Печатная реклама "Business", бренд: Chocolate Naive, агентство: Love Agency
Название: Business
Агентство: Love Agency
Рекламодатель: Chocolate Naive
Бренд: Chocolate Naive
Страна: Литва
Рекламная кампания: Any shape you wish it was
Сектор бизнеса: Кондитерские изделия, десерт
Год выхода: 2011
Вид рекламы: Печатная реклама
Слоган: Any shape you wish it was
Chocolate Naive is a new member of a very closed club - chocolatiers. There are only 100 of them - the ones who make the chocolate themselves from start to finish. One of the key business directions is promoting their craft to restaurants, cafes, shops - they can tailor make any kind of chocolate they like.
Creative director: Tomas Ramanauskas
Art Director: Valdas Volbekas
Copywriter: Tomas Ramanauskas
Illiustrator: Alexander Wells
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