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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 21.01.2021 1:52  |  #147264
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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10559
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 21.01.2021 13:08  |  #147266
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Странная ситуация произошла во время движения кортежа Джо Байдена после инаугурации 20 января.
Военнослужащие Национальной гвардии, которые находились на пути, частично стояли "смирно", кто-то свободно, а целая группа гвардейцев вообще повернулась спиной к главнокомандующему.

Твиттер не останавливается: «Руководство Твиттера заблокировало учетную запись посольства Китая в США после публикации сообщения, в котором объяснялась политика Пекина по вопросу Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района. Через сутки после публикации сообщения соцсеть скрыла твит. В результате соответствующих действий компании на странице китайского посольства в соцсети с 8 января больше не появлялось новых твитов».

Президент Джо Байден отменил инициативу Дональда Трампа "Проект 1776" по продвижению патриотического воспитания в школах. Это не так широко освещалось в прессе, как другие указы Байдена "первого дня", однако страничка проекта уже исчезла с сайта Белого Дома.
Байден ликвидировал проект в рамках "восстановления расовой справедливости" и установления "расового равенства".

Жители Флориды выстроились в очереди у магазинов оружия, опасаясь, что новый президент Дж.Байден введет ограничения на оборот огнестрельного оружия. Владельцы некоторых магазинов сообщают, что люди выстраивались в очередь уже с 2 часов ночи, чтобы успеть купить оружие в момент открытия в 9 утра. Во время предвыборной кампании и позднее, уже являясь избранным президентом, Дж.Байден, ссылаясь на случаи массовых расстрелов в школах и на массовых мероприятиях, обещал запретить «боевое летальное оружие» и применять более жесткие меры к его контролю.


Куратор стал президентом. Что делал Байден в Украине при Обаме и чего ждать от него сейчас
1. Очевидно, что самым ожидаемым сегодня последствием будет удар по всем, кто в Украине ставил на Трампа или просто помогал разоблачать деяния Демпартии в Украине. Санкционное давление, вероятно, будут продолжаться.
Нельзя исключать и мер, которые совсем недавно стали повсеместными в США: блокировка медиа, телеканалов, неугодных страниц в соцсетях.
Тем более, что в Украине достаточно "активистов", которые будут поставлять в посольство США всю информацию на политических оппонентов. То есть может начаться классическая охота на ведьм (и особенно этот сценарий вероятен, если она начнется в самой Америке против трампистов).
В этом смысле ударов стоит ждать Игорю Коломойскому, которого лично Байден еще в 2016 году называл "занозой в заднице". Сейчас эта мотивация только усилилась: в США считают, что олигарх слишком сильно влияет на президента Владимира Зеленского, а также подозревают, что именно он стоит за многими действиями против Демпартии и ее лобби в Украине.
2. Усилится давление на украинские власти по трудоустройству на высокие должности "соросят", которые всегда опекались главным образом демократами. То есть это люди формата Алексея Гончарука (недавно ездившего в США на "смотрины"), Рябошапки, Шабунина, Сергея Лещенко и других.
Также можно с уверенностью говорить, что укрепятся позиции главы НАБУ Сытника. Другой вопрос, что его полномочия истекают уже в следующем году и пока ничто не указывает на то, что всех скандалов с ним, главу НАБУ переизберут на новый срок. Кроме того, открыт вопрос по назначению нового главы САП. На эту позицию тоже далеко не факт, что придет лояльная "соросятам" фигура.
В целом будет сильное сопротивление украинской элиты, которая, даже проявляя максимальную лояльность американцам по вопросам внешней политики, Донбасса и отношений с Россией, при этом не хочет, чтоб прямые ставленники Запада ("соросята") рулили во внутренней политике, в силовых структурах и в экономике.
Тем более, что условия очередных кредитов МВФ все более антисоциальные и не совместимы с планами властей переизбраться. То есть противление давлению Байдена будет идти не только снизу (как сейчас в виде газовых бунтов), но и сверху. И нарастать по мере усиления давления.
3. Есть еще один фактор, который может стать холодным душем для украинских фанатов нового президента США. Лично Джо Байден, вопреки ожиданиям того же Порошенко, свое персональное участие в украинской политике может не нарастить на правах давнего куратора - а наоборот сократить.
Во-первых, в силу скандала с телефонными переговорами. Во-вторых, после истории с сыном, которую президенту-демократу республиканцы немедленно припомнят в США, если он начнет снова активно "рулить" процессами в Украине.
То есть на этом направлении руки у Байдена будут некоторым образом связаны. И наилучшей политикой для него может стать видимый нейтралитет.
Хотя это не отменяет того факта, что команда Байдена (Нуланд, Кент и прочие) украинскими вопросами будут заниматься очень активно.
4. Не стоит слишком обольщаться и тем украинским политикам, которые сейчас находятся на вторых ролях (как Порошенко) или вообще вне активных процессов (как Яценюк).
Напомним, что именно контролируемое демократами посольство США отказало Порошенко в поддержке на президентских выборах 2019 года. И в США явно не забыли, как Петр Алексеевич через своего человека Юрия Луценко пытался "взуть Байдена", чтобы остаться на второй срок. И в тех же целях добивался снятия посла Мари Йованович.
Да и в целом, возвращать во власть политических аутсайдеров - недальновидная стратегия, и менять Зеленского обратно на Порошенко американцы скорее всего не станут. И уж тем более это касается Яценюка с его "мусорным" рейтингом.
Что, впрочем, не отменяет использования данных политиков для каких-то прикладных политических задач.
5. В целом политика Байдена в отношении Украины будет определяться борьбой двух тенденций. С одной стороны - желанием американцев установить окончательный контроль над внутренней политикой, силовыми структурами и экономическими процессами в Украине. С другой стороны - сопротивлением этому со стороны украинской элиты, которая будет пугать Вашингтон дестабилизацией ситуации в стране (тарифные и прочие протесты добавят ей в этом аргументов) и будет предлагать Госдепу удовлетвориться тем, что Украина и так идет в русле американской политики по ключевым геополитическим вопросам. А во внутренние дела лучше не вмешиваться.

Как приемлемые методы воздействия на РФ называют санкции - но с понятной перспективой их снятия за "хорошее поведение". То есть военный сценарий на Донбассе - это "не наш метод", судя по тому, кто пришел к власти в Соединенных Штатах.
Также нужно вспомнить, что именно в эпоху кураторства Байдена Порошенко подписал Минские соглашения. Судя по пленкам Деркача, на которых украинский президент спрашивал разрешения США и по менее серьезным вопросам - "Минск" до деталей явно был согласован с Вашингтоном.
Более того, Байден лично приезжал в Раду после подписания "Минска-2" и говорил о пользе федерализма, убеждая нардепов поменять конституцию в рамках подписанных соглашений.

Голосовать за "минские" законопроекты украинских депутатов тогда убеждала и замгоссекретаря Виктория Нуланд, которая, кстати, возвращается в команду Байдена.
Тогда процесс вспять повернули националисты, которые угрожали кровавыми протестами. А также Порошенко, переосмысливший свою стратегию и решивший идти на второй срок под лозунгами "армии, мовы, веры".
Нуланд, к слову, еще в 2016 году вела переговоры с помощником Путина Сурковым и обсуждала с ним особый статус Донбасса. При Трампе, которого демократы "кошмарили" за мифические связи с Россией, этот формат заглох, поскольку им поставили заниматься "ястреба" Курта Волкера.
У Байдена же подобных барьеров уже не будет. Он вполне может без ущерба своему имиджу разморозить переговоры с Москвой и добиться каких-то подвижек по Донбассу. Нуланд, кстати, недавно в Киеве заявила, что Минские соглашения - единственная основа для урегулирования. Что для сторонников "партии войны" звучит как плохая новость.
Понятно, что увязаны любые договоренности с Москвой по Украине будут с более крупными геополитическими вопросами. При этом нужно помнить, что при Обаме Байден был как раз тем человеком, который курировал "перезагрузку" с Москвой. То есть опыт на этом направлении у него есть.
Все это будет, разумеется, увязано со стратегической целью США ослабить Москву. Но в демократической команде давно раздаются голоса, что открыто агрессивная политика и военное давление только укрепляют позиции консерваторов и Путина в руководстве России (как это было после аннексии Крыма). Поэтому нужна разрядка. И ставка на более либеральные круги в РФ с последующим сценарием внутрироссийского майдана.
Кстати, и по Крыму именно администрация Обамы, по рассказам украинских политиков, запретила Турчинову отвечать военным путем на аннексию. Также, как уже говорилось, при Байдене американцы продавили завершение горячей фазы конфликта на Донбассе - на базе Минских соглашений.
При этом готовность Байдена говорить с Москвой не означает, что до чего-то смогут договориться. Не снято главное противоречие между властями Украины и России, доставшееся по наследству еще от Порошенко - внесение особого статуса Донбасса в Конституцию.
В Киеве этого не хотят делать из страха перед националистами - и в общем-то нежелания властей интегрировать "идеологически чуждый" регион. В Москве же не видят смысла отказываться от нормы, выписанной в Минских соглашениях, на которой они в общем-то и базируются.
И сумеют ли Байден с Нуланд разрешить это противоречие - огромный вопрос.

Материал полностью.



Минздрав предлагает украинцам, которые тестируются на Covid выбрать мужской, женский или неизвестный пол
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Самой популярной едой на вынос в России оказался кебаб! Во всяком случае, так посчитали в британской страховой компании, которая на основе поисковых запросов создала мировую карту предпочтений.

Лидеры по количеству заказов - пицца и суши, хотя в США и Британии больше любят китайскую кухню. Из всех стран кебаб, который, видимо, спутали с шаурмой, любит только Россия.

Самой популярной едой на вынос в России оказался кебаб! Во всяком случае, так посчитали в британской страховой компании, которая на основе поисковых запросов создала мировую карту предпочтений.

Лидеры по количеству заказов - пицца и суши, хотя в США и Британии больше любят китайскую кухню. Из всех стран кебаб, который, видимо, спутали с шаурмой, любит только Россия.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10559
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 21.01.2021 22:16  |  #147268
Ответить с цитатой

Biden vowed to defeat domestic terrorism. The how is the hard part.
In his inaugural address Wednesday, President Joe Biden declared the “rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism” a looming threat the country “must confront” and “defeat.”

The increased emphasis reflects President Biden and his team’s alarm at what the Jan. 6 assault on Congress revealed about the country they are now tasked with leading. “Don’t you dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists,” as Biden put it in remarks the next day.

“This transition did not totally provide the intel we needed on this,” a person close to the transition said. “But the new leadership does need to address the urgency of this threat, and the new team is open to exploring innovative responses.”
“The most important element is to stop inciting, encouraging, polarizing, and dividing,” this person added, in an implicit nod to the outgoing president. “That will stop on Jan 20.”

“It's the elephant in the room that violent extremism is a great threat in this country, that it is based in large part on white supremacists, and that [Biden] needs to call it out and make clear that we will not tolerate it,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said in an interview.
On Wednesday, Biden did just that.
“Here we stand just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people, to stop the work of our democracy, to drive us from this sacred ground,” Biden said Wednesday on the steps of the West front of the Capitol, a building still marked by damage from the uprising 14 days earlier.

Some former national security officials argue that the Biden NSC needs to emphasize the issue further, with a distinct office focused solely on domestic terrorism. “The new administration should strongly consider elevating the [domestic terrorism] issue, as it rightly has with cybersecurity,” said Brian Harrell, a former senior DHS official who worked on domestic terrorism issues. He recommended standing up a Policy Coordination Committee at the NSC focused on the issue, and assigning members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council to develop explicit recommendations for combating domestic extremism.
Another former national security official echoed that sentiment, recalling that efforts within the Trump NSC to understand and respond to a domestic terrorism incident—specifically, the back-to-back mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton in 2019—were not as robust as they should have been because the counterterrorism officials were stretched thin and tended to prioritize global terror threats.
Not everyone agrees. One person familiar with the transition’s thinking on the issue argued that handling domestic terrorism within the context of transnational movements like white supremacy would be “familiar” territory for the NSC’s counterterrorism officials, and would avoid encroaching on law enforcement’s turf — a concern for the incoming Biden White House, which is wary of being seen as meddling at DOJ and the FBI on the heels of Trump’s politicization of those agencies.

“Terrorism is terrorism,” said one former senior national security official familiar with the incoming administration’s plans. “Separating international from domestic terrorism, especially within the context of the NSC, doesnt make a lot of sense to me. The radicalization process looks a lot the same.”
Another approach would be to consider designating “radical right-wing” transnational extremist groups as foreign terrorist organizations, making it easier to collect information about such groups' affiliates in the United States, said Jason Blazakis, a senior fellow at Soufan Center and former director of counterterrorism finance for the State Department. The Trump State Department designated a white supremacist group — the Russian Imperial Movement — as a terrorist organization for the first time in April 2020. But they classified the group as a "specially designated global terrorist," which is more limited than the "foreign terrorist organization" designation and doesn't allow for the prosecution of current and former members.
The United States has no domestic terrorism statute, so federal law enforcement agencies use other legal tools — such as hate crime and organized crime statutes — to go after violent domestic extremists. Some in Congress, mostly but not exclusively Democrats, have pushed for new legislation that would require more accounting of domestic terrorism incidents and cases from key agencies.
Others say that Congress needs to create additional domestic terrorism-specific charges to adequately prosecute homegrown terrorists, because the current offenses on the books apply only to limited actions.
There’s “no violation called domestic terrorism” said Greg Ehrie, former section chief of the FBI’s domestic terrorism operations. “We're very concerned if foreign nationals come here and commit terror, but we're not concerned if it happens by an American citizen.”
But Biden hasn’t outlined where he stands on the idea, and transition officials declined to make his position clear.
Those critical of passing a domestic terrorism law argue that there are already dozens of federal terrorism crimes, hate crime and organized crime statutes that can be applied to domestic terror acts — it simply comes down to an administration that gives precedence to homeland threats. And more than 130 civil and human rights groups warned that creating a domestic terrorism charge could be used as a vehicle to racially profile and target marginalized communities.

A source close to the White House said the need for urgency will dictate Biden’s early decisions. “This is a day one problem, so in responding to this, the new administration will use the tools it inherits on day one,” the person said. “Whether more can be done with more tools like domestic terrorism legislation is an urgent question and that will be considered.”
On the Hill, Democrats in the Senate and House are looking for a complete 180 in how the country handles homeland terrorists. Speier, who serves on the Intelligence and Oversight Committees, is preparing a letter to Biden and his Defense secretary nominee, Gen. Lloyd Austin, urging them to examine social media of recruits before they receive security clearances – a move that she thinks can be done through a regulation or executive order.
“The Department of Defense does not examine social media of all recruits before accession,” said Speier. “Social media has overtaken our lives. It is the basis on many of these organizations being able to grow as they have. And yet we are flat-footed as a government in terms of reviewing this and it's done routinely by private companies.”
Speier, along with 29 other members, is also calling for the creation of an independent commission to investigate the government’s response to domestic terrorism and extremism.
On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of House and Senate lawmakers re-introduced a domestic terrorism prevention bill that creates “a separate category of terrorism, domestic terrorism,” as Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the bill’s co-sponsor, described it. It would not create a new charge for domestic terrorism, but it would require the Homeland Security, Justice Department and the FBI to issue a joint biannual report on domestic terrorism and require select offices within each department focus their resources on monitoring, investigating and prosecuting domestic terrorism.
Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in an interview that he wants to use his position to examine domestic terrorism and “links to extremist right wing groups in other countries.”
“Some of the biggest right-wing social media activity” comes out of Germany, said Warner. “This is not an American-only phenomenon, and how these groups are linked, how they share tactics, how they utilize social media, is a huge concern.”

Warner said he wants to work closely with his Republican colleagues to crack down on extremists, particularly far-right and white supremacist groups, but also pointing out the behavior by Antifa where warranted.
“But the goal has to be to call these groups, these anti-Democratic, anti-American, pluralistic society groups out without painting this brush and having it breakdown on a partisan line,” said Warner, adding that he hasn’t decided if Congress needs to pass a domestic terrorism bill or not. “Do we need new tools and powers or is it just a stronger moral compass?”
As Democratic lawmakers push for concrete action against domestic terrorism, they also want the country to name exactly what is fueling the pro-Trump, conspiracy addled groups that subscribe to the ideology of white power.
“We have normalized, not honestly talking about race in this country, on the theory that it is somehow impolite or divisive when in actuality if we were to name white nationalism and white supremacy we could have identified the people leading that movement by now,” Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) said in an interview.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), a Biden confidant, said the threat of white supremacist terror isn’t new but it may now be finally recognized in full.
“Those of us who grew up in the Black community, especially in the South, we've always recognized the KuKluxKlan and the White Citizens Councils, and all these other groups as domestic terrorists. How do you call it anything else?” Clyburn said in an interview. “You can't solve a problem till you acknowledge that it's there and the country has never acknowledged domestic terrorism as being a problem.”
Reflecting on the federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Clyburn paraphrased a line from King’s letter from Birmingham City Jail in 1963. In it, King said, “people of ill will have used time much more effectively than the people of good will.”
“People are always saying, 'Yeah, I know things are bad, but the time is not right to do anything about it,’” said Clyburn. “King's response to that was time is neutral. Time is never right and time is never wrong. It's always what we make it.”
“It’s time,” Clyburn added. “And Joe Biden knows it’s time.”

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Trump did not provoke Capitol riots, McCarthy says

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Thursday he does not believe former President Donald Trump incited the riot at the Capitol earlier this month, pivoting away from comments he made last week that the president bore some responsibility for the assault.
"I don't believe he provoked it if you listen to what he said at the rally," McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Добавлено: 22.01.2021 0:16  |  #147269
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Источник иллюстраций.

Facebook's 'supreme court' will review Trump suspension
Facebook's independent oversight board will review the company's indefinite suspension of former President Donald Trump — the highest-profile test to date for the panel, and a move that could lead to Trump either returning to the platform or getting the boot permanently.

The announcement: Nick Clegg, Facebook’s vice president of global affairs and communications, said in a blog post Thursday that the company is referring the case to the oversight board. The board, often likened to a "supreme court" for the social network, has the power to review and overturn the company’s enforcement actions.

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'Transparency back to the briefing room': Psaki commits to pre-Trump press norms
Psaki said she would commit to “sharing information even when it is hard to hear” — a reflection of Biden’s inauguration address, in which he raised the alarm about rampant misinformation in the country, and an indirect rebuke of the tumultuous relationship between President Donald Trump’s White House and the news media. Though she acknowledged that she and reporters were likely to disagree in the coming years, Psaki signaled she wanted to bring back to the briefing room the norms of the pre-Trump era.

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Pelosi says she’ll send impeachment article ‘soon’ with trial in limbo
Pelosi is expected to transfer the House’s article of impeachment against Trump in the coming days, a step that will require the Senate to swiftly begin its days-long trial into charges that Trump incited the deadly insurrection at the Capitol earlier this month.

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Trump’s ‘crony pardons’ flabbergast the political world
Donald Trump rode into the White House as a populist. He left with a plutocratic flourish, after an orgy of pardons for politically connected business moguls, real estate barons and disgraced former members of Congress.
There was Elliott Broidy, a Republican fundraiser who provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to GOP candidates and committees. Michael Liberty, a donor from Maine who was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions — and who was once described as “Donald Trump with a Maine accent” — was another beneficiary of Trump’s mercy. So was Drew Brownstein, a former hedge fund manager and son of a powerful Colorado lobbyist.

“The granting of even more sleazy crony pardons as the clock ran out on his one term,” said Benjamin Ginsberg, a nationally recognized elections lawyer who has represented past Republican presidential nominees, “will define the nature of his presidency.”

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25 апр. 2019 г.
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21 янв. 2021 г.
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20 янв. 2021 г.
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Развал России и пришествие "молодого фюрера". Чего ждут в Украине от Навального
1. "С Навальным можно будет договориться"
Первая группа - которая поддерживает Навального как "жертву режима Путина", а также как человека, с которым, если он придет к власти, Украина сможет решить вопрос Донбасса и Крыма.

2. Поддержали Навального "для развала России"
Другие комментаторы (в основном из лагеря националистов и майдановцев) не скрывали надежд, что победа Навального приблизит развал России.

3. "Навальный Украине не интересен"
По поводу развала пишут и другие - но безотносительно Навального. Точнее - предлагают не думать вообще о частностях внутрироссийских процессов и просто ждать распада "агрессора".

4. "Навальный хуже Путина"
Впрочем, среди майдановцев и националистов, а также среди антипутинских эмигрантов из России немало таких, которые считают, что Навальный ничем не лучше, а может быть даже и хуже, чем Путин.

5. Навальный готовит России украинский сценарий
В Украине у Навального много противников и в антимайдановском лагере. Они уже нашли параллели между личностью российского оппозиционера, его расследованием о "дворце Путина" и "золотым батоном" Януковича.

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На плакате Дональд Трамп играет в гольф, когда на него ложится тень иранского беспилотника.
Twitter подобный пост пропустил.


Unbowed, Trump supporters contemplate America under Biden
NEW YORK, United States (AFP) — They were among the almost 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump and refuse to recognize Joe Biden’s presidential victory as legitimate.
AFP spoke to some Trump supporters about what they think Trump will do next and what they believe life will be like under the new Democratic administration.

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No more broken treaties': indigenous leaders urge Biden to shut down Dakota Access pipeline
Indigenous leaders and environmentalists are urging Joe Biden to shutdown some of America’s most controversial fossil fuel pipelines, after welcoming his executive order cancelling the Keystone XL (KXL) project.
Activists praised the president’s decision to stop construction of the transnational KXL oil pipeline on his first day in the White House, but they stressed that he must cancel similar polluting fossil fuel projects, including the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL), to stand any chance of meeting his bold climate action goals.

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Trump has finally shuffled off the world stage. Good riddance
“A cry for racial justice some 400 years in the making moves us. The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer,” Biden promised. “A cry for survival comes from the planet itself. A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear. And now a rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism, that we must confront and we will defeat.”

“Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation,” he said. “And I ask every American to join me in this cause. Uniting to fight the foes we face: anger, resentment and hatred, extremism, lawlessness, violence, disease, joblessness and hopelessness. With unity, we can do great things, important things.”

At that point, the progressive wing of the Democratic party rolled its collective eyes towards the heavens. Meanwhile, the fascist wing of the Republican party prepared to use that unity line in every speech defending its attempts to divide the nation and destroy democracy.

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Right-wing media holds Biden bash-fest, foreshadowing its next four years of coverage
On Fox News Wednesday night, the network decided against airing most of the "Celebrating America" inauguration special — which every other network carried — opting to instead allow propagandists like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity to deliver fiery anti-Biden sermons.
Hannity raged against Biden, bashing his inaugural address — which received bipartisan praise and which Hannity's colleague Chris Wallace, a top anchor at Fox, said was "the best" inaugural speech he had "ever heard" — as "truly unremarkable" and saying it "sounded like an uninspired student council speech."
Hannity went on to call Biden "weak" and "cognitively struggling" -— two themes he and other allies of former President Donald Trump had pushed hard during the campaign, and that voters had resoundingly rejected — before saying he felt like he had to "puke" after watching news coverage of the inauguration.
In the previous hour, Carlson had focused on Biden's denunciation of white supremacy and domestic terrorism, which the President vowed to confront and defeat.
"Those are America's enemies, we must wage war against them," Carlson said, mocking Biden's pledge to confront extremists.
Carlson, whose show has become a favorite for far-right groups including white nationalists and who had to part ways with his head writer after a CNN Business investigation revealed that he had posted racist remarks online under a pseudonym for years, asked for "very clear language" defining white supremacy. He said that "innocent people could be hurt in this war."
It was a not-so-subtle suggestion that Biden and Democrats might use the power of the federal government to wrongfully target their political opponents.
The other arms of right-wing media were not much friendlier.
Newsmax TV, the right-wing cable channel that promoted the lie that the election had been stolen from former President Donald Trump, featured segments Thursday night bashing Biden's "radical immigration agenda" and saying he had "contradict[ed] himself in 'unifying' speech."
Rush Limbaugh, the king of conservative talk-radio, said Biden's speech might have been "one of the least memorable inaugural speeches that there's ever been."
Limbaugh framed the speech like this for his audience: "In this speech Biden called us domestic terrorists and then called for unity in the same breath."
On the right-wing web, Breitbart featured front page headlines Thursday referring to Biden as "GLOBALIST JOE" and declaring that "CORPORATISTS SALIVATE" at his presidency.
The top headline on the far-right Gateway Pundit website Wednesday falsely claimed the election had been "stolen" from Trump.

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Donald Trump as a messianic cultic figure
Franklin Graham, a committed Trump supporter and the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, castigated the ten Republicans who voted for the impeachment of Donald Trump, comparing them to Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus. This elevation of Trump to a Jesus-like figure in certain right-wing evangelical circles is an assertion that would offend most faithful Christians.
Donald Trump’s self-proclamation as a religious model came on June 1st, 2020, when during racial protests across the country, he proclaimed in the Rose Garden: “I am your President of law and order,” and then proceeded, with an entourage of aides and security personnel, to march across Lafayette Square and to stand for a photo opportunity in front of the iconic St. John’s Episcopal Church, holding a Bible in his hand, ironically, upside down. Episcopal Bishop Marianne Budde described this as an “abuse of sacred symbols…to justify…rhetoric…antithetical to everything we stand for.”

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Joe Biden, his mother, and the Golden Rule
Cometh the hour, cometh the man, and the woman: America would appear to be fortunate that Biden, the veteran conciliator, is the individual best placed to heal a country many tens of millions of whose citizens still do not believe he won the election. And that he had the wisdom to choose, alongside him, the country’s first female, Black vice president.

“Democracy has prevailed,” Biden declared early in his address, and indeed it had — in that the duly elected president duly took office, and his predecessor reluctantly vacated the White House, albeit promising ominously to return “in some form.”

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Mr Sanders wore a winter coat that became synonymous with the senator, after a video address he wore it for was made into an internet meme.
He paired the coat with a pair of mittens made by Jen Ellis, a teacher from Essex Junction, Vermont, which was knit from “repurposed wool sweaters and lined with fleece made from recycled plastic bottles,” according to BuzzFeed News.

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Fury as Joe Biden REMOVES bust of Boris Johnson's hero Winston Churchill from the Oval Office - and replaces it with RFK, Rosa Parks, a Latino American civil rights activist and Martin Luther King
A transatlantic row is brewing over 'woke' Joe Biden's removal of a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, five years after Barack Obama provoked a storm by having the British leader's image moved outside his office.
Biden's new-look Oval Office has introduced several new busts, including civil rights leaders Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and socialist Latino union leader Cesar Chavez who sits proudly behind the President's chair.
However some critics worry that removal of Churchill is a snub to the UK, and signals a further dwindling of the so-called 'Special Relationship' after it was started in World War Two by the legendary British Prime Minister.

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Joe Biden's new hero: Latino socialist union firebrand who fought AGAINST illegal immigrants, built a 'personality cult' and brutally purged anyone who defied him (while hushing MANY infidelities to keep up his saintly Catholic family man image)
There is a new radical socialist in the White House, and Joe Biden also moved in yesterday.
A bust of firebrand Latino union leader Cesar Chavez now takes pride of place behind the President's chair in the Oval Office, under a new decor regime that includes numerous civil rights leaders at the expense of a bust Winston Churchill.
The statue of Chavez is nestled among an array of framed family photos displayed on a desk behind the new president and replaces a statue of Andrew Jackson that sat behind President Trump.
Chavez is a controversial figure for many, idolized as a charismatic 'folk saint' union leader who fought for greater rights and more pay for thousands of Latino farm workers during decades of strikes in California in the Sixties and Seventies.
The union leader modeled himself after Indian civil rights leader Ghandi, favoring non-violent tactics such as strikes and pickets and imbuing his protests with references to Roman Catholicism, including vigil and calling dead farmworkers 'martyrs'.
His slogan 'Si Se Puede' translates as 'Yes We Can', later used by Barack Obama to successfully win the White House decades alter.

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Leicester University denies it is dropping Chaucer for being 'too white' after proposing modules on race and sexuality instead
Leicester University has denied it is dropping literary giant Geoffrey Chaucer for being 'too white' after proposing replacement modules focused on race and gender.
Plans have emerged to shelve The Canterbury Tales and Beowulf - two of the most important works in English literature - in favour of texts that 'students expect.'
Management told staff that it wanted to scrap the centuries-old foundational works as it moved to a 'decolonised' curriculum.

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City of London votes to remove statues of former Lord Mayor William Beckford and philanthropist MP Sir John Cass for links to the slave trade in wake of Black Lives Matter protests
Statues of prominent City of London figures William Beckford and Sir John Cass are to be pulled down over their connections to the slave trade following this summer's Black Lives Matter movement.
The City of London Corporation's Policy and Resources Committee voted to remove them from their historic Guildhall headquarters.
They are to be spirited away to a not yet disclosed location and could be replaced with a new memorial to the slave trade in the City.

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Mother of all motorcades: Inside the biggest procession in history of Secret Service as seven 'Beast' limos flanked by armored cars transport Biden to his inauguration

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World’s largest Holocaust memorial planned for Ukraine’s Babyn Yar ravine

“The concept which was presented is both very interesting and amazing,” said Sharansky. “It demonstrates how the museum and educational center will not only both be high quality, but at the same time different from many other Holocaust centers. As such, it will help fill a vacuum in the field of Holocaust studies.”

Memorial designers are planning 15 themed sites related to where the massacre took place and the subsequent erasures of memory. The points will be connected by a winding path evocative of the ravine system’s former topography.

“When you visit Babyn Yar, the most powerful spots are from where you can actually see raw ravines, very similar to those where the shootings took place which were filled-in [with industrial waste] during the Soviet era,” said Khrzhanovsky. “By using the geography and topography of the area, we are able to create a physical and emotional journey for visitors,” said the film director.

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Одни устроили на костях парк, другие хотят построить на прахе аттракционы… Во истину, культура мемориальной Рекламы Израиля сошла с ума.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 23.01.2021 0:10  |  #147277
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Alexei Navalny: Russian authorities brace for Saturday protests
Russia is braced for mass protests on Saturday as thousands of supporters of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny are expected to hold rallies across the country to call for his release from jail.

Police are expected to break up the unsanctioned demonstrations in Moscow, St Petersburg and dozens of other cities in what allies of Navalny say is their best chance of convincing the Kremlin to free him.

Navalny was arrested on Sunday after returning from treatment abroad for a poisoning attempt on his life, which was traced back to Russia’s FSB security service. A parole board could reverse an earlier sentence and send him to a penal colony as early as the end of January.

The Moscow mayor’s office has warned the public against attending the rallies and the powerful Investigative Committee has opened a criminal investigation into a flood of calls on social networks, including TikTok, Facebook and others, for young people to join the rallies.

Authorities claimed that social networks had complied with their demands to delete the content, claiming that TikTok had deleted 38% of posts promoting the rallies and that YouTube and VKontakte had each deleted 50% of similar posts appealing to underage protesters.

In remarks from a Moscow jail released on Friday night, Navalny told supporters that he was in good spirits and, in case anything mysteriously happened to him, that he was emotionally stable and not planning to harm himself. “I definitely know that outside of my prison there are many good people, and help is on the way,” he said. (выделено а.п.).

Police have arrested Navalny’s press secretary, two lawyers and a top investigator who helped prepare an investigation into a £1bn palace on the Black Sea they claim was bankrolled by Putin’s friends and state companies. As of Friday, the video has been watched 50m times on YouTube.

Navalny supporters were also arrested in Krasnodar, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok and other cities across Russia, as protest coordinators planned rallies in at least 65 cities and towns in a show of strength that could be the country’s largest demonstrations in years.
Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s press secretary, said police threatened to break down her door while detaining her before the protests. She continued to tweet from custody, saying that attending the protests was “everyone’s duty, if we want prosperity, freedom and the well-being of our country. And so that Alexei and all those illegally behind bars are set free.”

“January 23rd should become legendary,” she wrote from a jail cell before signing off for the night.

Navalny could be sent to a prison colony if a parole board decides to revise a three-and-a-half-year sentence handed down in 2014. Russian investigators are also preparing criminal cases that could carry more than a decade of jail time if Navalny is charged.

Opposition protests have attracted more young Russians, including many teenagers, since Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Fund began releasing online investigations into senior politicians and others close to Putin. In 2017, protests largely attended by young Russian shut down central Moscow’s Tverskaya street after Navalny released an investigation into prime minister Dmitry Medvedev.

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Alexei Navalny: Russian court jails Kremlin critic for 30 days
Shortly after the verdict, Mr Navalny released a video recorded during a break in court proceedings calling for his supporters to protest this coming Saturday.
“What do these thieves fear? They fear people on the streets because its a political factor you can’t ignore,” he said. “So don’t be afraid and go out onto the streets.”
Shortly after the verdict, Mr Navalny released a video recorded during a break in court proceedings calling for his supporters to protest. What do these thieves fear? They fear people on the streets because its a political factor you can’t ignore,” he said. “So don’t be afraid and go out onto the streets

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Не о содержании…
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О факте! Видеозапись с призывом к сторонникам, в том числе к подросткам, сделана в перерыве судебного заседания!!! Как это возможно?!

Реклама Агрессии.


What’s the point of a Senate impeachment trial now Trump has left office? This is the answer
Trump would not automatically be barred from running for office again, since another vote would have to be taken up. That one does not require a two-thirds vote, but simply a majority. We all know Trump’s style of “campaigning” by now — and that it doesn’t stop even when he’s in office. For that reason, the possibility of him returning to office could be disastrous.
Another round of impeachment votes could once and for all mean an end to the reign of Trump, as well as a necessary blow to the ego. I have no doubt that embarrassing Trump yet again would feel like another Pelosi victory against a well-known bully. The will is there — but there’s still a lot more to be worked out.

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А Америка то здесь при чём?

Реклама Агрессии.


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The Capitol invasion was not 9/11 in terms of violence but its political importance may be greater

In reality, the Republican leadership is frightened by the idea that “6/1” will become the new “9/11”, permanently demonising them and splitting their party. A billboard in one Trump-voting rural county in Texas spells this out, denouncing “treasonous RINOs” – Republicans in name only – who refused to back Trump’s claim that he had lost the election through fraud.

For all Biden’s talk of “unity”, the Democrats have an opportunity to extract political blood from the Republicans and are not going to pass it up. If they play their cards right, they can exploit the shambolic invasion of the Capitol for years, just as the Republicans did 9/11. The loss of life is very different – five dead compared to 2,977 – but in terms of perception the two events have significant features in common.

Both were highly visible even by the standards of 24/7 news coverage: the image of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers was seared into the minds of Americans by repeated showings. Every detail of the takeover of the Capitol is likewise known to the world because the supposed revolutionaries spent much time taking film of themselves. Politics has always been a form of theatre but satellite television and the internet means that today the whole world really is its stage.

The Democrats have been dealt a strong hand but it is an easy one to overplay. In the long term, 9/11 succeeded far better than Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda could have hoped because it provoked a disastrous overreaction by President George W Bush, who pursued his “war on terror”, launching two disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and openly legitimising America’s use of torture and rendition.

Over-exploitation of 6/1 for short political gain could likewise be counter-productive if it targets too broad a swathe of Republicans. The gambit of former supporters of Trump on Fox News is to claim that all the 74 million Americans who voted for him are being unfairly demonised. Big business may be hurriedly distancing itself from Trump and Trumpism, but its revulsion may not last as plutocrats recall what he delivered for them in terms of tax cuts and deregulation.

It is doubtful if Trump himself could lead a resurgence of Trumpism after his Nero-like inaction during the pandemic, nor will he easily escape the explosive consequences of his belligerent demagoguery addressed to his supporters before they went on to storm the Capitol. Regardless of just how far he egged them on, their lawyers will presumably be telling their clients that it is much in their interests to claim that they believed that they were obeying a direct order from the president, without which they would not have stirred an illegal finger.

I believe a Trumpian resurrection would be very difficult because the danger he poses to so many has been so graphically demonstrated over the last four years. He no longer has the advantage of surprise and of opponents, Republican and Democrat, who underestimate him.

His great skill continues to be his mastery of modern communications, notably Twitter and television, but his chronicle of ineptitude in office showed that he had mastered nothing else.

His chaotic rule appropriately culminated in his catastrophic mishandling of the Covid-19 epidemic and 400,000 Americans dead. Yet even then, he only just lost the election, showing the vast size of the constituency to whom he appeals.

As he retreats to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Trump remains an obsession for America and the world. The prospect of his political revival is thankfully less than a few weeks ago when it seemed possible that he might set up his own television station, stage mass rallies, and claim that he had been robbed of the presidency. Today he probably has too many powerful enemies, now in control of government, for a comeback.

Yet the social, economic and cultural causes of the rise of Trump are still there. Broadly speaking, the neo-liberal economics dominant for 40 years since the age of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher have produced unsustainable inequality. This is not just an American phenomenon. Trump is, after all, only the American variant in a range of populist nationalist autocrats who have taken power around the world from Brazil to Turkey and from Hungary to the Philippines.

America has always been more deeply divided by race and class than most Americans and almost all foreigners realised. The repeated, rather desperate, appeals for unity at Biden’s inauguration serve only to emphasise the divisions. Given the depths of the hatreds and fears, it is surprising that there has not been more violence. In the 1960s, turmoil in America was typified by demonstrations and riots, but above all else by assassination, something which we have yet to see this time around. Biden spoke of ending the “uncivil war” but this has lain beneath the surface of American life since independence and will not end now.

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‘We feel incredibly betrayed’: Thousands of Guardsmen forced to vacate Capitol
Thousands of National Guardsmen were allowed back into the Capitol Thursday night, hours after U.S. Capitol Police officials ordered them to vacate the facilities, sending them outdoors or to nearby parking garages after two weeks pulling security duty after the deadly riot on Jan. 6.
One unit, which had been resting in the Dirksen Senate Office building, was abruptly told to vacate the facility on Thursday, according to one Guardsman. The group was forced to rest in a nearby parking garage without internet reception, with just one electrical outlet, and one bathroom with two stalls for 5,000 troops, the person said. Temperatures in Washington were in the low 40s by nightfall.
“Yesterday dozens of senators and congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed,” the Guardsman said.

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‘Packed us together like sardines’: Guard deployed to Capitol struggles to contain Covid

The National Guard has struggled to implement a plan to test troops flowing into and out of Washington, D.C., for Covid-19, with some Guard members being forced to find their own tests and others pressured to leave their quarantine early to report to duty.

Already, hundreds of Guard members who poured into Washington, D.C., after the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol have tested positive for Covid-19 or are quarantining in nearby hotels, three Guard sources said. Guard leadership has declined to release an official number of positive cases, but troops and lawmakers alike worry that the deployment is becoming a superspreader event.
“Ideally, these guys should all be in hotels. When they’re taking rest time, they should be taking it outside the campus with an ability to be separated and socially distanced,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said. “Ultimately we’ve got to make sure that they’re not taking their extended rest time on campus, that they’re in hotel rooms.”

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Мало того, что гвардией попользовались и выбросили, как одноразовую упаковку. Так их ещё позаражали друг от друга, когда полубольных и здоровых людей соединили в дурацком политическом шоу, бессмысленном и беспощадном, и к врагам и к сторонникам.

Реклама Агрессии.


Bernie Sanders admits that yes, he has seen his viral inauguration mitten memes
So, has Sanders seen the viral memes? According to his interview with Seth Meyers last night (21 January), yes, he has.
“You were sort of one of the stars of the inauguration. Were you aware that this photo became the meme of the day?,” asked Meyers on Late Night.
“Not at all. I was just sitting there,” Sanders explained, “trying to keep warm and trying to pay attention to what was going on".
“Does your staff show [the memes] to you?,” asked Meyers, showing Sanders a popular image with Sanders sitting with the Sex and the City characters.
“Yeah, I've seen them,” laughed Sanders.

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Внештатный староста.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10559
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 24.01.2021 0:12  |  #147280
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Alexei Navalny: Tens of thousands protest across Russia

Journalists and photoreporters were among the 2,500 arrested nationwide, often violently, by Saturday evening, according to the OVD-Info protest monitor group.

The victims were random enough, but a preference was made for youngsters. In one case a 10 year old boy was manhandled away.

In Moscow crowds hugged central streets far away from Pushkin Square. According to the Reuters news agency at least 40,000 people demonstrated in Moscow alone, which would make it the biggest protest the capital has seen since 2012. According to authorities, notorious for underestimating their numbers, just 4,000 had turned up. "Why not just immediately say 4 million?," the foreign ministry suggested sarcastically on its official Telegram messenger channel.

The Kremlin seems to have been particularly spooked by the resonance of Alexei Navalny’s plight among the younger generation.
In the days before the protests, students were called in for unscheduled exams, and warned their participation in rallies could result in expulsion. Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin warned against “cynical attempts” to co-opt minors into an illegal protest. Parents were meanwhile told not to allow their children to attend the marches, or risk arrest themselves.
The authorities’ obvious concern appears to have stemmed from social media data. On TikTok, videos posted under the hashtag #23January were viewed more than 130 million times.

In a first message since his Sunday arrest, Mr Navalny thanked the “schoolkids” who, he said, his lawyer suggested ‘wreaked havoc’” on the Chinese social media platform. “I don't know what that means, but it sounds cool,” he said.

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Tens of thousands protest in Russia calling for Navalny's release
Tens of thousands of Alexei Navalny supporters have protested across Russia in one of the largest demonstrations against Vladimir Putin’s rule in the past decade.

Navalny’s allies hope they can force the Kremlin to release him through a show of strength, but it is unclear whether the protests will break the government’s resolve to send him to prison for as long as a decade.
Clashes broke out as police wielding truncheons ran protesters off main squares in Moscow and several other cities, and columns of demonstrators broke through police lines in Moscow and St Petersburg, leading to pitched battles.
The police at times appeared to be losing control. In Moscow, video showed protesters trading blows with riot officers near the main protest square, as younger participants nearby kicked a police officer’s riot helmet around like a football. In St Petersburg, protesters shut down the city’s main street, Nevsky Prospekt, and Navalny’s team eventually issued a call for the demonstrators to go home.

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23 янв. 2021 г.
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23 янв. 2021 г.
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23 янв. 2021 г.
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Вашингтон, 6 января. RT, Sputnik наверняка вели прямую трансляцию со ступеней Капитолия. Не могу найти в сети…

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First Lady: Russia warms to the woman who ‘saved’ Alexei Navalny

It was an image that crystallised last weekend’s news. Yulia Navalnaya, the tall, blonde 44-year-old wife of Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, embracing her husband at border control in a moment of cruelty and tenderness. The two had come home understanding the risks of returning to the lair of unsuccessful assassins – and the likelihood that a period of extended separation would follow.

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Hundreds, including Navalny's wife Yulia, detained as protests in his support sweep across Russia
Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of the Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny, was detained in Moscow on Saturday on the sidelines of a protest held in support of her husband.

Navalny's wife said she was arrested, and posted a photo of herself in a police car on Instagram.

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«Леша» сядет, а «Юля» по примеру «Светы», покинув Россию, «пойдёт по Миру», изображая из себя «гиганта мысли и мать русской демократии».

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U.S. condemns Russia's arrests of Navalny protesters
More than 2,600 people were arrested Saturday at the protests. Navalny’s wife, Yulia, was among those detained, she said on social media.

“The U.S. supports the right of all people to peaceful protest, freedom of expression. Steps being taken by Russian authorities are suppressing those rights,” Rebecca Ross, the spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, said in a tweet Saturday. “Russian authorities [are] arresting peaceful protesters, journalists - appears to be [a] concerted campaign to suppress free speech, peaceful assembly. This continues years of Russia tightening restrictions, repressive actions against civil society, independent media, political opposition.”

“Navalny is a voice for millions and millions of Russians and their voice needs to be heard,” Blinken said, adding that the Kremlin’s “attempts to silence that voice by silencing Mr. Navalny is something we strongly condemn.”
In a statement released Saturday, State Dept. spokesman Ned Price said: "The U.S. strongly condemns the use of harsh tactics against peaceful protesters and journalists in Russia today. We call on Russia to release those detained for exercising their rights, including Aleksey Navalny, and to credibly investigate his poisoning."

“The perpetrators of the outrageous attack on his life must be held accountable,” Sullivan wrote in a tweet Sunday. “The Kremlin’s attacks on Mr. Navalny are not just a violation of human rights, but an affront to the Russian people who want their voices heard.”
Garry Kasparov, a prominent Putin critic and chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, said Saturday that people who want to support Russians should “tell your politicians to treat him like the mafia terror sponsor that he is.”
"Putin has spent 20 years building up the security forces and looting the country while Russia stagnates,” Kasparov, Russia's former chess world champion, said in a tweet Saturday. “[Protestors] come out to support Navalny and their own future.”

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Navalny escalates battle with Putin as EU officials demand his release
But it also illustrated the limited ability of Western powers to aid his crusade for democracy: German doctors could help save Navalny’s life after he was poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent, but the EU and the U.S. have been unable to pressure the Kremlin into ending its repression of political dissent.

During a debate in the European Parliament plenary on Tuesday, the EU’s high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, led the West’s condemnation cavalry. He denounced Navalny’s arrest as “unacceptable,” demanded his release, expressed relief that he survived the poisoning attack, and noted that in response, the EU in September imposed sanctions on six individuals and a state research institute.

“Any further decision on sanctions is for the Council to take,” Borrell said, a rather equivocal statement given he will lead a discussion of Navalny’s situation in the Foreign Affairs Council on Monday. EU ambassadors are due to discuss the case on Wednesday, but are also not expected to take any immediate concrete steps.

In testimony to the European Parliament in November, Navalny had urged the EU not to focus on mid-ranking officers of the special services, but rather on the super-wealthy oligarchs close to Putin, many of whom maintain assets in Europe. And on Tuesday one of Navalny’s close associates, Vladimir Ashurkov, published a list of eight names that he said Navalny hoped the West would penalize first. The list included Alisher Usmanov and Roman Abramovich, billionaires who own stakes in U.K. football clubs; as well as Denis Bortnikov, the son of the FSB director, Alexander Bortnikov; and Igor Shuvalov, a Putin ally who is chairman of Vnesheconombank.

In an interview with POLITICO, Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent Russian opposition activist who suffered two near-fatal poisoning attacks, urged the EU to impose sanctions on those eight individuals. “Is there anything the West can do, yes there is,” Kara-Murza said. “There have been all these sanctions in recent years, but they were never targeted directly at the most important people.”

In November, Navalny and Kara-Murza told the Parliament that oligarchs close to Putin were getting rich in Russia, and then safeguarding their wealth in the West, buying real estate, yachts and other luxury items. “For years and years, the West turned a blind eye to this,” Kara-Murza said. “It’s high time to put a stop to this. This goes both for the incoming Biden administration and for the European Union.”

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‘Can you look them in the eyes?’: Covid patients and NHS workers urge public to stay home in new ad

Covid-19 patients, frontline NHS staff and other healthcare professionals feature in a new TV advert urging people to stay at home during the lockdown as the UK's virus death total continues to rise.
The campaign is launched as government figures released on Friday show a further 1,401 people died from the deadly disease within 28 days of a positive test.
That figure was up from 1,290 on Thursday, bringing the UK's total number of deaths since the pandemic struck in March to 95,981.
Doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants - as well as Covid patients - speak during the short clip, calling on Britons not to leave their homes unless for essential purposes.
The ad, launching on TV before airing across radio and onto digital platforms over the weekend, asks the public: "Can you look them in the eyes and tell them you’re helping by staying at home?"

There are currently 4,034 Covid patients in wards in hospitals across the country, up from 3,715 on Thursday. Some 3,960 of those patients are on ventilation, according to government data.

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British shoppers hit with unexpectedly high fees on products from EU after Brexit
Britain’s online shoppers have expressed their dismay after been hit with unexpectedly high post-Brexit charges on items ordered from countries in the EU.
Consumers have been asked to pay up to one-third extra in customs duties, VAT and additional delivery charges once they arrive in the UK.
One UK retail boss said British firms were considering abandoning or even burning goods returned by their EU customers who were also unhappy about unexpected charges, due to the costs involved in bringing the items back to Britain.
One shopper, Ellie Huddleston from London, told the BBC she had been asked to pay £140 in unexpected costs from couriers DPD and UPS after buying a coat and blouses from EU retailers at £380.

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Добавлено: 26.01.2021 1:28  |  #147282
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Scottish Tories will BOYCOTT Nicola Sturgeon's rogue independence referendum, their leader reveals
The Tory leader in Scotland called for Labour and other parties to join him in a boycott of any attempt by Nicola Sturgeon to call a wildcat referendum on independence.

Douglas Ross said his party would not take part in any vote not sanctioned by Westminster as the Scottish National Party threatened to hold one whether it was given permission or not.

And he called for his political opponents to join him in refusing to lend legitimacy to the separatist project to break up the United Kingdom.

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О событиях 6-го января и урезании гражданских прав в США.

"1/6" = "9/11"

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EU foreign chief to fly to Moscow to condemn Navalny arrest
The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, will fly to Moscow to personally deliver the bloc’s condemnation of the “completely unacceptable” arrest of the opposition leader, Alexei Navalny.

The heads of state and government of the 27 member states will then reassess the EU’s relationship with Russia at a summit in March.
Borrell said there was no “concrete proposal” from the member states as yet as to the consequences of the continued detention of Navalny and 3,000 of his supporters but that the EU was “ready to react”.

Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, is among those who have called for sanctions, including Italy, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. He had also asked for the EU official to cancel his planned visit to Moscow. But after a meeting of foreign ministers, the bloc’s high representative for foreign affairs said the trip in the first week of February to meet Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, would go ahead.

“I don’t share the opinion that when things go bad, you don’t talk,” Borrell said. “Quite the contrary, that’s the moment to talk.”

He added: “[On] the arrest of Navalny and the crackdown of supporters, the council considered it completely unacceptable, condemned the mass detentions, and the police brutality over the weekend, and we call on Russia for the release of Mr Navalny and those detained.”

The development came as Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, denied that a lavish palace built on Russia’s Black Sea coast belonged to him, following a video exposé by Navalny made public following his arrest.

In a sign that the opposition figure’s investigation has touched a nerve with the Kremlin, Putin took the unusual step of claiming he had nothing to do with the property. It neither “belongs to or ever belonged to me or my close relatives. Ever,” Putin declared.

Putin dismissed the video, so far seen by more than 70 million people, as “boring”. He said he hadn’t had time to watch it and had merely glanced at a few clips compiled by his assistants. The montage of him swimming in a giant pool was “fake”, he said.
Putin’s denial is unlikely to convince the hundreds of thousands of Russians who took to the streets on Saturday, demanding Navalny’s release from custody. Navalny shot the video while recuperating in Germany from novichok poisoning, before his arrest a week ago when he flew back to Moscow.

Navalny claims the FSB spy agency was behind the bungled operation in Siberia last August – following a personal order to kill him by Russia’s president.

Putin’s carefully worded comments about ownership do not contradict the investigation. According to Navalny, the residence formally belongs to four proxies. All have ties to Putin’s close friends and to official state security bodies, he suggests.

The palace’s actual ownership is revealed by the fact that the federal security service guards the building round the clock, he adds. There are other clues, including a ban on boats cruising past the property.

The United States, Britain and EU countries had criticised Putin’s government on Sunday, with the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, describing the mass arrest of thousands of protesters in several Russia cities as “an intolerable affront” and a “slide towards authoritarianism”.

Clashes broke out in Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladivostok and other cities on Saturday and some protesters clashed with riot police in body armour and helmets. Dozens of people were injured.

Manfred Weber, a senior German conservative and head of the centre-right EPP grouping in the EU parliament, told Germany’s RND newspaper group that the arrest of protesters should not be tolerated and that Russia should face financial sanctions.

“The EU foreign ministers are not allowed to dodge this once again and stop at general appeals,” he said. “The EU has to hit where it really hurts the Putin system – and that’s the money,” Weber said, adding that the bloc should cut financial transactions from Putin’s inner circle.

In addition, a threat to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is meant to double natural gas deliveries from Russia to Germany, must remain on the table, Weber added.

A German government spokesperson declined to comment when asked whether Berlin was willing to support new sanctions against Russia following Navalny’s arrest.

EU lawmakers passed a resolution on Thursday calling for the bloc to stop the completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as a response to Navalny’s detention.

Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, who has continued to back the project despite criticism elsewhere in the EU, said on Thursday her view of the project had not changed despite the Navalny case.

During the protests, a spokeswoman for the US embassy in Moscow, Rebecca Ros, said on Twitter that “the US supports the right of all people to peaceful protest, freedom of expression. Steps being taken by Russian authorities are suppressing those rights.” The embassy also tweeted a Department of State statement calling for Navalny’s release.

Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said comments by the US were “inappropriate” and he accused Washington of “interference in our internal affairs”.

The US ambassador to Russia, John Sullivan, was summoned on Monday for a conversation with Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov. Ryabkov protested about the Biden administration’s support of Saturday’s demonstrations, which Moscow says were “illegal”.

The US was guilty of meddling in Russia’s internal affairs by allowing its tech companies to circulate pro-Navalny content, a foreign ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, said.

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Статья содержит целых две ссылки на один и тот же «фильм», точно коллектив "Тhe Guardian" принимал в его создании самое непосредственное участие.

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Alexander Navalny’s political gifts could spell the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin

Editorial: The biggest protests in years, calling for the release of Navalny, added to stagnant living standards and the erosion of human rights, suggest the Russian people have had enough of Putin

Agolden loo brush is an unlikely symbol of revolution – successor to the famous hammer and sickle of Marxist-Leninist times. And yet the opulent bathroom accessory, or at least a cheap replica, has been brandished on the streets of Russia in the biggest protests in years, calling for the release of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and railing against President Putin’s abuse of power.
Elections to the Russian parliament, the Duma, are due later this year and, for what they’re worth, may mark a further weakening of Mr Putin’s hold on the respect of the Russian people.

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Russia downplays Navalny protests as it dismisses US 'diktats'
The US condemned the violence against the protesters, in a marked departure from its attitude towards Russia during the Trump administration. “The United States will stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies and partners in defence of human rights – whether in Russia or wherever they come under threat,” said Ned Price, a spokesperson for the state department.
Those remarks sparked anger in Moscow. The Kremlin press secretary, Dmitri Peskov, said: “We’re not ready for diktat, we’re not ready for boorishness, and we’re not ready for any crossing of red lines.”
Peskov said on state television that Putin would be ready for dialogue with the Biden administration despite their disagreements, but the two countries were closer to “enemies” than “partners” at the moment.
During the interview, he also said the protests would play into the hands of those who wanted to destabilise Russia, and that far fewer people supported the protests than supported Putin.
“Lots of people are going to say that many people came out to this illegal rally,” Peskov said. “No. Few people came out, but many people vote for Putin. And a lot of people voted for constitutional reform” that will let Putin run for president until 2036, he continued. “If you compare the numbers, you’ll see how few people there were.”
Estimates of the crowd size in Moscow have varied by an order of magnitude: police estimated 4,000 protesters while the Reuters news agency estimated 40,000.
Peskov’s remarks appeared to confirm what many analysts have predicted: that the Kremlin will remain defiant despite street protests and pressure from abroad to release Navalny. A parole board could enforce a three-and-a-half year sentence against the opposition leader and send him to a penal colony by the end of the month.
Peskov accused the US embassy of interfering in Russian affairs by commenting on the protests, following accusations by the Russian foreign ministry that the US embassy had backed the protests by publishing protest routes.
“This is a professionally prepared provocation, encouraged by embassies of western countries, including US embassy in Moscow,” tweeted the Russian embassy to the UK on Sunday.
Navalny’s supporters have vowed to hold opposition protests next week, raising the possibility that Russia will see weekly protests as in neighbouring Belarus, where the embattled president, Alexander Lukashenko, has been accused of employing torture to maintain control.
The opposition ridiculed Peskov’s claims that the crowds at the protests were small. “Peskov: Even more people should be at the meeting next week!” joked Leonid Volkov, one of Navalny’s few aides who has not been arrested – because he is abroad. “We’ll count everyone who doesn’t come as though he’s for Putin!”

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Putin denies owning £1bn Black Sea palace after Navalny exposé
Mr Putin said he had “not had the time” to view the much-discussed investigation, released on 19 January shortly after the Putin critic was jailed. Nonetheless, the president asserted extracts he had seen represented an “attempt to brainwash” Russians using “10-year-old rumours”.
“They decided it was a good time to put things together and brainwash our citizens,” he said. “This is just a compilation, a cut and paste job.”
In an altogether complicated repudiation, Mr Putin said neither he nor close relatives had “ever” owned the property.

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Yulia Navalnaya, Kremlin Critic’s Wife, In The Spotlight
“Her role has certainly changed. From the wife of a politician, she is herself becoming a politician,” political scientist Konstantin Kalachev told AFP.
“She has charisma and charm, she is a creative, courageous person, and she can easily replace her husband if necessary,” he added.
Baunov noted that some people “sympathize much more with her than with Navalny,” adding that people have grown tired of having the same main opposition figure for the past decade.
“We need new voices,” Baunov said. “Yulia is an ideal option.”

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What Alexei Navalny needs now
The biggest Russian protests since at least 2017 — across Russia’s 11 time zones — led to 3,000 arrests, including Yulia Navalny, wife of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny. President Vladimir Putin appears to recognize an emerging threat: the government this weekend went after Navalny on TV and denied the existence of Putin’s billion-dollar palace, after years of ignoring him.

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Russia: Police Detain Thousands in Pro-Navalny Protests
A lawyer, Mikhail Benyash, was detained in Krasnodar on January 22 for his social media post urging colleagues to organize legal aid for potential detainees. On January 23, police detained Yuliya Navalnaya, Navalny’s wife, in Moscow after the protest. Her lawyer was not allowed to accompany her to a police station. She was released few hours later. Riot police detained Liubov Sobol, a political activist and lawyer with the Foundation Against Corruption (FBK), founded by Navalny, while she spoke to journalists at a protest.

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«Гигант мысли и мать русской демократии».

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China spreading conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in US lab and Pfizer vaccine is killing elderly

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Facebook to provide data on targeted political ads to researchers
Facebook Inc said on Monday it would provide academic researchers information on how political ads were targeted in the lead-up to the presidential election in the United States last year.
The social media giant said the data would include targeting criteria, such as location and interests, selected by advertisers running social issue, electoral or political ads.
Academics and researchers can apply for access to this information through the Facebook Open Research & Transparency (FORT) platform on Feb. 1, Facebook said in a blog post, adding that the data package would cover more than a million ads that ran between Aug. 3 and Nov. 3. (bit.ly/3a3L91r) Both Facebook and Alphabet Inc's Google have currently paused political ads after the presidential election as part of measures to police misinformation and other abuses.

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Facebook suspends Netanyahu’s chatbot for seeking to ID unvaccinated Israelis
Facebook on Monday deleted a post by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and suspended a chatbot operated by his official account for a week for violating the social media network’s privacy policy.
The chatbot had been sending private messages to followers, asking them to provide personal details of people over the age of 60 who haven’t yet been vaccinated against the coronavirus, adding that the premier will then persuade them to get the inoculation, Facebook Israel said in a statement.

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Apple: Keep iPhone 12 at least six inches from pacemakers

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Microsoft confirms political donations hold amid review of lawmakers who challenged election results

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Sláinte! Prince Charles and Camilla toast Robert Burns and read poems to celebrate Burns Night - while Prince William and Kate share message with NHS Scotland staff
After finishing the poem Charles said 'Sláinte,' a Gaelic word meaning 'health' and a common toast in Scotland.
He then takes a sip from a silver cup and smiles at the camera.
The celebration, which marks the life and poetry of Scottish poet Robert Burns, usually sees the nation come together to the soundtrack of blasting bagpipes as they enjoy a meal of haggis, neeps and tatties while drinking drams of whisky.

'Hello to everyone at NHS Tayside. We know Burns Night is a special evening for Scots around the world – a time to come together to eat, drink and to celebrate the life and work of Robert Burns,' William said in the video message.
'Sadly this year is a little different. And for many of you working on the frontline, tonight will be a very different occasion, as you work tirelessly through this pandemic to protect the most vulnerable in our society,' Kate added.
'We want to say a huge thank you for all of the work you are doing and the sacrifices you are making. As a token of our appreciation, we’ve teamed up with NHS Charities Together to provide you with a Haggis dinner,' William continued.

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Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 27.01.2021 0:38  |  #147284
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Biden presses Putin on Navalny arrest and massive cyber hack in first phone call

While Mr Biden has broken with Mr Trump by directly confronting Mr Putin election interference, the Afghan bounty scheme, and the 2020 cyber attack, the two leaders’ conversation on Tuesday was not entirely combative.
On the call, Mr Biden and Mr Putin expressed their mutual desire to formalise a five-year extension of a bilateral nuclear arms control treaty known as “New START,” the latest in a succession of arms limitation agreements between the two nations since the early 1990s.
New START was first signed by Mr Obama in 2009 and allows each nation transparency into the other’s nuclear arsenal.
“I find that we can both operate in the mutual self-interest of our countries as a New START agreement and make it clear to Russia that we are very concerned about their behavior, whether it’s Navalny, whether it’s SolarWinds or reports of bounties on heads of Americans in Afghanistan,” Mr Biden told reporters at the White House on Monday.
The Kremlin’s readout of the conversation between the two leaders characterised it as of a “businesslike and frank nature.”
Ms Psaki reiterated calls for Russia to “cooperate” with the international investigation into Mr Navalny’s poisoning in August 2020 and to “credibly explain” the use of a chemical weapon, Novichok, on one of its own citizens.

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Biden calls Putin to press for release of poisoned opposition leader Navalny: President also warns he'll consider sanctions over Solar Wind cyberhack and bounties on U.S. troops

Psaki said Biden initiated the call to pitch an extension of the New Start strategic nuclear treaty.

'He called President Putin this afternoon with the intent of discussing our willingness to extent New START for five years. Also to reaffirm our strong support for Ukraine sovereignty in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression,' she said, mentioning Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.

She said Biden also called 'to raise matters of concern' and mentioned the solar winds hack on networks across the U.S. government, 'reports of Russia placing bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, interference in the 2020 election, the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, and treatment of peaceful protesters by Russian security forces.'

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Biden, in first call with Putin, presses on Navalny, treaty

Moscow reached out last week to request the call, according to the U.S. officials, who were familiar with the call but not authorized to discuss it publicly. Biden agreed but wanted first to prepare with his staff and speak with European allies, including the leaders of Britain, France and Germany.
On Tuesday before his call with Putin, Biden spoke to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, pledging the United States’ commitment to the decades-old alliance founded as a bulwark against Russian aggression.
Biden told Putin that his administration was assessing the SolarWinds breach and the reports that Russia offered the Taliban bounties to kill American troops in Afghanistan,. Biden said the United States is willing to defend itself and will take action, which could include further sanctions, to ensure that Moscow does not act with impunity, according to the administration officials.
The Kremlin’s readout did not address the most contentious issues between the countries, though it said the leaders also discussed other “acute issues on the bilateral and international agenda.” It described the talk as “frank and businesslike” — often a diplomatic way of referring to tense discussions. It also said Putin congratulated Biden on becoming president and “noted that normalization of ties between Russia and the United States would serve the interests of both countries.”
Among the issues it said were discussed were the coronavirus pandemic, the Iran nuclear agreement, Ukraine and issues related to trade and the economy.
The call came as Putin considers the aftermath of pro-Navalny protests that took place in more than 100 Russian cities over the weekend. Biden’s team has already reacted strongly to the crackdown on the protests, in which more than 3,700 people were arrested across Russia, including more than 1,400 in Moscow. More protests are planned for the coming weekend.

But their starting position is complicated, they say, particularly given Putin’s experience in dealing with Trump, who frequently undercut his own administration’s hawkish stance on Russia by privately trying to cozy up to the Russian leader. Trump also was frequently ill-prepared for foreign leader calls, ignoring warnings from staff, limiting those who could listen on the calls and, especially after calls with Putin, telling very few aides what was discussed.
“It’s hard but it’s doable,” said Daniel Fried, a U.S. ambassador to Poland and assistant secretary of state for European affairs in the George W. Bush administration. “They’re going to have to figure this out on the fly, but it’s important to pursue New START without hesitation and push back on the Navalny arrest and other issues without guilt.”
“They need to do both and not let Putin tell them he won’t accept New START unless they drop Navalny, SolarWinds or Afghanistan,” said Fried, who is now with the Atlantic Council. “You have to push back and you can’t let Putin set the terms.”

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26 янв. 2021 г
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26 янв. 2021 г
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26 янв. 2021 г
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"Нашей разведке советовал бы подготовить чемоданы". Что говорят в Украине о протестах в России
В Украине активно комментируют протесты, на которые вчера вышли сторонники Алексея Навального.
Их официально поддержали украинские власти - после того как аналогичное мнение высказали из-за океана. Это показательный факт - ведь еще две недели назад Киев поддержал разгон протестующих, которые штурмовали Капитолий в США.
А вот мнения блогосферы разделились. В промайдановском лагере одни безоговорочно за победу Навального. Другие считают, что с его приходом к власти с Москвы снимут санкции, а Крым Украине при этом не вернут.
Также у многих большие сомнения, что протесты в том формате, в котором они шли вчера, на что-то в России повлияют.
И, наконец, противники Майдана пишут, что россияне Навального поддерживать не станут, потому что у них перед глазами негативный пример Украины - с войной и территориальным распадом.
Собрали мнения украинцев о вчерашних протестах в России.

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"Бутерброд придется вернуть ненадкушенным". В МИД Украины поддержали Навального, но с одним условием
"Надо понимать Россию. Мы не должны также очаровываться Алексеем Навальным с точки зрения интересов Украины. Я убежден, что "бутерброд" придется вернуть, причем не надкушенным, а свежим, в хорошем состоянии. Здесь не должно быть никаких иллюзий", - сказал Кулеба.
Министр иностранных дел Украины убежден, что России придется в любом случае извиняться за аннексию Крыма.
"Еще и извинения придется ему принести за российскую агрессию, если случится так, что Навальный в какой-то перспективе в результате демократических выборов возглавит Россию или займет какое-то политическое место в системе. Но, как я сказал, враг моего врага - мой друг. Поэтому, если Навальный - враг Путина, то мы поддерживаем Навального. Все очень просто ", - сказал он.

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Navalny ally vows to press for his freedom despite crackdown
The crackdown continued to bring international outrage. The top diplomats of the United States, Britain, Canada, France Germany, Italy and Japan, as well as the high representative of the European Union, condemned the “politically motivated arrest and detention” of Navalny and said they were “deeply concerned by the detention of thousands of peaceful protesters and journalists.”

The Kremlin had earlier dismissed Western criticism as interfering with Russia’s internal affairs.

Navalny’s team has called for more demonstrations on Jan. 31 and Feb. 2, when a court is scheduled to consider motions to convert his suspended sentence into a real prison term.

In 2019, the project helped candidates backed by Navalny win 20 of 45 seats on the Moscow city council, and regional elections last year saw United Russia lose its majority in legislatures in three cities.
Analysts believe Navalny is capable of influencing the parliamentary vote, a key for the Kremlin as it will determine who controls the State Duma in 2024. That’s when Putin’s current term expires and he is expected to seek reelection, thanks to constitutional reforms last year.
On Thursday, a court is scheduled to hear an appeal on the ruling to jail Navalny. When asked about a possible outcome, Sobol said that “we do live in an unpredictable country; what will happen next and tomorrow is literally unknown.”

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Two Virginia police officers fired after taking part in Capitol mob

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Glenn Greenwald warns against media censorship amid concerns over domestic terrorism

Greenwald pointed to the response after the 9/11 terrorist attack where several laws expanded the definition of supporting terrorism. People, particularly Muslims, who disagreed on U.S. foreign policy and expressed support for people who resisted such policies often faced scrutiny and legal prosecution.

"You were prosecuted for materially supporting terrorist organizations. What this law does that Adam Schiff proposed is to simply take the existing war on terror law that is devoted to foreign terrorist groups, and just amend it to say, 'and domestic terror groups as well,' which means criminalizing all kinds of protests, associational and even speech activities."

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‘THIS IS ME’: Rioters flaunt involvement in Capitol siege

“THIS IS ME,” one man posted on Instagram with a hand emoji pointing to himself in a picture of the violent mob descending on the U.S. Capitol. “Sooo we’ve stormed Capitol Hill lol,” one woman texted someone while inside the building. “I just wanted to incriminate myself a little lol,” another wrote on Facebook about a selfie he took inside during the Jan. 6 riot.

In dozens of cases, supporters of President Donald Trump downright flaunted their activity on social media on the day of the deadly insurrection. Some, apparently realizing they were in trouble with the law, deleted their accounts only to discover their friends and family members had already taken screenshots of their selfies, videos and comments and sent them to the FBI.

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DC National Guard commander says Pentagon restricted his authority before riot

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Hillary, Chelsea Clinton to produce series about all-woman militias that fought Islamic State
“The Daughters of Kobani is an extraordinary account of brave, defiant women fighting for justice and equality,” Hillary Clinton said in a statement, according to Deadline. “We created HiddenLight to celebrate heroes — sung and unsung alike — whose courage is too often overlooked, and we could not be more thrilled to bring this inspiring story to viewers around the world.”

The production company previously announced its first project, “Gutsy Women,” an AppleTV documentary series based on Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s 2019 book “The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

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How socialism saved America
Admittedly, the above policies cost a lot of money — money that the U.S. treasury must borrow and pay interest on. The sums are both awesome and scary. But the alternative – sinking lives and continued economic distress – is far worse.

The U.S. experience with extreme measures of socialism in the past year has been largely positive. It saved its economy and arguably many lives. To some extent, such a learning experience is self-reinforcing. Democrats and Republicans practiced socialism and many liked the results. They witnessed that aspects of socialism can benefit society. This amounts to a reset in how socialism is perceived. As a result, it is fair to conclude that the mix of socialism and capitalism governing the American society is being reset.

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Psaki signals she's open to reviving 'Skype seats' amid pandemic

"We’d certainly be open to taking questions via Skype," Psaki said during a White House press briefing. "I took some questions on Twitter the other day, we're going to try to take some questions from the American people that they ask on YouTube. So, we’ll continue to look for ways to not just bring back the daily briefing, but to take questions from more reporters and people."

Psaki noted that the briefing room typically holds roughly 60 journalists for briefings, but that number has been drastically reduced due to the pandemic based on the recommendations of health officials.

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UK police officers facing fines after having haircuts at police station

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Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 28.01.2021 0:32  |  #147288
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‘We owe this to them’: Shoah survivors in vaccine spotlight
Hundreds of Holocaust survivors in Austria and Slovakia got their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine Wednesday, an acknowledgement of past suffering and a tribute to resilience 76 years after Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.
More than 400 Austrian survivors, most in their 80s or 90s, were expected to get shots at the convention center in Vienna. Some were brought by shuttle or by ambulance, while others were accompanied by their children. The fittest among them took the subway.
“We owe this to them,” said Erika Jakubovits, who organized the capital vaccination drive for the Jewish Community of Vienna. “They have suffered so much trauma and have felt even more insecure during this pandemic.”
Jakubovits set up the vaccination drive with support from the Austrian Health Ministry and Vienna city officials. Twelve doctors, all members of the Viennese Jewish community, volunteered to administer shots to older Jews.

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I’m an Auschwitz survivor – what happened in the Holocaust must never be forgotten
I know I cannot go on sharing forever, but what happened in the Holocaust must never be forgotten. The world should always know what happened to us.
When I speak in schools, I ask students to tell their friends and family what they have heard. I say that in the future, if they ever hear anyone question what happened, they should tell them that they heard Freda Wineman, and she survived the Holocaust. I ask them to be my witnesses. Today, I ask the same of you. Please share my story. Please be my witness.

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Выступление Владимира Путина на Давосе-2021. Главное

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GOP largely sides against holding Trump impeachment trial
All but five Senate Republicans voted in favor of an effort to dismiss Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment trial on Tuesday, making clear a conviction of the former president for “incitement of insurrection” after the deadly Capitol siege on Jan. 6 is unlikely.

While the Republicans did not succeed in ending the trial before it began, the test vote made clear that Trump still has enormous sway over his party as he becomes the first former president to be tried for impeachment. Many Republicans have criticized Trump’s role in the attack — before which he told his supporters to “fight like hell” to overturn his defeat — but most of them have rushed to defend him in the trial.

“I think this was indicative of where a lot of people’s heads are,” said South Dakota Sen. John Thune, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, after the vote.

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US terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violence
The department did not cite a specific threat, but pointed to “a heightened threat environment across the United States” that it believes “will persist” since Biden took office on Jan. 20.
“Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence,″ the bulletin said.
It did not mention any ideological or political affiliation, instead warning more broadly about “individuals frustrated with the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances and ideological causes fueled by false narratives.”
These individuals, DHS said, “could continue to mobilize a broad range of ideologically-motivated actors to incite or commit violence.

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YouTube extends Trump suspension, slaps new restrictions on Giuliani
YouTube initially said it was giving Trump his first of three strikes before it would permanently ban him from the site under its content policies, suspending him for a minimum of one week. It extended that suspension last Tuesday for at least another week. But the company offered no timetable for the latest extension, making his suspension effectively indefinite.

“In light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, the Donald J. Trump channel will remain suspended,” YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi said in a statement. “Our teams are staying vigilant and closely monitoring for any new developments.”

YouTube separately said it will temporarily bar Giuliani from participating in a program that allows him to make money off his channel due to repeated violations of its policies against making false claims about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 elections, according to a spokesperson. Giuliani can reapply for the program after 30 days if the issues with his account have been resolved, the spokesperson said.

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Pakistan to ‘review’ controversial internet censorship rules

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Yulia Navalnaya's husband was poisoned and detained. Now she is piling pressure on Vladimir Putin
Why are you detaining me? Have I violated any laws?" demanded Yulia Navalnaya, as four policemen surrounded her on Saturday. She was on her way to a protest in Moscow, where thousands had gathered to demand the release of her husband, Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, from jail.

She was freed a few hours later, once riot police had dispersed the crowds. Nevertheless, the promptness with which Moscow police tracked her down and detained her speaks to the fears she and her husband spark in the Kremlin, as protests rage across Russia.

Navalnaya herself may have been poisoned while on a family vacation in Kaliningrad last year. Flight manifests obtained by the investigation show at least three members of FSB flew to the city at the same time, and security cameras at the hotel were turned off for the duration of their stay, a source told Bellingcat.
On July 6, hours after the FSB team returned to Moscow, she fell ill, experiencing what Navalny would later describe as sudden exhaustion and disorientation.
Yulia recovered, and the exact cause of her illness was not determined. But experts have told CNN that such symptoms are consistent with a low dosage of poisoning, and looking back, Navalny believes the symptoms were "absolutely the same" as those he would experience while recovering from his encounter with Novichok.

Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled over Belarus since 1994, was declared the winner of the disputed election, and Tikhanovskaya was forced to flee the country. Nevertheless, she remains the face of mass protests against the strongman leader.
Some Russian tabloids have speculated that Navalnaya could also run for a seat in Russia's parliament, the Duma, next fall. Similar rumors abounded before the Russian presidential elections in 2018, when Navalny was barred from running due to a past conviction.
Another presidential candidate, socialite Ksenia Sobchak recalled in an interview that she had suggested Yulia could run on his platform, but said that Navalny dismissed it, saying that "votes are not transferrable."
Navalnaya has so far voiced no aspirations for political office. But pro-Kremlin outlets have already slammed her as a "project' by Western "curators" intent on meddling in Russian politics -- an echo of similar accusations against Navalny.
Her husband faces a court hearing next week that will determine their family's future for what may be years to come. Navalnaya remains defiant, thanking supporters -- who dubbed her "the First Lady" on Instagram -- for risking arrest last weekend to protest for his release.

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«Гигант мысли и мать русской демократии».

Реклама Агрессии.


Police raid Russian opposition leader’s apartment, offices
MOSCOW (AP) — Police on Wednesday searched the Moscow apartment of jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, another residence where his wife is living and offices of his anti-corruption organization.
Navalny’s aides reported the raids on social media.
It was not immediately clear whether anyone had been arrested. Leonid Volkov, head of Navalny’s corruption-investigating organization, said the searches were being carried out for alleged epidemiological or sanitary violations.
Police also searched the apartment of Navalny’s spokeswoman, who was arrested last week and jailed, and an investigator for Navalny’s group, the organization reported.

The searches come amid rising tensions over Navalny. Demonstrations demanding his release were held nationwide in Russia last weekend., About 4,000 people reportedly were detained by police in the protests. His supporters have called for more demonstration to be held Sunday.
Navalny’s arrest and the harsh police actions at the protests have brought wide criticism from the West and calls for his release.
Russia’s foreign ministry said Wednesday that a statement by the Group of Seven foreign ministers condemning his arrest constitutes “gross interference” in Russia’s domestic affairs.

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Russian police raid Alexei Navalny's home and offices
On Wednesday evening police banged at the door of Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, who yelled back that her lawyer was on the way. After breaking through the door, police searched the house and later detained Navalny’s brother, according to media outlets MBKh Media and RTVI. At the same time, a close Navalny ally, Lyubov Sobol, demanded that police identify themselves as they prised open the door to a studio that broadcasts Navalny Live.

Investigators searched the offices of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, the team that put out a recent investigation into a £1bn palace allegedly built for Putin’s personal use. Police also raided the homes of Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s press secretary, and other aides.

The raids put additional pressure on Navalny as the Kremlin weighs whether or not to risk giving its most stalwart critic the kind of lengthy prison sentence that could turn him into a political martyr.

Navalny’s supporters are expected to rally for a second straight weekend on Sunday. Last week’s protests were some of the country’s largest in the last decade, and scuffles broke out between police and demonstrators in Moscow, St Petersburg and other cities across the country.

Russia’s investigative committee announced the new criminal case for alleged lockdown breaches on Wednesday. The powerful group has also launched an inquiry into alleged calls for underage Russians to join the protests.

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Garry Kasparov urges UK to impose sanctions on oligarchs close to Putin
In an interview with the Guardian, Kasparov said the UK was uniquely placed to take action against Putin’s inner circle. He argued that the flow of money from Moscow into London had to cease. “It’s very simple. Stop talking and start acting,” he said.
Kasparov said Russia was at a crossroads following pro-Navalny protests last Saturday in more than 100 Russian cities, with 40,000 people taking to the streets in Moscow. He described the demonstrations as “phenomenal” and the most significant since 1991.
“They happened despite state propaganda and pressure on people,” he said. “In Europe nobody can now send a more vocal message to the Kremlin than the Brits. As long as the money keeps flowing into London and to the free world, Putin’s power is untouched.”
In the House of Commons on Wednesday, opposition MPs called for sanctions against eight prominent and wealthy Russians cited by Navalny, including the Chelsea FC owner, Roman Abramovich, and Alisher Usmanov, a former Arsenal shareholder with close links to Everton.

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27 янв. 2021 г.
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27 янв. 2021 г.
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26 янв. 2021 г.
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Первый звонок и зрада. Зачем Байден звонил Путину и что это означает для Украины

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"Готовьтесь к большой мадьярской крови". Консулам Венгрии в Закарпатской области поступили угрозы расправой

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Облава на Костю Киевского. Как в Москве ловят ТикТок-блогеров Навального, нападавших на ОМОН

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В Раде зарегистрировали проект о двойном гражданстве. За паспорт РФ предлагается лишить права голоса

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Backlash grows for ‘selfish millionaire’ who got vaccine meant for Indigenous people
Casino executive Rodney Baker and his wife Ekaterina Baker, an actor, travelled by chartered plane to Beaver Creek, a community of 100 in Canada’s Yukon territory, where a mobile team was administering the Moderna vaccine to locals, including elderly members of the White River First Nation.
At the mobile clinic, the Bakers posed as local motel employees to receive the vaccine, officials allege. They were detained at the airport in Whitehorse, the territorial capital, as they traveled home to Vancouver, British Columbia.

“These actions are a blatant display of disrespect and an exemplification of true privilege and entitlement; a selfish millionaire and his wife, stole doses of the vaccine from a vulnerable population, and put an entire community, nation and region at risk,” Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Yukon Regional Chief Kluane Adamek said in a statement. “This cowardly act should not go unpunished, and authorities should send a message to anyone else trying to commit such a heinous offense that it will not be tolerated.”
Marc Miller, Canada’s federal Indigenous services minister, said he was “disgusted” by the Millers’ behaviour. “I don’t know what went through those people’s minds. There is extreme scarcity of the doses and for some reason people tried to game the system. It’s unfair. It’s wrong,” he said.

Despite growing calls for harsher punishment, it is unclear what further steps lawmakers can take.
In interviews with local media, Yukon lawmakers called for a review of the current rules to ensure they can deter similar behaviour in the future.
Following news of the Bakers’ deception, British Columbia’s ministry of health has said the couple will have to wait for their second dose of the vaccine until their age group is eligible in late summer.
“There is no room in BC’s Covid-19 immunization plan for people who deliberately put vulnerable populations at risk in order to receive their vaccine before the start of their eligibility group,” the ministry said in a statement.

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Disney updates Jungle Cruise after insensitivity criticism
“As Imagineers, it is our responsibility to ensure experiences we create and stories we share reflect the voices and perspectives of the world around us,” said Carmen Smith, a Disney executive, in the blog post.

The ride first opened at Disneyland in 1955.

Last summer, amid calls to change the Splash Mountain theme park ride over its ties to “Song of the South,” the 1946 movie many view as racist, Disney officials said it was recasting the ride so that it is based on “The Princess and the Frog,” a 2009 Disney film with an African American female lead.

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German governor apologizes for ‘little Merkel’ comment
A German state governor has apologized for referring to Chancellor Angela Merkel as “little Merkel” during a recent online event, saying he had unintentionally displayed macho behavior.
Bodo Ramelow, who governs the state of Thuringia, told German weekly Die Zeit that he greatly regretted using the term “Merkelchen” while talking chatting with other politicians and the public on the social networking app Clubhouse.
Die Zeit on Wednesday quoted Ramelow saying that he should have used the diminutive form in reference to male politicians. “Instead, I spoke about a woman. That was dumb and appeared disrespectful,” he said.
Ramelow, a member of the Left Party, said he had since apologized personally to Merkel.

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MAGA media looks to turn White House briefing room into a battlefield
Eric Bolling, the conservative host of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s “America This Week,” would travel regularly to Donald Trump’s White House, interviewing the former president seven times and occasionally attending press briefings.

Trump’s now gone and Bolling is facing a vastly different professional landscape. The current president is not a friend. His employer dragged its feet in declaring Joe Biden the winner. And Bolling said he’s concerned he could lose his regular credentials and be unable to tape from the White House.

And so, he’s taking steps to protect his standing. He recently submitted an application to become a member of the White House Correspondents’ Association, he said in an interview.

“I hope to hold this administration as accountable as the media held the Trump administration,” Bolling said.

White House officials stressed that they won’t take steps to banish pro-Trump voices from the White House. They don’t, for example, anticipate proactively revoking hard passes from journalists who got them under Trump. And they seem keen on not going down the same path the Obama White House did, when it took steps to freeze out Fox, but backed off amid pushback from other networks. But Biden’s aides also promised not to allow outlets to use the briefings to spread baseless conspiracies.

“We expect reporters covering the White House to operate in good faith and tell their audience the truth, and this White House will do the same. We are moving forward with that mutual understanding,” said T.J. Ducklo, the deputy White House press secretary. “Organizations or individuals who traffic in conspiracy theories, propaganda and lies to spread disinformation will not be tolerated, and we’ll work with the WHCA to decide how to handle those instances moving forward.”

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How will Joe Biden’s press secretary differ from her white house predecessors?
Jen Psaki has struck a factual and friendly tone with reporters in her first week as press secretary for the new Biden administration. Joe Sommerlad on how her style differs from those who came before.

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More than 85 poor countries will not have widespread access to coronavirus vaccines before 2023

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10559
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 29.01.2021 0:12  |  #147289
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How will US relations with Russia change under President Biden?

President Putin must be missing Donald Trump already. In the long-established diplomatic code used in such communiques, the White House “read out” reports that Joe Biden “raised matters of concern” during his phone call to Vladimir Putin, their first conversation since Mr Biden took office. President Biden “made clear that the United States will act firmly in defence of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us or our allies”.

Clear enough, when decoded, and foreful stuff – a marked departure from the usually soft approach of the Trump administration. The Kremlin, for its part, was a little less opaque: “On the whole, the conversation between the leaders of Russia and the United States was of a businesslike and frank nature. It was agreed to maintain contacts.”

The “hot line” remains open, then, but there is no mistaking that relations between the two countries are being placed in a more normal footing. As every president before Donald Trump has done, Mr Biden was firm in his objections to Russia’s recent international behaviour, and the list of transgressions is a lengthy one. President Biden raised hacking of US government computers, the Russian bounties in US troops in Afghanistan, interference in US elections, the attempted assassination of Alexei Navalny, and the sovereignty of Ukraine.

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В чём новизна? Статья опубликована 20 часов тому назад.
Да. Но, она до сих пор стоит в начале первой полосы и она по прежнему, доступна только частично (полтора абзаца видно – далее фиг (нет-нет, в цитате вся статья, обрубков не публикую, защита «The independent» снимается легко)).
Так в чём интерес?
Интерес в том, что ничего глубже этого анализа у них нет. Есть длиннее, но нет содержательнее.
Фактически им нечего сказать. Они явно рассчитывали на что-то другое.
Есть такое понятие «мхатовская пауза». Так вот пауза затянулась.
Новизна этого материала в Рекламе События, которого не произошло.

Реклама Агрессии.



28 янв. 2021 г.
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28 янв. 2021 г.
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"Эта ПАСЕ давно сломалась". Кулеба прокомментировал отказ Ассамблеи лишить полномочий россиян

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Alexei Navalny decries Kremlin ‘lawlessness’ as court rejects appeal

Jailed Putin critic Alexei Navalny used a video-link court appearance on Thursday to rally supporters, as the Kremlin stepped up a campaign of reprisals against his staff and family members.

The appeal into his pre-trial detention ended predictably in rejection, but the hearing allowed the opposition leader to decry what he described as “demonstrative lawlessness” being used against him.

“What is happening in these courtrooms is an attempt to scare people demonstratively,” he said. “But you can’t scare the tens of millions of people who have been robbed by this regime.”

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'Keep me in handcuffs': Navalny denounces criminal proceedings
Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has denounced the criminal proceedings against him, telling a Russian court via a video link from jail that while it had the power now to “keep me in handcuffs … that situation is not going to continue for ever”.

As a Moscow appeal hearing has rejected calls to release him from jail and investigators charged Navalny’s top aides in a series of inquiries meant to disrupt the protest movement that has arisen in his support, he told the court he believed the proceedings were part of a campaign to intimidate the opposition.

“Right now you have the power,” he told a judge during the hearing. “You can put one guard on one side of me, one on the other and keep me in handcuffs. But that situation is not going to continue for ever.”

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Российский суд отклоняет апелляцию Навального; союзники задержаны

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian court on Thursday rejected an appeal by opposition leader Alexei Navalny for his release from jail, while authorities detained several of his allies and warned social media companies about promoting more protests after tens of thousands rallied across the country last weekend demanding his freedom.

Appearing in court by video link from jail, Navalny denounced the criminal proceedings against him as part of a government campaign to intimidate the opposition.

“You won’t succeed in scaring tens of millions of people who have been robbed by that government,” he said. “Yes, you have the power now to put me in handcuffs, but it’s not going to last forever.”

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Defiant Alexey Navalny vows from jail cell that Russians won't let Putin "steal our country"

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И т.д..

Как говориться, найдите 10 отличий. Если и есть, то только стилистически. Как будто это не статья о блогере, а материал о важном государственном событии, отличия трактовки которого, крайне не желательны.

Реклама Агрессии.

Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny to remain in detention ahead of hearing next month, Russian court rules
In his final statement, Navalny urged protesters to keep coming out.

"They are the last barrier that prevents those in power from stealing everything. They are the real patriots," he said. "You will not be able to intimidate us -- we are the majority."

Speaking to CNN from exile in London, he urged US President Joe Biden to put pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle to help save Navalny from a similar fate.
"Personal sanctions must be imposed by President Biden and others in the West on those closest to Putin," he told CNN. "This would be extremely painful for Putin's entourage and will affect the stability of his power."

"Looking back, I was one of the lucky ones. I lost a decade of my life in prison but others who challenge Putin have paid a far higher price," he told CNN.

US Secretary of State Tony Blinken said Wednesday that the Biden administration was conducting a review of Russian "actions that are of deep concern to us, whether it is the treatment of Mr. Navalny and particularly the apparent use of a chemical weapon in an attempt to assassinate him."
Biden spoke to Putin on Tuesday for the first time since becoming US President, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, and raised the poisoning of Navalny, among other issues.
"I don't want to get ahead of where we are on those reviews," said Blinken. "But as I say, we have a deep concern for Mr. Navalny's safety and security, and the larger point is that his voice is the voice of many, many, many Russians, and it should be heard, not muzzled."
Blinken told reporters he was "not ruling out anything but we want to get this full review done, and then we'll take it from there."

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Реклама Агрессии.


Analysis: After building a radicalization engine, Mark Zuckerberg aims to 'turn down the temperature'
The Facebook chief observed on a call with investors — in which the company posted an $11.2 billion profit in Q4, an increase of more than 50% from the year prior — that "there has been a trend across society that a lot of things have become politicized and politics have had a way of creeping into everything." (Hmm, I wonder what might have contributed to this!) "One of the top pieces of feedback that we're hearing from our community right now is that people don't want politics and fighting to take over their experience on our services," Zuckerberg added.

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Zuckerberg: Facebook to stop recommending political groups in bid to 'turn down the temperature'
Dozens of Democrats last week called on Facebook and other social media companies to overhaul their recommendations and algorithms to reduce the spread of incendiary, divisive and violent content on their platforms. The lawmakers railed against the companies, saying that by creating a “digital echo chamber,” they had contributed to the radicalization of those who stormed the Capitol.

"Perhaps no single entity is more responsible for the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories at scale or for inflaming anti-government grievance than the one that you started and that you oversee today as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,” they wrote in a letter to Zuckerberg.

The issue has also drawn bipartisan concern. A group of Senate Republicans and Democrats in 2019 teamed up on legislation to require platforms to give users the option of experiencing sites without algorithmic recommendations.

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UK restricts COVID medicine exports amid AstraZeneca vaccine fight
The U.K. placed a series of export restrictions last year on around 100 medicines that could be used to treat COVID-19 patients despite criticizing others for considering similar limits on vaccines.

In response to a question from POLITICO, Prime Minister Boris Johnson chastised the EU at a press conference in Downing Street Tuesday for considering putting restrictions on the export of coronavirus vaccines — calling such curbs "nonsensical."

His comments follow increasingly heated rhetoric from the European Commission directed at AstraZeneca over its inability to fulfil orders made by the bloc for its vaccine. The Commission is now considering a plan to mandate that companies inform Brussels ahead of making any shipments of vaccine out of the EU.

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Britain and EU clash over claims to UK-produced Covid vaccine
In a withering statement, Stella Kyriakides said the UK should not earn any advantage from signing a contract with AstraZeneca three months before the EU’s executive branch put pen to paper.

“We reject the logic of first come, first served,” the commissioner said. “That may work in a butcher’s shop but not in contracts and not in our advanced purchase agreements.”

AstraZeneca has enraged Brussels and EU capitals by warning that it will be able to deliver only 25% of the doses scheduled for delivery in the first quarter of the year once the European medicines authority has given its approval, as is expected on Friday.

At the same time, the company has assured the British government, which chose not to be part of the EU vaccine programme, that it will fulfil its promise to deliver 2m doses a week for the benefit of UK residents.

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Британия перехватила произведённую для ЕЭС вакцину. Почти, как США маски в «первую» волну. Англосаксы и романогерманцы. С такими союзниками не надо врагов.

Реклама Агрессии.

Boris Johnson's credibility under fire as UK hits 100,000 Covid-19 deaths
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under fire over what critics call a pattern of late decision making and then reversing policy unexpectedly as the country has exceeded 100,000 Covid-19 deaths.

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Источник иллюстрации.

Watchdog: Least corrupt nations produce best virus response

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Чем меньше коррупция, тем меньше смертность? В Британии 100 000! В США больше 400 000! В Россия < 70 000! И?

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Telegram - важный инструмент в арсенале PR-специалистовTelegram - важный инструмент в арсенале PR-специалистов
Владимир Ступников, Генеральный директор коммуникационного агентства АУРА в составе Газпром-Медиа Холдинга. Социальные медиа становятся все более важным инструментом в работе каждого PR-специалиста, и одной из относительно новых, но стремительно растущих платформ, является Telegram. Этот мессенджер, изначально позиционировавшийся как безопасный и приватный инструмент связи, приобретает все большую популярность и привлекает внимание маркетологов и PR-специалистов по всему миру.
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Татьяна Жигаленкова, управляющий партнер LotUS Communications, рассказала какие компетенции, и требования PR-специалистов будут актуальны через 5 лет.
Маркетинг с AR и VR от HICLICKМаркетинг с AR и VR от HICLICK
В 2024 году маркетологи все чаще начинают использовать метавселенные. По сравнению с социальными сетями, вовлеченность пользователей в иммерсивных площадках гораздо больше. Одним из самых интересных для клиентов форматов являются АR и VR. Как технологии будущего применять в маркетинге уже сегодня, разобрали в агентстве высоких откликов HICLICK.
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Искусственный интеллект уже давно среди нас. Он прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, используется абсолютно в разных её сферах и кардинально меняет лицо современного бизнеса. Рекламная индустрия - не исключение. Самый яркий и известный пример - это нейросети, на основе которых построен поиск рекламных систем Яндекса. Использование нейросетей и других алгоритмов ИИ, делает рекламу еще более эффективной и качественной. Евгений Халин, директор по продуктам Коkос Group рассказывает о том, как работает ИИ, в чем его преимущество и какие перспективы нас ждут.
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В период гендерных праздников предприниматели отмечают 50%-ый рост продаж. – Даже в случае торговли сепараторами или двигателями, при должном подходе. Для маркетологов это время – забег на короткие дистанции. Поэтому важно грамотно подойти к выбору инструментов.

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28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
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На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».

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23.04.2024 - 09:33
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