that kill our kids.”
The ad then draws a contrast in Fetterman, saying that “for 20 years, he’s lived in a place like this, building, pushing, fighting.” It highlights his support for a $15 minimum wage, revitalizing the manufacturing industry, and “good American jobs.”
The 30-second spot, which begins airing Tuesday, will run on Fox News in the Pittsburgh, Scranton and Johnstown media markets. It will also air on broadcast television in Johnstown.
The campaign is launching another minute-long biographical spot that features Fetterman, the state’s lieutenant governor, himself. He filmed the commercial before he suffered a stroke in May.
“People have been trying to label me my entire life,” Fetterman says in the ad, wearing his trademark black hoodie and gym shorts. “I do not look like a typical politician. I don’t even look like a typical person.”
A narrator states that he grew up in York, played football in Reading, and raised his family in Braddock. The anti-D.C. theme is hammered home again, with the spot saying that he is running for Senate “to take on Washington.”
“This is a race for the future of every community across Pennsylvania,” Fetterman says, as he talks about factories closing, prices rising, and small towns being left behind. “Those decisions were made for us, by people that don’t know us. And that’s exactly who we’re running against. Pennsylvania is our home, and it’s worth fighting for.”
Fetterman’s remarks are a not-so-subtle reference to GOP Senate nominee Mehmet Oz, a longtime New Jersey resident who said he moved to Pennsylvania in 2020. Oz has additional ties to the state: He attended the University of Pennsylvania decades ago, and married his wife at City Hall in Philadelphia.
The second ad, also starting Tuesday, is airing on broadcast TV in Pittsburgh and Scranton media markets.
It is a relatively small ad buy: The Fetterman campaign said it is putting $250,000 behind the two spots from Tuesday to June 14. Fetterman spokesman Joe Calvello said “we plan to re-up the buy weekly as the GOP attacks keep coming.”

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 0:50  |  #149213
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Источник иллюстрации.


7 июн. 2022 г.
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Boris Johnson will win the confidence vote – but even so, it’s over for him
This, to borrow a phrase, is the beginning of the end for the nasty, brutish and short premiership of Boris Johnson.
He’s moved fast and decisively for a change, in getting the vote of confidence under way as soon as possible, in an effort to deny his less organised enemies a chance to get their act together and mobilise opposition. It suggests a certain nervousness on his part – even panic.
The cabinet, or most of it, will back him: the large “payroll” vote of ministers are morally obliged to either vote for him or resign, and some Tory MPs remain irrationally devoted to the idea of “Boris” as a brilliant leader and gifted campaigner.
They are so invested in Brexit and in him that there is nothing he could do, no crime he could commit, that would persuade them that the game is up. These are people who believe he did well in the local elections, that Brexit is going swimmingly, that people are “moving on from Partygate”, and that the mainstream media made up the story that he was booed on the way in and again on the way out at the jubilee thanksgiving service.
So he’ll win, but it might be tight, and the vote will not “draw a line and move on”. Some big names may quit during the day, because many cannot accept the result. If you think Johnson is a disaster on Monday morning, you’re not going to believe he’s a genius on Monday evening, and no one would believe you if you said so.
More importantly, a vote in which, say, 100-plus of his own MPs have indicated that they don’t have any confidence in him means that he will just limp on to the next election, dithering, delaying, a prisoner of the different factions in his own party and the irremediable flaws in his own personality.
Many MPs, and not just in marginal seats, are contemplating the end of their careers at the next election, and there is nothing to suggest otherwise. For Boris Johnson, winning the vote of confidence by one vote will be enough. According to the rules, it is.
Politically, he’s finished, and it will be a long, drawn-out affair. Next up are a couple of disastrous by-elections, historically so, in Wakefield and in Tiverton & Honiton; there will be more inflation, more hungry kids, more Brexit chaos, more strikes, more austerity, higher mortgage bills, a recession, and possibly a housing crash. Plus a trade war with Europe and the collapse of the Irish peace process.
There will be more Partygate revelations, and he’ll be found to have not told the whole truth to parliament, and be sanctioned. Because Johnson is Johnson, and even a spanking today won’t make him change his ways. There will be more scandals. More gaffes. More blunders. More culture wars the country is tired of. He’ll still lie, dither and delay his way through the working week, and his government will continue to drift.
The only arguments his supporters have are that he got the big calls right, and a leadership election means chaos. To which the answer is that even if he did get the big calls right before – which is debatable – it means nothing for the future. Brexit is now a negative association for Johnson, because it hasn’t delivered. He will never be forgiven for Partygate. The country refuses to move on from it.
As for chaos, there will be more chaos if he carries on despite being discredited, wounded, and despised by large sections of the electorate. Boris Johnson is an excellent leader if the Tories want to win the 2019 election against Jeremy Corbyn on a Brexit manifesto. He’s a terrible candidate to fight the next general election against a reformed Labour Party and a revived Liberal Democrat challenge.
Like other leaders before him, such as Theresa May, John Major and Margaret Thatcher, even winning a vote by a decent margin will only draw attention to his weakness, and no amount of spin can disguise it. When confidence seeps away from any leader, so does authority, and that makes it impossible to recover the situation. It’s over.

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Rebel Tories plan ‘vote strikes’ to capitalise on PM’s weakened position
Rebel Conservative MPs are drawing up plans for “vote strikes” to paralyse law-making and capitalise on the dramatic Boris Johnson no-confidence vote.
Some of the 148 MPs who voted to oust the prime minister on Monday said they would try to stymie his government’s legislative agenda, as happened at the end of the Theresa May era, by abstaining on key laws.
They plan to start with a showdown over a bill to override sections of the Northern Ireland protocol, to be published within days.
Johnson suffered a worse-than-expected rebellion on Monday, with 40% of MPs voting to remove him. Under current rules, he is protected from another no-confidence vote for a year.
Having used up their most powerful tool, rebels on Tuesday said they wanted to “flex our muscles” and “prove we’re not going away”.
Those who declared no confidence in the prime minister spanned different factions of the party – from soft left, “One Nation” Conservatives unhappy with his policies on deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda and privatising Channel 4, to those who believe his high-tax, high-spend approach is too leftwing.
Given the uncoordinated way the vote was triggered, rebels jokingly referred to themselves as a “coalition of chaos”. Several said they had not been contacted by anyone encouraging them to vote Johnson out, claiming the swell of opposition was “organic”.
Johnson called the result, which he won with the backing of 211 MPs, “really good” and on Tuesday urged people to move on, saying it was time to “draw a line” under the row about his leadership and the Partygate scandal.
However, some rebels vowed to keep up their efforts to oust him by going on “vote strikes” – abstaining on key pieces of legislation they might have otherwise felt strong-armed into supporting.
Several gave the Northern Ireland bill, expected to be published this or next week, as an example and predicted there would be a “huge backlash” given Johnson and the government whips’ authority had been so publicly undermined.
While some rebels were happy to give No 10 until party conference season in September to prove he understood their concerns, others were less convinced drastic change was coming.
Nikki da Costa, director of legislative affairs when May was in No 10, said Johnson was unlikely to face widespread opposition on “the main substance of policy … but on detail of policy, you will see a real push for concessions”.
There “isn’t a clear policy ground that unites” the 148 rebels, she told BBC Radio 4’s World at One, comparing the likely logjam to that suffered by May in the dying days of her administration.
“It becomes a bit like whack-a-mole, and that’s really time-consuming and very arduous for any parliamentary operation,” Da Costa said.
Other rebels suggested Johnson would be forced to avoid tabling controversial legislation in a bid not to face embarrassing mass defiance by Tory MPs.
One likened the situation the prime minister faced to a scene from The Simpsons, in which the character Sideshow Bob is encircled by rakes and continually hit by them as he steps in different directions.
Some rebels also believe ministerial colleagues are likely to quit if the Conservatives lose two crucial byelections, due to be held on 23 June in the seats of Wakefield, and Tiverton and Honiton, in an effort to pile more pressure on Johnson.
They are also keen to bide their time until the privileges committee inquiry begins into whether Johnson misled parliament by repeatedly denying Covid laws were breached in Downing Street.
Some are unfazed about having a lack of levers to force Johnson out, believing he will “blow himself up”.
Tory MPs also believe a reshuffle will be carried out to promote those offered jobs in exchange for their loyalty and axe those who refused to publicly support Johnson – but that those who are demoted and passed over again could swing against him.
But sources said the chief whip, Chris Heaton-Harris, was opposed to a speedy reshuffle, and that any attempts at a government “reset” now would be overcome by events if the Tories lose both byelections.
One MP on the government payroll critical of Johnson said: “He already used the card that he was reshaping No 10. There’s nothing practical he can do to help bring 148 people onside. It’s obvious the game is up; it’s just a matter of when.”
After attention grew in No 10 on those frontbenchers who had not declared public support for the prime minister, a flurry were forced to clarify their position.
George Freeman, a minister, tweeted he was “NOT going to get drawn into a Twitter outing/Witch Hunt”. Nicola Richards, a ministerial aide, said that “although I share the anger of many of my constituents”, she “gave him my support on his reassurances and promises to deliver”.
While there was little appetite for immediately slashing the length of time Johnson is immune from another no-confidence vote from 12 months to six, some rebels are eyeing elections in the autumn to the 1922 Committee executive, which oversees such contests, as a de facto decision about whether that has changed.
Mark Harper, a former Conservative chief whip, gave Johnson a matter of weeks to “see the fruits” of the promises of reform. In a speech at the Adam Smith Institute, Harper said that despite the government’s nearly 80-seat majority “we’re not using it to deliver Conservative policies”.

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Ukraine’s Zelenskiy ‘very happy’ at Boris Johnson confidence vote win
Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has declared himself “very happy” at Boris Johnson’s confidence vote win, hours after one of his senior advisers tweeted a picture of the two men and thanked the UK prime minister for helping to protect “the free world from barbaric invasion”.
Zelenskiy described Johnson’s narrow victory on Monday evening as “great news”, in remarks via video link to an event hosted by the Financial Times on Tuesday. “I’m glad we haven’t lost a very important ally. This is great news,” he said.
Johnson had spoken directly to Zelenskiy before the vote on Monday as Britain confirmed it would send a number of M270 rocket launchers to Ukraine and as he was desperately lobbying for support among Conservative MPs in Westminster, who backed him by 59% to 41%.
Shortly after the result, Nadhim Zahawi, the education secretary, said he knew what Ukraine’s president “would be thinking tonight”. He said in a TV interview: “Zelenskiy will be punching the air because he knows his great ally Boris Johnson will be prime minister tomorrow morning.”
Mikhail Podolyak, an adviser to the president’s office, tweeted supportively within a couple of minutes of the result breaking at 11pm local time in Ukraine.
“Leadership is always a heavy burden,” Podolyak said, praising Johnson for being “one of the first who realised the menace of [Russia] and stood by Zelenskiy to protect the free world from barbaric invasion. The world needs such leaders.”
Few commentators believe British support for Ukraine would alter significantly under any other Conservative leader, but Johnson and Zelenskiy have struck up a rapport during the crisis.
In an overnight statement, Zelenskiy, while not commenting on the result, thanked the prime minister for “fully understanding our needs” and providing “the weapons we so desperately need to protect the lives of our people”.
Johnson is a popular figure among Ukrainian politicians, partly because the UK is perceived to have been quick to supply weapons, in particular contrast to Germany, starting with supplying hundreds of anti-tank weapons in January, a month before Russia launched its unprovoked invasion.
Kira Rudik, an MP who leads the liberal Golos party, said the prime minister was more popular than the US president, Joe Biden. She cited Johnson’s high-security visit to Kyiv, during which he conducted a walkabout with Zelenskiy under armed guard in deserted streets. Biden has not visited since the war began.
Ukrainian politicians were particularly pleased with an apology Johnson made in May during an address to the country’s parliament. The prime minister conceded that the west had failed to respond firmly enough to Russia’s seizure of Crimea in 2014 and the separatist takeover of parts of the eastern Donbas region.
“This was a super important thing for us,” Rudik said, because it was one of the first times a western leader had acknowledged Ukraine faced a persistent long-term threat from Moscow that was unlikely to dissipate even if the current war ends or a ceasefire is put in place.

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В киевском кафе продают яблочное пирожное под названием "Борис Джонсонюк"

Прозвище Бориса Джонсона Джонсонюк пошло в народ. Одно из кафе в Киеве создало десерт в честь премьер-министра Великобритании и назвало его "Борис Джонсонюк".
Фото десерта стали появляться в сети еще в середине мая. Теперь его описание появилось в соцсети заведения.

"Созданный на основе английского яблочного пирога и очаровательной прически нашего любимца, десерт посвящается британским друзьям с благодарностью за их поддержку в войне против России. Тесто для круассанов, ванильный заварной крем, печеные яблоки, итальянское безе и последний штрих - шарик ванильного олдскульного мороженого", - описали десерт в Инстаграм владельцы кафе "Завертайло".

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 20:38  |  #149216
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"Энергоатом" планирует превратить украинские АЭС в укрепрайоны с противотанковыми системами и ПВО
По словам Котина, Кабмин и СНБО поддержали соответствующую инициативу. Сейчас ведется работа по созданию специальных групп. В первую очередь, объекты хотят оснастить системами ПВО, а потом и противотанковыми средствами, рассказал Котин.

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Реклама Агрессии.


Ukraine grain export plan reasonable, Turkey says after Russia meeting

Russia and Turkey on Wednesday voiced support for the creation of a safe maritime corridor in the Black Sea so Ukraine can export grain to global markets amid an escalating world food crisis. Turkey's foreign minister said a U.N. plan to ensure the restart of shipments was reasonable and requires more talks with all sides to ensure ships would be safe.
Turkey is involved in efforts for the establishment of the U.N.-led mechanism that would free Ukraine's Black Sea ports and allow as much as 25 million tons of grain sitting in silos to be shipped out. Turkey would facilitate and protect the transport of the grain in the Black Sea, officials have said.
Ankara, which has good relations with both Kyiv and Moscow, had previously said it is ready to take on a role within an “observation mechanism” based in Istanbul if a deal is reached.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu hosted his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Ankara for discussions focused on the proposal.
Çavuşoğlu said their meeting was fruitful, including a will to return to negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv for a possible cease-fire.
Ukraine is one of the world’s largest exporters of wheat, corn and sunflower oil, but the war and a Russian blockade of its ports have halted much of that flow, endangering food supplies to many developing countries. Many of those ports are now also heavily mined.
Ukraine's government was not represented at the Ankara meeting but has expressed concerns that removing mines from its ports to facilitate grain exports could allow Russia to attack its southern coast.
Lavrov promised that Russia would not “abuse” its naval advantage if Ukraine’s ports were demined and would “take all necessary steps to ensure that the ships can leave there freely.”
“We state daily that we’re ready to guarantee the safety of vessels leaving Ukrainian ports and heading for (Turkish waters), we’re ready to do that in cooperation with our Turkish colleagues,” he said.
Russian and Turkish militaries are discussing the issue of clearing mines in Ukraine’s seaports to open a path for exports, Lavrov added.
Ukraine has said it needed “effective security guarantees” before it could start shipments, voicing concerns that Moscow could use the potential corridor to move on its southern port of Odessa.
Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine halted Kyiv’s Black Sea grain exports, threatening a global food crisis. The U.N. appealed to the two sides, as well as maritime neighbor and NATO member Turkey, to agree a corridor.
Moscow denies responsibility for the international food crisis, blaming Western sanctions. Any deal could involve a Turkish naval escort for tankers leaving Odessa and other Ukrainian ports – which are currently blockaded by Russia’s navy – and onward to Turkey’s straits and global markets.
The same corridor would also allow Russia to export food and fertilizer.
“As Turkey, we find this plan reasonable and see it as a feasible one,” Çavuşoğlu told a joint news conference with Lavrov.
The scheme, however, would require negotiation between Moscow and Kyiv, he added.
The Turkish minister also backed easing Western sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine if it participates in the U.N. plan, saying that seemed “quite legitimate.”
“If the whole world is in need of the products to be exported by Ukraine and the Russian Federation, then a method needs to be established,” he said, adding that he hoped “technical preparations” could be made “as soon as possible.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan discussed the creation of the corridor with both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin last week.
Ukraine has also called for security guarantees, such as a supply of weapons to defend against maritime threats and the participation of third-country naval forces.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday the Russian military would need to check commercial ships taking the grain to make sure they don’t carry weapons. He added that after they are loaded with grain, Russia would help escort the ships to international waters.
Ukraine’s ambassador to Turkey said on Wednesday that no agreement to secure its grain exports via the Black Sea was possible without Kyiv’s involvement and accused Russia of putting forward unrealistic proposals such as checking vessels.
Vasyl Bodnar told an online briefing it was important for Kyiv for Turkey to continue mediating the matter and for it to keep talking to both Kyiv and Moscow.
Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said Tuesday that technical details were still being worked out.
“Our efforts are continuing concerning the technical planning on such issues as how it will be done, how the mines will be cleared, who will do it, how the corridor will be established and who will escort (ships),” Akar said.
Addressing the possibility of resumed peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow, Çavuşoğlu said Turkey was “much more optimistic."
Turkey hosted previous talks between Russian and Ukrainian officials in March but since then little progress has been made.
“We see an optimistic atmosphere in terms of going back to the negotiation table,” Çavuşoğlu said, citing recent comments by Zelenskyy. He reiterated Ankara’s offer to oversee a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin.
Lavrov said Russia was willing to hold further talks but accused Zelenskyy of “changing his position all the time” over conditions for a leaders’ summit.
Lavrov arrived in Turkey days after NATO members Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro reportedly refused to allow his plane to fly through their airspace to reach Serbia. Lavrov’s plane was able to fly directly to Turkey over the Black Sea.
Turkey has maintained its close ties to both Ukraine and Russia. It has criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but hasn't joined international sanctions against Russia.

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Russia backs Ukraine grain exports but wants sanctions off
Russia and Turkey on Wednesday voiced support for the creation of a safe maritime corridor in the Black Sea so Ukraine can export grain to global markets amid an escalating world food crisis. A Turkish minister said the move should also be accompanied by the easing of Western sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu hosted his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Ankara for discussions focused on a U.N. proposal to free Ukraine’s Black Sea ports and allow some 22 million tons of grain sitting in silos to be shipped out.
Ukraine is one of the world’s largest exporters of wheat, corn and sunflower oil, but the war and a Russian blockade of its ports have halted much of that flow, endangering food supplies to many developing countries. Many of those ports are now also heavily mined.
Ukraine’s government was not represented at the Ankara meeting but has expressed concerns that removing mines from its ports to facilitate grain exports could allow Russia to attack its southern coast.
Lavrov promised that Russia would not “abuse” its naval advantage if Ukraine’s ports were demined and would “take all necessary steps to ensure that the ships can leave there freely.”
Both Russia and Turkey would also benefit from the export plan. The same corridor would also allow Russia to export food and fertilizer. Turkey would facilitate and protect the transport of the grain in the Black Sea, Turkish officials say.
“As Turkey, we find this plan reasonable and see it as a feasible one,” Cavusoglu told a joint news conference with Lavrov.
The scheme, however, would require negotiation between Moscow and Kyiv, he added.
The Turkish minister also backed easing Western sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine if it participates in the U.N. plan, saying that seemed “quite legitimate.”
“If the whole world is in need of the products to be exported by Ukraine and the Russian Federation, then a method needs to be established,” he said, adding that he hoped “technical preparations” could be made “as soon as possible.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the creation of a safe sea corridor last week, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday. It also called for security guarantees, such as a supply of weapons to defend against maritime threats and the participation of third-country naval forces.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday the Russian military would need to check commercial ships taking the grain to make sure they don’t carry weapons. He added that after they are loaded with grain, Russia would help escort the ships to international waters.
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said Tuesday that technical details were still being worked out.
“Our efforts are continuing concerning the technical planning on such issues as how it will be done, how the mines will be cleared, who will do it, how the corridor will be established and who will escort (ships),” Akar said.
Addressing the possibility of resumed peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow, Cavusoglu said Turkey was “much more optimistic.”
Turkey hosted previous talks between Russian and Ukrainian officials in March but since then little progress has been made.
“We see an optimistic atmosphere in terms of going back to the negotiation table,” Cavusoglu said, citing recent comments by Zelenskyy. He reiterated Ankara’s offer to oversee a meeting between Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Lavrov said Russia was willing to hold further talks but accused Zelenskyy of “changing his position all the time” over conditions for a leaders’ summit.
Lavrov arrived in Turkey days after NATO members Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro reportedly refused to allow his plane to fly through their airspace to reach Serbia. Lavrov’s plane was able to fly directly to Turkey over the Black Sea.
Lavrov’s discussions in the Turkish capital also focused on Turkey’s plans to launch a new cross-border offensive in northern Syria against Syrian Kurdish militia that Ankara considers to be a security threat. Turkey needs Moscow’s approval to continue its presence in northern Syria, despite the two supporting opposite sides in Syria’s civil war. In 2020, 37 Turkish soldiers were killed in Russia-backed airstrikes against rebels in Syria’s last rebel-held Idlib province.
“Turkey really needs Russia’s blessing in order to be able to carry on this operation (in Syria.) And so I think they’re really going to try to get that kind of a concession out of the Russian side,” said Merve Tahiroglu, Turkey program coordinator at Project on Middle East Democracy.
Lavrov’s meeting came as Turkey — a NATO member — has voiced strong opposition to Sweden and Finland’s recent bids to join the alliance. Moscow has also objected to the Nordic countries’ candidacy — which analyst say may play a role in discussions concerning Syria.
Turkey has maintained its close ties to both Ukraine and Russia. It has criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but hasn’t joined international sanctions against Russia.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 20:39  |  #149217
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В Госдуме призвали отменить признание независимости Литвы
Депутат Государственной Думы России Евгений Федоров (фракция "Единая Росссия") внес законопроект об отмене постановления Госсовета СССР "О признании независимости Литовской республики".
Об этом пишут российские СМИ в среду, 8 июня.
В 1991 году Москва признала независимость Литовской республики, "учитывая конкретную историческую и политическую обстановку, предшествовавшую вхождению Литовской Республики в СССР", говорится в документе.
Напомним, сейм Литвы единогласно признал Россию государством-террористом, а ее действия в Украине геноцидом.
Также сообщалось, что в Литве запретили российскую Z-символику и георгиевские ленты. Штрафы за использование - до 1,5 тыс.евро.

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В Госдуме РФ предложили отстраивать "разрушенный Донбасс" за счет "активов украинских чиновников в России" …
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Реклама Агрессии.

В Москве площадь у посольства США назовут в честь "ДНР"
Этот вариант набрал 45% голосов, за такое название проголосовали 124 тысячи человек.
На втором месте оказался вариант "Площадь защитников Донбасса", а за название площади в честь воевавшего на Донбассе Владимира Жоги проголосовали 8%.
Площадь в Пресненскойм районе Москвы находится на пересечении Большого Девятинского переулка и улицы Конюшковской. Ранее эта площадь была безымянной.

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Реклама Агрессии.

На российских кораблях начали устанавливать сухопутные ЗРК "Тор" для защиты от "Байрактаров". Фото

ЗРК "Тор" размещен на вертолетной площадке. Штатный ЗРК корабля проекта 22160 - комплекс "Гибка" не может сбивать цели, летящие выше 3,5 километра. То есть, корабль становится уязвимым, например, для Bayraktar TB2.Вероятно поэтому на палубе разместили ЗРК "Тор".
"Корабль российской черноморской флотилии проекта 22160 разместил на посадочной площадке вертолета ЗРК "Тор", для защиты от атак с воздуха. Видимо в черноморской операционной зоне у оккупантов с ПВО все совсем плохо", - говорится в сообщении.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 20:41  |  #149218
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7 июн. 2022 г.
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8 июн. 2022 г.
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7 июн. 2022 г.
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Treasury bans Americans from buying Russian stocks and bonds
The Biden administration has issued new investment restrictions that prohibit Americans from buying Russian stocks and bonds.
The ban is the latest step by US officials to crank up the financial pressure on Russia in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.
New guidance issued Monday by the Treasury Department explains that US investors are prohibited from buying "both new and existing debt and equity securities issued by an entity in the Russian Federation."
Up until now, Americans were able to buy Russian stocks and bonds that change hands in secondary markets.
Americans will still be allowed to sell Russian stocks and bonds, although only to a "non-US person," Treasury said. The guidance explains that Americans are not "required" to divest Russian securities and may continue to hold them.
US investors can also still invest in US funds that own Russian securities, as long as those Russian holdings are not the bulk of the fund's assets.
"Consistent with our goal to deny Russia the financial resources it needs to continue its brutal war against Ukraine, Treasury has made clear that US persons are prohibited from making new investments in the success of Russia, including through purchases on the secondary market," a Treasury spokesperson said.

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World Bank announces $1.5B in added aid to Ukraine
The World Bank announced on Tuesday that it will be providing roughly $1.5 billion in additional financing to Ukraine, money which will go toward paying government and social workers.
The aid is being funded from parallel financing from Italy; financing guarantees from Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Latvia and the Netherlands; and expected future guarantees from countries including Denmark.
The World Bank noted that the additional financing was part of a more than $4 billion package to Ukraine, with dispersed funds totaling close to $2 billion already.
“The World Bank Group is providing continuing support for Ukraine and its people in the face of the ongoing war,” World Bank Group President David Malpass said in a statement. “We are working with donor countries to mobilize financial support and leveraging the flexibility of our various financing instruments to help provide Ukrainians with access to health services, education and social protection.”
Last month, the United States passed a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine. The Biden administration announced that under the first round of that aid, it would send the country a $700 million weapons package that includes advanced rocket systems.
The war in Ukraine has raged on for more than 100 days. After failing to take Kyiv in the opening weeks of its invasion, Russia is seeking to capture territory in Ukraine’s Donbas region, with fighting ongoing in the city of Sievierodonetsk in the eastern Luhansk region.

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Microsoft cutting back on business in Russia

Microsoft announced on Wednesday that it would scale back on its business operations in Russia amid Moscow’s continued invasion of Ukraine.
“As a result of the changes to the economic outlook and the impact on our business in Russia, we have made the decision to significantly scale down our operations in Russia,” a Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement to The Hill.
“We will continue to fulfill our existing contractual obligations with Russian customers while the suspension of new sales remains in effect,” the company added.
Bloomberg first reported the news.
More than 400 employees will be affected by the change, according to Reuters.
The company had already suspended new sales in Russia in March at the start of the invasion, joining a number of other tech companies in cutting off the country from technologies.
In April, Microsoft released a report detailing Russian-backed hackers who launched more than 200 cyber operations against Ukraine as early as March 2021, well before Moscow’s invasion of the country.
“The attacks have not only degraded the systems of institutions in Ukraine but have also sought to disrupt people’s access to reliable information and critical life services on which civilians depend, and have attempted to shake confidence in the country’s leadership,” Tom Burt, a Microsoft vice president, said at the time.
Microsoft also noted that “it’s likely the attacks we’ve observed are only a fraction of activity targeting Ukraine.”

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 20:42  |  #149219
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Russia and Turkey raise hopes of grain export corridor from Ukraine
The Kremlin has claimed shipments of grain will restart in the coming days from the Russian-occupied Ukrainian port of Berdiansk after work to de-mine the area, as its foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, held talks with his Turkish counterpart.
However, the Turkish foreign affairs minister struck a more considered note, saying more talks between Moscow and Kyiv would be required to ensure the safety of any vessels carrying exports.
Speaking alongside Lavrov in Ankara, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu described a United Nations plan to launch a sea corridor for Ukrainian grain exports as “reasonable” but added that Russia and Ukraine would have to accept any agreement.
“Various ideas have been put out for the export of Ukrainian grains to the market and most recently is the UN plan [including] a mechanism that can be created between the UN, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey,” Çavuşoğlu said. “We see it as reasonable.”
The majority of Ukrainian grain exports have been halted since Russia launched a full invasion in late February and blockaded the country’s Black Sea ports, through which 90% of trade from the world’s fifth-largest grain exporter used to flow.
The sudden export stoppage has raised concerns that the war in Ukraine will spark a global food crisis, and push millions of people into famine.
The UN subsequently appealed to Russia and Ukraine, as well as Nato member Turkey – which has authority over maritime traffic entering and leaving the Black Sea through the Bosphorus strait – to agree a corridor.
According to the UN, Russia and Ukraine supply about 40% of the wheat consumed in Africa, where prices have already risen by about 23%.
Any Turkish-brokered grain corridor would probably involve cargo vessels leaving Odesa, which is in Ukrainian hands, and other Black Sea ports with a Turkish naval escort, before travelling towards Turkey and on to global markets.
Lavrov, who has blamed western sanctions for the food crisis, said Ukraine needed to let commercial vessels leave its ports safely, in order to reach any agreement on a grain corridor.
Turkey, which has good relations with Kyiv and Moscow, made a show early in the war of trying to act as a mediator between the two sides but ceasefire talks have since faded.
Ankara has said it is ready to take on a role as part of an “observation mechanism” if any kind of grain export deal is reached.
An agreement between Russia and Ukraine is a vital starting point for grain exports to resume but several other things would need to fall into place.
Shipping industry insiders say Ukraine’s coastal waters would need to be de-mined with special insurance arranged and strict assurances given over the safety of vessels and crew before any shipowners would be willing to send a fleet to the Black Sea.

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Данилов заявил, что вопрос с вывозом зерна не решится, пока Украина не будет в безопасности
"Если вопрос, что наша страна будет в безопасности, не будет решен, никакого зерна никому никуда не поедет. Потому что для нас вопрос безопасности номер один", - заявил Данилов.
Секретарь СНБО также добавил, что "вопрос на контроле", потому что "никто не хочет, чтобы в мире был голод". Он также обвинил Россию в том, что она создает искусственные препятствия украинскому экспорту, "для того, чтобы захватывать рынок себе, а потом шантажировать нас из-за нехватки пищи".
Напомним, переговоры России с Турцией по вывозу зерна ведутся. Очередной их этап состоится сегодня. Сообщается, что к переговорам подключена и Украина, но в Киеве этого не подтвердили. Ключевым моментом переговоров является тема с разминированием украинских портов.

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No deal yet with Russia or Turkey to unblock Black Sea, Ukraine says
Kyiv says it has not yet reached any agreement with Russia or Turkey to allow the safe passage of its grain ships in the Black Sea, injecting skepticism into a push by the U.N. to create a vital food corridor.
The warning comes on the eve of a round of talks brokered by Turkey to demine Ukraine's Black Sea ports and assuage a mounting global food crisis that has been severely worsened by Russia's naval blockade.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will hold talks with his Turkish counterpart in Ankara on Wednesday, with Russian media already talking up the prospect of a deal that would allow Moscow to claim it is helping hungry nations in Africa and the Middle East.
In a statement, Ukraine's ministry of foreign affairs said Kyiv will reject any agreements "that do not take into account the interest of Ukraine."
"We appreciate Türkiye's efforts aimed at unblocking Ukrainian ports. At the same time, it should be noted that there are no agreements on this issue between Ukraine, Turkey and Russia at this time," the statement said.
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said neither he nor Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was invited to the talks in Ankara, Interfax reported.
A deal which allows Russian ships greater access to Ukraine's port of Odesa is a non-starter for Kyiv, as it believes the Russian navy would take advantage of a demined port to attack it. Russia has previously signaled it would want relief from sanctions in return for food export guarantees.
"Given the recent Russian missile strike on a grain terminal in Mykolaiv, we cannot rule out Russia's plans to use such a corridor to attack Odesa and southern Ukraine," the statement continued.

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"Самая сложная в истории посевная" закончена, но Украине негде хранить зерно нового урожая - Шмыгаль
Премьер-министр Украины Денис Шмыгаль заявил, что Украина провела "самую сложную в истории посевную". Засеяно 75% от прошлогодних площадей.
По его словам, власти работают над тем, куда складировать новый урожай. Хранилища заполнены зерновыми, которые нельзя вывезти из-за морской блокады Украины.
Планируется создавать мобильные хранилища, куда можно будет поместить 10-15 миллионов тонн зерна.
Сейчас в Украине хранится 23,5 миллионов тонн зерновых ещё старого урожая.

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В Киеве назвали "бессодержательным" обещание Лаврова не нападать на Украину в случае разминирования портов

"Слова Лаврова бессодержательны. Украина четко выразила свою позицию в отношении морских портов: для защиты береговой линии нужна военная техника, а для патрулирования экспортных путей в Черном море - миссия ВМС. Нельзя разрешать России использовать зерновые коридоры для нападения на юг Украины", - написал спикер Министерства иностранных дел Украины Олег Николенко.
Он также прикрепил скриншот, которым напомнил, как в январе Лавров заявлял, что Россия не планирует нападать на Украину.

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Лавров заявил о гарантиях РФ о ненападении в случае, если Киев разминирует порты
1. Россия гарантирует, что если Киев разминирует порты, Москва не будет пользоваться этой ситуацией.
Отметим, что ранее президент РФ Владимир Путин говорил о необходимости разминировать морские пути в Черном море, чтобы украинское зерно могло попасть по назначению, и обещал, что Москва не будет использовать эту ситуацию в военных целях. В Киеве уже заявили, что не верят этим обещаниям.
2. Российские и турецкие военные обсуждают детали разминирования украинских портов для вывоза зерна.
3 По данным турецкой стороны, Украина готова обеспечивать проход судов через заминированные воды.
4 РФ готова к проведению четырёхсторонней встречи с ООН, Турцией и Украиной по вывозу зерна в Стамбуле.
По данным Bloomberg, согласованный Россией и Турцией план предполагает разминирование моря около Одессы и предоставление гарантий безопасного прохода кораблей их Черного моря под эгидой ООН. При этом, согласно источникам агентства, Украина не принимает прямого участия в переговорах.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 20:44  |  #149220
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Norge har donert artilleriskyts til Ukraina

– De ukrainske styrkene er avhengig av vestlig støtte i form av militært materiell og våpen for å kunne stå imot de russiske angrepene. Ukraina har bedt om denne typen våpenstøtte. Utviklingen av krigen i Ukraina tilsier at det nå er nødvendig å donere også tyngre materiell- og våpensystemer, sier forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram.
Forsvaret har nettopp skiftet ut M109 artilleriskyts med nytt artilleri fra Sør-Korea, men har fortsatt M109 på lager. 22 av disse er donert, sammen med tilhørende utstyr, reservedeler og ammunisjon. Norge har også bidratt til at ukrainske styrker har kompetanse til å operere skytsene. Denne opplæringen har funnet sted i Tyskland.
– Dette er et substansielt bidrag, som er sterkt etterspurt av Ukraina, sier forsvarsministeren.

Skytsene er sendt ut av Norge. Regjeringen har ventet med å offentliggjøre donasjonen av sikkerhetshensyn. For fremtidige donasjoner vil det ikke nødvendigvis bli informert fortløpende.

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Экс-сотрудница "Первого канала" Овсянникова заявила, что политики в Киеве не мыслят стратегически

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Yulia Tymoshenko on war in Ukraine: ‘It’s a chance for the free world to kill this evil’
Ukraine’s former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko has described Vladimir Putin as “absolutely rational, cold, cruel, black evil” and claimed he is determined to go down in Russian history alongside Stalin and Peter the Great.
In an exclusive interview, Tymoshenko dismissed the suggestion that the Russian president was “crazy”. “He acts according to his own dark logic,” she said. “He’s driven by this idea of historic mission and wants to create an empire. That’s his hyper-goal. It comes from a deep inner desire and belief.”
Tymoshenko, a leader of the 2004 Orange revolution and twice prime minister, had several one-on-one meetings with Putin. They held negotiations in 2009 after Putin, then prime minister, turned off the gas supply to Ukraine. Tymoshenko stood for president in 2010, 2014 and 2019, finishing second twice and then third.
Close up, Putin was “always cautious” in what he said and always suspicious that he might be being taped, she said. “He is from a KGB school,” she said. Before Russia’s full-scale invasion in February, he made no secret of his belief that there was “no such nation as Ukraine, and no such people as Ukrainians”, she said.
His ambitions went beyond seizing Ukrainian territory and toppling its pro-western, pro-Nato government, Tymoshenko suggested. His geopolitical aim was to take over Belarus, Georgia and Moldova as well, and to control central and eastern Europe including the Baltic states, just as Moscow did in Soviet times, she said.
Tymoshenko was in Kyiv on 24 February when Russia launched a multi-pronged attack in the early hours. She said peacetime political rivalries and grudges immediately vanished. That morning she went to the presidential administration together with other senior opposition figures and met Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whom she ran against in 2019.
“We hugged each other and shook hands. Everyone was shocked, pale and afraid. None of us planned to leave Kyiv,” she said. “Everyone knew we should stand until the last. We agreed to support our president and our army and to work for victory.” Zelenskiy’s decision to remain in the capital and to “overcome his fear” was important, she said.
As Russian bombs fell, Tymoshenko took refuge in the basement of the modern office building belonging to her Batkivshchyna political party in Kyiv’s Podil district, which was hit several times by missiles. Asked if she was ready to shoot Russian soldiers, she said: “Yes. I have legal weapons. The Kremlin put me on a kill list, according to sources. We were prepared.”
The Russian government had always considered her an enemy, Tymoshenko said. She pointed to her support for Ukraine’s membership of the EU and Nato. In the 2010 presidential election she stood against Viktor Yanukovych, who was backed by Moscow. She blamed her defeat on the outgoing president at the time, Viktor Yushchenko, a one-time Orange revolution ally.
The following year Yanukovych had Tymoshenko jailed in a case widely seen as politically motivated. “Putin and Yanukovych imprisoned me. Yanukovych was never an independent player. He was always Putin’s puppet,” she said. She got out of prison in 2014 when Yanukovych fled to Moscow after the Maidan anti-corruption protests. Weeks later Putin annexed Crimea and instigated a separatist uprising in the east of Ukraine.
Tymoshenko spoke in her downtown office decorated with the Ukrainian flag and photos showing her with western leaders including Margaret Thatcher. She praised the “unbelievable unity” of the “anti-Putin coalition” and singled out the UK and Boris Johnson for special mention, as well as the US, Canada and Poland. “We see Britain as a part of the broader Ukrainian family,” she said.
Last weekend France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, said it was important not to “humiliate” Putin – a phrase interpreted as meaning Ukraine should sacrifice some of its territory in exchange for a realpolitik deal with Moscow. Tymoshenko said France and Germany – criticised for slow-pedalling on arms deliveries – should not be ostracised as Europe grappled with its worst security crisis in decades.
But she said Ukraine’s international partners had to understand that the only way to end the war was to crush Russian forces on the battlefield. Without naming anybody, she said they should not become “co-conspirators with evil”. She added: “There is no such thing as a peace agreement with Putin because it doesn’t lead to peace. It would lead to a new war several years later.”
The stakes for her country were existential, she said. The Kremlin’s objective was to “depersonify” Ukraine, stripping it of its language and culture, and leaving it weak and “atomised”. The civilised world had a unique opportunity to stop Russia and to prevent it from spreading “war, corruption, blackmail, disinformation and unfreedom,” she said.
Russia had largely given up on the pretence that it was only targeting Ukrainian military infrastructure, Tymoshenko said. The murder of civilians – in cities in the Kyiv region such as Bucha and Irpin, as well as in other areas – was cruel and deliberate, she said, with Russian soldiers following Moscow’s instructions.
“It’s an inseparable part of their genocide against the Ukrainian nation,” she said. “What happened in Mariupol was even worse than in Bucha, Irpin and Hostomel. I’m convinced we will be able to take back Mariupol and to uncover the scale of the horrible killings there. It was a tragedy, a human catastrophe of an unthinkable scale.”
Considering her words, the veteran politician concluded: “This is a great battle for our territory and our freedom. It’s a historic chance for the free world to kill this evil.”

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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 08.06.2022 20:45  |  #149221
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"После соли скупают спички". В Украине появился новый список дефицитных товаров. Почему он расширяется?

В Украине новая волна продуктового ажиотажа. Мы уже писали, как украинцы на волне паники скупают соль, сахар и гречку. Теперь наметились новые дефицитные позиции: люди кинулись запасаться содой, уксусом, спичками. И во многих магазинах эти товары уже пропали из продажи и взлетают в цене.
Так, пачка соды, которая недавно стоила 10 гривен, на интернет-площадках сейчас выставляется уже за 35 гривен.
"Все идет по схеме соли: паника, закупки в невообразимых количествах, рост цен. Сейчас в список дефицитных попадают сода и уксус, но на самом деле рвануть может где угодно. Думаю, следующей будет луковая паника и рост цен на лук", - говорит глава Ассоциации поставщиков торговых сетей Алексей Дорошенко.
Впрочем, дело не только в панике и ажиотажном спросе. Например, сейчас действительно есть перебои с поставками той же соды, отмечает руководитель отдела коммуникаций сети АТБ Сергей Демченко. В АТБ сода, как сахар и соль, уже попала в список товаров, продажа которых идет с ограничениями - не больше двух пачек в руки.
Разбирались, куда пропали сода, уксус и спички.

Сода по тройной цене
Мы уже писали об ажиотажном спросе на соль и ее резком подорожании. Позже люди начали заодно скупать сахар и гречку.
По словам Сергея Демченко, именно проблема с солью стала толчком для запуска панических настроений на рынке. Украинцы делают запасы продуктов длительного хранения на всякий случай. С одной стороны, пока они не пропали из продажи, с другой - пока не подорожали.
В свежем топе покупательских предпочтений сода, уксус и спички. Спрос на них, как рассказывают продавцы, вырос в разы.
Впрочем, по каждому товару есть свои причины ажиотажа.
Скажем, с содой это уже не первая волна повышенного спроса. В начале войны ее тоже ринулись активно скупать, но затем ажиотаж пошел на спад. И вот сейчас возобновился с новой силой.
"Дело в том, что по соде Украина и раньше была зависимой от импорта (много поставляли в том числе из России). Теперь прежние остатки вымываются, идет смена поставщиков и логистики. Мы импортируем из Турции, но там цепочка доставки довольно длинная. Только пробки на нашей границе по 30-40 километров. Поэтому доставка небыстрая, возможен точечный дефицит продукции в магазине и рост цен за счет более дорогой логистики", - рассказал нам Демченко.
"Есть временное уменьшение поставок соды. Но мы над этим уже работаем", - отметила руководитель департамента по связям с общественностью сети "Эпицентр" Юлия Чудновская.
На интернет-площадках сода есть, но ценник втрое выше, чем раньше. Если несколько месяцев назад сода в пачках по 400 грамм продавалась в среднем по 10-12 гривен за пачку, то сейчас, скажем, на prom.ua, пачку весом 300 грамм предлагают за 39 гривен. Есть также сода в мешках по 25 килограммов по 70 гривен за килограмм.
Появилось много импортной продукции, но цены кусаются. Скажем, сода для выпечки Frontier (США) стоит почти 146 гривен за пачку. Польская сода в мешках по 25 килограммов продается по 1400 гривен (56 гривен за килограмм), но брать нужно оптом.
При этом, как говорит глава Экономического дискуссионного клуба Олег Пендзин, ажиотаж вокруг соды непонятен.
"В быту ее не так много используют. Причем и в кулинарии, и в качестве чистящего средства есть заменители (в кулинарии это разрыхлители, которые из продажи не пропадали). То есть налицо раскручивание паники, чтобы заработать", - говорит он.

Под консервацию и на всякий случай
Что касается уксуса и спичек, то их украинцы тоже массово раскупают - многие берут ящиками. В итоге во многих магазинах этих товаров уже нет.
Ажиотаж с уксусом, по словам Демченко, связан с сезоном консервации. Люди под домашние заготовки запасаются обычным недорогим спиртовым уксусом, которого для тех же консервированных огурцов или томатов нужно довольно много. При этом, как говорит Юлия Чудновец, уменьшения поставок уксуса не было.
"Производителей уксуса в Украине достаточно, товар не дефицитный. Его исчезновение с магазинных полок - явление временное", - добавил Сергей Демченко.
Впрочем, некоторые продавцы уже пользуются ситуацией: на волне ажиотажа уксус подорожал на 15-20% и сейчас продается по 30-40 гривен за литровую бутылку.
"Люди скупают уксус, при этом непонятно, что они, собственно, будут консервировать. Ведь предложение овощей из-за временной оккупации Харсонщины и напряжённой военной ситуации на юге этим летом снизится. Нехватку компенсируют импортом, но по нему есть вопросы: далеко не все сорта тех же импортных огурцов подходят для домашних заготовок. Поэтому, думаю, по итогам сезона мы услышим много историй о консервации, которая не удалась", - говорит Дорошенко.
Что касается спичек, то с ними история вообще парадоксальная.
"Украинцы в мирное время мало пользовались спичками, в основном, зажигалками разных форматов. Почему вдруг вспомнили о спичках и начали их раскупать, неясно. Очень похоже на банальное раскачивание рынка, чтобы можно было на волне ажиотажа заработать еще и на спичках", - говорит Пендзин.
По словам Демченко, поставщиков спичек в Украине достаточно, но производители не рассчитывали на рост спроса, поэтому возникают точечные перебои.

Луку приготовиться?
"Сейчас может рвануть где угодно - фактически любой товар рискует стать дефицитным. Ведь люди уже присматриваются к торговым полкам и ждут, что же следующее пропадет из продажи. И пытаются сделать запасы. При этом понятно, что тотального дефицита любой продукции в Украине не будет - все можно заместить импортом, хоть и дороже. Но время от времени "ажиотажные" списки будут появляться", - считает Дорошенко.
По его мнению, следующим в список дефицитных рискует попасть лук.
"Большие объемы традиционно выращивались на юге. В этом сезоне поставки будут очень небольшими, поэтому может возникнуть ажиотажный спрос. Понятно, что будет импорт из Польши и Голландии, но люди, скорее всего, попытаются запастись отечественным луком, причем купить сразу несколько мешков, пока не подорожало. Что может спровоцировать рост цен", - подытожил Дорошенко.

Материал полностью.

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