Нестандартная реклама "Living Christmas Cards", рекламодатель: The Swedish Post, агентство: Akestam Holst Stockholm
Название: Living Christmas Cards
Агентство: Akestam Holst Stockholm
Рекламодатель: The Swedish Post
Страна: Швеция
Сектор бизнеса: Почта и службы доставки
Год выхода: 2011
Вид рекламы: Нестандартная реклама
Name | Company | Position |
Andreas Ullenius | Åkestam Holst | Creative Director |
Kalle Åkestam | Åkestam Holst | Copywriter |
Johan Wahlberg | Åkestam Holst | Art Director |
Jacob Stjärne | Åkestam Holst | Account Director |
Maria Ljung | Åkestam Holst | Account Manager |
Lars Friberg | Åkestam Holst | Planner |
Johan Eklund | Åkestam Holst | Web Producer |
Magnus Svensson | From Stockholm With Love | Web Production |
David Wahlgren | From Stockholm With Love | Web Production |
It`s Showtime | Productions Company |
Describe the brief from the client: Swedish Post`s (Posten) business relies on people sending tangible things (cards, packages etc.), thus in a way the rapid digital development poses a heavy threat. Year after year, we see a decline in number of Christmas cards sent, and an increase in digital messages spread around this holiday. Consequently, the objective was to inspire Swedes, primarily young people who don`t usually send tangible greetings, to send real Christmas cards and decelerate the negative trend. Main insight: people love getting cards but think it`s too much of a hassle writing and sending them - thus, sending cards needs to be more fun.
Creative Execution: Since many (especially young folks) think that Christmas cards are something for the elders and that is not something they go about doing, the key in this execution was to re-define what a Christmas card can be, and not the least how to create and send one. Hence, the execution made people interact with Christmas cards in a whole new way and realize that this product is not obsolete - it`s in fact the opposite. This was also important from a brand standpoint, since Posten is often seen as old-fashioned... not so much any more. In order to make people aware of our projects we placed advertising banners on relevant external websites, as well as on Posten`s own site, that would lead the target audience to the respective landing site. Furthermore, the message was spread through social media, which played a key role in driving traffic.
Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. New technology merged with old-fashioned thoughtfulness resulted in "Living Christmas Cards"; the world`s first Christmas cards photographed live from the web. Our expectation was that this would re-energize Christmas cards and make them more relevant to young Swedes. A reindeer`s pen was built on the top of a mountain and web-cameras were mounted in and around it so people could take their own unique pictures from the pen through a website. "Living Christmas Cards" was connected to a web-tool called "Real Postcard" where you upload pictures and write messages, which Posten then deliver as postcards.
Describe the results in as much detail as possible. The negative trend for real cards decelerated heavily. 2010 became the best year ever for the "Real Postcards" web-tool (from where the Living Christmas cards were sent) - an 18% increase in sent cards compared to 2009. 55.5% of all cards sent through "Real Postcards" were sent around Christmas, indicating that this promotional campaign was highly effective. Furthermore, the campaign generated massive impact in non-bought media. In total, PR contacts were estimated to 6.6 million (Sweden`s population: 9 million) and PR was highly positive.
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