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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 17.05.2022 0:50  |  #149107
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Финляндия и Швеция отказались экстрадировать в Турцию 33 подозреваемых в «терроризме»
16 мая Министерство юстиции Турции сообщило, что Стокгольм и Хельсинки отказались выдать Анкаре 33 человека, которых турецкая сторона считает террористами. Речь идет о лицах, связанных с курдским ополчением и оппозиционером и теологом Фетхуллахом Гюленом.
Стоит отметить, что 13 мая президент Турции Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган заявил, что он возражает по поводу приема в НАТО Финляндии и Швеции. «Скандинавские страны - это все равно что гостевой дом для террористических организаций», - сказал турецкий президент. Как отметил президент Турции, он не хочет, чтобы были совершены те же «ошибки», что и при вступлении в НАТО Греции. У Турции напряженные отношения с этой страной, и даже совместное членство в НАТО мало что изменило.
В минувшие выходные, при участии Турции, министры иностранных дел стран НАТО провели в Берлине переговоры, посвященные, в том числе, и о возможном приеме Швеции и Финляндии. Напомним, что для того чтобы страна стала членом НАТО, ее заявка на вступление должна быть ратифицирована всеми 30 странами-членами, включая Турцию.

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Реклама Агрессии.



16 мая 2022 г
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16 мая 2022 г
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15 мая 2022 г
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США дали Украине оружие без условий относительно ОРДЛО и Крыма - временная поверенная
"Мы, оказывая Украине помощь, не обсуждали каким-то образом использование предоставленного оружия в отношении Крыма и Донбасса, не ставили условий по этому поводу. Но мы всегда признавали, что и Крым, и Донбасс – это Украина, и этот факт будет иметь огромное значение, когда мы будем принимать решение о дальнейшей поддержке в контексте того, как далеко Украина будет откидывать российскую армию. Но решение об этом остается за Украиной", - отметила временная поверенная.
Она добавила, что слышала предположение о том, что США якобы умышленно не предоставляют Украине столько оружия, чтобы российскую армию можно было отбросить и победить, и дают столько, чтобы их только сдерживать и истощать.
"Это абсолютная неправда. И самое простое доказательство – тот факт, что вы все же отбросили армию РФ с севера Киева и Харьковщины. Мы хотим, чтобы вы оттеснили армию РФ и на других направлениях. Мы хотим, чтобы Украина победила в этой войне! И мы ежедневно работаем над тем, чтобы это произошло. США уже поставили в Украину больше оружия, чем любое другое государство, и мы будем продолжать это делать", - подчеркнула Кристина Квин.

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Lockheed Martin wins $309 million Javelin missile contract from U.S. army
May 16 (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp has been awarded two contracts worth $309 million by the U.S. army for its Javelin missiles, the antitank weapon that has helped Ukraine fight Russia's invasion, the company said on Monday.
The Javelin missiles are made jointly by Lockheed and Raytheon Technologies' (RTX.N) missile unit.
Demand for Javelin missiles remains high as the war in Ukraine worsens, where they were used to stop Russian tanks from advancing on the capital, to an artillery battle in Ukraine's east.
So far, the United States has sent more then 5,500 Javelin systems to Ukraine. read more
The defense contractor added that the contracts include more than 1,300 Javelin missiles funded from the recent Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act and orders for several international customers including Norway, Albania, Latvia and Thailand.
Lockheed also said that it is working to increase its missile production rate beyond the current 2,100 per year.

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Реклама Агрессии.

Итальянская энергокомпания откроет рублевые счета для оплаты российского газа в течение двух дней - Bloomberg
Крупнейшая итальянская нефтегазовая компания решила выполнить требования Газпрома после того, как Евросоюз смягчил требования к энергетическим компаниям в вопросе оплаты газа.
Bloomberg пишет, что "в обновленных рекомендациях говорится, что компании должны четко заявить, что они считают свои обязательства выполненными, как только они заплатят в евро или долларах".
Компаниям разрешается открывать счета в долларах или евро в Газпромбанке, при этом вопрос рублевого счета в рекомендациях обходится (но он открывается по умолчанию, так как это и является требованием Газпрома).
Bloomberg сообщает, что немецкая Uniper SE и австрийская OMV AG находятся в ожидании, наблюдая за тем, как будет развиваться ситуация с Eni SpA, но рассчитывают на продолжение сотрудничества с Газпромом.

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В ООН призвали вернуть калийные удобрения из России и Беларуси на мировые рынки
"Позвольте сказать ясно: серьезное решение глобальных угроз продовольственной безопасности требует реинтеграции сельскохозяйственного производства Украины и производства продовольствия и удобрений в России и Белоруссии на мировые рынки", – заявил он.
Генсек добавил, что все это необходимо сделать, несмотря на боевые действия в Украине.

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Реклама Агрессии.

Венгрия продолжает блокировать эмбарго ЕС на российскую нефть
16 мая министр иностранных дел Венгрии Петер Сийярто заявил, что его страна до сих пор не получила удовлетворительного предложения от Европейской комиссии по компенсации возможных потерь Будапешта после введения эмбарго на российскую нефть. В своем сообщении он оценил затраты на модернизацию энергетической инфраструктуры Венгрии, связанные с эмбарго, в 15-18 миллиардов евро.
Отметим, что Венгрия до сих пор не приняла предложение ЕС, согласно которому она сможет импортировать российскую нефть гораздо дольше, чем другие европейские страны – до конца 2024 года.
Венгрия говорит, что ей нужны дополнительные средства для увеличения мощностей поставок с альтернативных направлений и минимум пять лет для модернизации своего нефтеперерабатывающего сектора, который в настоящее время работает на российской нефти.
Завтра, 17 мая, новоизбранный президент Венгрии Каталин Новак прибудет с визитом в Польшу. Целью ее встречи президента Венгрии с президентом Польши Анджеем Дудой является улучшение отношений между Венгрией и Польшей, которые значительно охладились из-за позиции Венгрии в отношении агрессии России против Украины.

Материал полностью.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 17.05.2022 0:52  |  #149108
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16 мая 2022 г
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Реклама Агрессии.

Orbán Viktor a veszély évtizedéről beszélt, kormányáról azonban nem mondott semmit
Hétfőn ismét Orbán Viktort választotta miniszterelnökké, 133 igen, 27 nem szavazattal, tartózkodás nélkül az Országgyűlés. Orbán ezt követően ünnepélyes esküt is tett a parlamentben. Az eskütételen Boross Péter volt miniszterelnök, Szili Katalin volt házelnök, Novák Katalin államfő, Áder János és Schmitt Pál korábbi köztársasági elnökök is részt vettek. Az ülésről a miniszterelnök megválasztását követően, azonban még a miniszterelnöki eskü előtt több ellenzéki képviselő is távozott, aki maradt, az sem tapsolta meg Orbánt, viszont Toroczkai László a Mi Hazánk és Tóth Bertalan, az MSZP elnöke is gratulált neki.
Első szavam a köszöneté – mondta Orbán beszédében, aminek elején a választópolgárok bizalmát is megköszönte. Kiemelte, hogy most itt a képviselők választották meg, de nem felejti el, hogy a választói bizalom az emberektől jön, amiért megdolgoztak, ő személyesen is. Igyekezett a legjobb tudása szerint szolgálni Magyarországot, ezért most a becsülettel elvégzett munka derűjével áll az Országgyűlés előtt, immár ötödször – mondta a miniszterelnök. Ellenfeleink gondoskodtak róla, hogy a választás soha nem látott nemzetközi és hazai ellenőrzés mellett történjék – mondta Orbán, aki szerint Magyarország olyan ország, ahol nem történhetnek választási visszaélések. Orbán itt köszönetet mondott az "ellenzéki aktivistáknak", hogy segítettek megvédeni Magyarország jó hírét.
A magyar embereket érdekli a sorsuk, van véleményük, amit nem is rejtenek véka alá – monda a miniszterelnök. Orbán hozzátette, hogy a magyar demokrácia történelmében soha nem szavaztak egy listára annyian, mint idén a Fidesz–KDNP listájára. 12 év kormányzás után megkaptuk a szavazatok abszolút többségét, azon leszek, hogy ezt megszolgáljam – mondta. Orbán szerint elgondolkodtató, hogy akkor nyerték a legnagyobbat, amikor a legnehezebb volt: szerinte összeállt ellenük a hazai baloldal és nemzetközi szövetségeseik – jelentette ki. Mondjuk ki világosan, hogy Brüsszel és Soros György is ellenünk játszott – jelentette ki. Orbán szerint nincs annál pezsdítőbb, mint amikor rálőnek, de nem találják el.
Ilyen győzelmi sorozat Európában és a nyugati világban is szokatlan, a győzelem arányát tekintve példátlan – mondta a miniszterelnök. Orbán szerint a magyarok kifinomult történelmi ösztönökkel és veszélyérzékkel rendelkeznek, ez nem csoda, hiszen ezer év nagy idő, a magyarok megtanulták, hogy veszély idején a széthúzás súlyos következményekkel, akár országvesztéssel is járhat. A belharc és a viszály a boldog békeidők luxusa – mondta. Baj idején az összefogás parancs Orbán szerint, aki kihúzza magát alóla, az veszélyt hoz a nemzetre, az ilyen politikusoknak a választók alaposan ellátják a baját. A magyarok azt is tudják, hogy az összefogás nem jön létre magától, a konszenzust nem húsvéti tojás módjára kell keresni, hanem meg kell teremteni a miniszterelnök szerint. A politikában ehhez erő és jó szív kell, akinek ez megvan, azé az emberek bizalma, számára ez a választás tanulsága.
A miniszterelnöki munka szerinte abból áll, hogy mindenért ő a felelős. Ez nagy teher, van, akit földbe nyom, van, akit lelkesít – jelentette ki. Elsőrendű felelősségének nevezte, hogy megértse, előre elgondolja, milyen idők várnak ránk, és erre felkészítse a magyarokat. Egyedül soha sem lehet az ember elég okos Orbán szerint. A minisztereken túl tanácsadókra, szellemei emberek tucatjaira van szükség, az ország pedig soha nem volt híján a kiváló koponyáknak, rájuk is számít Orbán.
Mindaz, amiből megérthetjük a 2020 és 2030 közötti idők természetét, az egy irányba mutat: Európa és benne Magyarország a veszélyek korába lépett – mondta. Ez az évtized a veszélyek, a bizonytalanság, a háborúk kora lesz – jelentette ki Orbán. A háború és a válaszként adott szankciós politika energiaválságot idézett elő, ez az amerikai kamatemelésekkel az inflációt hozta, ami a recesszióhoz vezet, amikor a gazdasági teljesítmény csökkenése, stagnálása, csekély növekedésének évei váltogatják egymást Európában Orbán szerint. Lehetnek járványok, lehet erősödő migráció szerinte. Mindennek tetejébe egy elhúzódó háború zajlik, egy háborús évtized képe bontakozik ki a szemünk előtt, jó lenne, ha nem így lenne – mondta Orbán.
Nekünk magyaroknak erre kell felkészülnünk, ebben kell megoldanunk a saját politikánkat – mondta. Orbán öngyilkossági kísérletnek nevezte azt, amit "nagy európai lakosságcsere programnak" hív, ebben szerinte Európa migránsokkal akarja pótolni a hiányzó gyerekeket. Ilyennek látja a "gender-őrületet és a liberális Európa programját, ami túllép a nemzetállami kereteken, viszont nem ad semmit helyette. Egyszerre sújtanak minket gazdasági bajok, háborús nehézségek és Brüsszel gyengeségei – mondta. Ebben a helyzetben kell útra állítani Magyarországot és ott is tartani Orbán szerint, azonban szerinte nekik sikerülhet. Makacsul ellenállunk a hanyatlásnak – jelentette ki. Megalkuvást nem ismerő hajlíthatatlan hűség, józan önérdek, derűs, önérzetes és bátor Magyarország, ez volna hát a feladat a következő kormány számára – mondta.
Orbán különösen számít a történelmi egyházak közösségére, akiknek biztosítják az egyházak tiszteletét, a szabad igehirdetést. Kiemelte, hogy látják az egyházi intézményeket, amiknek segítése kiemelt munkájuk lesz. A miniszterelnök szerint erősíti az egyetemes magyarságot a határon túli magyarságtudat. A miniszterelnök kiemelte, hogy lankadatlanul folytatják "nemzetegyesítő" munkájukat.
Első helyen most Magyarország biztonságáról kell beszélnem – mondta Orbán a háborúról szólva. Szerinte a háborúnak nem lett volna szabad elkezdődnie. A háborút könnyű elkezdeni szerinte, azonban befejezni nehéz. Európának semmilyen eszköze sincs a konfliktus kezelésére – jelentette ki. Erő híján a kontinens vezetése meg van arról győződve, hogy a szankciókkal lehet az oroszokat térdre kényszeríteni, ez papíron lehetséges – mondta. Orbán azonban akárhogy próbál emlékezni, nem tud olyan kontinentális zárlatot, ami eredményre vezetett volna, olyat viszont igen, ami belebukott, így csak a remény marad. Magyarország nem akadályozza a szankciókat addig, amíg nem veszélyeztetik azok az energiabiztonságot – emelte ki.
Magyarország a NATO tagja, mi csatlakoztunk hozzá, létkérdésnek tartjuk, hogy az ország a NATO tagja legyen, ez az a biztos pont, ahonnan felépíthetjük az ország védelmi stratégiáját – mondta. Orbán szerint nem szabad engedni a kísértésnek, hogy a NATO támadó akciókat hajtson végre területén kívül. A NATO nem az antant, és nem is válhat azzá – mondta. NATO-tagságunk fontossága sosem volt ilyen nyilvánvaló, hiszen a dolgok egyre rosszabbra fordulnak – jelentette ki Orbán. Az oroszok végtelenítették a háborút, az amerikaiak pedig az ukránok finanszírozása mellett döntöttek, ez így együtt a lehető legrosszabb kombináció szerinte. A háború így hosszú ideig fog folytatódni, állandó biztonsági fenyegetést jelentve az országra Orbán szerint. A miniszterelnök hozzátette, hogy az elkövetkezendő évtized legfontosabb feladata a háborúból való kimaradás, ami nem lesz könnyű, mert óriási nemzetközi nyomás nehezedik ránk. Aki fegyvert szállít, az fél lábbal már benne is van a háborúban – jelentette ki. Orbán azt mondta, azonnal béketárgyalásokat, tűzszünetet akar, valamint megígérte, hogy kitart ezen álláspontja mellett.
Baj esetén a NATO talán velünk megvédi az országot, azonban helyettünk nem – mondta Orbán. A miniszterelnök azt mondta, azt az országot támadják meg először, ami nem akarja megvédeni magát. A honvédséget szerinte erősíteni kell, ez a legsürgetőbb feladat. Ebben a háborúban Ukrajna a megtámadott, és Oroszország a támadó, ezért támogatjuk Ukrajnát, ezért segítjük őket a legnagyobb segélyakcióval – mondta. Létszámarányosan a legtöbb menekültet engedtük be – emelte ki. Segítünk, félretesszük azt a tényt, hogy korábban a kárpátaljai magyarok milyen sérelmeket szenvedtek el, ahogy azt is, hogy Ukrajna elnöke és kormánya beavatkozott a választási kampányba – mondta Orbán.
Világosan leszögezem, hogy Magyarország az EU tagja, és érdekünk, hogy az előttünk álló évtizedben az is maradjon – mondta, azonban hozzátette, hogy Brüsszel a tagállamok szuverenitásának visszaszorítására törekszik, az Európai Egyesült Államokat építi. A kulturális távolság, elidegenedés szerinte egyre nő Európa nyugati fele és Magyarország közt. Nekünk fontos, hogy rajtunk legyen a Jóisten áldása, fontos, hogy legyen hazánk, amit szerethetünk, fontos, hogy fenntartsuk az ezeréves magyar élet folyamatosságát, fontos, hogy úgy halhassunk meg, hogy tudjuk, hogy gyerekeinknek és unokáinknak legyen hazája, mi úgy tudjuk, ez a legnagyobb dolog, amit a gyerekeinknek adhatunk – jelentette ki.
Brüsszel nap mint nap visszaél hatalmával, olyanokat akar ránk kényszeríteni, ami nekünk rossz – mondta Orbán. Ajánlatot tettünk a migráció, a gender és az olaj ügyében is, ezeket visszautasították. Megvédjük a családjainkat, nálunk az apa férfi, az anya nő, a gyerekeinket pedig hagyják békén – mondta. Kitartunk az ország biztonsága mellett, olyan lépést nem fogadunk el, ami ezt tönkretenné. Így már csak az a kérdés, mit keresünk az EU-ban: az álmainkat, a szabad és egyenlő nemzetek közösségét – mondta a miniszterelnök. Nem azért vagyunk tagjai az EU-nak, mert olyan, amilyen, hanem azért, amilyen lehetne. Amíg esélyt látunk egy jobb EU-ra, addig küzdeni fogunk érte, mert egy ilyen EU adja a legtöbb esélyt egy független Magyarországnak – jelentette ki.
A háborús évtized kihívásaival egy olyan ország néz szembe, ami a NATO és az EU tagja, ami egy jó kiindulópont, de nem válasz a kihívásokra, arra egy nemzeti alapokon nyugvó kormány lehet – mondta. Az elmúlt tíz évet a nagy előretörés évtizedeként jellemezte. Fejlettség tekintetében Görögországot és Portugáliát is megelőztük, hiába csatlakoztak korábban az EU-hoz Orbán szerint. Az előző évtized sem volt könnyű, nyugati pénzügyi összeomlás volt, migrációs válsággal és koronavírussal – mondta Orbán. Sokat láttunk már, de olyat még nem, hogy a világgazdaság rövid idő alatt kétszer is fenekestül felfordult – jelentette ki a miniszterelnök. Tömegesen zártak be a gyárak, leépültek a termelési kapacitások, a gyárak pedig nem nyíltak újra automatikusan, verseny indult az országok között, hogy hol legyenek termelési központot. Magyarország jól küzdött, a győztesek közé került Orbán szerint, az országban 1886 milliárd forintnyi beruházás indult meg – emelte ki. Szerinte a beruházások adnak esélyt arra, hogy az előttünk álló gazdasági válságot jól kezeljük, és hogy visszaesés helyett a hazai gazdaság növekedni tudjon.
A háború miatt a beszállítói forrásokat pótolni kell, több országot éhínség fenyeget. Több korábbi döntés is felértékelődik így Orbán szerint, köztük a Belgrád–Budapest vasútvonal is, ami kiváltja a lerombolt ukrán útvonalakat, a déli gázvezeték pedig kiválthatja az Ukrajnából érkező gázvezetékeket – mondta. Orbán szerint azok az országok lesznek biztonságban, amelyek képesek energiaszükségletüket előállítani, így fontos a napenergia is és Paks is. A legnagyobb beruházások keletről érkeznek. Előrelátóak voltunk, felkészültünk az autóipar megújítására – mondta a miniszterelnök, hiszen itt épülnek a legnagyobb akkumulátorgyártó kapacitásai.
A háborúzó országok gabonát is exportáltak, a világon közel a legtöbbet, Magyarországot nem fenyegeti viszont élelmiszerhiány, gabonakivitel esetén azonban fenntartják az állami elővásárlási jogot – mondta Orbán. Továbbra is a beruházások magas szintjére építjük gazdasági stratégiánkat. A most megalakítandó kormány azt vállalja, hogy a kibontakozó válság idején is megőrizzük eredményeinket, és nem adjuk fel céljainkat, ilyen körülmények között is vállalja Orbán, hogy az ország "előre megy, nem hátra".
Vállalja, hogy védi a családtámogatásokat, a nyugdíjak értékét, a rezsicsökkentést és a teljes foglalkoztatottságot is – jelentette ki a miniszterelnök. Az inflációról azt mondta, Magyarországon megszelídítjük, majd megfékezzük. Ódzkodik a direkt beavatkozástól a gazdaságba, de ilyen helyzetben Orbán szerint be kell avatkozni, óvatos, de határozott árszabályozásokat vezetnek be, így év végére tartósan elviselhető állapotot alakítanak ki addig, amíg Brüsszel újra józanul csinál gazdaságpolitikát.
Orbán megköszönte az előző kormány munkáját, azt mondta, büszke a teljesítményükre, most azonban más évtized vár az országra, ezért a kormánygépezetet alkatrészekre bontotta, az új feladatok logikája szerint szerelte össze saját állítása szerint.
A magyarok hozzászoktak, hogy szépen haljanak meg hazájukért, ezen fordítani akarunk, azt akarjuk bizonyítani, hogy a hazáért élni is lehet – mondta. Orbán szerint ehhez büszkének kell lenni a népművészetekre, a magyar kultúrára, tudományra, sportteljesítményekre is, a kormány egy ilyen országért dolgozik majd – mondta Orbán. Nemzetünk jellemével összefér az egyén és az összetartó közösség Orbán szerint, hiszen tudjuk, hogy mindennek megvan a helye és az ideje, úgy a korlátlan szabadságnak, mint a hierarchikus fegyelemnek is. A túlélést és a megmaradást az ország művészi szintre emelte, szerinte ez a garancia a Kárpát-medencében túlélésre, azonban fontos a környező népekkel együttműködés is, ezért nem fogunk felülni provokációknak – mondta Orbán, aki így biztosította arról a szomszéd országokat, hogy együttműködésben érdekelt Magyarország is.
A fiatalok nevében nem biztos, hogy a legélesebb elmék beszélnek, azonban a fiatalokban van az ország reménye, a fiatalok miatt fényes jövő előtt áll az ország – jelentette ki.
Fontos, hogy egy nemzet tudja a helyét a világban, sem túl, sem alábecsülni nem szabad önmagunkat Orbán szerint. Az országra azért irányul a nyugat figyelme, mert a lengyelek mellett Magyarország vált a keresztény-konzervatív világ bástyájává, másként építjük az országunkat, mint ahogy ők teszik, akár meg is férhetnénk egymás mellett, elvégre hiszünk a verseny jótékony hatásában – jelentette ki. Orbán szerint azonban Brüsszel arra törekszik, hogy csak egyféleképp lehessen élni, "aki nem lép egyszerre, vizsgálatot kap estére" – mondta. Közben sok barátot szerzetünk Orbán szerint, hiszen egyre többen érzik úgy, hogy az ország a remény szigete. Reményt akarunk adni másoknak is, hogy a keresztény életfelfogás, a hazaszeretet, a nemzeti politika nem a múlt, hanem a jövő, mi vagyunk Európa jövője, érezzük a felelősségünk súlyát – zárta beszédét a miniszterelnök.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 17.05.2022 0:53  |  #149109
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NY Times shifts pro-war narrative
The New York Times has a job to do – and it has done that job spectacularly well over the past few months.
The Times is a leader – and in the opinion of this writer, the leader – in spelling out the US narrative on the war in Ukraine, a tale designed to keep up morale, give the war a high moral purpose and justify the untold billions pouring from the taxpayers’ pockets into Joe Biden’s proxy war on Russia.
Day in and day out in page after page of words and pictures it has been instructing one and all, including politicians and lower-level opinion shapers, exactly what to think about the war in Ukraine.
So when The Times says that things are not going well for the US and its man in Kiev, Volodymyr Zelensky, it is a man-bites-dog kind of story. It tells us that some truths have gone from uncomfortable to undeniable. Such was nature of the page 1 story on May 11 headlined “Russians Hold Much of the East, Setbacks Aside.”
Even that anti-narrative headline softens the bitter truth. The first paragraph of the story fesses up more completely, stating, “Obscured in the daily fighting is the geographic reality that Russia has made gains on the ground.” Not “holding” ground but “gaining” ground. Not exactly a morale booster.
The Times goes on, “The Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday that its forces in eastern Ukraine had advanced to the border between Donetsk and Luhansk, the two Russian-speaking provinces where Moscow-backed separatists have been fighting Ukraine’s army for eight years.”
Here it reminds us that the first shots in this war were not fired on February 24, as the narrative goes, but eight long years ago in the Donbas. It is a jolting reminder for those who base their support for the war on “who fired the first shot,” that their “moral” view has a considerable blind spot.
The Times continues that “the Donbas seizure, combined with the Russian invasion’s early success in seizing parts of southern Ukraine adjoining the Crimean peninsula … gives the Kremlin enormous leverage in any future negotiation to halt the conflict.”
It goes on: “And the Russians enjoy the added advantage of naval dominance in the Black Sea, the only maritime route for Ukrainian trade, which they have paralyzed with an embargo that could eventually starve Ukraine economically and is already contributing to a global grain shortage.” More bad news.
More, “Russia has all but achieved one of its primary objectives: seizing a land bridge connecting Russian territory to the Crimean peninsula.” And, “The last stronghold of Ukrainian resistance in this area, at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, has been whittled to a few hundred hungry troops now confined mostly to bunkers.” Ouch!
Finally, turning its attention to the economy, The Times states: “The war has ‘put Ukraine’s economy under enormous stress, with the heavy devastation of infrastructure and production capacities,’ the bank said in an economic update. It estimated that 30 percent to 50 percent of Ukrainian businesses have shut down, 10 percent of the population has fled the country and a further 15 percent is displaced internally.” That is a grand total of 25% of the population displaced from their homes.
This sad tale of failure, misery and death is broken up by considerable verbiage, some anecdotes from the front and the testimony of Avril Haines, director of national intelligence, whose testimony is guarded but bleak. But read with thought, there is a big failure looming over the enterprise.
So, in a panic the US continues to throw mountains of cash at the problem, about $63 billion if one includes the recent infusion of about $40 million about to whistle through the Senate and already passed by the House of Representatives with only 57 Nays, all Republican.
But why this abrupt shift in tone by The Times? Lax editorial oversight? This does not appear to be the case, because right on cue on the same day we are treated to an 0pinion piece titled: “America and Its Allies Want to Bleed Russia. They Really Shouldn’t.” It suggests that it is time for the US to wave the white flag
The piece concludes thus:
“But the longer the war, the worse the damage to Ukraine and the greater the risk of escalation. A decisive military result in eastern Ukraine may prove elusive. Yet the less dramatic outcome of a festering stalemate is hardly better. Indefinite protraction of the war, as in Syria, is too dangerous with nuclear-armed participants.
“Diplomatic efforts ought to be the centerpiece of a new Ukraine strategy. Instead, the war’s boundaries are being expanded and the war itself recast as a struggle between democracy and autocracy, in which the Donbas is the frontier of freedom. This is not just declamatory extravagance. It is reckless. The risks hardly need to be stated.”
It appears some in the foreign-policy elite and other precincts of the Deep State have seen the looming disaster for the proxy war on Russia being waged by Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken and the rest of the neocon cabal. The prospect of nuclear holocaust lying at the end of this road may be enough to rouse them from their exceptionalist torpor.
They seem to want to stop the train that they have set in motion before it runs off the cliff. It is not clear whether they will prevail. But it is clear that we need to drive those responsible for this dangerous debacle out of power – before it is too late.

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Реклама Агрессии.


Vladimir Putin is ‘quite seriously ill’, says former spy who wrote Trump Russia dossier

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Ответ Грете Тунберг из Канады.

Си Цзиньпин на выборах в Австралии: голосуйте за Лейбористскую партию.
Либеральная партия Австралии, находящаяся у власти, считает, что в случае победы лейбористов, страна станет сателлитом Китая.

Да здравствует Пятый интернационал.


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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 18.05.2022 0:37  |  #149116
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US Set to Block Russian Debt Payments, Raising Odds of Default
The Biden administration is poised to fully block Russia’s ability to pay US bondholders after a deadline expires next week, a move that could bring Moscow closer to the brink of default.
The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control is expected to let a temporary exemption lapse once it expires on May 25, according to people familiar with the matter. The waiver, issued shortly after the US levied sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine in February, has given Moscow room to pay coupons, helping it avert default on its government debt.
The end of the carve-out could be the final straw in Russia’s debt saga after almost three months of war in Ukraine. It’s managed to make all its payments to creditors so far, weaving through the tangle of sanctions that closed off some avenues.
That includes an 11th-hour escape earlier this month, when blocked payments were eventually allowed through after Moscow tapped its domestic dollar reserves. But it’s unclear how it can sidestep the end of the US loophole.
Some Treasury officials had privately argued that allowing Russia to pay its debt would further drain its coffers and redirect resources that would otherwise be spent on weapons and military operations in Ukraine. But the administration has decided against extending the waiver as a way to maintain financial pressure on Moscow, the people said.
Another person familiar with the matter said that Treasury hasn’t made a final decision. Spokespeople at the White House and Treasury Department had no immediate comment.
Ultimately, any impact on Russia’s finances from payments to creditors is dwarfed by the money the country is earning every week on exports of oil, gas and other commodities.
“It is an interesting one,” said Matthew Vogel, a London-based portfolio manager and head of sovereign research at FIM Partners. The move would leave Russia as “a debtor seemingly desperate to make payments, but not allowed to do so.”

Moscow’s next debt payments are due May 27, on foreign bonds maturing in 2026 and 2036. The former is dollar-denominated but allows for payment in euros, Swiss francs or sterling, as well as for interest payments in dollars to accounts in Switzerland, the U.K. or the EU.
The euro-denominated 2036 bond has an additional clause allowing payment in rubles.
But given the US decision effectively stops US investors from getting money from Moscow, those clauses may not be enough to allow Russia to sidestep tougher restrictions.
If Russia does find a route, the next sovereign transfer stipulating payment in dollars is on June 24, when the interest on a 2028 sovereign note comes due. Overall, Russia is staring down more than $490 million in foreign-currency bond payments owed to creditors by the end of June.
“It continues to be our baseline scenario that a default will happen,” said Carlos de Sousa, an investor at Vontobel Asset Management in Zurich. “I don’t know why the US would renew the carve-out. Russian sovereign debt is very low, they still have resources and some money flowing in. So for them to continue to service the debt is not too onerous. The Russian government just wants to keep the reputation.”

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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 18.05.2022 0:46  |  #149117
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Russia Accuses U.S. of Blocking Peace Deal So War Kills More Russians
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed on Tuesday that the United States and the United Kingdom have been exerting influence over Ukrainian negotiators to prolong the war in Ukraine with the intent of killing off more Russian soldiers.
Lavrov made the allegations during an educational forum in Moscow, according to the Russian state media outlet RT. Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in late February, Russian President Vladimir Putin and various Kremlin officials have publicly threatened NATO and other countries with retaliation if they intervene in the war. Meanwhile, Russia's state media has characterized the conflict as not just a fight against Ukraine but also a war against the West.
Lavrov said during the forum, according to RT, that Ukraine may have found some "acceptable principles for reaching agreements" during past negotiations with Russia, but Western allies did not support the terms.
"We have information coming through various channels that Washington and especially London 'lead' the Ukrainian negotiators and control their freedom of maneuver," Lavrov said. "They want to drag out the conflict, and it seems to them that the longer it will last, the more damage they will inflict on Russian servicemen."
Lavrov also stated that the war in Ukraine was "declared" by the U.S. and the U.K. and "not at all between Ukraine and Russia, but between the West and Russia."
RT wrote that Lavrov claimed that although Washington and London were leading Ukraine in regard to peace talks, neither country had "put forward any proposals."
Also on Tuesday, the Interfax news agency reported that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko said Ukraine had not recently engaged in any peace negotiations with Russia.
The news agency reported that Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, confirmed that there have been no further peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine since talks were last held in March in Istanbul.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also spoke at Tuesday's educational forum. TASS, a Russian state news agency, reported that Peskov accused Western governments of engaging in a "hybrid war" against Russia.
"The hybrid war is what is happening right now," Peskov said. "It is not confined to the U.S. and British advisers, who are telling the armed Ukrainian nationalists what to do and who are providing them with intelligence data, and so on and so forth. No. It's a diplomatic war and a political war. There are attempts to isolate us in the world. It's an economic war."
He added, "It is true that we keep referring to them mildly as unfriendly states, but I should say that they are hostile states because what they are doing is war."

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Контуры намечающихся трех котлов на Донбасской дуге с учетом продвижения союзников в последние дни.


США не видят системных попыток Китая обойти экспортный контроль в отношении России
"Мы не видим систематических усилий со стороны Китая, призванных обойти наши меры экспортного контроля", - заявила глава американского Министерства торговли.
При этом Раймондо подтвердила, что администрация США не ставит под сомнение статистику правительства КНР, свидетельствующую о падении объемов экспорта высокотехнологичной продукции в Россию, не считает такие данные уловкой Пекина.
"Это соответствует тому, что мы видим "на земле", - сказала министр.
Согласно изложенным ею сведениям, в коалицию, созданную с целью применения ограничений против РФ после начала войны в Украине, входят 37 стран.
"У нас 37 стран в этой коалиции. Это означает, что 37 стран обмениваются информацией, совместно расследуют претензии, следят за обходом наших мер экспортного контроля государствами", - отметила Раймондо.

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World's largest aircraft owner lost 113 planes to Russia due to sanctions
AerCap Holdings, the aircraft leasing giant that is the world's largest owner of jets, lost 113 planes when Russia seized them in response to sanctions triggered by the war in Ukraine.
The seizures of the planes and 11 jet engines by Russian authorities caused AerCap to take a $2.7 billion pre-tax charge during the quarter, causing the company to report a net loss of $2 billion rather than the $500 million profit it would have made without the hit. But company executives said the quarter was actually a good one and they see better times ahead as global demand for flying continues to recover from the Covid pandemic.
"But for the impact of Russia, this is a strong underlying quarter for the company," said CEO Aengus Kelly in comments to analysts. "Across all our business lines ... we are seeing improving demand, increased utilization of our assets and the improving financial health of our customers."
Investors agreed and shares of Dublin-based AerCap (AER) gained 6% in afternoon trading following the report.
The company was able to recover 22 jets and 3 engines before they were seized by Russian authorities. It has filed insurance claims to seek to recover the lost aircraft, although some of those claims are with Russian insurance companies. Those policies are backed by Western re-insurance companies, but AerCap stated that "the timing and amount of any recoveries under these policies are uncertain."
The company owns a total of 1,624 aircraft, far more than owned or operated any single airline. The jets lost to Russia represented less than 5% of the net value of Aercap's fleet, which grew larger during the pandemic by purchasing rival leasing firm GECAS from General Electric (GE).
Aercap should easily ride out the financial loss of the jets, said Richard Aboulafia, managing director with AeroDynamic Advisory. Even if the war were to end and the sanctions were to be lifted, the planes have lost their operating certificates in the eyes of Western aviation regulators.
"Once the documentation goes, there's very little point in even trying to get them back," he said.
When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, Russia's air carriers were operating 861 commercial planes, according to data from aviation analytics firm Cirium. Just over half of those planes, with an estimated market value of $9.2 billion, were owned by non-Russian leasing companies.
Sanctions by multiple countries required international aircraft leasing companies that owned the jets to repossess them by the end of March. An estimated 79 jets were repossessed, but Russia announced it was nationalizing hundreds more.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10563
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 18.05.2022 0:48  |  #149118
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Pentagon: ‘It’s difficult to know’ what end of Ukrainian combat mission in Mariupol means

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‘Defenders of Mariupol are the heroes of our time’: the battle that gripped the world
Cut off from the world and low on food and ammunition, many of the hundreds of defenders of the Azovstal steel plant in Mauripol were wounded, some missing limbs. Their capitulation had been inevitable for weeks.
That moment came late on Monday as more than 260 – bearded, filthy, emaciated, and including 51 severely injured – laid down their arms and were evacuated amid a wider concession of defeat after 82 days of fighting in the besieged port city.
“The ‘Mariupol’ garrison has fulfilled its combat mission,” the general staff of Ukraine’s armed forces said in a statement. “The supreme military command ordered the commanders of the units stationed at Azovstal to save the lives of the personnel … Defenders of Mariupol are the heroes of our time,” it added.
And while several hundred fighters remained inside the plant, their commanders admitted their mission had “concluded” while officials continued with negotiations to “evacuate them”.
Late on Monday, five buses carrying troops from Azovstal were seen arriving in nearby Russian-controlled Novoazovsk. In one, marked with a Z like many Russian military vehicles in Ukraine, men were stacked on stretchers on three levels.
In a long-denied victory for the Kremlin, a battle that has gripped the world’s attention appeared finally over, leaving a city in ruins and perhaps thousands of civilians dead.
With its urban areas sprawling along the coastline of the Sea of Azov in the shape of a comma, the siege of Mariupol came to define one of the most brutal episodes in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
It was one of the first major cities to be encircled and viewed as one of the Kremlin’s key objectives both for its economic importance and as a stepping stone in building a land bridge from Russia to Russian-occupied Crimea.
The capture of Mariupol loomed large in the Kremlin’s imagination for propaganda purposes too: as the home base of the Azov brigade, which at its 2014 inception, when the war in Donbas began, included far-right volunteers, some with neo-Nazi affiliations. (In recent years the brigade has been fully integrated into the Ukrainian military).
It was the sheer levels of violence inflicted on the city and on its civilian population day after day, however, that has kept Mariupol in the headlines.

The other issue will be the fate of the surrendered Ukrainian defenders who Kyiv now hopes to exchange for Russian prisoners of war.
“We hope that we will be able to save the lives of our guys,” Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said in an early morning address. “There are severely wounded ones among them. They’re receiving care. Ukraine needs Ukrainian heroes alive.”
For those inside the Azovstal plant the concession of defeat was coloured with fatalism.
The commander of the Azov regiment inside the steelworks, Denys Prokopenko, said in a prerecorded video message released on Monday that the regiment’s mission was finally over, with as many lives saved as possible.
“Absolutely safe plans and operations don’t exist during war,” he concluded grimly.

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Just days after Ukraine triumphed with the public vote at Eurovision, the Queen has shown her own subtle support for the war-stricken nation with her choice of clothing during her latest public appearance.
Making a surprise appearance at Paddington station on Tuesday morning to open the long-awaited Elizabeth line, Her Majesty wore a sunshine yellow coat, with a matching hat adorned with blue flowers.
Yellow and blue are the colours of the Ukrainian flag.
Prior to her attendance, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “In a happy development, Her Majesty The Queen is attending today’s event to mark the completion of the Elizabeth line.
“Her Majesty was aware of the engagement and the organisers were informed of the possibility she may attend.”
It is the third in-person appearance the Queen has made in less than a week after spending the majority of 2022 making virtual-only appearances due to ongoing mobility issues.
The Queen’s outfit was a Stewart Parvin double-wool crepe coat with an A-line silk dress in shades of yellow, royal blue and turquoise, and a matching hat by Rachel Trevor-Morgan.
The Queen also used a walking stick as she arrived on the platform to greet Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and Transport for London commissioner Andy Byford.
It’s not the first time the Queen has shown her support for Ukraine since Russia invaded the nation in late February.
During a meeting with Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau on 8 March, the Queen showed her support in another subtle way - by having blue and yellow flowers placed in the vase behind her.
During the meeting with Trudeau, the monarch, who is required to take a neutral stance on political matters, also wore a blue-patterned dress.

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Добавлено: 18.05.2022 0:49  |  #149119
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NATO Must Prepare for Putin's Sudden Loss of Power: Estonia President
Еstonian President Alar Karis has urged fellow NATO nations to prepare for a possible rapid and momentous change in Russia's political landscape, as Russian President Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine falters.
Any hint of Putin's demise, the president warned, could create a dangerous power vacuum in Russia and imperil the world's largest nuclear arsenal.
Karis also warned NATO that the Russian threat will outlast the end of the Ukraine war, necessitating a "permanent" alliance response in eastern and northern Europe. However, the president said it is not feasible for the West to completely isolate Russia and that—even if it takes decades—it remains important to work with Moscow.

Speaking with Newsweek on the sidelines of the Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, on Sunday, Karis said all EU and NATO states must understand there can be no return to "business as usual" with Russia, regardless of the outcome of President Vladimir Putin's latest invasion of Ukraine.
"It's not only a war in Ukraine, it's our war as well. And we have to stop it over there," Karis told Newsweek. "The most important lesson, probably, is that we can't continue after the war like we continued after the Crimea annexation, like it's going to be business as usual."

But, Karis said, some business will have to continue. EU, NATO, and partner nations are imposing ever-more stringent sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. Moscow is more economically isolated than ever, though it can still count key trading partners outside of the West including China and India.
"Of course, we can't make Russia isolated completely," Karis said. "We have to find ways to communicate with Russia in different ways, and to do some business with Russia. But it takes time, and it might even take decades."

Finland has traditionally been a diplomatic bridge between Russia and its Western adversaries. But Helsinki—along with neighboring Sweden—has jettisoned its decades-long policy of neutrality and announced its intention to join NATO, to Russia's chagrin.
NATO growth appears imminent, despite Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's threats to torpedo the Finnish and Swedish applications. If successful, this expansion might burn one of the few remaining bridges between the West and the Kremlin.
"It depends on Russia," Karis said when asked if Finland's NATO accession would shut off the East-West diplomatic conduit running through Helsinki.
"They do have certain experience of dealing with Russian politicians. In a way they have been successful, but on the other hand you see they're joining NATO now. So I think the time is over for Finnish politicians to have this kind of bridge, like it used to be before."
Estonia and its Baltic neighbors have enthusiastically supported Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Their accession as the 31st and 32nd NATO states will transform the strategic picture in northern Europe.

The Baltic Sea will become what some are referring to as a "NATO Lake," and alliance eyes will be able to watch all Russian aircraft and vessels operating from the Kaliningrad enclave and the vital port of St. Petersburg.
"Of course military-wise, it makes a huge difference," Karis said of Finland and Sweden joining the alliance. "It's all NATO countries around the Baltic Sea."
But the significance goes beyond the military realm, Karis said: "It does make changes here. And maybe we can get rid of this 'eastern European' kind of concept. It's not geographical, it's political. We belong to a bigger Baltic Sea region. And this makes a difference."

On Friday, Karis lauded Estonia's contribution to Ukraine—the country has given aid equivalent to one-third of its annual defense budget—and invited "all my NATO and EU friends to try to surpass us."
"It's always realistic to ask," Karis said when asked if this was a realistic request.
"We have been together in this big family at some point. And we know what it means to be occupied. And we also know from our parents and grandparents what war actually means.

"Quite a number of Estonians—volunteers as well as politicians—have been to Ukraine, and have seen all these horrors and crimes against humanity...In a way I was also surprised that Estonian people were so helpful. It doesn't happen every day."

The Baltic states and their eastern European counterparts have been at the forefront of the Western response to Russia's invasion. Estonia's first delivery of Javelin anti-tank missiles arrived in Kyiv a week before the Russian assault, and Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets was—along with her Latvian counterpart—in the capital when Russian bombs started falling on February 24.

Their Russia warnings long overlooked by their larger Western allies, officials in the Baltic states now feel they have become the moral heart of the EU and NATO. At this weekend's LMC meeting in Tallinn, several speakers suggested it was time for top alliance roles to be filled by easterners. "Of course it's time," Karis said.
"The EU and NATO don't only have positions for big countries. So it's about time, yes absolutely. Of course, it would be nice to have the Secretary General of NATO let's say, from Estonia. It would be extremely nice. There are a number of candidates already."
To the west, larger and richer countries are expanding their support for Kyiv, though appeals for dialogue and an immediate ceasefire in Paris and Berlin are causing consternation in Ukraine and among fellow NATO and EU states.
"These bigger countries are starting, already, to put more money and more help into Ukraine," Karis said. "So it probably takes more time for these countries, compared to smaller ones like Estonia and Latvia."
"I would say I am frustrated, but I understand what 'big' means," the president continued.
"Germany has so many ties from 1975, when it signed an agreement with the Soviet Union to get this cheap oil from Russia. And they don't have any alternatives left these days, either wind parks, or nuclear plants, or oil, or coal. So this is where Germany is at the moment."

The pace of change of slow, but the shift is evident. "I understand that this turn of 180 degrees has happened," Karis said of the German posture.
"It might be that sometimes you get mixed signals from Germany.
"Countries and politicians, we do develop. And the same happens with Germany and other big countries who have different ties with Russia."
The Baltic states are urging Germany, France, and other top EU powers to demonstrate their commitment to the Ukrainian cause by approving Kyiv's EU candidate status.

The European Commission is expected to publish its analysis in June, after which Ukrainian leaders hope member states will approve what would be a major step on Kyiv's likely long road to accession.
"It's a long way to go," Karis said of Ukraine's EU ambition. "That's why I don't believe in this 'fast track'— it doesn't exist. But we have to show the green light to Ukrainians, to open the door so they can make all the changes needed and fulfill all the criteria needed to join the EU. And we have to encourage them to do so."
Many of the Russian units that had been deployed along Baltic frontiers are now fighting in Ukraine, struggling to advance Moscow's Donbas offensive against fierce Ukrainian defenders increasingly well-armed with Western weapons.

But this force depletion won't last, and the Russians will learn from their mistakes, Karis warned: "We have to take it seriously. The challenge of Russia will remain. Even after the Ukraine war is over, it will stay. You have to have troops here, and permanent troops."
Estonian and fellow Baltic officials and commanders are among those pushing for NATO to abandon its "enhanced Forward Presence" concept at the coming Madrid summit in June.
The eFP approach is based on small "tripwire" combined units in the Baltic states, which in the event of a Russian invasion would be expected to be overrun before a full NATO response is possible.

"It is important to have troops everywhere to defend," Karis said. "I don't like the idea of something like an 'eastern flank,' and 'central European flank,' and maybe a 'Nordic flank.' It's all NATO, and it has to be the same everywhere. Of course, on this border with Russia, you probably have to have more troops than in, I don't know, Belgium."

"It's one thing that they were ill-prepared," Karis said of the Russians fighting in Ukraine. "It doesn't mean their military power is gone. There might be a new regime which is much much more prepared to start wars. We don't know. The military power is there. I wouldn't underestimate Russia as such."

Meanwhile, the president said, the Western alliance must be prepared to deal with sudden seismic political changes within Russia. "This happened before, it happened 30 years ago as well," he said.
"We have to be prepared. Things might happen all of a sudden. Even internally, something might happen, or externally. We have to be ready. We don't want to have this kind of vacuum over there. They've got nuclear power and everything."
The political situation in Russia is difficult to interpret from the West. There appears little organized resistance to Putin, and no obvious candidate to take over from the aging dictator.

The war prompted significant public demonstrations in February and March, but state repression makes it difficult to gauge the extent of anti-government sentiment.
"We don't know what people actually think, if they like Putin or if they are pro-war in Ukraine," Karis said.
"We have been in a similar situation in Soviet times. Sometimes if you change your leader it doesn't mean that much change in a political arena...It's difficult to say what's going to happen in Russia. But as I said, we have to be prepared for everything."

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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 18.05.2022 0:50  |  #149120
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В Финляндии начато производство пива, посвященное будущему вступлению в НАТО

Оно получило название Отан (по-фински — «брать», otan olutta — «брать пиво»). Если читать справа налево, то это будет именно название альянса...

Зеленский и его новый отчим...


17 мая 2022 г.
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Russian People Surprised to Find Out Ukraine War Not Going Well on State TV
Russian-speaking social media users have been left surprised at the damning critique of Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine offered by a military analyst on a Kremlin propaganda TV channel.
The candor of Mikhail Khodaryonok was a talking point for many on social media as he described a military situation on the ground faced by Russian troops far removed from the patriotic take usually given on the state-run channel Russia-1.
Khodaryonok, a former air defense commander turned military commentator, who in 2020 was awarded a "Merit to the Fatherland" medal, said that "virtually the entire world is against us" and that Russian troops would face a tough battle against highly motivated Ukrainian troops.
He said don't believe the "false" reports that Ukrainian forces were facing a morale crisis and that Kyiv would be able to mobilize one million people who will benefit from western arms, meaning the situation for Russian troops "will frankly get worse."
He also batted aside interruptions from 60 Minutes host Olga Skabeyeva—dubbed the Kremlin's "propagandist-in-chief," for her suggestion that a non-professional army would pose less of a danger.
Khodaryonok said that it did not matter if Ukraine called upon conscripts, what mattered was their willingness to "fight to the last man" as he also took aim at Moscow's nuclear "saber-rattling" in response to Finland's NATO aspirations.
Russian scientist and political analyst, Andrey Piontkovsky, tweeted: "Khodaryonok has delivered the first capitulation from the Russian armed forces."
The video clip of the exchange between Kodaryonov and Skabeyeva was widely shared on the Russian social media website VKontakte, and as of Tuesday morning, had been viewed more than 3.8 million times.
"An extraordinary exchange of views in the next Russian state talk show about Ukraine," commented an anti-war user History of the War, who added, "the only threat to Russia is the paranoid ones like Olga Skabeeva."
"Colonel Mikhail Khodarenok is probably one of the most sane experts in all this zombie clique," Olga Lebedeva commented. "I'm afraid he won't be called again."
Natasha Timofeeva wrote that "a political force capable of changing the situation in Russia may develop around this manifesto." Another user wrote that "common sense" had been broadcast on state television.
"An objective view of what is happening has been shown on air on state television," wrote another user, which was "a rarity in modern times."
Meanwhile, many reacted on Twitter as to the significance of such a negative assessment of Russia's chances on a Kremlin-backed channel that has been trumpeting successes in Ukraine and making threats against the west.
Writer Noah Smith tweeted, "Well, that took guts. Good to see reality seeping in." His message was retweeted by Kamil Galeev, a fellow at the Wilson Center.
"Out of all (the) people in the room he is the most sober one. Why? Well, maybe because he's the only one with substantial military experience," Galeev wrote. "Most Russian pundits judged the military capacity of the Russian army based on official propaganda. Khodaryonok—on his lived experience. No wonder he is way more pessimistic about the war."
This is not the first time that Khodaryonok has been critical of the war. Three weeks before the invasion, he wrote an article in Nezavisimaya Gazeta dismissing Russia's chances of being able to defeat Ukrainian units quickly.
"An armed conflict with Ukraine is currently fundamentally not in Russia's national interests," he wrote.
Meanwhile, earlier this month, he told Russia-1 that general mobilization of the Russian population would not accomplish much because Russia had outdated weapons that could not compete with NATO-supplied arms.
Russia media watcher Julia Davis tweeted after his latest appearance: "Many are wondering: why is Khodaryonok allowed to keep talking on Russian TV where any dissent is discouraged? Because his words don't harm the regime. To the contrary, they help temper the expectations, while other pundits promise fast, easy victories."

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СМИ: Из-за войны РФ может остаться без певцов — в основном это были украинцы
В России под угрозой срыва оказался известный еще с советских времен музыкальный фестиваль «Песня года». Виной тому дефицит украинских звезд, которые чаще всего и получали эту награду. Такое мнение высказал музыкальный критик Павел Рудченко в интервью изданию «Абзац».
По его словам, ранее в фестивале участвовали такие звезды как София Ротару, Валерий Меладзе, Вера Брежнева, Лолита и другие. А после того, как они высказали свою антивоенную позицию или публично не поддержали диктаторский режим Владимира Путина, они стали «нежелательными» в России.
«Валерий Меладзе, Настя и Потап, Вера Брежнева, София Ротару, Иван Дорн. Это артисты, которых мы хорошо знаем, но которые показали свою позицию в противовес официальной», — сказал Рудченко. Также он выразил мнение по поводу того, что последние годы «Песня года» держалась именно на украинских артистах. А сейчас там буквально некому выступать, так как их «запретили» в РФ.
«Я даже не понимаю, будет ли этот фестиваль в этом году. Обычно запись «Песни года» происходит в декабре. Если, дай Бог, закончится к этому времени война, то, наверное, фестиваль будет, если нет, то проведение фестиваля под вопросом», — добавил критик.
Ранее появился список украинских артистов, которым запретили въезд в Россию на 50 лет.

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
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Добавлено: 20.05.2022 0:04  |  #149122
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Exclusive: U.S. aims to arm Ukraine with advanced anti-ship missiles to fight Russian blockade
WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - The White House is working to put advanced anti-ship missiles in the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat Russia's naval blockade, officials said, amid concerns more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships would intensify the conflict.
Ukraine has made no secret it wants more advanced U.S. capabilities beyond its current inventory of artillery, Javelin and Stinger missiles, and other arms. Kyiv's list, for example, includes missiles that could push the Russian navy away from its Black Sea ports, allowing the restart of shipments of grain and other agricultural products worldwide.
Current and former U.S. officials and congressional sources have cited roadblocks to sending longer range, more powerful weapons to Ukraine that include lengthy training requirements, difficulties maintaining equipment, or concerns U.S. weaponry could be captured by Russian forces, in addition to the fear of escalation.

But three U.S. officials and two congressional sources said two types of powerful anti-ship missiles, the Harpoon made by Boeing (BA.N) and the Naval Strike Missile made by Kongsberg (KOG.OL) and Raytheon Technologies (RTX.N) were in active consideration for either direct shipment to Ukraine, or through a transfer from a European ally that has the missiles.
In April, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy appealed to Portugal to provide the Ukrainian military with Harpoons, which have a range of up to almost 300 km.
But there are several issues keeping Ukraine from receiving the missiles. For one, there is limited availability of platforms to launch Harpoons from shore -- a technically challenging solution according to several officials -- as it is mostly a sea-based missile.
Two U.S. officials said the United States was working on potential solutions that included pulling a launcher off of a U.S. ship.
About 20 Russian Navy vessels, including submarines, are in the Black Sea operational zone, the British defense ministry has said.
Bryan Clark, a naval expert at the Hudson Institute, said 12 to 24 anti-ship missiles like the Harpoon with ranges over 100 km would be enough to threaten Russian ships and could convince Moscow to lift the blockade. "If Putin persists, Ukraine could take out the largest Russian ships, since they have nowhere to hide in the Black Sea," Clark said.
Russia has already suffered losses at sea, notably the sinking of the cruiser Moskva, the flagship of its Black Sea fleet.

A handful of countries would be willing to send Harpoons to Ukraine, the U.S. officials and the congressional sources said. But no one wants to be the first or only nation to do so, fearing reprisals from Russia if a ship is sunk with a Harpoon from their stockpile, the third U.S official said.

That U.S. official said one country is considering being the first to supply the missile to Ukraine. Once that "well stocked" nation commits to sending Harpoons, others might follow, the official said.
The Naval Strike Missile (NSM) can be launched from the Ukrainian coast and has a range of 250 km. It also takes less than 14 days training to operate.
The sources said NSMs were viewed as less logistically difficult than Harpoons, because NATO allies could loan mobile ground launchers which are available, and warheads from Norway.
The first two U.S. officials and the congressional sources said the United States was trying to work out a way for Ukraine to obtain NSM and launchers from European allies.
The congressional sources said another option would be for Norway to donate NSMs to Ukraine, an idea supported by Norwegian members of parliament. The Norwegian Ministry of Defense declined to comment on what additional contributions of arms and defense equipment it may consider offering to Ukraine.
All weapons requests that have U.S. content such as Harpoons and NSMs would have to be approved by the U.S. State Department, which takes guidance from the White House.
Another weapon high on Ukraine's shopping list are Multiple Rocket Launch Systems (MLRS) such as the M270 made by Lockheed Martin (LMT.N) which can strike a target 70 or more kilometers away, a three-fold increase over many of their current howitzer rounds.

In recent weeks, the Biden administration decided instead to send M777 towed howitzers which could be deployed faster and shipped in larger quantities, the two U.S. officials said.

The two U.S. officials said the M270 or similar system like the M142 HIMARS would be considered for shipment to Ukraine once Congress passed a $40 billion supplemental funding bill that would authorize an additional $11 billion worth of Presidential Drawdown Authority. That lets the president authorize the transfer of excess weapons from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency.

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Дипломаты назвали невозможной разблокировку украинских морских портов в ближайшие полгода - The Economist

Западные дипломаты заявляют, что открытие украинских портов не является "практической опцией" в ближайшие полгода.
Об этом пишет The Economist.
Также издание приводит высказывание неназванного украинского дипломата:
"Нет никакого смысла в том, чтобы эскортировать торговые корабли, если никто не готов стрелять по русским".

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18 мая 2022 г.
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Senate clears $40B Ukraine aid package
The Senate passed a $40 billion emergency aid package Thursday to buttress Ukraine with weapons and other military help as the Eastern European country fends off the Russian invasion.
The chamber’s 86-11 vote clears the legislation for President Joe Biden’s signature, just in time to keep the Pentagon from exhausting its power to send weapons to Ukraine from U.S. stockpiles. Top lawmakers in both parties insist the multibillion-dollar injection is just what Ukraine needs to bolster its defenses as Russia approaches its fourth month of conflict.
The deal marks the most substantial U.S. commitment yet to helping Ukraine as the war grinds on and Russia’s invasion focuses on the eastern Donbas region. It dwarfs the nearly $14 billion in emergency funding Congress approved in March and is even larger than the $33 billion emergency request Biden sent lawmakers last month.
“Aid for Ukraine goes far beyond charity,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the floor Thursday morning. “The future of America’s security and core strategic interests will be shaped by the outcome of this fight.”
The Republican leader called on “every senator on both sides to join this bipartisan supermajority” in passing the bill. “Anyone concerned about the cost of supporting a Ukrainian victory should consider the much larger cost should Ukraine lose,” McConnell said.
But 11 senators from McConnell’s party voted against the measure, as some Republicans embrace the non-interventionism promoted by former President Donald Trump.
“It appears more and more MAGA Republicans are on the same soft-on-Putin playbook that we saw used by former President Trump,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday, using a term for pro-Trump Republicans that Democrats have embraced. “Our adversaries might conclude that we’re divided — America is divided. They might conclude that we lack purpose.”
When the House passed the measure last week, 57 Republicans opposed the bill, while no Democrat voted against the measure.
The brunt of the new funding under the $40 billion aid package will go toward weapons and equipment for Ukraine. The measure gives the Pentagon a new $11 billion in authority to take those resources from U.S. stockpiles and ship them to the frontlines, plus almost $9 billion to backfill items already sent.
Top military officials say it’s significant that Russia gained control this week of Mariupol, a major economic port that could help Russia encircle the Donbas. But the battle is not over.
“Mariupol aside, the fighting still goes on in the Donbas,” said John Kirby, the Pentagon’s top spokesperson. “And the Ukrainians are still putting up a very stiff resistance in towns and villages throughout the Donbas.”
Returning from a trip to Kyiv over the weekend, top Senate Republicans have spent the last few days reiterating the pleas of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in urging swift passage of the aid package that was held up in the Senate for more than a week.
“What they’ve asked of us is to give them the tools that they need to fight their own fight,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said. “President Zelenskyy emphasized a message he’s consistently shared with us: We need more, and we need it faster — more Stingers, more Javelins, more air defenses, more lethal aid.”
The fact that the bill languished in Congress amid the fall of the crucial Ukrainian port city has irked lawmakers in both parties. Schumer called it “repugnant” that Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) objected to swift passage of the measure for more than a week.
To delay the bill “for purely political motives,” Schumer said, “is to only strengthen Putin’s hand.”
Paul argues that the package raises questions of “unconstitutionality” as well as “affordability.” For days the Kentucky Republican demanded that the Senate amend the bill to designate a special federal watchdog to oversee how the $40 billion is spent.
“Isn’t there a more fiscally responsible way this could be done? What about taking the $40 billion from elsewhere in the budget?” Paul said this week.
Adopting Paul’s amendment would have sent the bill back to the House for another vote. And while Senate leaders brushed aside his proposal for a special watchdog, the bill as written would already force the Pentagon’s inspector general to review how the Defense Department spends the emergency funding and deliver a report to Congress. It also requires the Defense and State departments to keep tabs on the end use of weapons and equipment sent to Ukraine.
Aside from the power to transfer billions of dollars worth of weapons from U.S. troves, the package provides another $6 billion to the Pentagon account for arming Ukraine’s military, as well as nearly $4 billion for military operations in Europe. The State Department will receive $4 billion for foreign military financing to help arm Ukraine and other NATO countries.
Senate passage of the aid package follows the chamber’s unanimous confirmation Wednesday evening of Bridget Brink to serve as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, filling the post after three years of vacancy without a Senate-backed envoy.
Despite a massive price tag, some lawmakers aren’t sold that the latest round of assistance is enough to adequately back Ukraine against Russia. Though lawmakers could eventually approve more aid, it’s unclear when that bill would come due and what more the Ukrainians will need.
“The next several months will be critical,” said Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed (D-R.I.). “I think the realization is … that if the Russians succeed here, that won’t satisfy them, that that will empower them to do more.”
Even if Ukraine and Russia negotiate an end to the battle, U.S. military leaders say it’s important for the United States to pump substantial resources to the allied country now.
“We all want to see the fighting end,” Kirby said this week. “What we’re doing in the meantime is trying to provide as many advantages to the Ukrainian armed forces as we can so that they are in a better position on the battlefield — and should there be a negotiated end to it, that they’re in a better negotiating position as well.”

Материал полностью.

Gerhard Schröder to be stripped of privileges for not cutting ties with Russia
The former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder will lose some of his post-office privileges after failing to cut his links with Russian energy companies over the Ukraine war, the Bundestag’s budgetary committee has decided.
Schröder, who was German head of government from 1998 until 2005, will be stripped of his office and staff, which cost about 419,000 euros (£354,500) in taxpayers’ money in 2021.
The motion, which was passed on Thursday afternoon with support from Schröder’s own Social Democratic party (SPD), the Greens, and the Free Democratic party (FDP), does not name the politician’s Kremlin connections or stance on the Ukraine war, most likely to avoid legal challenges.
Instead, the motion argues that the former leader no longer fulfils any continuing obligation as a statesperson and therefore does not require an office and staff to do so.
The main opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), backed the move even though it had also called on the government to cut the ex-chancellor’s pension, equivalent to an annual salary of about 100,000 euros.
Schröder will keep his pension payments as well as his security detail.
The four employees who used to work at Schröder’s office, located almost directly opposite the Russian embassy on the Unter den Linden boulevard in Berlin, already resigned of their own accord in early March, after their boss had showed no intention of stepping down from his boardroom roles at Russian oil company Rosneft and pipeline company Nord Stream.
The Bundestag budgetary committee’s vote comes just hours after the European parliament urged the commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, to impose sanctions against Schröder because of his ties to the Kremlin.
The EU legislature passed a resolution on Thursday that said sanctions after the invasion of Ukraine should be extended “to the European members of the boards of major Russian companies and to politicians who continue to receive Russian money”.
As well as the German politician, the motion indirectly addresses former Austrian foreign minister Karin Kneissl, a supervisory board member at Rosneft who danced with Vladimir Putin at her own wedding in 2018.
Schröder’s close personal friendship with Putin has come under heavy criticism after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, and the SPD leadership has called on the 78-year-old to hand in his party membership.
The Hanover-based politician has come across as unrepentant, however. “I don’t do mea culpa,” Schröder told the New York Times in April. “It’s not my thing.”

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