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Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 17.01.2021 0:51  |  #147251
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Pelosi says any lawmaker who helped insurrectionists could face criminal prosecution
"If in fact it is found that members of Congress were accomplices to this insurrection, if they aided and abetted the crime, there may have to be actions taken beyond the Congress in terms of prosecutions," Pelosi said at a press conference, choking up at times as she decried the racism and bigotry some of the rioters displayed openly on Capitol grounds.

"In order to serve here with each other, we must trust that people have respect for their oath of office, respect for this institution," she said. "We must trust each other, respecting the people who sent us here. We must also have the truth. And that will be looked into."
Democrats have not presented specific evidence that any lawmakers helped lead these tours but have asked the Capitol Police to provide logs.

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After speaking out against the insurrection, CEOs ‘just want the screaming to stop’

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За "Северный поток" и против "антипутинской истерии". Чем известен Лашет, который стал преемником Меркель

В Германии выбрали нового главу правящей партии Христианско-демократический союз (ХДС), который заменит нынешнего лидера Ангелу Меркель.
Преемником "Мутти", собравшейся в отставку после предстоящих этой осенью парламентских выборов, стал ее фаворит - 59-летний Армин Лашет, премьер-министр федеральной земли Северный Рейн-Вестфалия, экс-журналист, которого называют продолжателем политики Меркель.
В Германии перед партийными выборами шутили, что следующий немецкий канцлер тоже будет "Меркель", хотя и без Ангелы.
У Лашета теперь есть большие шансы стать новым канцлером Германии после выборов Бундестага, если на них вновь победит ХДС.

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15 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


14 янв. 2021 г
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14 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


13 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


13 янв. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


Посол США провела онлайн-встречу с Филатовым и еще четырьмя мэрами
Во встрече с Кристиной Квин приняли участие мэры следующих городов: Днепра (Борис Филатов), Черновцов (Роман Кличук), Кропивницкого (Андрей Райкович), Николаева (Александр Сенкевич) и Житомира (Сергей Сухомлин).
"Хорошо обсудили вопросы децентрализации, Covid-19 и другое", - сообщили в пресс-службе.

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Кулеба заявил, что Украина не вмешивалась во внутренние дела США, но уличенные в этом будут наказаны
"Относительно какого-то напряжения в двусторонних отношениях, то нет - мы его не чувствуем, потому что нет никаких оснований утверждать, что Украина, как государство, вмешивалась во внутренние дела США. Этого не было, этого нет, и этого никогда не будет. Действия отдельных лиц должны соответственно рассматриваться и решаться, как действия отдельных физических лиц", - сказал Кулеба.
По его словам, любой человек, который хочет повлиять на внутреннеполитические процессы в США, в конце концов понесут за это ответственность, так как Штаты принципиально относятся к таким вещам.
"Потому все люди, которые пытались это делать, должны были осознавать последствия подобных шагов", - сказал министр.
Кулеба добавил, что в США, во всей коммуникации, посвященной вмешательствам в выборы, говорится о наличии оснований подозревать отдельных людей в действиях в интересах Российской Федерации, а не Украины.
"Это очень важно замечание, чтобы в информационном пространстве и общественном мнении США не формировалось мнение о том, что это украинцы от имени Украинского государства что-то делали", - подчеркнул дипломат.

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Пионерское лето Виктории Нуланд. Как будущий зам госсекретаря США дралась с вожатой в лагере под Одессой

В тоже время, в биографии Нуланд есть любопытный факт, связанный с нашей страной.
Когда Нуланд в 2014 году посетила Одессу она сказала, что в этом городе уже во второй раз. В первый раз будущая помощница госсекретаря США приезжала с американской делегацией в одесский пионерлагерь "Молодая гвардия" летом 1982 года.

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Крах Зеленского и ловушка для Байдена. Почему провалилась политика США в Украине. Анализ The National Interest

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CША передали Украине более 100 единиц военной техники
"Ничто не могло остановить доставку 20 "Хамви" для Сухопутных войск Вооруженных сил Украины и командования Сил специальных операций ВС Украины, а также 84 лодок для Военно-морских сил ВС Украины в рамках Инициативы содействия безопасности Украины", - говорится в сообщении посольства.

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Сломали планы России: Зеленский почтил киборгов и заявил о флаге Украины над Донецком
«Героическая оборона Донецкого аэропорта окончательно сломала планы России по захвату Украины. Это выглядело как чудо, когда наши люди выдерживали даже после того, как начал «сдаваться» бетон. Но никакого чуда - это отражало закономерность. Потому что украинцы доказали, что рубеж свободы народов в Европе теперь - по восточной границе нашего государства, и на запад его уже никто и никогда не отодвинет», - подчеркнул он.


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Россия хочет снять с себя ответственность за начало вооруженного конфликта на Донбассе - Генштаб ВСУ
«Россия стремится любой ценой снять с себя ответственность за начало международного вооруженного конфликта на Донбассе, распространяя свои сообщения через агентов влияния, разного рода апологетов «русского мира», которые в эфире украинского телеканала называют преступниками украинскую армию и всех, кто носит погоны. Особенно цинично это было накануне годовщины памяти павших в Донецком аэропорту защитников Украины», - подчеркивается в заявлении.

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Началась украинизация сферы услуг. Как бизнес заставляют убирать русский язык. Обновляется
С 16 января вступает в силу очередная норма закона об украинизации. Интересно, что происходит это в годовщину "диктаторских" законов Януковича, которые были приняты ровно семь лет назад.
На мову должна перейти вся сфера услуг. Это касается не только продавцов и официантов, но и всех, кто общается с клиентами: от фитнес-инструкторов и репетиторов до электронных коммуникаций интернет-магазинов.
Также эта норма касается вывесок, ценников и других внешних проявлений сферы услуг. Санкция за языковое неповиновение - штраф.

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В Минкульте назвали главную цель перевода сферы услуг на государственный язык (видео)
«Также на украинском должна предоставляться информация о товарах и услугах учреждения. К примеру, в меню, на билетах, ценниках, инструкциях, маркировках», - пояснил министр.

«Говоря о штрафах, речь идет именно о субъектах хозяйствования и только в случае, если их работники откажутся общаться на украинском. Но важно понять, что штрафы - не самоцель. Накладывать их просто так никто не в праве. Только при условии фиксации случаев нарушений и вынесения сначала предупреждения, которое должно быть исправлено в течение года. Но не факт, что нарушение подтвердится и штраф применят, потому что каждый случай будет рассматриваться отдельно», - отметил министр.

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Зеленский попросил Меркель о вакцинах - ОП
"Главной задачей сейчас является защитить наиболее уязвимые категории граждан: пожилых людей, врачей, военнослужащих. Появление сертифицированных вакцин дает нам всем надежду", - цитирует Зеленского его офис.

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В Китае призвали приостановить вакцинацию препаратами Pfizer из-за массовых смертей после прививок

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Facebook blocking new event listings near Capitol, White House through inauguration

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Retired general who led Katrina response tapped for immediate review of Capitol security

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Judge blocks release of man pictured with feet on desk in Pelosi's office
An Arkansas man who became one of the most recognized figures in last week’s Capitol riot after being photographed propping his feet up on a desk in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office won an order Friday releasing him to house arrest, only to have that ruling overturned hours later.
Following a five-hour hearing Friday afternoon in Arkansas, Richard Barnett, 60, got the permission of a magistrate judge to return home to await trial on charges of entering Capitol grounds with a stun-gun, disorderly conduct and theft.

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'I’m facing a prison sentence': US Capitol rioters plead with Trump for pardons
After surrendering to the FBI on Friday, Ryan said: “We all deserve a pardon.”
“I’m facing a prison sentence,” she told CBS11 at her home. “I think I do not deserve that.”
Turning to look into the camera, she said: “I would ask the president of the United States to give me a pardon.”
On Wednesday, Trump was impeached for inciting the attack on 6 January that left five people dead, including a police officer, and sent lawmakers fleeing for their lives.
Ryan said she had been “displaying my patriotism”, adding: “I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol.”

[url= https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/16/us-capitol-rioters-donald-trump-pardons]Материал полностью.[/url]

If Trump looks like a fascist and acts like a fascist, then maybe he is one
Assurances that “fascism couldn’t happen here” are always appealing in Anglo-Saxon countries that think themselves immune because “it” never did. The US and UK did not experience rule by Nazism or communism in the 20th century and the ignorance our lucky histories fostered has weakened our defences in the 21st.

Even after all that has happened in Washington, apparently serious voices insist we cannot compare Donald Trump to any variety of fascist. Conservatives habitually say that liberals call everything they don’t like fascist, forgetting that the moral of Aesop’s fable was that the boy who cried wolf was right in the end. They used to chortle about “Trump derangement syndrome” that spreads in stages like cancer until sufferers “cannot distinguish fantasy from reality”. They have bitten their tongues now that the reality of Trumpism is deranged mobs trying to overthrow democracy.

Their silence was broken last week by the historian of Nazism, Richard Evans, who with the effortless ability to miss every point a professorship at Cambridge bestows, decided now was the moment to denounce his colleagues, Timothy Snyder and Sarah Churchwell. They might compare the Trump and fascist movements but “few who have described Trump as a fascist can be called real experts in the field”, he wrote in the New Statesman with an audible sniff. “Genuine specialists”, such as, and since you asked, himself, “agree that whatever else he is, Trump is not a fascist”.

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Trump may be gone, but his big lie will linger. Here’s how we can fight it
The truth hurts, but lies kill. The past 12 months have demonstrated that with a terrifying clarity. Lies about Covid, insisting that it was a hoax cooked up by the deep state, led millions of people to drop their guard and get infected. And one big lie about the US election – claiming that Donald Trump had won, when he’d lost – led to the storming of the US Capitol and an eruption of violence that left five dead.

The impact has been so swift, events rushing by in a blur, that it’s easy to miss the significance. On Wednesday, Donald Trump – already only the third US president in history to be impeached – was impeached again. In the first 222 years of the country’s existence, impeachment happened only once. Now that most severe, vanishingly rare of sanctions has struck twice in a single year.

In the past, the impeachment process unfolded at a slow crawl: 11 months separated the day Bill Clinton vowed he’d never had “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky and the vote in the House of Representatives to try him for high crimes and misdemeanours. This time it happened in a week, the speed a function of two unusual circumstances: first, the accused has only days left in office; second, those House members were witnesses, Congress the scene of the crime.

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The silencing of Trump has highlighted the authoritarian power of tech giants
That’s because Trump and his cultists had been “deplatformed”. By banning him, Twitter effectively took away the megaphone he’s been masterfully deploying since he ran for president. The shock of the 6 January assault on the Capitol was seismic enough to convince even Mark Zuckerberg that the plug finally had to be pulled. And so it was, even to the point of Amazon Web Services terminating the hosting of Parler, a Twitter alternative for alt-right extremists.

The deafening silence that followed these measures was, however, offset by an explosion of commentary about their implications for freedom, democracy and the future of civilisation as we know it. Wading knee-deep through such a torrent of opinion about the first amendment, free speech, censorship, tech power and “accountability” (whatever that might mean), it was sometimes hard to keep one’s bearings. But what came to mind continually was H L Mencken’s astute insight that “for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong”. The air was filled with people touting such answers.
In the midst of the discursive chaos, though, some general themes could be discerned. The first highlighted cultural differences, especially between the US with its sacred first amendment on the one hand and European and other societies, which have more ambivalent histories of moderating speech. The obvious problem with this line of discussion is that the first amendment is about government regulation of speech and has nothing whatsoever to do with tech companies, which are free to do as they like on their platforms.
A second theme viewed the root cause of the problem as the lax regulatory climate in the US over the last three decades, which led to the emergence of a few giant tech companies that effectively became the hosts for much of the public sphere. If there were many Facebooks, YouTubes and Twitters, so the counter-argument runs, then censorship would be less effective and problematic because anyone denied a platform could always go elsewhere.
Then there were arguments about power and accountability. In a democracy, those who make decisions about which speech is acceptable and which isn’t ought to be democratically accountable. “The fact that a CEO can pull the plug on Potus’s loudspeaker without any checks and balances,” fumed EU commissioner Thierry Breton, “is not only confirmation of the power of these platforms, but it also displays deep weaknesses in the way our society is organised in the digital space.” Or, to put it another way, who elected the bosses of Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter?

What was missing from the discourse was any consideration of whether the problem exposed by the sudden deplatforming of Trump and his associates and camp followers is actually soluble – at least in the way it has been framed until now. The paradox that the internet is a global system but law is territorial (and culture-specific) has traditionally been a way of stopping conversations about how to get the technology under democratic control. And it was running through the discussion all week like a length of barbed wire that snagged anyone trying to make progress through the morass.

All of which suggests that it’d be worth trying to reframe the problem in more productive ways. One interesting suggestion for how to do that came last week in a thoughtful Twitter thread by Blayne Haggart, a Canadian political scientist. Forget about speech for a moment, he suggests, and think about an analogous problem in another sphere – banking. “Different societies have different tolerances for financial risk,” he writes, “with different regulatory regimes to match. Just like countries are free to set their own banking rules, they should be free to set strong conditions, including ownership rules, on how platforms operate in their territory. Decisions by a company in one country should not be binding on citizens in another country.”

In those terms, HSBC may be a “global” bank, but when it’s operating in the UK it has to obey British regulations. Similarly, when operating in the US, it follows that jurisdiction’s rules. Translating that to the tech sphere, it suggests that the time has come to stop accepting the tech giant’s claims to be hyper-global corporations, whereas in fact they are US companies operating in many jurisdictions across the globe, paying as little local tax as possible and resisting local regulation with all the lobbying resources they can muster. Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter can bleat as sanctimoniously as they like about freedom of speech and the first amendment in the US, but when they operate here, as Facebook UK, say, then they’re merely British subsidiaries of an American corporation incorporated in California. And these subsidiaries obey British laws on defamation, hate speech and other statutes that have nothing to do with the first amendment. Oh, and they pay taxes on their local revenues.

What I’ve been reading
Capitol ideas
What Happened? is a blog post by the Duke sociologist Kieran Healy, which is the most insightful attempt I’ve come across to explain the 6 January attack on Washington’s Capitol building.

Tweet and sour
How @realDonaldTrump Changed Politics — and America. Derek Robertson in Politico on how Trump “governed” 140 characters at a time.

Stay safe
The Plague Year is a terrific New Yorker essay by Lawrence Wright that includes some very good reasons not to be blase about Covid.

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POLITICO Playbook: What the right gets wrong about Big Tech and the Capitol coup

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James Murdoch says US media 'lies' unleashed 'insidious forces'
James Murdoch has condemned the US media for “propagating lies” which have unleashed “insidious and uncontrollable forces” that will endure for years.
Questioned about whether Fox News – founded by his father Rupert Murdoch and run by his brother Lachlan – had played a role in the riot at the Capitol last week, he said media groups had amplified election disinformation, which successfully sowed falsehoods.
Providing his sternest reproach yet of the US news industry since stepping away from the family business, Murdoch stopped short of naming Fox News but the comments will be seen as a thinly veiled rebuke.
“The damage is profound,” he told the Financial Times in an interview. “The sacking of the Capitol is proof positive that what we thought was dangerous is indeed very much so. Those outlets that propagate lies to their audience have unleashed insidious and uncontrollable forces that will be with us for years.
“I hope that those people who didn’t think it was that dangerous now understand, and that they stop.”
He added that the media would inevitably face “a reckoning” after being “co-opted by forces that only want to stay in power, or are manipulating our discourse from abroad and are only too happy to make a mess and burn things down.”
In a subsequent statement issued jointly with his wife, Kathryn, they added: “Spreading disinformation – whether about the election, public health or climate change – has real world consequences. Many media property owners have as much responsibility as the elected officials who know the truth but instead choose to propagate lies.
“We hope the awful scenes we have all been seeing will finally convince those enablers to repudiate the toxic politics they have promoted once and forever.”
Fox News was contacted for comment. While it has run some stories critical of the outgoing US president, Donald Trump, it has been largely supportive of his rule and some Fox News personalities have amplified his false election fraud claims.
“Tonight every American should be angry, outraged, worried and concerned about what happened in the election,” Sean Hannity said on his programme in November. “Here’s the question that every American is going to have to answer by themselves. Do you trust what happened in this election? Do you believe these election results are accurate? Do you believe this was a free and fair election? I have a lot of questions.”

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Covid UK daily deaths up by 1,295
Britain recorded its third-highest daily Covid-19 death toll on Saturday, but the number of new infections dropped to its lowest level this year.
The number of people who died within 28 days of a positive coronavirus test rose by 1,295 to 88,590.
Separate figures published by the UK’s statistics agencies for deaths where Covid-19 has been mentioned on the death certificate, together with additional data on deaths that have occurred in recent days, show there have now been 104,000 deaths involving Covid-19 nationwide.
A further 41,346 lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus were recorded, down from 55,761 on Friday and the lowest daily total since 27 December.
The latest data brings the total number of cases in the UK to 3,357,361 and comes as doctors across the NHS face an “immediate reality” of having to choose which patients are prioritised for care.
Meanwhile, the number of people in the UK to have been given a first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine was 3,559,179 as of Friday, according to government data published on Saturday – marking a rise of 324,233 from Friday’s figures.
The total number of jabs administered in the UK, including both first and second doses, is 4,006,440.

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Guardsmen stationed at U.S. Capitol building to get cots
Members of the National Guard rest inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in Washington, D.C. | Stephen Voss for Politico
The National Guardsmen providing security in the U.S. Capitol ahead of the inauguration are soon getting cots, after images went viral last week of troops sleeping on the floor in the halls of Congress, according to four people familiar with the decision.
Guard spokesman Wayne Hall confirmed Saturday that Federal Emergency Management Agency received a formal request through the D.C. Emergency Operations Center for more than 1,200 cots “to provide comfort for members of the National Guard supporting law enforcement and the upcoming presidential inauguration in D.C.”

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В России ищут актеров, похожих на Зеленского. Платят почти 4 тысячи грн

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 17.01.2021 22:28  |  #147252
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Около 125 самолётов различного класса ВВС Национальной гвардии совершили 134 рейса в Вашингтон 12-15 января, доставив более 7060 военнослужащих и 2,3 млн фунтов грузов со всей страны.
Основным хабом выступает авиабаза "Эндрюс" в Мэрилэнде.
Задействованы военно-транспортные самолёты C-130, C-17A, воздушные танкеры KC-135 и KC-46.
В Национальной гвардии уже назвали эту миссию беспрецедентной передислокацией своих подразделений.

Пока вооруженные активисты собираются в столице штата Огайо городе Колумбусе, подразделения Национальной гвардии разворачивают свои блок-посты для предотвращения массовых беспорядков.
Столица практически каждого американского штата сейчас на осадном положении, а в Вашингтон перебросили даже бойцов с Аляски.

Секретная Служба США публикует карту Вашингтона с указанием "зелёной" и "красной" зон американской столицы.

Адвокаты Parler - о жизни после блокировки сервиса: «Многие сотрудники Parler подвергаются преследованию и сталкиваются с враждебностью, боятся за свою безопасность и безопасность своих семей, а в некоторых случаях бежали из своего родного штата, чтобы спастись от преследования. Гендиректор Parler Джон Матце был вынужден покинуть свой дом и скрываться вместе с семьей после получения смертельных угроз и из-за серьезных нарушений личной безопасности. Матце заявлял, что группа хакеров опубликовала многие его пароли, личную информацию, в том числе его адрес, и ему угрожали «войти через переднюю дверь».

«Если бы такое, что сейчас происходит в Америке, случилось где-нибудь в мире, мы бы вторглись в эту страну. Байден анонсировал, что темой его инаугурации будет объединенная Америка. Я сразу подумал, ты слишком долго сидел в своем подвале. Сейчас 20 000 вооруженных солдат в Вашингтоне, а Джо будет произносить инаугурационную речь перед никем».

В районе Капитолия ведутся подготовительные работы к церемонии инаугурации.


A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege | The New Yorker
17 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


Так выглядело задержание Алексея Навального.
Видео: Кира Ярмыш.

УФСИН по Москве:

«17 января 2021 года в аэропорту Шереметьево сотрудниками отдела розыска оперативного управления УФСИН России по г. Москве был задержан осуждённый к условному наказанию Алексей Навальный, который с 29 декабря 2020 года находился в розыске за многократные нарушения испытательного срока.

Дальнейшую меру пресечения Навальному А.А. определит суд. До решения суда он будет находиться под стражей.

Задержание гражданина Навального проводилось на основании вынесенного 29 декабря 2020 года постановления начальника УФСИН России по г. Москве, в соответствии с которым осуждённый был объявлен в розыск за систематические нарушения условий испытательного срока с предписанием о принятии мер к его задержанию при установлении местонахождения.

Ранее адвокат осуждённого был ознакомлен с вынесенным постановлением об объявлении в розыск Навального А.А., а также с представлением, направленным уголовно-исполнительной инспекцией УФСИН России по г. Москве в Симоновский районный суд г. Москвы, об отмене условного осуждения и исполнении наказания, назначенного приговором».

«Задержание Алексея Навального в московском аэропорту - опасный шаг к лишению россиян политической альтернативы. Беларусь видела последствия такого обращения с политическими оппонентами. Это не отвечает интересам русского народа и страны» — Светлана Тихановская.

Amnesty International признала Алексея Навального узником совести.

Сайт ФСИН подвергся массированным DDOS-атакам — источник ТАСС.

Leading Putin critic Alexei Navalny arrested upon return to Russia after poisoning

It had promised to be a day of drama and the Kremlin decided they would do theatre.
Officials employed an elaborate ruse, redirecting his plane at the last minute and flatfooting journalists and supporters waiting in a different airport.
Earlier in the day, Moscow Vnukovo, the original destination airport, had been ostentatiously prepared for battle — complete with riot police, guard dogs, and concentric rings of metal shields. Only with the plane already descending did it become clear that something was not right.
First, the plane veered off course. Then social media connected with law enforcement said the plane was being diverted. Later, the airline and airport representatives confirmed the plane was heading north to the main city airport, Sheremetyevo.
Mr Navalny’s risky move to fly following his near death experience had been variously likened to the arrival of Vladimir Lenin at Petrograd station before the October revolution in 1917 or to the struggle of Nelson Mandela in Apartheid era South Africa.
Even more excitable opinions talked of the second coming of Jesus Christ — an interpretation not wholly inconsistent with the politician’s calls to devoted supporters to greet him at the airport.
In the end, the opposition leader was welcomed into Russia by another old friend: law enforcement.
That outcome was always the most likely. On January 12, the state penitentiary service announced it had placed the Kremlin foe on a wanted list after supposedly breaking parole, and would look to arrest him on arrival. Another state agency, the investigative committee, made a parallel claim to Mr Navalny’s freedom, alleging he was guilty of embezzlement from funds donated to his anti-corruption foundation.
The legal justifications push the bounds of credibility. But Mr Navalny’s own lawyers concede either one of the claims could result in multiyear prison sentences from Russia’s infamous court system.
As such, immediate future for the opposition politician looks reasonably bleak. Supporters insist that even in the now likely event that he is imprisoned, he will be able to plot a new future from his cell in the same way as Nelson Mandela.
Yet, as one local commentator dryly noted, it took the anti-apartheid campaigner over two decades to regain his freedom.

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Kremlin critic Navalny arrested after landing in Moscow
MOSCOW — Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was detained at a Moscow airport after returning from Germany on Sunday, the prison service said.
The prison service said he was detained for multiple violations of parole and terms of a suspended prison sentence and would be held in custody until a court makes a decision in his case.
Navalny, who is President Vladimir Putin’s most prominent and determined foe, had spent the previous five months in Germany recovering from a nerve agent attack that he blamed on the Kremlin. Navalny decided to leave Berlin of his own free will and wasn’t under any apparent pressure to leave from Germany.
The prison service made the announcement after the flight carrying Navalny landed in the Russian capital, though at a different airport than had been scheduled. It was a possible attempt to outwit journalists and supporters who wanted to witness Navalny’s return.
Russia’s prison service last week issued a warrant for his arrest, saying he had violated the terms of suspended sentence he received on a 2014 conviction for embezzlement. The prison service has asked a Moscow court to turn Navalny’s 3 1/2-year suspended sentence into a real one.
After boarding the Moscow flight in Berlin on Sunday, Navalny said of the prospect of arrest: “It’s impossible; I’m an innocent man.”
The Kremlin has repeatedly denied a role in the opposition leader’s poisoning.
Navalny supporters and journalists had come to Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport, where the plane was scheduled to land, but it ended up touching down at Sheremetyevo airport, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) away. There was no immediate explanation for the flight diversion.
The OVD-Info group, which monitors political arrests, said at least 37 people were arrested at Vnukovo Airport, although their affiliations weren’t immediately clear.
Vnukovo banned journalists from working inside the terminal, saying in a statement last week that the move was due to epidemiological concerns. The airport also blocked off access to the international arrivals area.
Police prisoner-detention vehicles stood outside the terminal on Sunday.
The independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and opposition social media reported Sunday that several Navalny supporters in St. Petersburg had been removed from Moscow-bound trains or been prevented from boarding flights late Saturday and early Sunday, including the coordinator of his staff for the region of Russia’s second-largest city.

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Alexei Navalny detained at airport on return to Russia
The Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny has been detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport on his return from treatment abroad after a suspected poisoning attempt on his life by Russia’s FSB spy agency.
Navalny, whose investigations into corruption in Vladimir Putin’s inner circle have sparked protests and angered the country’s most powerful men, had vowed to return home despite signs the Kremlin was preparing to arrest him.
Police detained Navalny shortly after his flight from Berlin landed on Sunday evening. It was due to touch down at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport, where hundreds of supporters had gathered. The authorities closed the airport at the last minute, and diverted Navalny’s plane to Sheremetyevo, away from waiting media.
Navalny’s spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, said the Kremlin was terrified of Navalny and of images showing large crowds wanting to greet him. “Until recently, it was impossible to believe they [the authorities] were so scared. But here’s the confirmation,” she tweeted.
After landing in Russia, Navalny and his wife left the plane before trundling in an airport bus with other passengers towards the terminal building. He said he was “very happy to be back”, adding: “This is the best day in the last five months. I’m home.” The criminal cases against him were all “fabricated”, he said, adding that justice and truth were on his side.
Police officers met Navalny at passport control and detained him. Navalny kissed his wife goodbye and gave her a hug. He then disappeared with the officers.
The Moscow department of Russia’s federal penitentiary service confirmed that Navalny had been arrested. The official cause was failure to appear at a parole hearing. He could face years behind bars if a suspended sentence he received in 2014 is amended to a prison term.
Earlier, hundreds of his supporters defied a ban on protests at Vnukovo airport to meet the returning dissident. Soon before his plane was due to land, “Omon” riot police entered the terminal. They arrested dozens of people, including Navalny’s brother, Oleg, and close of “fascists” as the supporters were dragged off.
Navalny was in good spirits on the plane shortly before his arrest, telling journalists who flew with him from Berlin: “I am not afraid.” He said he was “extremely happy” to be returning to Russia after almost five months recuperating in Germany.
He joked that he was more concerned by the freezing winter conditions awaiting him in his home city than he was of the authorities. “What bad things could happen to me inside Russia?” he quipped. “I have every right to come back.”
Russian law enforcement had threatened to jail Navalny in an apparent effort to keep him in exile in Berlin, where he had been recuperating since August. Doctors at Berlin’s Charité clinic identified the poison used against him as a member of the novichok family, similar to the one used in the Salisbury attacks.
While in Berlin, Navalny participated in an investigation by the website Bellingcat into the attempt on his life, which exposed an FSB hit squad that had shadowed him around the country for years. Navalny personally elicited a confession from a member of the operation in a revelation seen as deeply embarrassing for the agency and for Putin, a former KGB officer and one-time head of the FSB. Putin, who never refers to Navalny by name, had dismissed the Bellingcat report as a “falsification”.
Since then, Russian investigators have increased the pressure on Navalny, who has built a political and investigative operation that has become one of the most vocal and effective critics of Putin and his entourage.

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Alexey Navalny detained on return to Moscow five months after being poisoned
If Navalny is not convicted later in January, he will still face an investigation for a newer fraud case, in which he and his Anti-Corruption Foundation have been accused of misusing donations from supporters.
Putin, who refuses to acknowledge Navalny as a legitimate opponent, has described the extensive media coverage and investigations into the poisoning as a fabrication by Western intelligence, and said in December that if Russian security services had wanted to kill Navalny, they "would have finished" the job.
"The situation with Navalny looks like two trains running towards each other at full speed, bound to collide," said Tatyana Stanovaya, a visiting fellow, also at the Carnegie Moscow Center. "There will be many victims."
Attacks on Navalny's allies have indeed continued. Pavel Zelensky, a cameraman with Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation, was arrested Friday and will be detained until the end of February.
According to Agora, a Russian human rights organization, Zelensky was accused of extremism for tweets from September, in which he blamed the government for journalist Irina Slavina's self-immolation. Before taking her own life, Slavina blamed pressure from Russian law enforcement for her decision to self-immolate.

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Putin's fiercest critic Alexei Navalny kisses his wife goodbye as he is detained by Russian police on arrival back in Moscow five months after he was nearly killed by Novichok poisoning

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Kremlin critic Navalny lands in Moscow, is immediately detained

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Kremlin critic Navalny detained after landing in Moscow
The arrest raises tensions in Russia as it approaches national parliament elections this year, in which Navalny’s organization is expected to be active in trying to defeat pro-Kremlin candidates. Navalny decided to leave Berlin of his own free will and wasn’t under any apparent pressure to leave from Germany.
“This is a real act of bravery for Alexei Navalny to return to Russia, given that government agents already tried to kill him once,” Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth tweeted. “But he understandably wants to be part of the pro-democracy movement in Russia, not a dissident in exile.”
Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, responded to a question about the arrest by saying “Was he arrested in Germany? I’m not up to date,” according to the online news site Podyom. Peskov, like Putin, is noted for avoiding saying Navalny’s name.
Navalny has sizable popularity in Moscow. Many supporters on Sunday went to Vnukovo airport where his flight was scheduled to land, though it was diverted to Sheremetyevo without explanation.
The OVD-Info organization that monitors political arrests said at least 53 people were arrested, including Navalny supporters and journalists, at Vnukovo, where where the arrivals hall had been blocked off and prisoner transport vehicles were parked outside. There were at least three detentions at Sheremetyevo, it said.
The independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and opposition social media reported Sunday that several Navalny supporters in St. Petersburg had been removed from Moscow-bound trains or been prevented from boarding flights late Saturday and early Sunday, including the coordinator of his staff for the region of Russia’s second-largest city.

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Kremlin critic Navalny heads home to Russia despite arrest risk
The Moscow prosecutor’s office, which says it has officially warned 15 pro-Navalny organisers, has said the event is illegal because it is not sanctioned by the authorities. That means that people who turn up could be detained, fined or jailed.
Ivan Zhdanov, the head of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, said on Twitter that opposition politician Lyubov Sobol was among four key allies detained at Moscow airport on Sunday.
Al Jazeera’s Aleksandra Godfroid, reporting from Moscow, said there was a heavy police presence at the airport, as well as a number of prison transportation vans, and that police had cleared people without tickets to travel from the airport terminal.
“[Navalny’s] decision to return, despite the threat of a long jail sentence, is seen here as a brave move and an explicit challenge to the authorities. It is also seen as a boost to the opposition,” she said.
However, Godfroid said Navalny could have struggled to maintain his political support if he had remained abroad for a long period of time.
“With his move [to return] he also wants to say to the opposition here, to his supporters, and also to the Kremlin that he is not scared and he is not going to step back and hide.”
Maria Lipman, senior associate at the George Washington University in Moscow, told Al Jazeera that the authorities wanted to minimise the publicity of Navalny returning but she also downplayed Navalny’s role as an opposition leader.
“There is no such thing as an ‘opposition’ in Russia in terms of a party or a movement. There are supporters [of Navalny], there are critically minded people who sympathise with him, who admire his courage and his fearlessness, his self-sacrificial behaviour,” she said.
Lipman said Navalny was likely willing to be arrested with an eye to the future.
“He probably believes that the situation might change, that the regime will weaken, and his following with supporters will get more active,” she said.
“He has proven so many times that he believes in the future and he believes in this country, there was no reason for him to abandon his faith now.”

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Официальный представитель МИД РФ Мария Захарова в ответ на слова (https://t.me/bbbreaking/77316) Салливана по Навальному: уважайте международное право, займитесь проблемами в вашей стране.

«Навального следует немедленно освободить, а виновных в возмутительном покушении на его жизнь привлечь к ответственности. Нападки Кремля на Навального - это не просто нарушение прав человека, но и вызов российскому народу, который хочет, чтобы его голос был услышан» — будущий советник по нацбезопасности при новом президенте США Джейк Салливан.

МВД Москвы начало усиливать отделы полиции, расположенные в центре Москвы...

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 18.01.2021 2:12  |  #147253
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Доверять этому материалу нельзя , но почитать стоит.

From: Robert Biden
Sun, Apr 13, 2014, 12:43 AM

To: Devon Archer Date: Sunday, Apr 13, 2014 12:43 AM

Subject: Tmrw I have to go to Houston with Beau tmrw for MD Anderson check up. Some thoughts after doing some research. And some further thoughts on organization going forward.
1. Poroshenko appears to be the likely next President. Determining our teams relationship with him is important. He is credible with the west and by all accounts a true reformer (by Uk standards).
2. Some sort of decentralization will likely occur in the East. If it doesn't the Russians will continue to escalate there destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale take over of the eastern region most critically Donetsk. The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea.
3. That won't directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future Uk exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular.
4. It will also result in further destabilization of Uk nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.
5. Which will result in further price increases on RU gas to the Uk.
6. The IMF loan guarantees will allow the Uks to weather the economic impact, but the required reforms to Uk public subsidies will weaken the new President.
7. There will be enormous pressure on Burisma to lower prices for the national good. Even if the company takes a hit in profits it would seem imprudent to raise prices in convert with RU price gouging.
8. Burisma has an opportunity here to play the hero if it ignores the artificial market value of their product and plays to the national interest.
9. Kazakstan could play a pivotal role by providing gas at rates lower than what the RUs are asking but I doubt they would want to poke the Bear.
10. The pipelines across Uk are the key to all of this. But if the Uks shut down the pipeline they also shut down 60% of their energy supply and put a strangle on EU supplies from RU which the EU will never accept (b/c they are pussies).
11. There is no immediate supplier solution to replace RU. Even if Burisma increased output from their reserves by 100% it would - 1, take at least two years and 2, Uk would still be about 35% short of their needed gas supplies.
12. Our guy needs to set himself up as the anti- Victor Pinchuk (coal and steel oligarchpro Russian Yanukuvich supporter).
13. The best way to weather the storm btw now an elections is to throw all in with the chocolate king. Even if he looses to Tymosheko (unlikely per polls as of today) Poroshenko is a safe ally that could help protect him from the vultures of the moment. Additionally you me and Alex should reconnect with the boxer and help gain his support of our guy.
14. And it is the moment (btw now and Elections) that he needs to weather. If he is seen as unfairly profiting from the RU induced price spike things could turn against him fast.
15. The Burisma website or press releases should talk about how Burisma as the largest independent is committed to supplying Uk industry with as much power at a fair price as possible during this crisis with an emphasis on utilizing the best technologies and world class team to ensure increased production and domestic delivery post haste.
16. We can actually be of real value here. Developing relationships, bringing US expertise to the company, supplying strategic advice on politics and geopolitical risk assesment.
17. BSF can actually have direct discussions at state, energy and NSC. They can devise a media plan and arrange for legal protections and mitigate US domestic negative press regarding the current leadership if need be.
18. The announcement of my guys upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking- but what he will say and do is out of our hands. In other words it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.
19. We need to ask for long term agreement and across the board participation. This is a huge step for us that could easily become very complicated. And if we are not protected financially regardless of the outcome we could find ourselves frozen out of a lot of current and future opportunities.
20. To that end they need to know in no uncertain terms that we will not and cannot intervene directly with domestic policy makers, and that we need to abide by FARA and any other US laws in the strictest sense across the board.
21. The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy. That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation.

22. Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.

This could be the break we have been waiting for if they really are smart enough to understand our long term value. If they are looking to just use us until the storm passes then we risked far too much for far too little. We could be invaluable in expanding their operations outside Uk by promoting their US partnerships and expertise- whether that's China, Mexico, other parts of the Black Sea, Poland etc...

Finally, we need to have a plan on how we develop a corporate entity or LLP that allows us to draw on funds generated here to free us from existing (under-producing current commitments) and to build our own investment and expansion strategy. Maintaining the status quo is not an option. We can preserve our interest in the areas where minimal involvement is appropriate but should not get greedy and try to keep all the balls in the air that exist today. RCP, RSTP, BHRT all make sense and can co-exist and progress without our day to day oversight. But Advisors and the BD need a transition plan. I am assuming that by making this move it will require us to be traveling extensively and actually earning our keep. If that's not the case then we will know we are being used in a way that's not appropriate. BHRT will be our only other major time commitment (and Realty). But from my discussions with Jimmy I'm a little concerned that their strategy of marketing a soft commitment from BOC is not going to get the job done. We had assurances that the PRC money would come first and we would build on that. Right now I don't see that happening. If they want us in Beijing once a month and pitching this outside PRC we should be getting paid in advance just like every other team member thats getting a salary. We should be hiring people like Jim Lee to work east Asia and Australia and our new 3rd party marketer here in the states to do the heavy lifting if she is interested. We should also find someone of similar capabilities to do the same in Europe. We should also find a highly credible and discreet firm to perform due diligence and deep information for us on an ongoing basis. The kind of people that can get us information that's not available through a google search and some phone calls. We can use our own funds to pay for it and I'm sure your buddies down in Little Creek have some trusted independent contacts that do that sort of work.


RHB 202.333.1

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Полиция и Секретная Служба досматривают всех, кто пытается пройти на Пенсильвания-авеню в центре Вашингтона.
На входе размещён список запрещённого имущества.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 18.01.2021 2:31  |  #147254
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D.C. Mayor Bowser says focus must shift to 'domestic white terrorism'

01/17/2021 12:00 PM EST

Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C., said Sunday that the essential question following the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol is how seriously the country will take threats of “domestic white extremism.”
The deadly riot also laid bare that the country did not take the threat of domestic terrorism “seriously enough,” Bowser said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
“We never believed that so-called patriots would attempt to overthrow their government and kill police officers, but that's exactly what happened,” Bowser said.
The mayor added that the focus must shift to domestic terrorism, following the attack that left five killed, including a U.S. Capitol police officer.
“We don't want to see fences. We definitely don't want to see armed troops on our streets, but we do have to take a different posture,” she said in response to a question from host Chuck Todd about how long residents of the nation’s capital will live with new measures to enhance security.

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Чёрный либеральный фашизм.


Lindsey Graham predicts radical first 100 days
"I think we are going to have in the first hundred days by the Biden administration the most aggressive socialized policy effort in the history of the country," Graham said.
While supporting the legitimacy of Biden's victory and saying he would attend Wednesday's inauguration — "I think it's important that I show up" — Graham predicted to Bartiromo that Democratic priorities would make Americans nostalgic for President Donald Trump and his supporters in Congress.
"If they do what they are talking about doing," Graham said. "Republicans will come roaring back in 2022, we will take back the House, we will take back the Senate and, just in a few months, President Trump will be looked at far differently than he is today."
The senator, an important ally of Trump's for much of his presidency, spent much of the interview raging about the latest impeachment of Trump. "To my Republican colleagues," he said, "please do not justify and legitimize what the House did and stand up for the Constitution like we did on January 6. Stop this before it stops. I hope every Republican will reject the second impeachment of President Trump."
He urged Biden to speak up and put the brakes on the impeachment process: "If you do not stand up against the impeachment of President Trump after he leaves office, you're an incredibly weak figure. "

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Демократы спохватились: если не давать республиканцам говорить, они могут перестать болтать и заняться делом.


Poll: We have met the enemy and it is us
More than half of all Americans say the greatest danger to America's way of life comes from their fellow citizens, according to a CBS News poll released Sunday.
A total of 54 percent of those surveyed said that "other people in America, and domestic enemies" posed the "biggest threat" to American society at this point in time ahead of "economic forces" at 20 percent, "the natural world" at 17 percent and "foreign countries" at 8 percent. The category of "natural world" was a catch-all that included hazardous weather and other natural disasters, as well as lethal viruses, a nod to the coronavirus pandemic.
The most pessimistic respondents among those surveyed were those age 65 and older: About two-thirds (66 percent) saw their fellow Americans as the nation's greatest threat. There was not, however, much difference regardless of age group between Democrats (53 percent) and Republicans (56 percent) on the subject, nor a notable difference between men (53 percent) and women (55 percent).
The polling was conducted one week after the widespread alarm in the country over the rioting Jan. 6 at the Capitol. That insurrection left five people dead and temporarily halted the certification of Joe Biden as the victor of the November election over President Donald Trump.
In the aftermath of that insurrection, 51 percent of those surveyed said they expected political violence in the country to increase, and 71 percent said they believed democracy in the United States was "threatened" now, as opposed to 29 percent who thought it was "secure" or "very secure."
Despite all the pessimism, there were some signs of hope expressed. A total of 58 percent said they were optimistic about Biden's presidency, which is to begin Wednesday, and 74 percent said they considered him to be the legitimate winner of November's election.
A majority (51 percent) also said they expected the coronavirus situation to improve during Biden's presidency; as of Sunday morning, almost 400,000 Americans have died during the pandemic.
The CBS News survey of 2,166 adults in the U.S. was conducted by YouGov from Jan. 13 to Jan. 15. The margin of error was listed as approximately 2.5 percent; it was 2.8 percent on questions just addressed to registered voters.

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National Guard sleeping in the Capitol an echo of Civil War

To most Americans, the sight of armed National Guard troops sleeping in the Capitol Rotunda this past week was shocking and disturbing. To me, it was an echo of the far-distant past.
“Don’t despond,” Maj. Bowman Bigelow Breed wrote to his anxious wife back home in Massachusetts as his comrades lounged around him on the polished marble floors in the grand hall that was now their bivouac. “You must know by this time that we are here in safety. We may have to fight but my own opinion is that the overwhelming force concentrated here will prevent an attack.”
Insurrection was in the air, and these citizen soldiers had been called up to secure the seat of government.
The date was April 27, 1861. The writer was surgeon of the 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia.
My great-grandfather.
Having transcribed my great-grandparents’ Civil War correspondence, I knew that Bowman’s unit had spent the first days of the war bivouacked in what he called “the Hall of the Dome.” Harper’s Weekly published an illustration of the 8th’s men, their weapons leaned against the marble walls or stacked, bayonets intertwined, like fodder shocks in a farmer’s field.
“I wish you could look in on us this morning and see how comfortably we are settled here,” he wrote in that first missive, scribbled on letterhead for the “Thirty Sixth Congress House of representatives.”
The regiment called itself “the Minutemen,” after those New England patriots who grabbed their muskets and rushed to face the Redcoats at Lexington and Concord in April 1775. My great-grandmother, Hannah Pope Breed, was descended from one of those men.
And, so, when President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to put down the inusrrection of the Southern states, there was no question but that Bowman -- privileged son of a wealthy industrialist -- would go.
The 8th headed south just four days after rebels opened fire on Fort Sumter. Passing through hostile territory in slaveholding Maryland, Bowman was unable to fulfill his promise to write every day.
“How I have suffered when I knew that all communication was cut off and that you were torn hour after hour by the terrible suspense of hope deferred,” he apologized to Hannah, who was left alone to care for their infant son, Isaiah. “Don’t despond my darling. God will preserve us all and in time of war you must have faith in the handy old proverb that no news is good news.”
While the enlisted men slept in the rotunda, the 10 officers shared a small room just off the main hall.
“A little room opening from that serves for my hospital, very small and very inconvenient,” Bowman wrote. “I have not been able to open my medical stores yet and can use only what I can carry about in my bag. I have been on the run Ever since I came here, trying to arrange matters, but red tape rules here and I have been referred from one to another till I am tired out.”
The Capitol was undergoing a massive expansion. The regimental chaplain held services in the old Senate chamber.
“The men all stood in a circle with the officers on one side and the chaplain in the centre,” he wrote. “He made a very appropriate prayer and then we all sang, `Praise God from whom all blessings flow.’”
The day after their arrival, Bowman and his comrades were treated to a visit from Secretary of State William H. Seward and the president himself.
“We were all introduced and had quite a chat with them,” he wrote. “They were both in good spirits. Lincoln said that if the city had been as unprotected then as it was a week before it would have been taken.”
The regiment was drawn up, Bowman said, “and the Pres made them a little speach.” It was early in the Republican’s first term, and most did not yet know what to make of this “dirty Hoosier,” as Hannah referred to the Kentucky-born, Indiana-bred Lincoln.
“All that has Ever been said of Lincolns awkwardness is mild compared with the reality,” Bowman wrote. “Some of his gestures would make the fortune of a circus clown.”
Nonetheless, the new president inspired confidence in the citizen soldiers.
“The men gave three cheers for Lincoln, three for Seward and three rouses for the Union,” Bowman wrote.
When the 8th was stationed there, the higher, more ornate Capitol dome was not yet complete. As the war dragged on, critics suggested that the costly work be halted.
Lincoln felt otherwise.
“If people see the Capitol going on,” he said, “it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on.”
Bowman would serve throughout the entire war. As painful as their separation would be, he told Hannah in that first letter from Washington, he hoped that the struggle was “the means God in his goodness has provided to remove the dark cloud under which we have seemed to be resting for so long.”
“I have faith to believe that all our steps are ordered for the best,” he wrote. “Let our prayers mingle now as heretofore and all the blessing of a holy calm will descend, to strengthen us.”
Allen G. Breed, a native of Lynn, Massachusetts, is based in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Добавлено: 18.01.2021 14:59  |  #147255
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‘Assassination party’ hunted for Nancy Pelosi during Capitol riots
The mob that rampaged through the Capitol on 6 January wanted to kill vice president Mike Pence and House speaker Nancy Pelosi, said Democratic Congressman, Jamie Raskin, as he elaborated on the level of the threat faced by lawmakers during the siege.
The rioters “came within a hair’s breadth of hanging vice president Pence,” Mr Raskin told CNN. “I mean, the words are still ringing in the ears of the members — ‘hang Mike Pence’."
“There was an assassination party hunting for Nancy Pelosi,” he said, as he emphasised on why the impeachment of outgoing president Donald Trump was not “at the level of a normal partisan push and pull." “This was an attack on our country."
The Congressman who is going to lead the prosecution of Mr Trump, also spoke about the death of his 25-year-old son. “I am not going to lose my son at the end of 2020 and lose my country in 2021," Mr Raskin told host, Jake Tapper. Mr Raskin’s son, Tommy, died by suicide after battling depression for years on New Years Eve.
The Democrat slammed the outgoing president for the armed insurrection on the Capitol building and said, “this was the most terrible crime, ever by a president of the United States against our country and I want everybody to feel the gravity and solemnity of those events.”
“I don’t think anybody would seriously argue that we should establish the precedent where every president on the way out the door has two weeks or three weeks or four weeks to try to incite an armed insurrection against the Union or organise a coup against the Union. And if it succeeds, he becomes a dictator and if it fails, he is not a subject to impeachment or conviction because we just wanna let bygones be bygones,” he said.
He also put the responsibility for the riots squarely on the shoulders of Mr Trump as he quoted Congresswoman Liz Cheney and said, “She thinks Donald Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob. He lit the match that led to violent insurrection."
“None of it would have happened without him. Everything is due to his actions. And this was the most sweeping betrayal. The most terrible betrayal of Presidential oath and office in the history of the United States," Mr Raskin said.

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FBI investigating whether woman stole laptop from Pelosi's office to sell it to Russia
"It appears that WILLIAMS has fled," according to the affidavit, which was signed Sunday and posted publicly after 9 p.m.. "According to local law enforcement officers in Harrisburg, WILLIAMS’ mother stated that WILLIAMS packed a bag and left her home and told her mother she would be gone for a couple of weeks. WILLIAMS did not provide her mother any information about her intended destination."
A Pelosi aide was not immediately available for comment. It was not clear if a laptop or hard drive was actually stolen.
According to the affidavit, a witness who spoke to authorities claimed to have seen a video of Williams "taking a laptop computer or hard drive from Speaker Pelosi’s office.""[Witness 1] stated that WILLIAMS intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service," the agent noted. "According to [Witness 1], the transfer of the computer device to Russia fell through for unknown reasons and WILLIAMS still has the computer device or destroyed it."
"This matter remains under investigation," the agent concludes.

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Кремль продолжает позорную практику наступления на права человека - МИД Украины о задержании Навального
"Расцениваем ситуацию вокруг Навального как продолжение Кремлем позорной практики наступления на права человека и подавление свободы слова", - говорится в комментарии МИД Украины, опубликованном в понедельник.

"Требуем от российских властей немедленно освободить всех политических заключенных, в том числе граждан Украины, которые незаконно удерживаются российскими властями. Призываем также международное сообщество принять более решительные действия для осуждения репрессивных практик власти РФ", - отметили в министерстве.

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Piotr Wawrzyk
11:36 AM · 18 янв. 2021 г.
PL zainicjowała rozmowy z państwami członkowskimi UE, aby wspólnie doprowadzić do pilnej debaty w Radzie Praw Człowieka ONZ ws. aresztowania Nawalnego.

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Russian opposition leader Navalny arrested upon arrival in Moscow
That he would not be welcomed back with open arms by Russian authorities, therefore, did not come as a surprise. But the timing and manner of the expected detainment had been the subject of feverish speculation ever since Navalny announced his impending return on Instagram just days ago.
The move prompted criticism from EU leaders, including the bloc’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, who called on Russian authorities to respect Navalny’s rights and to set him free.
“Politicisation of the judiciary is unacceptable,” Borrell tweeted.
A joint statement from the governments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia said the “EU should act swiftly and if he is not released, we need to consider imposition of restrictive measures in response to this blatant act.”
European Council President Charles Michel and European Parliament President David Sassoli also called for his release.
“The arrest of Alexey #Navalny in Moscow is an offence to the international community, to Europe that helped save his life,” Sassoli tweeted. “We ask the Russian authorities for his immediate release. We are ready to invite him to the @Europarl_EN.”
The European People’s Party, the largest group in the European Parliament, said the arrest “should not go unanswered,” and called for a debate in plenary this coming week.
U.K. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said it was “appalling that Alexey Navalny, the victim of a despicable crime, has been detained by Russian authorities. He must be immediately released.” He added in a statement: “Rather than persecuting Mr Navalny Russia should explain how a chemical weapon came to be used on Russian soil.”
Jake Sullivan, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming White House national security adviser, similarly called for Navalny’s release and added: “The Kremlin’s attacks on Mr. Navalny are not just a violation of human rights, but an affront to the Russian people who want their voices heard.”

Whether this is, as some analysts have suggested, a final crackdown on Navalny remains to be seen. He could be held in custody pending a court hearing on his suspended sentence on January 29.
But others argue anything is still possible and the authorities are playing it by ear. “For today, the problem has been solved, there was no big welcome with flowers. But tomorrow is a new day and something new will be thought up,” political analyst Yekaterina Schulmann told the VTimes media outlet.
Public reaction in Russia to the detention in the coming days and weeks will also be crucial to what Moscow decides to do next, according to political analyst Valery Solovei. “The most important indicator for the Kremlin regarding Navalny’s fate will be determined by protest dynamics,” Solovei said on the Ekho Moskvy radio station. “If there had been 10,000 people at the airport tonight, instead of mere hundreds, this would not have happened.”
Echoing that sentiment, Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, thanked his supporters and urged them not to be discouraged.
“The most important thing Alexei said tonight is that he’s not afraid,” she said as she stepped into a car, leaving the airport where her husband had just been detained. “I’m not afraid either. And I call on you all not to be afraid.”

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Alexei Navalny: Russian authorities put Putin critic on trial in police station
According to the court documents, Mr Navalny is being tried for allegedly missing parole meetings after being evacuated for treatment in Germany. The parole relates to a suspended sentence handed down in the 2014 “Yves Rocher” case, subsequently dismissed as politically motivated by the European Court of Human Rights.
Monday’s process made the violations of that trial look insignificant. No independent journalists were allowed into the court, contrary to Russian law. Journalists from state media were, however, present in the makeshift courtroom alongside masked officers — all apparently warned about the trial well in advance of Mr Navalny’s own lawyers.
The developments continued the Kremlin’s unconventional handling of their most prominent enemy. On Sunday, after preparing the scheduled landing airport for war — complete with riot police and guard dogs — authorities at last minute rerouted his plane to another airport.

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Kremlin could try to keep Navalny locked away for years
The Kremlin has less tolerance for opposition politics and the growing conflict with the west has left even less space for domestic opponents of Putin. And the decision taken to poison Navalny last summer would also indicate that the Kremlin is fed up with his investigations and campaign strategising in favour of United Russia’s opponents.
A protest backlash could affect Russia’s parliamentary elections later this year, but Putin has already achieved one of his most ambitious domestic goals: passing new constitutional amendments that will allow him to remain president until 2036. And while a high-profile prosecution is likely to bring new sanctions from the west, much of the Russian establishment already sees those relations as a lost cause.
The cold weather and anti-coronavirus measures may also help the Kremlin to tamp down on protests, which it can always outlaw by warning about the spread of Covid-19. For many reasons, the Kremlin may decide that the time to deal with Navalny is now.

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Fearing inside attack, FBI vetting Guard troops in D.C.
WASHINGTON — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.
The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches. So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues.
”We’re continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation,” McCarthy said in an interview after he and other military leaders went through an exhaustive, three-hour security drill in preparation for Wednesday’s inauguration. He said Guard members are also getting training on how to identify potential insider threats.

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Fears of ‘inside attack’ at Biden’s inauguration, defence officials warn
“If there’s any indication that any of our soldiers or airmen are expressing things that are extremist views, it’s either handed over to law enforcement or dealt with the chain of command immediately,” said General Daniel R Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau.
The insider threat is, however, a part of the enforcement agency’s greater concern. The major security threat is an attack by armed groups and planted explosive as the intelligence reports suggest that rallies are being organised in the days leading up to Inauguration Day, Mr McCarthy said.

FBI on Sunday said it has received inputs warning of “armed protests” being planned in all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol ahead of Mr Biden's inauguration, beginning Sunday.

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МИД Литвы предлагает не впускать Киркорова в страну из-за его поездок в Крым
В представлении главы МИД Габриэлюса Ландсбергиса говорится, что известный исполнитель своими многократными посещениями Крыма "сознательно отрицал территориальную целостность и суверенитет Украины и таким образом незаконно оправдывал агрессивные действия Российской Федерации".
"Мы системно будем оценивать всех деятелей, которых Россия стремится использовать для пропаганды своей внешней политики и оказания влияния на жителей Литвы. Также не следует забывать и строго оценить и белорусских граждан, которые способствовали расправе с мирными протестующими", - отметил министр в рекомендации.
Позднее в понедельник он сказал журналистам, что окончательное решение по Киркорову предложено принять министру внутренних дел Агне Билотайте. Ландсбергис подчеркнул, что участие Киркорова в концертах в Крыму "существенно вредит национальной безопасности Литвы".
Как сказал глава МИД, Киркоров, "по нашему предложению, не должен бывать в Литве". "Такое предложение мы представили МВД, окончательно решение в его руках", - добавил он.

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Выход РФ из Договора по открытому небу уничтожает европейскую архитектуру безопасности – МИД Украины
"Россия грубо нарушала ДОН в течение 2009 - 2020 годов, в частности, путем сокращения зоны его применения через оккупацию частей территории Украины и Грузии. Украина неоднократно призывала РФ прекратить нарушение договора и восстановить зоны его применения в рамках суверенной украинской территории", - говорится в комментарии МИД Украины, опубликованном а понедельник.

"Только в 2015-2020 годах Украина осуществила 50 наблюдательных полетов, приняла на своей территории 53 наблюдательные миссии, в частности 5-7 декабря 2018 года чрезвычайную миссию США в составе многонациональной команды наблюдателей США, Канады, Германии, Великобритании, Франции и Румынии с целью изучения и деэскалации ситуации в результате вооруженного нападения военно-морских и воздушных сил РФ на корабельно-катерную группу ВМС Украины в Керченском проливе 25 ноября 2018 года", - отметили в МИД Украины.

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PODCAST: Where Jesus was baptized on Jordan River, Franciscans hold festive mass

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В ПЦУ призвали не считать украинской традицией купание в проруби на Крещение
"У нашего народа такой традиции, связанной с праздником Богоявления, не было. Ни этнографы, ни историки еще до середины ХХ века не фиксировали якобы "традиционных" массовых ныряний украинцев в ледяную воду по случаю праздника Крещения Господня. Нет описания такого явления ни в древних источниках, ни в исследованиях о традициях казацкой Украины, ни в воспоминаниях людей старшего возраста", – сообщает пресс-служба ПЦУ на странице в Facebook в понедельник
Там отметили, что, исходя из наблюдений, массовые ныряния в воду на праздник Богоявления фактически появились во второй половине 1990-х - начале 2000-х годов. Поэтому этот обычай в Украине имеет новое, а не старинное происхождение. Историки связывают этот обычай с распространенной в России традицией нырять в холодную воду после бани, а также с распространением идей закалки организма, как части здорового образа жизни.
Также в ПЦУ назвали ошибочным мнение, что купание в ледяной воде "смывает грехи", аргументируя это тем, что акт окунания в воду не имеет ничего общего с праздником без осознанного раскаяния в грехах.
"Церковь не запрещает нырять в зимнюю воду, это право и выбор каждого. Но мы призываем не считать это действие церковным, связанным с празднованием Крещения Господня. Кто делает такой выбор - должен делать это осознанно и ответственно, тщательно взвешивая все "за" и "против": состояние здоровья, причины для такого поступка, возможные последствия, в частности, в условиях пандемии", – подчеркнули в пресс-службе.

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Heading 'into a buzzsaw': Why extremism experts fear the Capitol attack is just the beginning
"The plots of tomorrow are literally being hatched right now," Oren Segal, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism, told CNN.

Social media giants banned President Donald Trump and others over fears their posts would continue to spark violence, which the experts said has led to a sympathetic and growing audience at risk of radicalization.
Some who had communicated via Facebook, Twitter or even Parler are now on other platforms. Those include Telegram, where extremists and White supremacist channels have existed and spewed hate for years in channels largely unmoderated until just days ago.
On many of these channels, there is frequent praise of mass killers, tactical instructions and vile and disturbing radicalizing content being spread rapidly.
"Our moderators are reviewing an increased number of reports related to public posts with calls to violence, which are expressly forbidden by our Terms of Service," Telegram spokesperson Remi Vaughn told CNN in a statement on Wednesday. Vaughn added: "We welcome peaceful discussion and peaceful protests, but routinely remove publicly available content that contains direct calls to violence."

"We saw these mass migrations from traditional platforms like Twitter and Facebook to a surge of activity on Parler, and then a secondary surge of activity onto platforms like Telegram as these intermediate groups started to build up redundancy in their communications," he says.
"And that meant fresh blood," Carusone says.

"It is more and more important to know where they're going, especially if they're moving even further and further behind the veil," Carusone said. "If you lose track of them entirely, you lose that that information pipeline, you lose the ability to identify those indicators, which means it's harder to prevent harm."

"It's not before inauguration that we need to be concerned about them trying to spark another civil war -- it's after," Segal told CNN.

The extremism experts agree on several glaring points on how we got here and where we may be going. America is in the midst of a mass radicalization of sorts. The fire starter was not Trump, they say; he simply threw gas on the flames.
Seeing Biden inaugurated, a Black and South Asian woman as his Vice President, and then realizing that Trump is gone will fan the flames for those who will falsely claim the Biden administration is illegitimate, Segal warns.
Carusone says this is just the beginning of the country heading "into a buzzsaw" due to divisiveness, extremist actions and political rhetoric.
"Trump has gift-wrapped the narrative for the next four years," Segal explains.
The experts worry about a false sense of security emerging if the country makes it through the inauguration without any violence. But what happens when the barricades come down? When National Guard troops leave? When tech platforms, the general public, and the media turn their attention to other issues?
The threat will remain, the experts say.
"All of those new people being brought into these communities creates new opportunity for expanding the ranks," Carusone said. "There's going to be a lot of new people ... organized and exposed to a set of prescriptions that ultimately bring us back to the same place ... leading up to the attack on the Capitol.

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
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Добавлено: 19.01.2021 0:12  |  #147256
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18 янв. 2021 г.
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18 янв. 2021 г.
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Экс-министр Омелян написал, что ждет распада России на 15 государств и выплаты "контрибуций"
"С территории Московии меня интересуют только две новости: распад на 10-15 государств и кто из этих новообразованных республик нам вернет похищенные ценности и заплатит контрибуцию за столетние оккупации и убийства. Именно над такой повесткой дня стоит украинцам сконцентрироваться, а дальше, за Уралом, обломки империи пусть сами с Китаем разбираются. Потому что Украина - это Европа", - написал бывший министр.

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Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny to be held in custody for 30 days following his return to Russia
In a video posted to his YouTube account following the court decision to keep him in custody, Navalny urged his followers to "not be silent" and take to the streets.
"What are these crooks sitting in their bunkers are most afraid of? You know this very well. [They are scared of] people taking the streets. That is the political factor you can't ignore; that's the most important factor, the essence of politics. So come to the streets, not for me but yourself and your future," Navalny said.
"I urge you not to be silent, to resist, to take to the streets. No one but ourselves will protect us, and there are so many of us that if we want to achieve something, we will achieve it."
The head of Navalny's regional headquarters, Leonid Volkov, announced a nationwide demonstration to demand his release on Saturday.

Nevertheless, several Western officials and Navalny himself have openly blamed the Kremlin. Governments around the world criticized Navalny's arrest on Sunday and called for him to be released.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the "United States strongly condemns Russia's decision to arrest Aleksey" in a statement Sunday. "We note with grave concern that his detention is the latest in a series of attempts to silence Navalny and other opposition figures and independent voices who are critical of Russian authorities."
UK Foreign Minister Dominic Raab called Navalny's arrest "appalling" and said the opposition leader had been "the victim of a despicable crime" in a tweet Monday. "Rather than persecuting Mr. Navalny Russia should explain how a chemical weapon came to be used on Russian soil."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov deflected the criticism, saying the the West was attempting to "divert attention" from its own problems.
"We saw yesterday how [the West] seized on the news about Navalny's return to the Russian Federation. You can clearly feel the joy with which the carbon-copy comments are incoming," said Lavrov during his annual press conference Monday. "With joy, because it seems to allow Western politicians to think that they will be able to divert attention from the deepest crisis in which the liberal model of development finds itself."
Russian officials usually attempt to keep up appearances of an impartial judicial system, but the optics and swiftness in processing Navalny's case Monday shocked his supporters.
"What is happening with Navalny is worse than a circus. What remote hearing? On what grounds [is] some Khimki cop is trying to keep a person in custody? This is pure hell. Will they shoot him in the end?" Vladimir Voronin, a lawyer with the Anti-Corruption Foundation, said in a tweet.
Symbolically, a portrait of Genrikh Yagoda, the head of the Soviet Union's NKVD secret service during the prime years of Joseph Stalin's 1930s purges, loomed over Navalny in the hearing room on Monday, according to footage posted online.

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Britain now has the highest daily Covid death rate in the world: UK tops table of hardest-hit countries with 16.5 fatalities per million people and nine of the ten worst-affected nations are in Europe

The UK now has the highest coronavirus death rate in the world, shocking data has revealed.
Britain was averaging 935 daily fatalities in the week up to January 17, or the equivalent of 16.5 people in every million.
Statistics compiled by the Oxford University-based research platform Our World in Data shows no other country currently has a higher death rate per capita.
Britain overtook the Czech Republic, which had been at the top since January 11 with a death rate of 16.3, after publishing its latest death figures on Sunday night, when there were 671 victims.
Fatality statistics on the weekend and on Mondays in the UK tend to be lower due to a reporting lag, which means the country's death rate could surge even further into the lead this week.
However there are signs that Britain's crisis is starting to slow thanks to its third national lockdown. Infections are down by a fifth in seven days and deaths are expected to follow in the coming weeks.
Rounding out the top five countries with the worst death rates are Portugal (14.82 per million), Slovakia (14.55) and Lithuania (13.01). Panama is the only country in the top 10 list which is not in Europe.
Mainland Europe has become the epicentre of the pandemic since last October, accounting for around a third of global deaths.

The 52 countries and territories in the region have recorded an average of 5,570 deaths every day - 17 percent higher than a week earlier.
The US and Canada have counted 407,090 altogether and saw fatalities rise by 20 per cent last week at 869 average daily deaths.
Latin America and the Caribbean have recorded 542,410 deaths and saw deaths rise by 25 per cent last week, with a daily average of 2,751 fatalities.
Britain's death toll now stands at 89,243, according to the Department of Health, which is the fifth highest cumulative tally after the US, Brazil, India and Mexico.
But those nations have far higher population sizes, giving them much smaller rates per capita.
For example, the US ranks 13th, at 4.72 deaths per million, and Mexico 20th, at 7.75 per million.
India and Brazil do not make the top 30, with rates of 0.15 per million and 4.72, respectively.
Max Roser, founder of Our World in Data, blamed the UK's grisly death toll on the Government being too slow at the start of the pandemic. 'The last Covid death in New Zealand was in mid-September,' he tweeted.
Figures from the Johns Hopkins University show two million people have now died worldwide with coronavirus.
The prestigious US university, based in Baltimore, Maryland, published figures today showing at least 2,034,705 have died with coronavirus and more than 95 million people globally have been infected by Covid-19.
The two million milestone was reached just over a year after the virus was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan and as governments roll out vaccines developed at breakneck speed in an all-out effort to vanquish the threat.
The number of dead is about equal to the population of Brussels, Mecca, Minsk or Vienna, and took eight months to hit the one million mark.
Last week was the deadliest since the pandemic broke out, with an average of over 13,600 deaths daily worldwide - a 20 per cent rise over the previous week.
John Hopkins University said the US (389,581), Brazil (207,095), India (151,918), Mexico (137,916), Britain (87,295) and Italy (81,325) have suffered the highest death tolls, making up more than half of the global total.
Belgium has the most deaths in terms of the population with 1,751 fatalities for a million inhabitants followed by Slovenia (1,501) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1,344).
While the count is based on figures supplied by government agencies around the world, the real toll is believed to be significantly higher, in part because of inadequate testing and the many fatalities that were inaccurately attributed to other causes, especially early in the outbreak.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said: 'Behind this terrible number are names and faces - the smile that will now only be a memory, the seat forever empty at the dinner table, the room that echoes with the silence of a loved one.'
He said the toll 'has been made worse by the absence of a global coordinated effort', adding: 'Science has succeeded, but solidarity has failed.'

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A Raven Queen Vanishes, and Britain Checks a Prophecy
LONDON — They flap and lollop and squawk and scavenge. They hold the future of the realm, some say, in their fearsome beaks. And now one of them — their queen, Merlina — has been reclassified to M.I.A. from AWOL, heralding the feared redemption of a purported prophecy dating from the time of King Charles II in the 17th century: When the ravens leave the Tower of London, the building will crumble and the kingdom with it.

That at least is the story so far, a blend of myth, invention and hard-billed commercialism that has elevated the resident colony of ravens at London’s famed prison and palace on the north bank of the River Thames to a rare status: clipped-wing guardians of the national destiny, tourist-dollar magnets.

Most people, including the tower’s scarlet-clad wardens known as Beefeaters, dismiss the prophecy wryly as a fiction invented in Victorian Britain in the 19th century.

But, given the other narratives confronting the land — Covid-19 at its most deadly since the pandemic began to uncurl from faraway China a year ago; the traumas and tribulations of Brexit; the consequent fraying of the bonds that unite the United Kingdom — could it not be said that the portent is already in the process of realization?

The flutterings of concern date from December, when Christopher Skaife, the tower’s ravenmaster, noticed that Merlina was absent without leave from the rest of the group — Jubilee, Harris, Gripp, Rocky, Erin and Poppy. Initially, he said, he was not too worried because she was a “free-spirited raven that has been known to leave the tower precincts on many occasions.”

“But I’m her buddy, and so she normally comes back to us, but this time she didn’t, so I do fear that she is not with us anymore,” he told the BBC.

In a statement on Wednesday, the custodians of the Tower of London confirmed his suspicions. Merlina’s “continued absence indicates to us that she may have sadly passed away,” the tower authorities said.

For prophecy-watchers, there was a twist. In order to fulfill the omen, the number of ravens must fall below six — the minimum dictated by royal decree. Cannily, Ravenmaster Skaife had kept an extra bird, a familiar concept in a broader prescription for regal continuity that enjoins couples to create “an heir and a spare” when they extend the royal family with the creation of offspring.

In a statement on Wednesday, the custodians of the Tower of London confirmed his suspicions. Merlina’s “continued absence indicates to us that she may have sadly passed away,” the tower authorities said.

For prophecy-watchers, there was a twist. In order to fulfill the omen, the number of ravens must fall below six — the minimum dictated by royal decree. Cannily, Ravenmaster Skaife had kept an extra bird, a familiar concept in a broader prescription for regal continuity that enjoins couples to create “an heir and a spare” when they extend the royal family with the creation of offspring.

“We now have seven ravens here at the tower, one more than the required six, so we don’t have any immediate plans to fill Merlina’s vacancy,” the tower authorities said. Nonetheless, the errant queen “will be greatly missed by her fellow ravens, the ravenmaster, and all of us in the tower community.”

The entwinement of the ravens’ destinies with the nation’s might have been foreseen last August, when worries related to the coronavirus pandemic stripped the Tower of London of some of its legions of visitors.

The ravens — sometimes collectively called an “unkindness” — became bored and restless without the detritus of human contact that kept them in snacks in addition to a regular diet that includes mice, chicks, meats and biscuits soaked in animal blood. They were also said to pine for the stimulation of a human audience for their party tricks that include mimicry.

One of the ravens, Thor, predating Merlina’s arrival in 2007, was said to have greeted the visiting President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia by bidding him good morning. Mr. Putin was “rather taken aback,” The Guardian reported.

Mr. Putin would not have been the first person to have been taken aback — or perhaps to have seen parallels close to Russia’s own history — at the tower, known for a history of incarceration dating from the 12th century, often as a prelude to beheading and other forms of execution. Its many doomed alumni included two wives of Henry VIII; the so-called princes in the tower who disappeared there in the 15th century and were said to have been murdered by their uncle, King Richard III; and the fugitive Nazi Rudolf Hess in 1941.

Many of the estimated three million annual visitors (pre-pandemic), moreover, flocked there not just to dip into bloody history but also to marvel at the heavily guarded crown jewels.

The Tower of London closed to visitors on Dec. 16, as the latest wave of coronavirus cases gathered strength. But even before then, and before Merlina’s disappearance, the impact of falling visitor numbers had worried custodians like Ravenmaster Skaife.

“The tower is only the Tower when the people are there,” he told The Sun newspaper last year. “The ravens have always been so important to the tower because they’ve been surrounded by myths and legends. We really need people to come back to help the ravens.”

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Museum of London acquires ‘Baby Trump’ blimp

LONDON — The infamous blimp of outgoing US President Donald Trump dressed as a baby could soon greet visitors to the Museum of London, which on Monday announced it had acquired the inflatable effigy.

“Having toured the world, the Trump Baby blimp is now heading to its final resting place, the Museum of London, where it will be conserved and potentially displayed in the museum’s future new home,” the central London museum said in a statement.
The institution said in 2019 that it wanted to acquire the blimp, “recognizing its importance in the protests” that met the US president during his 2018 visit to Britain.

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 19.01.2021 15:15  |  #147258
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Американская сторона отключила российскому консульству в Нью-Йорке телефонные линии, связи нет уже более суток…

Похоже, единственная связь с внешним миром, которая осталась у генконсульства РФ в Нью-Йорке, это электронная почта.

Сутки?! Какова бы была реакция Вашингтона, если бы перед принесением присяги Путиным в представительстве выключили бы связь?
Почему посла США в России до сих пор не вызвали в МИД?! Кого ждём? Чего стесняемся?
Связь, электричество и вода у них свои - не поможет. Но, канализация то у них наша. Сутки её ремонта живо вернёт "благородных эльфов" к реальности.

Реклама Агрессии.



19 янв. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


«Утверждения, что кто-то кого-то боится, — это абсолютная ерунда». Кремль — о задержании Алексея Навального Полная расшифровка брифинга Дмитрия Пескова

«Коммерсант FM»: Международные СМИ и сам Алексей Навальный считают, что Владимир Путин боится Алексея Навального, поэтому он был так быстро арестован, причем, как некоторые считают, с некоторыми нарушениями. Что в Кремле на этот счет считают?

Дмитрий Песков : Это, конечно же, полная ерунда. Вообще в целом абсолютно не нужно каким-то образом ассоциировать президента с нарушением законов Российской Федерации. Мы знаем, что у ФСИНа были и остаются претензии, были нарушены определенные правила. Вы знаете, что, собственно, статистика говорит, что где-то около 18 тысяч раз за последние три года имели место нарушения правил условного срока. И 18 тысяч раз применялись определенные меры за последние три года. Поскольку речь идет о гражданине Российской Федерации, то в данном случае наличие претензий к нему в связи с невыполнением законных правил не имеет никакого отношения к президенту России. Не нужно здесь никак это ассоциировать с президентом. А разные утверждения, что кто-то кого-то боится, — это абсолютная ерунда.

«Коммерсант FM» : Вот эти 18 тысяч раз каждый раз это было с вот таким полицейским сопровождением многочисленным?

Дмитрий Песков : Да, конечно. И искали людей, и сопровождали, да. По-разному было.

«Коммерсант FM» : И десятки задержанных в аэропортах — как это было в связи с приездом Алексея Навального?

Дмитрий Песков : Послушайте, если кто-то где-то нарушает порядок, то, соответственно, полиция принимает меры по наведению общественного порядка.

«Коммерсант FM» : Навальный еще призывал людей выходить на улицы в связи со всем происходящим. Как в Кремле расценивают такой призыв?

Дмитрий Песков : Тревожные призывы. Мы не являемся органом, который может давать оценку этому, но, безусловно, наверное, это могло бы быть поводом для определенного анализа и экспертизы на предмет призывов к чему-то незаконному.

«Коммерсант FM» : То есть в Кремле опасаются массовых протестов?

Дмитрий Песков : Нет, не опасаются.

Euronews : Представители многих западных стран обратились к России с требованием немедленно освободить Алексея Навального. Amnesty International признала его узником совести. Некоторые страны призывают вводить санкции. Как в Кремле могут это прокомментировать?

Дмитрий Песков : Мы слышим эти заявления. Однако в данном случае мы не можем и не собираемся принимать эти заявления во внимание. Речь идет о факте невыполнения российского закона гражданином России. Это абсолютно внутреннее дело. Мы никому не позволим в него вмешиваться и не намерены прислушиваться к таким заявлениям. Вместе с тем мы по-прежнему заинтересованы в добрых отношениях, которые никоим образом не индексируются одним отдельно взятым гражданином.

УНИАН : Но все-таки Навальный не отмечался в полиции, потому что был в Берлине, а в Берлин его отпустил Владимир Путин лично. Нет ли тут какого-то противоречия? Ведь это все-таки было сделано с санкции президента Российской Федерации.

Дмитрий Песков : Нет, здесь нет никакого противоречия. Вы знаете, что в то время, когда он являлся, собственно, в полном смысле этого слова берлинским пациентом, никаких вопросов ФСИН ему не задавал и проявлял здесь абсолютную гибкость и понимание. Но после того, как непосредственно госпиталем «Шарите» было подтверждено, что пациент перестал являться таковым и пребывает в нормальном состоянии здоровья, эти вопросы появились.

УНИАН : То есть тут претензия в том, что он после выхода из комы сразу не вернулся в Россию?

Дмитрий Песков : Это даже не сразу же после этого. Вы знаете, что было сделано госпиталем «Шарите», где говорилось о том, что у него нормальное состояние здоровья, и о том, что пациент выздоровел.

CNN : Но он же достаточно долгое время находился на реабилитации.

Дмитрий Песков : Нет, я говорю о конкретном заявлении госпиталя. Оно доступно для всех, вы можете ознакомиться с ним.

CNN : Его адвокаты также говорили, что они получили от «Шарите» письмо о том, что он проходил реабилитацию до января.

Дмитрий Песков : Они будут вольны использовать эти материалы в ходе судебного разбирательства.

CNN: Владимир Путин часто подчеркивает, что Россия — это правовое государство, однако судебное заседание, которое прошло вчера, вызвало достаточно много вопросов: от места проведения самого слушания до самой процедуры. Как такие заседания в полицейских участках соотносятся с понятием правового государства?

Дмитрий Песков : Вы знаете, первое, я вам, конечно, рекомендую обратиться в суд за разъяснениями. Но единственное, что могу сказать — потому что это не моя прерогатива все-таки давать детальные разъяснения на этот счет, — все мы знаем, что последние несколько месяцев все суды работают в особом режиме, связанном с ковидом. А какие особенности этого режима и как это реализуется на практике, лучше вам спросить все-таки непосредственно в суде.

«Дождь» : Вы много раз говорили, что для Кремля фактор Навального не является чем-то существенным, тем не менее его возвращение в Россию — огромное количество просмотров, обсуждений в соцсетях, все каналы, которые это транслировали, у них огромные рейтинги просмотров и так далее. Как в Кремле все-таки могут прокомментировать популярность Алексея Навального и его вес сегодня и в России, и в мире?

Дмитрий Песков : Вы знаете, мы не склонны преувеличивать. Мы склонны к трезвой оценке всего и вся. Я думаю, что мы уже сегодня сказали более чем достаточно по этой теме, по этому сюжету. Не думаю, что мы нуждаемся в каких-то дополнительных рассуждениях по этому вопросу.

«Эхо Москвы» : [Вопрос] не столько по Алексею Навальному, сколько по судебной системе и по соблюдению прав. Дело в том, что тот судебный процесс, который сегодня уже упоминался, проходил под портретом Генриха Ягоды — что выглядит, конечно, определенным образом символично. Как президент к этому относится? Насколько ему нравятся такие ассоциации, которые, в общем-то, сам российский суд и система министерства внутренних дел вызывает у тех, кто за этим процессом наблюдает?

Дмитрий Песков : Вы знаете, я не думаю, что президент знает, какие портреты висят в каких помещениях в Химках или в других регионах России. Это первое. И второе, если вам интересны какие-то ассоциативные вопросы, связанные с теми или иными портретами на стенах в отделениях полиции, то вы можете обратиться к моим коллегам в министерство внутренних дел. Это не наш вопрос точно.[/b]

«Эхо Москвы» : То есть он не знает, не видел этого?

Дмитрий Песков : Нет, конечно.

«Эхо Москвы» : Просто тут, видите, новость только что пришла, что еще и статую Берии будут ставить от «Росатома» на ВДНХ. И вот как-то тут портрет Ягоды, статуя Берии — все-таки вопрос важный для нашей страны, хотелось знать мнение президента.

Дмитрий Песков : Это, безусловно, нужно спрашивать. И это ваша прерогатива. У вас есть координаты «Росатома», у вас есть координаты полиции. Я думаю, многим это будет интересно. Это ваша прерогатива — спросить и получить ответ.

«Эхо Москвы» : Еще один вопрос, который касается прав, потому что президент все-таки гарант соблюдения прав граждан по Конституции. Учитывая такое внимание со стороны других государств и многих людей в России, будет ли президент как-то более внимательно следить за ситуацией с Алексеем Навальным, за соблюдением его прав и в судебном процессе, и в результате тех действий, которые осуществляют органы власти и структуры, которые подчиняются президенту, — МВД, прокуратура и так далее?

Дмитрий Песков : Нет. Это не ситуация, которая требует особого внимания президента. Это первое. Права всех граждан Российской Федерации гарантируются законами Российской Федерации, надзорными ведомствами Российской Федерации. Безусловно, это будет и в этом случае. А что касается вашей фразы о том, что учитываем какое-то международное мнение и так далее, я еще раз повторяю: мы не намерены учитывать это международное мнение в данном случае.

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Putin sees Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny as a threat with good reason – after all, he’s not invincible

It is perfectly possible that Alexei Navalny, the nearest thing Russia has to a leader of the opposition, will one day be reported to have died in prison from some rare disease or unlikely accident. If not, then the Kremlin will almost certainly find some reason or other to detain him indefinitely. That, after all, has pretty much been the offer made to him by Vladimir Putin. The Russian authorities made it clear that if Mr Navalny dared to return to his motherland then he would be detained on arrival, his future bleak.

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"Газпром" впервые признал вероятность прекращения строительства "Северного потока-2"

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Газпром заговорил о заморозке Севпотока-2 - СМИ

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«Политическое давление». Газпром признал, что Северный поток-2 может быть заморожен

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"Газпром" допустил приостановку "Северного потока - 2" из-за политических рисков
"При реализации наших крупных международных проектов, таких как "Турецкий поток" и "Северный поток - 2", мы сталкивались и продолжаем сталкиваться с рисками, связанными с изменением политической ситуации в различных регионах, что приводит к напряжению между странами и изменению позиций наших партнеров и регулирующих органов по отношению к различным аспектам проектов. В некоторых случаях такие изменения могут привести к тому, что реализация проекта станет невозможной или нецелесообразной, а значит, привести к приостановке или отмене проекта", - говорится в документе.

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"Газпром" предупредил о рисках приостановки "Северного потока — 2"
"В меморандуме к размещению бондов компании обязаны рассказать инвесторам обо всех возможных рисках. Ясно, что санкции и геополитика являются риском для проекта", — прокомментировал ситуацию собеседник агентства.

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Тихановская попросила ОБСЕ помочь ей вернуться в Беларусь, напомнив о задержании Навального
"Вместе с международным сообществом я бы хотела найти возможности безопасно вернуться в Беларусь. Поскольку против меня возбудили два уголовных дела с межгосударственным розыском, это должны быть специальные гарантии моего возвращения. Ситуация с Навальным показала, что в этом нужна помощь международного сообщества и, прежде всего, ОБСЕ", - считает она.

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Разведчик из семьи рыбаков: Что за военный корабль "Симферополь" испытывают в Украине

Разведывательный корабль "Симферополь" (название получил в честь корабля-предшественника - СРЗК/КУ "Симферополь", выведенного из состава флота в 2013 году) относится к классу средних разведывательных кораблей и является кораблем радиоэлектронной разведки.
Базовые технические характеристики корабля сохранились с проекта 502 ЭМ, а именно:
- длина: 54,8 метров;
- ширина: 9,8 м;
- водоизмещение: 1220 тонн;
- скорость: 11,6 узлов;
- дальность: 7200 миль;
- автономность: 28 дней;
- экипаж: 29 человек.
Поскольку корабль предназначен для ведения радио-, радиотехнической, радиолокационной и оптико-электронной разведки, то основное внимание приковано именно к радиоэлектронному вооружению и оборудованию.
Из открытых источников известно, что "Симферополь" оборудован станцией радиотехнической разведки "Мельхиор" производства ГП НИИ "Квант-Радиолокация". Производитель утверждает, что характеристики этой станции превышают возможности известной СРР "Кольчуга", потому что у нее максимальная дальность обнаружения источников радиоизлучения составляет 450 км, а одновременно она может отслеживать до 200 надводных, воздушных и береговых целей.
Кроме этого, среди вероятного оборудования фигурируют импортируемые в Украину в мае 2019 года широкополосные цифровые радиопеленгаторы (DDF) производства немецкого концерна Rohde & Schwarz.
Также говорят о навигационной РЛС "Дельта-М" производства НИИ "Квант-Радиолокация". Это мобильная двукоординатная когерентно-импульсная РЛС кругового обзора. Она предназначена для наблюдения за воздушной и наземной обстановкой в зоне расположения особо важных объектов, а также для контроля экономических и таможенных зон

Что касается вопроса востребованности именно такого корабля, то он не стоит в принципе. Ведь для современного украинского военного флота любое новое судно станет однозначным усилением.

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Официальный аккаунт (https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMbRgQhbG8/) движения Black Lives Matter поздравил своих соратников с днём рождения Мартина Лютера Кинга оригинальным видеороликом. На нём афроамериканка тверкает на фоне различных памятников и достопримечательностей под замиксованную речь борца за права чернокожих "У меня есть мечта".
А чтобы добавить патриотизма, делает она это в шортах с изображением американского флага.


Шершавым языком бегемота плаката - по антипрививочникам.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 20.01.2021 1:24  |  #147260
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19 янв. 2021 г.
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19 янв. 2021 г.
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19 янв. 2021 г.
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В Германии создали экологический фонд для обхода санкций против "Северного потока - 2"
Министерство юстиции признало правоспособность фонда, что, по словам министра, заложило основу для дальнейшей работы организации.
О планах по созданию некоего климатического фонда стало известно в начале декабря. Тогда говорилось, что фонд против изменения климата, созданный региональными властями, будет заниматься проблемами экологии. А "Северный поток - 2" войдет в сферу его работы как "важнейший элемент для защиты окружающей среды в Мекленбурге - Передней Померании", после чего фонд "приложит все усилия, чтобы способствовать завершению проекта".

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Министр финансов сообщил, сколько денег будет терять Украина ежегодно после достройки "Северного потока - 2"
"Мы потеряем свои транзитные возможности, наша инфраструктура будет простаивать. Это потеря ресурсов и потеря рабочих мест - всего примерно 1,5 миллиарда долларов в год", - ответил Марченко.

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Senate Democrats make democracy reform first bill of new majority
“Senate Democrats are committed to advancing real solutions and fighting to uphold the core tenets of our constitution, which is why we are announcing today that the first bill of the new Congress will be the For the People Act,” Schumer said in a statement.

“It’s too soon to say how we’ll pursue this. I think that every American has received a message that the integrity of our elections is incredibly important and so in terms of accountability for the events of this past year there’s probably nothing more important than passing the For the People Act,” Merkley said when asked if the caucus would take action on the filibuster if Republicans block the bill.

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Clinton: I would love to see if Trump 'was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol'
“We learned a lot about our system of government over the last four years with a president who disdains democracy, and as you have said numerous times has other agendas,” Clinton said. “What they all are, I don’t think we yet know."

“I hope historically we will find out who he’s beholden to, who pulls his strings,” she continued. “I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol.”
“Congress needs to establish an investigative body like the 9/11 Commission to determine Trump's ties to Putin so we can repair the damage to our national security and prevent a puppet from occupying the presidency ever again,” Clinton tweeted along with audio from the interview.

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Meghan McCain: Trump's legacy is DC looking like a 'war zone'
"Look, D.C., it's not an exaggeration or hubris to say it looks like a war zone right now," McCain said. "If this is anyone's definition of making America great, I don't know who they are."

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Про "мирный" переход власти в США.

Центр американской столицы в эти минуты представляет собой военную базу.

У Капитолия замечен пустой автозак. Подготовительные работы к инаугурации активно идут.

Кроме броневиков М117 (https://t.me/infantmilitario/50916) у вашигтонского Арсенала наблюдается несколько десятков бронированных автомобилей HMMWV. Пулеметы, правда, сняты.

В преддверии завтрашней инаугурации в американском Нью-Джерси провели проверку систем оповещении в чрезвычайной ситуации.

Так сейчас в Вашингтоне: вокруг Капитолия, Белого дома и других госучреждений установлены высокие заборы, улицы патрулируют бойцы Нацгвардии.
Ранее стало известно, что двоих военнослужащих Нацгвардии США отстранили (https://t.me/rt_russian/56825) от охраны Джо Байдена во время завтрашней инаугурации по подозрению в связях с участниками ультраправых группировок.

Пошли слухи, что национальных гвардейцев, у которых в соцсетях присутствуют высказывания за Конституцию или Трампа, будут отсылать домой.


GOP senator questions constitutionality of an impeachment trial after Trump leaves office
“We just have to move forward, and they could have done other types of procedures in the House," Ernst said. "They chose to move forward with impeachment. We need to start healing, I don’t think this does that."

“The impeachment power exists to protect the Nation from the harm that an incumbent president might inflict upon the Nation were he to remain in office, not to vindicate political grievances after a president has left office,” Graham wrote in a letter to Schumer over the weekend.

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Pence, other GOP officials expected to skip Trump send-off
Pence is slated to attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, and as a result will not be at the Air Force base. Officials cited the logistical challenges of getting between the two events. Biden is scheduled to be sworn in at noon Wednesday.

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Mary Trump: All of Trump's adult children 'need to be shut out' of politics
“One of the reasons that I hate them so much is that we have to have conversations about them, which should be absurd. It should be a joke.” Mary Trump said, without directly naming Ivanka Trump or any of her siblings.
“What I would say to that is it’s entirely up to us,” Trump continued. “It’s not just Donald, all of his adult children need to be shut out, contained. They need to have all of their assets stripped away from them. It all needs to be burned down ... their brand needs to be totally destroyed even more than they’ve already destroyed it.”

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У российский диаспоры в связи с отключением телефонной связи в генконсульстве РФ в Нью -Йорке возникают огромные проблемы, заявил консул. По его словам, отключено несколько десятков телефонных линий, они были отрезаны от связи одномоментно.


То ли сегодняшним совещанием по лесу навеяно, то ли президент готовится топить баню... Окунётся ли?

Вода на Крещение становится святыней. Её благодать в целебной силе. Президент это знает, и вы не болейте.

Пока показываем вам любимую баню президента. Она находится в лесу. Кстати, прорубь тоже имеется.

Окунулся (https://t.me/pul_1/2188)! Президент каждый год соблюдает традицию Крещения.


На борту российского самолета Навальному было спокойно, и он с полным доверием, без сомнений и волнений испил водицы из рук стюардессы «Победы».

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 20.01.2021 18:17  |  #147262
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'This is not freedom': militarized US Capitol a sign of forever wars coming home
In the past week, tens of thousands of National Guard troops have filled Washington DC. There are checkpoints to get into government buildings, fortified by fences and concrete barricades, and troops with rifles patrolling street corners downtown.
The images of a heavily militarized Washington have left local residents disoriented, and prompted condemnation from military veterans in Congress
“I expected this in Baghdad. I never imagined this in Washington,” said Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts congressman who fought in Iraq, to the Guardian.
“It’s hard to see the pantheon of our democracy fortified like the war zones I used to know,” tweeted Jason Crow, a Colorado congressman, saying that he had fought in Iraq and Afghanistan “so we could enjoy peace at home”.
Other American veterans said the images from Washington were surreal, but not exactly surprising. Matt Gallagher, a writer and Army veteran who served in Iraq, described “this strange sense of inevitability”, as he looked at the photographs of concertina wire and traffic control points and “young national guardsmen, many of whom were probably born around 9/11”.
“Their America has always done this elsewhere,” he said. “Now it’s happening here.”
Captioning a photograph of troops on Capitol Hill, he wrote, “We’ve done forever-warred ourselves.”
There’s been plenty of pushback to attempts to compare the current state of Washington DC to a war zone.
“The troops are not speaking a foreign language, manning checkpoints, traveling in convoys so secure that they would be authorized to shoot cars that drive in between them. They’re not raiding homes. Let’s not trivialize military occupation,” Laila Al-Arian, an American journalist, wrote last week.
Tom Porter, a policy spokesman for the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, told the Guardian that veterans had been making plenty of dark jokes about Washington’s Green Zone, asking whether the city was now disposing of trash and human waste by setting it on fire with jet fuel in giant “burn pits”, as the military has done in the Middle East.
“Those that have actually been to a war zone know that our city and Capitol does not actually resemble a war zone,” he said, adding that he thought officials should have chosen a different name for the secure area of Washington during inauguration.
“When we established the Green Zone there were for years questions about the amount of money we were spending fortifying the central part of the city,” Porter said. “There were questions about, ‘How long are you staying?’ ‘Is this an invasion?’ ‘Are you going to be here forever?’ I don’t think that’s what our security personnel and the secret service and the federal government want Americans thinking about.”
Gallagher said veterans had reacted with “great amusement” to the concern Americans had expressed at seeing members of the National Guard sleeping on the floor of the Capitol building.
“I mean, they’re indoors, they’re fine,” he said. “You know, if you’re worried about them, think about the ones in Afghanistan still getting shot at.”
For some Iraqis, the impulse to compare Washington to occupied Baghdad was infuriating, and all too familiar.
“There are many people who will always associate Baghdad or Iraq with violence and instability,” Hamzeh Hadad, an Iraqi political analyst, said. “When something politically inevitable but shocking happens in the US, the first thought is to compare it to the place that they think is exceptionally bad.”
But the experience of dictatorship, invasion, and stark internal division is not “exclusively Iraqi”, Hadad said. “Democracy is fragile everywhere and needs to be maintained. The fact that they don’t realize this, means that they misunderstand both Iraq and the United States.”
The US government response to Trump supporters storming the Capitol is already beginning to mirror the tactics of America’s global war on terror, with discussions of placing the invaders on “no fly” lists, and a former intelligence official suggesting that the lessons learned fighting al-Qaida could now be used against domestic terrorists.
For some Americans, including the Muslim and Arab Americans who have faced decades of government surveillance and suspicion, the war on terror has always been operating at home. But the reaction to the 6 January attack may represent a new stage of the “imperial boomerang”, in which tactics developed by empires to maintain control abroad end up being used against the residents of the homeland.
It’s not simply that the wars gave “training and operational experience to insurrectionists like the Navy SEAL and Iraq/Afghanistan veteran who posted to the internet that he breached the Capitol”, Spencer Ackerman, a former Guardian national security reporter and author of the forthcoming Reign of Terror: How The 9/11 Era Destabilized America and Produced Trump, said.
The War on Terror also created “a paranoid, racist and militarized atmosphere of permanent emergency”, he added. And because the war on terror has never ended, it creates a “volatile atmosphere” for people obsessed with American invincibility, fueling frustration that “the war’s failure is due to internal subversion”.
“When you tell people for an entire generation that their enemies are among them, some of them are going to act accordingly,” Ackerman said.
America’s foreign wars have fueled waves of racist extremism at home for at least a century, including a huge resurgence of Ku Klux Klan membership in the wake of the first world war.
Historian Kathleen Belew has also documented how white veterans of the Vietnam war, and non-veterans obsessed with the war’s failure, played a crucial role in violent white power movements in the 1970s through the 1990s. The deadliest domestic terror attack in recent decades, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, was carried out by Gulf war veteran Timothy McVeigh.
Some American veterans pushed back on the idea that the presence of veterans among the Capitol invaders was particularly significant.
Porter, of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said that veterans were “upset” and “angry” about the alleged presence of military veterans among the attackers, and felt it did not reflect their values.
He also said that it was not “an accurate description of what is actually going on in the United States”, to say that America’s forever wars had now come home, and that the Capitol attack, which the veterans group had condemned strongly, was very different from the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“It’s disgusting to me that any veteran would be among the rioters, but it’s still a strikingly small percentage,” said Moulton, the Massachusetts congressman and Marine Corps veteran. “Just keep in perspective: there are probably 2,000 times as many troops defending the Capitol as there were veterans assaulting it.”
“Most veterans know what it means to protect and defend the constitution. They’re patriots and law abiding citizens.”
Moulton said he did not see much connection between the current moment and the experience of America’s recent wars.
“The division in American politics today is due more to Donald Trump, not the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said. The crisis in the United States had “deep roots in racism, income inequality, educational disparities and other things”, he said. The aftermath of America’s long wars “might be a small part of it, but I don’t think it’s the core cause here”.
But Alnaemi, the Iraqi American journalist, said he saw fundamental connections between the current moment and how America had fought its wars. The same political approach was evident in both, he said: ignorance, arrogance, the desire for control, the “refusal to see the facts as they are”.
“It’s not Trump v Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheney, it’s a way of thinking, an attitude, that causes this failure,” he said.
(выделено а.п.)
Alnaemi, who became a US citizen three years ago and now teaches at New York University, said he was hopeful his fellow citizens would take the attack seriously, demand accountability for those who participated, and find a way to safeguard their democracy.
But he said he found it “mind-boggling” when he saw a poll that only 56% of Americans supported impeaching Trump after the Capitol invasion. That meant “43% of the people who were asked are still thinking that, well, you know, maybe this is not a big deal”, he said.
“The things that you are proud of have been attacked, have been insulted, in front of the whole world,” he said. “Is there anything else that you need to stand up and defend your country? What does the flag stand for if it does not stand for this?”
(выделено а.п.)
News reported about authorities monitoring for improvised explosive devices in Washington had left him shaken, remembering what it was like living in Baghdad, where news about IED attacks, with “two people wounded, or three or five, was a daily item in our news”.
“This is my home now,” he said. “Life is not enough for you to keep pursuing another home, all of your life. Once is enough.”
Gallagher, the army veteran, said that one of the deepest similarities between the aftermath of the Capitol attack and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was that there was no clear end in sight, that the conflict was “open ended”.
“Everybody knows this is the beginning of something,” Gallagher said. “Getting through the inauguration may be the short term goal, but it is hardly the end of whatever this is going to be.”

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Замечательный пример парадоксальности либерального мышления. Вдуматься только - вот рецепт:
But Alnaemi, the Iraqi American journalist, said he saw fundamental connections between the current moment and how America had fought its wars. The same political approach was evident in both, he said: ignorance, arrogance, the desire for control, the “refusal to see the facts as they are”.
“It’s not Trump v Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheney, it’s a way of thinking, an attitude, that causes this failure,” he said.

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«Чёрным по белому» напечатали…. Ни Путин подсказал – сами догадались. И? И ничего! Конечно, у корреспондента «The Guardian» «руки кривые» и «мозги набекрень», но, прямая речь её иракского коллеги?
Разумеется, он в Теории Рекламы «ни бум-бум», но, интуитивно то он догадался, что в обеих случаях имеет место один и тот же Механизм утилизации Опыта, что, то, что прежде применяли для других, ныне использовали для себя. А то, что там чужие аборигены, а тут свои республиканцы, то это не суть, главное и там и здесь речь идёт о сокрушении местных Управленческих (Политических) Систем и утилизации в условиях их разрушения своих пороговых Продуктов и Процедур Обмена. Да, во второй части этой цитаты мы видим политкорректную правку, но после такой первой, любая вторая часть, уже не имеет никакого значения.

Реклама Агрессии.

P.S. Если бы сама автор статьи, Lois Beckett, поняла, что процитировала, тем более если бы это поняли в редакции «Тhe Guardian», мы бы более её никогда не увидели. Но, тем и хорош ортодоксальный британский либерализм, что часто они думают и пишут правильно, компенсируя свою гениальность безумными выводами и политкорректными обобщениями, совершенно не чувствуя и не понимая, что они на самом деле имели в виду.


3 мар. 2014 г
Источник видео.


China labels Pompeo ‘doomsday clown’ over genocide claims
The allegations of abuses against Muslim minority groups in China’s Xinjiang region are “outright sensational pseudo-propositions and a malicious farce concocted by individual anti-China and anti-Communist forces represented by Pompeo,” spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters at a daily briefing.
“In our view, Pompeo’s so-called designation is a piece of wastepaper. This American politician, who is notorious for lying and deceiving, is turning himself into a doomsday clown and joke of the century with his last madness and lies of the century,” Hua said.

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The Latest: Italy ponders suing Pfizer for vaccine delays
ROME — Italy’s virus czar is pressing ahead with plans to take legal action against Pfizer after the U.S. pharmaceutical company announced delays in delivering pre-ordered COVID-19 vaccines to Europe.
Domenico Arcuri said he had secured unanimous backing from Italy’s regional governors to take civil or criminal action, where possible. In a statement late Tuesday, he said: “It was unanimously decided that such action will be taken in the coming days.”
Pfizer confirmed last week it would temporarily reduce deliveries to Europe and Canada while it upgrades production capacity to 2 billion doses per year at its Belgium plant. Arcuri said the delay would amount to a 29% reduction in upcoming deliveries to Italy.

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Indian village cheers for Harris before swearing-in as US VP

“We are feeling very proud that an Indian is being elected as the vice president of America,” said Anukampa Madhavasimhan, a teacher.

“For the next four years, if she supports India, she will be the president,” said G Manikandan, who has followed Harris politically and whose shop proudly displays a wall calendar with pictures of Biden and Harris.
On Tuesday, an organization that promotes vegetarianism sent food packets for the village children as gifts to celebrate Harris’ success.

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Microsoft has been granted a patent that would allow the company to make a chatbot using the personal information of deceased people.
The patent describes creating a bot based on the “images, voice data, social media posts, electronic messages”, and more personal information.
“The specific person [who the chat bot represents] may correspond to a past or present entity (or a version thereof), such as a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a celebrity, a fictional character, a historical figure, a random entity etc”, it goes on to say.
“The specific person may also correspond to oneself (e.g., the user creating/training the chat bot,” Microsoft also describes – implying that living users could train a digital replacement in the event of their death.

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10564
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 20.01.2021 23:36  |  #147263
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«Джо, ты знаешь, что я победил»: Записка, которую Трамп оставил Байдену, должна выглядеть так.

Карикатура в завтрашнем номере Le Monde. Мне одному кажется, что подловато?

Белый дом готов к "заселению" новой администрации.

Джо Байден станет самым старым президентом США в современной истории страны.


Тем временем сторонники Трампа в Вирджинии…

Что осталось за кадром: Как на самом деле Трамп покидал Белый дом.

Одним из любимых занятий либеральной прессы 4 года назад было сравнение размера толпы на инаугурациях Обамы 2009 г. и Трампа 2017 г. Интересно, завтра Нью-Йорк таймс поместит такие же сравнения?



20 янв. 2021 г.
Источник видео.



20 янв. 2021 г.
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20 янв. 2021 г.
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20 янв. 2021 г.
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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Telegram - важный инструмент в арсенале PR-специалистовTelegram - важный инструмент в арсенале PR-специалистов
Владимир Ступников, Генеральный директор коммуникационного агентства АУРА в составе Газпром-Медиа Холдинга. Социальные медиа становятся все более важным инструментом в работе каждого PR-специалиста, и одной из относительно новых, но стремительно растущих платформ, является Telegram. Этот мессенджер, изначально позиционировавшийся как безопасный и приватный инструмент связи, приобретает все большую популярность и привлекает внимание маркетологов и PR-специалистов по всему миру.
PR-специалисты будущего: какие компетенции и требования профессии...PR-специалисты будущего: какие компетенции и требования профессии... (1)
Татьяна Жигаленкова, управляющий партнер LotUS Communications, рассказала какие компетенции, и требования PR-специалистов будут актуальны через 5 лет.
Маркетинг с AR и VR от HICLICKМаркетинг с AR и VR от HICLICK
В 2024 году маркетологи все чаще начинают использовать метавселенные. По сравнению с социальными сетями, вовлеченность пользователей в иммерсивных площадках гораздо больше. Одним из самых интересных для клиентов форматов являются АR и VR. Как технологии будущего применять в маркетинге уже сегодня, разобрали в агентстве высоких откликов HICLICK.
Коkос Group: ИИ в рекламной индустрии: модный тренд или революция?Коkос Group: ИИ в рекламной индустрии: модный тренд или революция?
Искусственный интеллект уже давно среди нас. Он прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, используется абсолютно в разных её сферах и кардинально меняет лицо современного бизнеса. Рекламная индустрия - не исключение. Самый яркий и известный пример - это нейросети, на основе которых построен поиск рекламных систем Яндекса. Использование нейросетей и других алгоритмов ИИ, делает рекламу еще более эффективной и качественной. Евгений Халин, директор по продуктам Коkос Group рассказывает о том, как работает ИИ, в чем его преимущество и какие перспективы нас ждут.
Как подготовить маркетинг к 8 марта и 23 февраляКак подготовить маркетинг к 8 марта и 23 февраля
В период гендерных праздников предприниматели отмечают 50%-ый рост продаж. – Даже в случае торговли сепараторами или двигателями, при должном подходе. Для маркетологов это время – забег на короткие дистанции. Поэтому важно грамотно подойти к выбору инструментов.

Книги по дизайну

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Дизайн под грифом "секретно"Дизайн под грифом "секретно"
На чем раньше ездили первые лица страны? Эскизы, редкие фотографии и прототипы уникальных машин.
"Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции..."Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции...
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое...Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое... (2)
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».

на правах рекламы

06.05.2024 - 22:31
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