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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10556
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 16.02.2022 19:58  |  #148659
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Путин принял к сведению обращение о признании "ЛДНР". Песков заявил, что оно не коррелируется с "Минском-2"
"Какого-то комментария на сей счет не существует, президент обращение получил, он на него отреагировал, он принял его к сведению. Действительно, это обращение является очень ярким показателем настроя и наших депутатов, и превалирующей точки зрения нашей страны, но президент акцентировал, что главное - это урегулировать, помочь в урегулировании ситуации на юге-востоке, а сделать это можно, всячески способствуя имплементации минского комплекса мер. Вот, собственно, на чем и будет акцентироваться президент в своей работе", - сказал он.
Также в Кремле заявили, что признание "ЛДНР" не коррелируется с Минскими соглашениями.
"Безусловно, признание не коррелируется с Минскими соглашениями. Это действительно так.... Президент сказал, что главной задачей является реализация минского комплекса мер", - заявил Песков.
"То есть, линия продолжается прежняя, о которой вчера говорил Путин. Россия дает понять, что обращение Госдумы - это предупреждение Западу, что может быть, если он не заставит Зеленского выполнить Минские соглашения. Но если они выполнены не будут, тогда вариант с признанием "ЛДНР" не будет казаться фантастическим", - комментирует ситуацию Telegram-канал "Политика Страны".

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В Госдепе США признание Путиным "ЛДНР" расценят как посягательство на суверенитет Украины
"Если Путин поддержит это обращение, это будет означать, что власть отвергла свои обязательства по Минским соглашениям, определяющими путь к политической, социальной и экономической реинтеграции тех частей Донбасса, которые с 2014 года находятся под контролем российских "прокси". Это будет четкая и уже очередная попытка подорвать суверенитет и целостность Украины", - сказала она.

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16 февр. 2022 г.
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Никакое голосование или закон Госдумы РФ не дают права отнимать то, что принадлежит украинскому народу, - Гройсман
"Все понимают, что это ваша ручная Дума, а это еще одна нелепая попытка скрыть свои истинные намерения: украсть и унести то, что не ваше, а принадлежит украинскому народу! Как и Сталин в прошлом, вы сделаете все, чтобы украсть ресурсы Украины, эксплуатировать и убивать наш народ. Вами управляет алчность. Мы, украинцы, защищаем свой дом, свои семьи, наше будущее. Поэтому вы никогда не победите!" - говорится в обращении.
Лидер "УСГ" подчеркнул, что Украина сегодня сильнее, чем прежде, не боится кремлевских уловок и готова дать отпор. И это не меняют ни политические раздоры внутри страны между украинскими политиками, ни картинка, которую показывает российское телевидение.
"Среди украинского народа большая сплоченность. Украинская армия стоит вместе и никогда не сдастся. С каждым днем в Вооруженные силы территориальной обороны присоединяется все больше людей, готовых защищать свой дом. Социология подтверждает, что ваши угрозы только увеличивают готовность украинцев к активному сопротивлению, в том числе с оружием в руках. С каждым днем Украина становится все более сплоченной и крепкой. И Украина не одна, она имеет поддержку своих союзников из демократического мира, который вы как авторитарный правитель ненавидите", - отметил политик.
По его словам, любая эскалация и угроза против Украины – это угроза всему демократическому миру и "сейчас мы все боремся за наше общее будущее, будущее Украины".
"И вы не сможете нас сломать... Мы останемся сильными, сплоченными и мы победим", - подытожил Гройсман.

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Расположенные на западе России, в Крыму и на территории Сирии средства ПВО способны отслеживать любую активность в воздухе на большей части Европы, Чёрного и Средиземного морей, а также "предотвращать" потенциальные угрозы.

Российская истребительная и бомбардировочная авиация (Су-34 в данном случае) может добраться практически до Англии.



Источник иллюстрации.

Ukraine news – live: No sign of Russian withdrawal, Zelensky says, as Moscow denies cyber attack involvement
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky says he does not yet see any sign of Russian troop withdrawal from positions near the Ukrainian border, after Russia claimed that it was pulling back troops from the annexed Crimea region.
Russia’s western military district has said that troops have started withdrawing from areas near the Ukrainian border and returning to permanent military bases – after loading tanks and other military vehicles onto railway wagons.
The Kremlin shared a video that purports to show columns of military equipment and forces leaving the area after the completion of military drills.
But Mr Zelensky said, according to the BBC: “To be honest, we react to the reality we have, and we don’t see any withdrawal yet.”
Nato and Washington have also said that there are no signs of Russia de-escalating tensions.
Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg said: “On the contrary, it appears Russia continues its military build-up.”
Meanwhile, Russia has insisted that it is not reponsible for cyberattacks on the networks hosting the websites of the Ukrainian defence ministry and two banks.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10556
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 16.02.2022 20:01  |  #148660
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Russia plans multiple attacks on Ukraine border and capture of Kiev, say western intelligence officials
Multiple offensives are being planned by Russia along Ukraine’s borders, with Kiev the main target if Vladimir Putin decides to attack, according to western officials.
More than 60 per cent of Russia’s ground combat power, half of its air force, and a significant proportion of its special forces will take part in a huge invasion, with a Kremlin-backed regime installed if the capital is occupied, they claim.
The alarming assessment comes amid last-ditch diplomatic efforts to prevent conflict, including a visit to Moscow on Tuesday by German chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia was finalising its response to US proposals for easing tensions, indicating some room for talks.
But Ukraine repeated its commitment to joining Nato – a key sticking-point – and president Volodymyr Zelensky declared that Wednesday, which US officials warned could be the date of a Russian invasion, would be a “day of unity” in his country.
“We will hoist national flags, put on blue and yellow ribbons and show the world our unity,” he said.
Foreign secretary Liz Truss, who chaired a Cobra meeting on Monday afternoon, repeated Britain’s warning that Russia could launch an invasion “almost immediately” and reiterated calls for Britons to leave Ukraine now.
Boris Johnson and US president Joe Biden agreed in a phone call on Monday night that there remains a “crucial window for diplomacy and for Russia to step back from its threats towards Ukraine”.
A Downing Street spokesperson added: “The leaders emphasised that any further incursion into Ukraine would result in a protracted crisis for Russia, with far-reaching damage for both Russia and the world.”


Analysis of forces movements show that 100 battalion tactical groups (BTGs) out of a total of 170 in Russia’s armed forces are in place, with another 14 on their way, according to intelligence officials.
The alarming scenario is the latest to be presented alongside western claims that military action is now imminent – but it does not stipulate that attacks could begin on Wednesday.

The build-up, structure and distribution of Russian forces could not be for anything other than an attack on Ukraine, the officials insist, and the scale and disposition of personnel and weapons indicates that action would be far bigger than small incursions that may have been planned in the recent past.
Tanks, artillery, warplanes and ballistic missiles have been placed at forward positions at the border. At the same time, Russian naval vessels have begun to move into the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea.
Kremlin plans include seizing Kiev and carrying out “regime change” in Ukraine, according to the analysis. The proximity of the capital to the border – just 105 miles – would allow the Russians to use their doctrine of speed and capabilities to achieve a shock factor.
Attempts to take the city would, the officials acknowledged, lead to fierce close-quarter fighting and loss of lives. But the brutal actions of Russian forces in Syria suggest Mr Putin would not be deterred by the prospect of large scale civilian casualties.
As well as an offensive against the capital there would be sustained focus, according to the narrative, on the Ukrainian forces in the east of the country facing the separatist Donetsk and Luhansk republics. The units based there are among the best-equipped and most experienced in the Ukrainian army, and would pose a threat to the Russian forces unless they are neutralised.
The grim intelligence assessments have led to criticism in Ukraine where the economy has taken a major hit from talk of an invasion.
However, the officials insisted that they had full confidence in their information and that disseminating it was a way of letting the Kremlin know that any plots, such as a “false flag” operation to instigate hostilities, cannot be kept hidden.

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На Украине нет демократии, зачем ей помогать?


16 февр. 2022 г.
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16 февр. 2022 г.
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Раздувание Вашингтоном угрозы войны нанесло удар по экономике и социальной стабильности Украины - МИД КНР
"В течение последних нескольких дней американская сторона раздувала угрозу войны, искусственно создавала напряженную атмосферу, что нанесло серьезный удар по экономике, социальной стабильности и условиям жизни народа Украины, а также усилило сопротивление в продвижении переговоров и диалога соответствующих сторон", - заявил официальный представитель МИД КНР Ван Вэньбинь.

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Ukraine requests international assistance for large-scale emergencies of various nature

15 February 2022 - Request for international assistance by Ukraine - PDF / 162 kb.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine is preparing for large-scale emergencies of various nature that can affect its civilian population. In accordance with the procedures at reference, the EADRCC has received on 15 February 2022, a request for international assistance by Ukraine.

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Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10556
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 16.02.2022 20:08  |  #148661
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Рада проголосовала за выход Украины из антитеррористического протокола СНГ
Верховная Рада Украины в среду, 16 февраля, поддержала законопроект №0064 о выходе Украины из протокола об утверждении положения о порядке организации и проведения совместных антитеррористических мероприятий на территориях государств - участников СНГ, который был провален на пленарном заседании 1 февраля.
Сегодня "за" проголосовали 309 нардепов, 218 из них - "слуги народа". Впрочем, за решение о выходе из договора об антитеррористической деятельности в рамках СНГ голосовали все фракции и группы, кроме ОПЗЖ.
Также Украина вышла из соглашения и протокола СНГ о правилах определения происхождения товаров развивающихся стран.

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В Кремле опровергли обвинения в причастности РФ к хакерской атаке на "Приватбанк" и сайт Минобороны Украины
"Нам ничего не известно. И ожидаемо Украина продолжает во всем обвинять. Россия не имеет отношения ни к каким DDoS-атакам", - сказал Песков, отвечая на вопрос журналистов о глобальном сбое украинского сегмента интернета и заявлениях Украины, что за этим стоит Россия.
Напомним, во вторник, 15 февраля, в Украине снова положили сайт "Дии" и устроили сбой в "Приват24". Позже Центр стратегической коммуникации и информационной безопасности заявил о DDoS-атаке на сайты Минобороны, Вооруженных сил, "Приватбанка" и "Ощадбанка". В подразделении СНБО, которое занимается информационной безопасностью, в очередной кибератаке обвинили Россию.

Материал полностью.

Хакерская атака на сайт Минобороны Украины продолжается со вчерашнего дня
"Официальный веб-портал Министерства обороны Украины испытал беспрецедентную DoS-атаку, которая еще продолжается. Атака направлена на максимальную загрузку серверных мощностей, на которых работает сайт. Злоумышленники наверняка знали, что сайт защищен от классических DDoS атак, поэтому прибегли к поиску уязвимых мест в коде самого сайта. Мы можем констатировать, что это им, к сожалению, удалось", - говорится в сообщении.
В Минобороны объяснили, что специалисты ведомства при поддержке всех субъектов, причастных к обеспечению кибербезопасности, осуществили настройку дополнительной защиты и отдельные технические работы по восстановлению штатного функционирования веб-портала.
Партнеры из США поддержали Минобороны Украины и предоставили технические консультации и сервисы дополнительной защиты.
"Наши специалисты, понимая, что сайт может быть подвергнут не только другим аналогичным DoS-атакам, но и DDoS-атакам, направили весь трафик сайта через дополнительный сервис защиты, расположенный в США. Именно из-за необходимости обновления инфраструктуры доступа во всем мире сайт Минобороны может некоторое время казаться недоступным, но после окончательного обновления DNS-серверов - будет стабильно функционировать", - сказано в сообщении.
Минобороны не исключает, что атаки будут продолжаться и иногда будут приводить к временному нарушению работы, по крайней мере, пока сайт не будет профессионально обновлен.

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Глава МИД Британии ушла от ответа на вопрос о возможности принять украинских беженцев
"На данный момент мы не на этом этапе... Мы работаем над гуманитарным ответом, с партнерами... Наш приоритет сейчас - обеспечить возвращение британских граждан, которые хотят вернуться", - заявила Трасс.
В то же время замминистра обороны Великобритании Джеймс Хиппи заявил, что гражданам Великобритании не следует ожидать военной эвакуации со стороны правительства своей страны в случае конфликта в Украине, они должны покинуть украинское государство сейчас. В интервью SkyNews Хиппи также заявил, что "британских военных не будет в Украине" в случае вторжения России.

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Российские и украинские воды в Черном и Азовском морях включены в перечень зон военных рисков - Lloyds
"Нахождение в списке Listed Areas новых включенных зон может длиться долго, годами, как показывает практика международного страхования военных рисков, - сказал он. - Это потребует корректировок в исполнении договоров страховой защиты по полисам морского страхования".
Собеседник пояснил, что, как правило, полисы страхования военных рисков в морском страховании заключаются отдельно от основных рисков защиты судовладельцев. Более того, военные риски каско судна (Hull) - это один полис, по ответственности перед третьими лицами (War P&I Risks) - другой. Случается, что полисы защиты военных рисков по каско и ответственности выдаются разными страховщиками.

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Украинский олигарх Ринат Ахметов посетил Мариуполь, где заявил, что «Мы будем сюда инвестировать и душу, и сердце, и средства, чтобы жителям города было очень хорошо».


16 февр. 2022 г.
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Зеленский запустил в соцсетях флешмоб по случаю Дня единения. Фото

Президент опубликовал фото с супругой Еленой Зеленской на фоне украинского флага и рассказал о челлендже. Чтобы в нем поучаствовать, Зеленский предложил сделать фото или записать видео с флагом Украины, добавить хештег #UAвместе, отметить человека, которому хотите передать челлендж, и сделать публикацию в соцсетях.

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В "день вторжения" Тимошенко с мужем позировали с флагом Украины и тризубом из пальцев. Фото …

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«Суровые годы уходят борьбы за свободу страны. За ними другие приходят, они будут тоже трудны»: Песенный марафон протеста шагает по Украине.
Видео телеканала «1+1».

"Не против армии воевать, а с мародерами". Почему украинцы бросились покупать оружие

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10556
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 16.02.2022 20:09  |  #148662
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16 февр. 2022 г.
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6 ways the Russia-Ukraine conflict could hurt your wallet
New York (CNN Business) The Russia-Ukraine crisis is taking place thousands of miles away from the closest major US city. And yet millions of American families would feel the economic consequences of a full-blown conflict.
That's because the world economy and financial markets are interconnected. As Covid demonstrated, events on one side of the planet can set off shockwaves on the other side.
In this case, an invasion of Ukraine by Russia would likely drive up the already-high cost of living in the United States, rattle investment portfolios and perhaps even slow down the economic recovery. "The average American household is going to bear the burden of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine," said RSM chief economist Joe Brusuelas.
Hope remains for no invasion and that recent signs of de-escalation continue. If not, there are many ways American consumers could find themselves caught in the middle of this brewing conflict.

More pain at the pump
Oil prices have jumped in recent weeks to levels unseen since 2014 in part because an invasion of Ukraine could derail Russian energy supply.
Russia is an energy superpower, producing 9.7 million barrels per day last year, according to Rystad Energy. That is second only to the United States and amounts to more oil than Iraq and Canada produced — combined.
Supply is already failing to keep up with demand and investors are on high alert for any further supply shortfalls that could occur through in a variety of ways, including damaged infrastructure in a war, sanctions on Russia or Moscow moving to weaponize exports.
JPMorgan warned that if any Russian oil flows are disrupted by the crisis, oil prices could "easily" jump to $120 a barrel. In the unlikely event that Russian oil exports are halved, crude would surge to $150 a barrel, JPMorgan said.
A dramatic spike in oil prices could be offset at least in part by consuming nations releasing emergency stockpiles and OPEC ramping up production.
Still, another pop in oil prices would lift prices at the pump, which lag behind move in crude prices. The national average price for a gallon of gas already stands at a seven-year high of $3.50 a gallon, according to AAA.
Oil prices retreated sharply on Tuesday on hopes that Russia and Ukraine will step back from the brink.

Historic inflation
Inflation is the biggest problem facing the US economy. And the Russia-Ukraine crisis could make it even worse.
Even if oil rallied to only $110 a barrel in an escalation of tensions, the year-over-year inflation rate would climb above 10%, according to an analysis by RSM shared with CNN. That's up from the current 7.5%.
American inflation hasn't climbed to 10% since 1981.
Not only would prices at the pump rise, but higher oil and natural gas prices would drive up home heating and electricity costs.

Higher energy prices would make it more expensive to fly and keep transportation and input costs elevated for businesses already grappling with surging expenses. Businesses would most likely pass along at least some of these higher costs to consumers in the form of price spikes.
Beyond energy, other commodities could experience price volatility. Russia is a major producer of metals, including aluminum and palladium. Russia is also the biggest exporter of wheat, while Ukraine is a significant exporter of both wheat and corn.
"All of this would occur at a time when commodity supplies are more stressed than they have been in a generation," David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Funds, wrote in a report on Monday.
Of course, inflationary pressures would likely be even greater for Europeans, given their proximity to the crisis and reliance on Russian energy.

Market turbulence
Investors have been glued to the latest developments on the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
Signs of escalation have spooked markets, while comments suggesting war might be averted have set off relief rallies.
Investors famously detest uncertainty. It's easy to see how a full-blown invasion of Ukraine would trigger a knee-jerk selloff in stocks as investors confront the possibility of an oil shock, higher inflation and a confusing sanctions regime.
A prolonged market downturn would wipe out wealth built up by families in the stock market and in retirement accounts. Market instability could also dent confidence among consumers and businesses alike.
Stocks do have a history of rebounding from geopolitical scares, although there is a relatively small sample size. And it's impossible to say how markets would respond in the current environment.

Slower economic growth
A Russia-Ukraine conflict would threaten to slow down the US economy by worsening inflation and increasing uncertainty.
The RSM analysis found that a jump to $110 oil would dent US GDP by one percentage point.
That is not as dramatic as the impact to inflation, but it's still significant given that the US economy has not fully recovered all the jobs lost during Covid.

Higher borrowing costs
If inflation spikes above 10%, the Federal Reserve would come under pressure to step up its fight to get prices under control.
That could mean a faster pace of interest rate hikes to cool off inflation.
The coming interest rate increases from the Fed will increase borrowing costs for consumers on everything from mortgages and car loans to credit cards. Mortgage rates have already spiked to pre-Covid levels in recent weeks, presenting a new challenge to wannabe home buyers.
The Fed could choose to shrug off intensifying inflation as just a temporary phenomenon driven by the Russia-Ukraine situation. However, that strategy did not work out well last year, with the Fed eventually abandoning its "transitory" description of Covid-related inflation.
At a minimum, the Russia-Ukraine situation would further complicate the Fed's already difficult task of taming inflation without sparking a recession.

Cyberattacks and more
US President Joe Biden warned Tuesday of the potential for Russia to lash out in a conflict through the cyber realm.
"If Russia attacks the United States or allies through asymmetric means, like disruptive cyberattacks against our companies or critical infrastructure, we're prepared to respond," Biden said.
The hacking of the Colonial Pipeline last year showed just how disruptive a cyberattack can be in the real world. The cyber intrusion shut down one of the most important pipelines in America, sparking panic buying that left many gas stations in the Southeast empty.
A successful cyberattack on America's financial system — a top worry of Fed Chairman Jerome Powell — could be even more disruptive.
A cyberattack is just one example of how the Russia-Ukraine situation could spill over into daily life.
"Wars evolve in unpredictable ways," JPMorgan's Kelly said. "No one should assume that they can see all the impacts of a war at its outset."

Материал полностью.


Глава МИД Белоруссии заявил, что «после окончания учений в Беларуси не останется ни одной единицы российской боевой техники».


Да-да. Лукашенко же собирался её купить. Вся техника станет белорусской.

Реклама Агрессии.



16 февр. 2022 г.
Источник видео.


16 февр. 2022 г.
Источник видео.


16 февр. 2022 г.
Источник видео.


Сдал человек тест - и может поговорить нормально, без всяких столов и дистанций: В Кремле начались переговоры Путина и Болсонаро.

«Ставить, ставить! Сам Путин ее ставил. Он сам сказал, что ставил. Раз сказал, то значит - ставил. Точно ставил»: Семен Слепаков - об особенностях вакцинации, QR-кодизации и формирования общественного мнения в России.


Today at the Winter Olympics: Fears raised over Kamila Valieva’s mental health

Kamila Valieva took to Olympic ice again on Sunday, as fears were raised about her mental well-being ahead of an expected verdict by the Court of Arbitration for Sport over her right to stay at the Games.
The 15-year-old went through her usual warm-up routine at the figure skating practice hall while an ad-hoc CAS committee met to consider a series of appeals against the decision by the Russian Anti-Doping Agency to lift a provisional suspension imposed upon the skater following a positive test for the banned heart medication trimetazidine.
The International Testing Agency (ITA), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Skating Union (ISU) are challenging Valieva’s right to stay in the Games ahead of the start of the women’s singles competition on Tuesday.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC), whose interests in the case are being represented by the ITA, confirmed on Tuesday that mental health resources were available to Valieva in addition to those presumably being offered by her team.
“Mental help is always offered first of all by the team, but we have measures in place and safe-guarding officers,” IOC spokesman Mark Adams said. “The support is there but the primary obligation is for the team is to look after its athletes.”

The verdict on Valieva’s Olympic future will dominate the news agenda on Monday...

Материал полностью.

‘At 6pm every evening the screen went blank’: the outlandish tale of the UK’s TV blackout
It’s 65 years today since television sets had to stop broadcasting to allow parents to put children to bed. How did it ever seem like a good idea?

In 1953, when Norma Young was seven, her family became the first in their Glasgow tenement to get a TV set. It was a big deal – the Youngs had had to choose between a car or a TV. They opted for a 14in Ekco TV as deep as it was wide – and Norma was opened up to the world of The Woodentops and Andy Pandy, two shows that rapidly became her favourites. But at 6pm every evening the screen went blank, and Norma’s viewing was at an end.
This wasn’t her parents regulating her TV time – it was the state. Abolished 65 years ago on Wednesday, the break in programming between 6pm and 7pm every night was a government policy, known colloquially as the toddlers’ truce.
Most readers under the age of 70 will probably never have heard of this peculiar artefact, but those of Norma’s vintage certainly remember it. This paternalistic approach to broadcasting was seen at the time as being socially responsible, with the idea being that a TV-free hour would, as Time magazine put it, allow parents to “wring out their moppets and put them to bed”.
It was also in place to ensure that children didn’t accidentally stray into the dangerous world of adult television, where their fragile minds could be corrupted by the unutterable filth of Dixon of Dock Green or This Is Your Life.
To modern parents, struggling to combat their children’s unfettered access to social media at 11pm on a school night, the idea of the toddlers’ truce might seem a trifle quaint. But in the early 1950s, it was simply accepted as part of life.
“We didn’t think about it really,” says Norma. “You just got on with it. The TV stopped broadcasting at six o’clock, and that was my cue to have a bath and get into my jammies.”
Admittedly, this was against a backdrop of TV that was broadcast for less than 12 hours every day. The rules (as laid out by the postmaster general, of all people) stated that the BBC (and later ITV) could broadcast between 9am and 11pm, but with only two hours shown before 1pm.
The rules were even more draconian at weekends. Only eight hours of broadcasting was permitted on Saturdays, and only seven and three-quarter hours on Sundays. And on Sundays, no children’s programmes were permitted between 2pm and 4pm, lest it prevent youngsters from studying the Bible. Try getting your kid off TikTok to go and read Deuteronomy this weekend and see what happens.
LP Hartley famously opened his novel The Go-Between with the line: “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” That was true nowhere more than television in the 1950s, and, viewed through the prism of modern sensibilities, some of the programming appears positively antediluvian. There was a children’s TV segment called Watch With Mother, the implicit message being that good mothers stayed at home while fathers went out and worked.
But by the mid-50s, in spite of the prevailing conservatism of the age, the toddlers’ truce was under threat, thanks to the booming popularity of TV as a medium. In 1950, only 350,000 homes in the UK had televisions. By 1960, the figure had risen to almost three-quarters of homes. When only a handful of the population were affected by the hour’s break, it seemed an irrelevance, but when tens of millions had their entertainment interrupted, it became an issue.
The second front that opened up against the toddlers’ truce came with the formation of ITV in 1955. (With Ant and Dec’s births still decades away, you wonder how they filled the airtime.) The BBC had always been rather in favour of the hour’s break. Funded by the licence fee, fewer hours of broadcast meant lower costs. But ITV was funded by advertising revenue. Having to shut down for an hour every day at 6pm denied it access to a lucrative teatime audience. And so the Independent Television Authority (ITA) began to lobby for the truce to be dropped.
In the early 50s, the postmaster general had been Herbrand Sackville, the first ever hereditary peer to join the Labour party, and a cabinet minister by the age of 23. In spite of his seemingly progressive politics, he broadly agreed with the evening break in transmission. But in April 1955, he was replaced by Charles Hill, who took a rather different tack. Hill later recalled: “This restriction seemed to me absurd and I said so. It was the responsibility of parents, not the state, to put their children to bed at the right time … I invited the BBC and the ITA to agree to its abolition.”
The BBC definitively did not agree to it – or even to a proposed compromise of a 30-minute break. But a groundswell of opposition was building, characterised by an editorial in the Daily Mirror that stated: “If parents can’t drag their children away from the TV screen, there is something wrong with the parents, not the TV programme.”
With the BBC resolutely intransigent on the issue, Hill asked parliament to intervene, and on 31 October 1956, the abolition of the toddlers’ truce was agreed. Even then, the BBC and the ITA couldn’t agree on a date for it to finish, so Hill decided himself: Saturday 16 February 1957.
The first programme the BBC broadcast in the slot was called Six-Five Special, an entertainment show with a heavy leaning towards rock’n’roll. On weekdays, the vacancy was filled by the news and current affairs show Tonight. With its informal approach, and willingness to embrace both the serious and the trivial (one early segment involved a dog that smoked a pipe), it was a precursor to The One Show, if The One Show was exclusively presented by white men in suits. The show’s presenter, Cliff Michelmore, ended each night’s broadcast with the phrase: “That’s all for tonight, the next Tonight will be tomorrow night. Until then, goodnight.”
Years later, the great Alan Whicker, who cut his broadcasting teeth on Tonight, commented: “The BBC was still embedded in its civil service ethos, which took broadcasting off the air every night between 6pm and 7pm, in case viewing parents had trouble getting their children to bed. Can you imagine? We were then writing the grammar of television, so that quaint, hour-long toddlers’ truce of 1957 did not long survive Tonight’s arrival. [In fact, it preceded it by two days.] Soon, viewers were being treated as grownups, where the next Tonight was always tomorrow night and you could make your own house rules in your own home.”
The toddlers’ truce was at an end. At least, almost at an end. A vestige of it survived for another year. On Sundays, transmission stopped between 6.15pm and 7.25pm, to allow viewers to attend church. By 1958, however, religious programming was allowed in what became known as the God slot. In 1961, Songs of Praise was launched.
Remarkably, the fabric of the nation remained intact in spite of TV now transmitting between 6pm and 7pm at night. Indeed, an expected backlash from parents unable to get their square-eyed small people into bed never materialised. The BBC received a grand total of six complaints on the subject.
Norma Young’s family were not among those who complained. While she admits that “they didn’t really enjoy us watching too much telly”, her dad was delighted. “My father loved television. He would watch any old rubbish.” When the adult programmes kicked in, Norma was sent to her bed to read – although she was occasionally allowed to stay up later to watch nature programmes presented by a nice young chap called Attenborough, still going strong 65 years later, with the toddlers’ truce now merely a strange footnote in TV history.

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 17.02.2022 17:31  |  #148663
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Бои с наступлением темноты идут почти по всем фронтам: Донецк, Горловка, Дебальцево-Светлодарский плацдарм, Первомайская линия фронта, западная часть трассы Бахмутка.


Свидетельства мирных жителей о сегодняшних вечерних обстрелах в ЛНР.

В Луганской области слышна сильная канонада.

Горящий дом в станице Луганской.

Ура! Начала молотить наша арта! С Первомайска пошло несколько десятков крупнокалиберных залпов в сторону Попасной! Долбят уже полчаса в ответ по ВСУ! Наши лупят! Слышен рык танковых двигателей! В прифронтовые города входят грузовики с пехотой и "коробочки".


Алмазная, Кировск, Первомайск, Золотое, Стаханов и другие города и поселки ночует в подвалах!


ЛНР. Адский артиллерийский бадминтон! и от на си по нам! Стороны ровняют с землей позиции друг друга! Впервые за долгие годы огонь РАВЕН! Сколько по нам, столько и от нас! Вагоны падают! Брянка, Стаханов, Калиново и близлежащие поселки трясутся словно на дискотеке!


ДНР в полной боевой готовности, медики, скорые, больницы - везде объявлена полная боевая, идет подготовка в администрациях, завтра возможно эвакуация прифронтовых районов! С отпусков призваны все военнослужащие, на усиление направлены даже сотрудники МВД ДНР. Республика готовится к самым масштабным боям, боям сильнее, чем были в 2014-2015 года. Замес ожидается лютый. Добровольцы снова пополняют ряды армии ДНР, потянулись добровольцы из РФ, так же комбат Востока призвал всех добровольцев срочно встать в строй.


Светлана получила ранение по пути домой с работы. Посёлок Старомихайловка подвергся обстрелу со стороны ВСУ из АГС-17.
У женщины перед лицом разорвался ВОГ-25, после взрыва она очнулась уже в больнице.

19.40 - Шумно на юго-западных, западных окраинах Донецка. Также весь день крайне неспокойно на Светлодарском плацдарме, обстрелы и позиционные бои продолжаются и сейчас.


Сводка … на 15:00 17.02.2022

Согласно суммированным открытым данным представительств ДНР и ЛНР в СЦЦК (Совместный центр контроля и координации вопросов прекращения огня и стабилизации линии разграничения сторон ) за 17 февраля 2022 года:

Со стороны ВСУ установлено от 30-ти эпизодов серьезных обстрелов как минимум 17-ти городов и населенных пунктов ДНР и ЛНР с применением гранатометов, минометов, противотанковых ракетных комплексов и артиллерии

АГС - от 210 гранат
СПГ - от 28 гранат
82-мм миномет - 61+ мин
120-мм миномет - 75+ мин
Артиллерийское орудие 122мм - 15 снарядов
Противотанковый ракетный комплекс - 1 эпизод
БМП-1 - 1 эпизод

Обстрелам подверглись населенные пункты:

г. Донецк (поселок ш-ты "Трудовская")
н.п. Коминтерново
н.п. Октябрь
н.п. Новоласпа
н.п. Еленовка
н.п. Сигнальное
н.п. Горловка
н.п. Старомихайловское
н.п. Гольмовский

н.п. Сокольники
н.п. Золотое-5
н.п. Веселенькое
н.п. Нижнее Лозовское
н.п. Донецкий
н.п. Роевка
н.п. Лозовое
н.п. Николаевка

Материал полностью.

В ДНР заявили, что Киев планирует перебросить в зону боевых действий на Донбассе оперативно-тактические ракетные комплексы "Точка-У".


На данный момент подтверждена гибель одного и ранение ещё двух украинских военнослужащих в результате сегодняшних ударов сил ДНР и ЛНР по их позициям на линии боевого соприкосновения.


Находимся на Трудовских. Обстрел шел из орудий калибром 122мм.

Под обстрелом теперь и Гольма на окраине Горловки.


Восемь домов повреждены в ЛНР.





17 февр. 2022 г.
Источник видео.


США призывают России прекратить высылку американских дипломатов и работать над восстановлением состава дипмиссий, заявил РИА Новости госдеп.


Reuters: США рассматривают ответные шаги на высылку своего дипломата из России
ТАСС, 17 февраля. США примут меры в ответ на высылку из РФ заместителя американского посла в Москве Барта Гормана. Об этом в четверг сообщило агентство Reuters со ссылкой на Госдепартамент.
По его данным, Вашингтон рассматривает высылку Гормана как ничем не спровоцированный шаг к эскалации.

Материал полностью.

Заместитель посла США в России Барт Горман выслан из РФ

О высылке Гормана стало известно после визита посла США Джона Салливана в МИД России.
Накануне Салливан прибыл в резиденцию Министерства иностранных дел России и покинул здание спустя 15 минут. Американский дипломат отказался комментировать журналистам цель своего визита.
Он также не стал подтверждать получение ответа Москвы на письмо Вашингтона по гарантиям безопасности.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.


Реакция России на ответ США по гарантиям безопасности. Полный текст
17 февраля 2022 года приглашенному в МИД России послу США Джону Салливану передали следующую реакцию на ранее полученный американский ответ по российскому проекту договора между Российской Федерацией и Соединенными Штатами Америки о гарантиях безопасности.

ТАСС публикует полный текст заявления.

Общая характеристика
Констатируем, что американская сторона не дала конструктивного ответа на базовые элементы подготовленного российской стороной проекта договора с США о гарантиях безопасности. Речь идет об отказе от дальнейшего расширения НАТО, об отзыве "бухарестской формулы" о том, что "Украина и Грузия станут членами НАТО", и об отказе от создания военных баз на территории государств, ранее входивших в СССР и не являющихся членами альянса, включая использование их инфраструктуры для ведения любой военной деятельности, а также о возврате военных потенциалов, в том числе ударных, и инфраструктуры НАТО к состоянию на 1997 год, когда был подписан Основополагающий акт Россия - НАТО. Эти положения имеют для Российской Федерации принципиальное значение.

Проигнорирован пакетный характер российских предложений, из которых намеренно выбраны "удобные" темы, которые, в свою очередь, "перекручены" в сторону создания преимуществ для США и их союзников. Такой подход, как и сопутствующая риторика американских официальных лиц, подкрепляет обоснованные сомнения в том, что в Вашингтоне действительно привержены исправлению ситуации в области евробезопасности.

Вызывает тревогу нарастающая военная активность США и НАТО непосредственно у российских рубежей, тогда как наши "красные линии" и коренные интересы в области безопасности, а также суверенное право России на их защиту, по-прежнему игнорируются. Ультимативные требования вывести войска из определенных районов на российской территории, сопровождаемые угрозами ужесточения санкций, неприемлемы и подрывают перспективы достижения реальных договоренностей.

В отсутствие готовности американской стороны договариваться о твердых, юридически обязывающих гарантиях обеспечения нашей безопасности со стороны США и их союзников, Россия будет вынуждена реагировать, в том числе путем реализации мер военно-технического характера.

По Украине
Никакого "российского вторжения" на Украину, о чем с осени прошлого года заявляют на официальном уровне США и их союзники, нет и не планируется, поэтому утверждения об "ответственности России за эскалацию" нельзя расценить иначе, как попытку оказать давление и обесценить предложения России по гарантиям безопасности.

Упоминание в данном контексте российских обязательств по Будапештскому меморандуму 1994 года никакого отношения к внутриукраинскому конфликту не имеет и не распространяется на обстоятельства, ставшие следствием действия там внутренних факторов. Утрата украинским государством территориальной целостности – результат произошедших внутри него процессов.

Содержащиеся в американском ответе обвинения России, что она "оккупировала Крым", также не выдерживают никакой критики. В 2014 году в Киеве произошел государственный переворот, инициаторы которого при поддержке США и их союзников взяли курс на создание националистического государства, ущемляющего права русского и русскоязычного населения, а также других "нетитульных" этносов. Неудивительно, что в такой ситуации крымчане проголосовали за воссоединение с Россией. Решение народа Крыма и Севастополя о возвращении в состав Российской Федерации было принято путем свободного волеизъявления в порядке реализации закрепленного в Уставе ООН права на самоопределение. Сила или угроза силой не применялись. Вопрос о принадлежности Крыма закрыт.

В случае принятия Украины в НАТО возникнет реальная угроза того, что режим в Киеве попытается силой "вернуть" Крым, втянув США и их союзников, в соответствии со ст. 5 Вашингтонского договора, в прямой вооруженный конфликт с Россией со всеми вытекающими последствиями.

Повторяющийся в ответе США тезис, что Россия якобы "разожгла конфликт на Донбассе", несостоятелен. Его причины носят сугубо внутриукраинский характер. Урегулирование возможно только путем реализации минских соглашений и комплекса мер, очередность и ответственность по реализации которых четко прописаны и единогласно подтверждены резолюцией Совета Безопасности ООН 2202, в том числе США, Францией и Великобританией. В п. 2 данной резолюции сторонами названы Киев, Донецк и Луганск. Ни в одном из этих документов не говорится об ответственности России за конфликт на Донбассе. Россия вместе с ОБСЕ играет роль посредника в главном переговорном формате – контактной группе – и вместе с Берлином и Парижем – в "нормандском формате", который формулирует рекомендации сторонам конфликта и следит за их выполнением.

Для деэскалации ситуации вокруг Украины принципиально важно выполнение следующих шагов. Это – принуждение Киева к выполнению комплекса мер, прекращение поставок Украине оружия, отзыв оттуда всех западных советников и инструкторов, отказ стран НАТО от любых совместных учений с ВСУ и вывод всех ранее поставленных Киеву иностранных вооружений за пределы украинской территории.

В этой связи привлекаем внимание к тому, что президент России Владимир Путин на пресс-конференции по итогам переговоров в Москве с президентом Франции Эмманюэлем Макроном 7 февраля 2022 года подчеркнул, что мы открыты к диалогу и призываем "подумать о стабильных условиях безопасности для всех, равных для всех участников международной жизни".

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Добавлено: 17.02.2022 17:34  |  #148664
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US defense secretary: Russia is not withdrawing, but adding combat aircraft and stocking up blood supplies

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US secretary of state to address UN Security Council this morning amid tensions with Russia

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US Vice President Harris is en route to Germany for high-stakes trip on Russia and Ukraine

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NATO fears Russia is staging pretext for armed attack against Ukraine

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В МИД России также прибыла британский посол.

UK foreign secretary: Reports of "abnormal military activity" in Donbas is Russian attempt to "fabricate pretexts for invasion"
Alleged reports of "abnormal military activity" in the Donbas region are a "blatant attempt" by Russia to "fabricate pretexts for invasion," said UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss.
These kinds of actions are "straight out of the Kremlin playbook," Truss tweeted Thursday.
The United Kingdom is "very concerned," she said, by reports of "increased Russian aggression” in particular shellfire on a kindergarten in the Donbas region.
Ukrainian armed forces and separatists controlling parts of eastern Ukraine have spoken of renewed shelling in the region. Video and images confirmed by CNN showed a pre-school in Ukrainian-controlled territory hit by a shell Thursday.
The UK is also concerned by Russia's deployment of an additional 7,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, Truss wrote.
The foreign secretary, who is set to give a joint press conference with her Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, in Kyiv at 9 a.m ET, said the UK will "continue to call out Russia’s disinformation campaign."
She urged "Russia to withdraw its troops," stressing "there is still time for diplomacy and de-escalation."

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Reports of alleged abnormal military activity by Ukraine in Donbas are a blatant attempt by the Russian government to fabricate pretexts for invasion.
This is straight out of the Kremlin playbook.
(Британия) will continue to call out Russia’s disinformation campaign.
3:16 PM · 17 февр. 2022 г.·Twitter Web App [/b]


В Кремле заявили об усилении провокаций Киева у линии разграничения в Донбассе

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Добавлено: 17.02.2022 17:36  |  #148665
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16 февр. 2022 г.
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Ukraine rebels accuse government forces of attacks

MOSCOW, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine accused government forces on Thursday of opening fire on their territory four times in the past 24 hours and said they were trying to establish if anyone had been hurt or killed.
It was not immediately clear how serious the incidents were and there was no immediate reaction from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which has been monitoring the situation in eastern Ukraine but has pulled out some of its monitors in recent days.
Ukraine's military denied the separatists' accusations that government troops had attacked, saying it was the rebels who shelled the Ukrainian military.
Such incidents have occurred many times over the past eight years but this clash comes after Russia has massed more than 100,000 troops close to Ukraine's borders while demanding that NATO pledge not to accept Ukraine as a member.
The West has threatened Russia with new sanctions if it attacks Ukraine; Russia denies planning any attacks.
Any escalation in the years-long conflict between the Russian-backed separatists, who seized a swath of territory in eastern Ukraine in 2014, could fuel tension between Russia and the West.
U.S. intelligence agencies said this month they believed Russia might fabricate a pretext for an invasion of Ukraine, possibly by producing videos showing a staged attack. Russia dismissed that.
The assertions about shelling were made in a statement issued by representatives of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic.
It said Ukrainian forces had used mortars, grenade launchers and a machine gun in four separate incidents on Thursday.
"Armed forces of Ukraine have crudely violated the ceasefire regime, using heavy weapons, which, according to the Minsk agreements, should be withdrawn," the separatists said in a statement.
Russia said this week it was pulling back some troops from areas adjacent to Ukraine after concluding exercises but Kyiv said it had seen no evidence of that and the United States said it suspected Moscow has in fact increased its presence by as many as 7,000 troops.
Russia's lower house of parliament voted on Tuesday to ask President Vladimir Putin to recognise the two self-proclaimed separatist republics in eastern Ukraine as independent.

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Russian Duma Resolution on Eastern Ukraine
The Russian Duma has stated that it plans to send to President Putin an appeal to recognize the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as “independent.” To be clear: Kremlin approval of this appeal would amount to the Russian government’s wholesale rejection of its commitments under the Minsk agreements, which outline the process for the full political, social, and economic reintegration of those parts of Ukraine’s Donbas region controlled by Russia-led forces and political proxies since 2014. Enactment of this resolution would further undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, constitute a gross violation of international law, call into further question Russia’s stated commitment to continue to engage in diplomacy to achieve a peaceful resolution of this crisis, and necessitate a swift and firm response from the United States in full coordination with our Allies and partners.

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Ukraine intelligence shows no proof of Russian troop withdrawal -minister
KYIV (Reuters) -The latest Ukrainian intelligence report compiled on Wednesday shows no evidence of Russia pulling back its forces from near Ukraine’s borders, Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov told Reuters in an interview.
Ukraine will only believe Russia is serious about defusing the current crisis if it withdraws its troops, military hardware and weapons, including forces deployed in Belarus for drills that are due to end on Feb. 20, he said.
According to the Ukrainian military, about 140,000 combined Russian military and pro-Russian separatist forces are currently massed near Ukraine, including 125,000 ground troops. There are 9,000 Russian troops in Belarus alone, he said.
By way of comparison, Reznikov said Ukraine has around 35,000 troops in its eastern Donbass region, where Kyiv has been battling a Russian-backed separatist insurgency since 2014.

His comments underscored the scepticism in Ukraine and among its Western supporters about Russia’s assertion that it is pulling back troops after exercises near Ukraine. The West fears they could be used to launch a military assault on Ukraine, something Moscow has repeatedly denied.
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, speaking in a televised briefing later on Wednesday from the Azov Sea port of Mariupol, also struck a sceptical note on Russia’s statements.
“We have seen a large accumulation of (Russian) troops. This has not changed in recent weeks, we see small rotations. I would not call these rotations a withdrawal of the Russian Federation’s troops,” he said.
The Russian defence ministry has published footage that it said showed tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled artillery units leaving the Crimean peninsula, which Moscow seized from Ukraine in 2014.
“Unfortunately, we cannot confirm this information by objective indicators. This is not confirmed either by Ukrainian intelligence data or by the data of the intelligence communities of our strategic partners,” Reznikov said.
Even if Russian troops moved away from one location, Reznikov said that would likely only be a “migration” to another area near Ukraine, and not a genuine pullback.
“All the troops that they brought up... must return to their permanent deployment points. Then it will be clear that they have cancelled their aggressive plans,” he said.
“Withdrawal of people is not enough - weapons and equipment must also leave,” Reznikov added.
Ukraine’s defence ministry has been hit by what the government described as the largest denial of service attack in the country’s history this week. The government suspects Russia could be behind the attack. Moscow has denied any involvement.
Reznikov said the hack had not damaged the defence ministry’s web portal and did not affect Ukraine’s closed command and control systems. He said the ministry wanted to set up special cyber units to deal with such attacks in future.

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Добавлено: 17.02.2022 17:38  |  #148666
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Подробная инфографика министерства обороны Великобритании с «доказательствами» российских милитаристских устремлений.

Британское минобороны в своем официальном Twitter опубликовало карту "направлений вторжения Путина" на Украину с маршрутами двух фаз сухопутного наступления.

При этом министерство пишет, что схема "приведена исключительно в иллюстративных целях".


16 февр. 2022 г.
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16 февр. 2022 г.
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От подписчика из Киева. Деэскалация в уличном искусстве. Говорят, еще пару дней назад не было.

Ukraine shows unity as West sees no sign of Russian pullback

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainians defied pressure from Moscow with a national show of flag-waving unity Wednesday, while the West warned that it saw no sign of a promised pullback of Russian troops from Ukraine’s borders despite Kremlin declarations of a withdrawal.
While a feared Russian invasion of Ukraine on Wednesday did not materialize, the United States and its allies maintain that the threat remains strong, with Europe’s security and economic stability in the balance.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signaled he wants a peaceful path out of the crisis, and U.S. President Joe Biden promised that the U.S. would continue to give diplomacy “every chance,” but he struck a skeptical tone about Moscow’s intentions. Biden also insisted that Washington and its allies would not “sacrifice basic principles” respecting Ukraine sovereignty.
Russia has massed about 150,000 troops east, north and south of Ukraine. Moscow denies it has any plans to invade and announced a pullback of some forces and weapons, though it gave few details. Even though Putin has not committed to a full withdrawal, the Russian statements also seemed to lower the political temperature following weeks of escalating East-West tensions.
Russian Defense Ministry video showed a trainload of armored vehicles moving across a bridge away from Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. It also announced that more tank units of the Western Military District were being loaded on trains to move back to their permanent bases after training exercises.
“We haven’t seen a pullback,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told ABC News. “He (Putin) can pull the trigger. He can pull it today. He can pull it tomorrow. He can pull it next week. The forces are there if he wants to renew aggression against Ukraine.”
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance also had not seen “any withdrawal of Russian forces.” Before chairing a NATO defense ministers meeting in Brussels, he said: “If they really start to withdraw forces, that’s something we will welcome, but that remains to be seen.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy similarly dismissed the Russian withdrawal claims, noting the lack of evidence of a pullback. On a visit to military drills in the Rivne region in western Ukraine, Zelenskyy praised his military, saying: “When I look at you, I’m confident in both today and tomorrow.”
The Ukrainian leader has repeatedly sought to project calm as well as strength during the crisis, declaring Wednesday a “Day of National Unity.”
“We are united by a desire to happily live in peace,” Zelenskyy said in an address to the nation. “We can defend our home only if we stay united.”
Across the country, Ukrainians of all ages waved flags in the streets and from apartment windows.
Hundreds unfolded a 200-meter (650-foot) flag at Kyiv’s Olimpiyskiy Stadium, while another was draped in the center of a shopping mall in the capital.
In the government-controlled part of Ukraine’s eastern region of Luhansk, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian troops since 2014, residents stretched another huge flag across a street.
“This event, this number of people united around Ukrainian flag will show that we stand for united Ukraine,” said resident Olena Tkachova.
Russian officials countered Western fears of an invasion by alleging that Ukraine may try to reclaim control over the rebel east, even though Kyiv denies any such intention. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine could encourage it to launch a “suicidal aggression.”
Russia wants the West to keep Ukraine and other former Soviet nations out of NATO, halt weapons deployments near Russian borders and roll back forces from Eastern Europe. The U.S. and its allies have roundly rejected those demands, but they offered to engage in talks with Russia on ways to bolster security in Europe.
Speaking after meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Putin said Tuesday that the West agreed to discuss a ban on missile deployment to Europe, restrictions on military drills and other confidence-building measures — issues that Moscow put on the table years ago. He added that Russia was willing to discuss those issues, but only in conjunction “with the main issues that are of primary importance for us.”
While Scholz reiterated that NATO’s eastward expansion “is not on the agenda — everyone knows that very well,” Putin retorted that Moscow will not be assuaged by such assurances.
“They are telling us it won’t happen tomorrow,” Putin said. “Well, when will it happen? The day after tomorrow? We want to solve this issue now as part of negotiation process through peaceful means.”
On Wednesday, Russian fighter jets flew training missions over neighboring Belarus and paratroopers held shooting drills at firing ranges there as part of massive war games that the West feared could be used as cover for an invasion of Ukraine. Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei reaffirmed that all Russian troops and weapons will leave the country when the maneuvers end Sunday.
Russia has mocked Western warnings about an imminent invasion as “paranoia” and “madness.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov pointed sarcastically at warnings of Wednesday’s invasion, saying that Russian officials had a good sleep.
Asked by German daily Welt if Russia was going to attack Wednesday, Russia’s ambassador to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov quipped: “Wars in Europe rarely start on a Wednesday.”
“There won’t be an escalation next week either, on in the week after, or in the coming month,” he said.
But British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told Sky News that there has been no evidence of a Russian withdrawal. “In fact, we’ve seen continued buildup of things like field hospitals and strategic weapons systems,” he said.
On Tuesday, a series of cyberattacks knocked out the websites of the Ukrainian army, the defense ministry and major banks, and Serhii Demediuk, the No. 2 official at Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, blamed Russia.
“The action continued a hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation,” Demediuk told The Associated Press, adding that his group was was working “to stem the attacks and track down their source.”
The Kremlin denied any involvement.
Demediuk said the attacks were intended to sow panic, but Ukrainian authorities moved quickly to restore the websites.
In Moscow, Russian lawmakers sent an appeal to Putin urging him to recognize rebel-held areas in eastern Ukraine as independent states — where Russia has supported rebels in a conflict that has killed over 14,000 in nearly eight years. Putin signaled that he wasn’t inclined to back the motion, which would effectively shatter a 2015 peace deal that was a diplomatic coup for Moscow.

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Russian buildup continues, but insufficient for full-scale invasion, Ukrainian military intelligence says

Kyiv, Ukraine (CNN) Russia's buildup of troops at Ukraine's borders has persisted, despite Moscow's claims of a drawdown, but the number of Russian forces remains insufficient for an invasion, according to a Ukrainian intelligence report shared exclusively with CNN.
The total number of Russian troops at the border has increased in recent days to more than 148,000, including more than 126,000 ground troops, the report says, echoing US intelligence about the build-up. A Ukrainian presidential spokesperson affirmed the reporting in comments to CNN ahead of an address by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow was sending some of its troops at the border back to base after completing exercises. On Wednesday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg rejected Putin's claim and said the military buildup was continuing, describing it as "the most serious crisis in decades."
A statement by NATO later on Wednesday said the buildup was "very large scale, unprovoked and unjustified." NATO also said it was deploying additional land forces in the eastern part of the alliance, in addition to maritime and air assets. The measures, the statement said, remained "proportionate" and "non-escalatory," in response to the "serious threat" of the Russian troop buildup.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also said that there was "no meaningful pullback."
"Unfortunately there's a difference between what Russia says and what it does. And what we're seeing is no meaningful pullback," Blinken said on ABC's Good Morning America.
"On the contrary, we continue to see forces, especially forces that would be in the vanguard of any renewed aggression against Ukraine, continuing to be at the border, to mass at the border," he said.
According to the new Ukrainian intelligence report, 87 Russian Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) are on constant alert around Ukraine, up from 53 which are usually based in the area. BTGs are formations that consist of 800 to 1,000 Russian troops.
The numbers are consistent with the latest US assessment of the Russian troop buildup, but deviates from Western statements by playing down the threat of a full-scale invasion.
"The Russian military contingent near the Ukrainian border is insufficient to carry out a successful large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine," the report said.
Instead, Ukrainian intelligence believes that Russia has focused its efforts on "destabilizing Ukraine's internal situation" using punitive economic and energy-related tactics, as well as cyberattacks.
Dozens of Ukrainian websites belonging to government agencies and banks have been targeted by cyberattacks in recent days. It is not clear who was responsible for the hacking incidents, but Ukrainian authorities have blamed Russia.
The Ukrainian intelligence report also accuses Moscow of carrying out a "creeping Russian occupation of Belarus," suggesting that Russia continues to bolster its air and missile forces in the country, which borders both Russia and Ukraine.
The report describes Belarus as a "full-fledged theater of operations" that Russia can "use to expand its aggression in Eastern Europe."

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Российская фигуристка Камила Валиева не примет участия в показательных выступлениях на Олимпиаде, сообщает Федерация фигурного катания на коньках России.




Девочки, а давайте с флагом [сфотографируемся].
А у нас нет флага. У нас нет флага. Нет его.
Флаг и правда забрали. Но наши всё равно самые лучшие! Ура! Так держать!

"Как же можно утешить Камилу? Её убивали, убивали, убивали и убили. Мы сегодня это увидели", - сказала РИА Новости заслуженный тренер СССР Татьяна Тарасова.


«Ненавижу этот спорт! Ненавижу! – Это не твое поражение! Весь мир был против тебя – Дай мне уйти! Почему? Почему?»: Камила Валиева и Александра Трусова после выступления.

‘Ну что ты так отпустила-то всё? Почему ты вообще перестала бороться? Ну объясни, ты где-то после акселя вообще отпустила’, — Тутберидзе и Валиева сразу после проката.

Valieva listed 2 legal oxygen boosters on Olympic forms
ZHANGJIAKOU, China (AP) — Two legal substances used to improve heart function were listed on an anti-doping control form filled out for Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva before her drug case at the Olympics erupted, according to documents submitted on her behalf.
The World Anti-Doping Agency filed a brief in the Valieva case stating that the mention on the form of L-carnitine and Hypoxen, though both legal, undercuts the argument that a banned substance, trimetazidine, might have entered the skater’s system accidentally.
Hypoxen, a drug designed to increase oxygen flow to the heart, was a substance the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency recently tried, without success, to get placed on the banned list. L-carnitine, another oxygen-boosting performance enhancer, is banned if injected above certain thresholds. The supplement was the focal point of the doping case involving track coach Alberto Salazar.
Combining those with 2.1 nanograms of the heart medicine trimetazidine, the drug found in Valieva’s system after a Dec. 25 test, is “an indication that something more serious is going on,” USADA CEO Travis Tygart said.
“You use all of that to increase performance,” he said. “It totally undermines the credibility” of Valieva’s defense.
Two people with knowledge of the case told The Associated Press that a brief seen by the AP that was filed by the World Anti-Doping Agency in a hearing on Valieva’s case was authentic. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because the document was not publicly available. WADA did not immediately respond to an email left by the AP asking for comment on the brief.
The brief describes Valieva’s mother as arguing that the skater’s grandfather was a regular user of trimetazidine, which would explain how it got into her system. But WADA said that explanation was not enough to clear her of a doping violation.
The brief also says Valieva’s mother testified that her daughter used Hypoxen to treat “heart variations.”
Valieva’s positive test came to light after she had led the Russians to a gold medal in the team skating event last week. Russia’s anti-doping agency at first suspended her, then lifted the suspension. That led WADA and the IOC to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which determined Valieva could skate in the women’s event that began Tuesday.
Because she is 15, she is considered a “protected person” under anti-doping rules and could escape major sanctions. Her coaches and other members of her entourage are subject to automatic investigation and bigger penalties.
The larger case involving the positive test, and resolving whether Russia will get its gold medal, will be decided later. In the meantime, the IOC has said there will be no medal ceremony for events in which Valieva makes the podium. She’s a favorite for gold, and was leading after the short program.

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Even if Kamila Valieva wins, she loses

(CNN)Kamila Valieva earned the top score in the women's figure skating short program Wednesday, advancing to compete in Thursday's Olympic free skate along with 24 other athletes, one more skater than was initially supposed to qualify.
The expansion of this field is just one of the concessions the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is making to complete a competition with a Russian athlete who tested positive for a banned drug in the mix while the whole world is watching.
The IOC and International Skating Union (the sport's governing body) expanded the roster after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) cleared 15-year-old Valieva for competition despite her positive test at an event in Russia in December. In its decision, which is particular to factors unique to Valieva's case but may or may not set a precedent for the future, CAS cited Valieva's age, which makes her a "protected person," as well as what the body described as "very limited facts" -- including the "serious issues of untimely notification" that prevented Valieva from putting together any kind of defense. They also expressed concern about causing the skater "irreparable harm" if she were not made eligible.
Yet while there might be limited facts about Valieva's positive test, there is plenty to go on regarding Russian athletes and doping. Unlike track and field, where one false start ends an athlete's time on the starting line, over and over again we see Russian athletes in play despite the extensive documentation of the country's systemic cheating in global sport.
With Russia, a late-in-the-game positive test deserves more scrutiny than CAS seems to have given it in this case. Russia is out of excuses. No matter whether it was her grandfather's heart medication, not hers, as one source claimed, or a contaminated test, as another argued, or a drug that won't have much impact on her performance, as Russian journalist Vasily Konova posted on social media. Russia was out of excuses before this Olympics even began.
When dealing with a known cheating entity in sports, there is no more room for explanations. Russia is doing its level best, it seems, to be, as Buffy the Vampire Slayer might say, the Big Bad, a villain that keeps coming back for more no matter how forces of good try to squash it. Between Russia's geopolitical aggression and its obvious scorn for the sanctions imposed upon it (even now in Beijing, its athletes cannot compete under their country's flag, a penalty imposed because of previous doping infractions), the country has been persistent in its ability flout the world's concerns while playing the to be an Olympic spoiler.
While CAS might see the facts of this case as "limited," there is a lot, actually, that we know about the Russian sports machine and its extensive systemic doping regimens. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)'s four-year ban on Russia, issued in 2019 after a whistleblower's claims in 2016 found at least 15 medalists in Sochi were not, in a word, clean, has had few, if any, teeth. While WADA mandated that no athlete would be allowed to represent Russia at the Olympics, Paralympics or any World Championship for four years, CAS watered it down it to two years, set to expire in December 2022.
Let's be clear: since WADA imposed the ban, there have been Russians competing at every turn on the Olympic stage. After the IOC suspended Russia, several Russian athletes who claimed to work outside of the corrupt system successfully appealed to CAS to compete. In 2018, they marched into the Opening Ceremony as the Olympic Athletes from Russia, or OAR. Two of those athletes failed drug tests, including a bronze medalist in curling. In Beijing, they are the athletes of the Russian Olympic Committee, ROC, this time flouting rules that dictate that the Russian flag, anthem, and government leaders are not allowed, marching into Opening Ceremony with Putin in attendance, the Russian flag emblazoned on their sleeves.
That the athlete at the center of this, the one who CAS is looking to protect, is young and female is not an accident. The Russian skating engine, with the controversial and seemingly despotic Eteri Tutberidze at its center, coaches young female figure skaters to jump like no one has before, break their own records and then quickly step aside, disposable, so the next athlete can come off the bench. Numerous media outlets, including The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal recently, have reported on concerns about Tutberidze's methods.
According to the Post, she has described her athletes working 12 hours a day and has said, "What I try to teach my students starting at about the age of 13 is that you can't just come to practice and start whining: 'I am tired. I can't do this now. Let's do it tomorrow' ... Just look at the map and see the size of Russia -- and when you're selected and sent to an international competition, you will have a jacket. On its back it says 'Russia.' And if you're supposed to be the best that Russia sent for the world to see, then you cannot just step out on the ice with a bad attitude, thinking: 'I am tired today. I don't feel like skating my best and representing the Russian people as they expect me to.'"
Unlike the horrors suffered by US gymnasts, who were abused behind closed doors in training facilities, the brutal physical demands imposed on Russian senior skaters whose coaches treated them as expendable has been open for many in the sport to see, not kept in the shadows.
Now, at a moment when high profile athletes from Naomi Osaka to Simone Biles have interrupted the standard go-for-broke sports model with dialogue about wellness and mental health, is a crucial time to challenge this toxic status quo.
In short, there is no protection for a so-called "protected" athlete like Valieva. She is part of a corrupt system that faces little impunity for its breach of sportsmanship, fair play and the rules as it lands historic quads and dominates medal podiums, showcasing the hypocritical world of international sport in the name of national pride in a precipitous global moment. That a 15-year-old is shouldering so much could be seen as she finished her short program, her face crumpling into tears. Her high-scoring skate -- despite a bobbled landing on her triple axel -- was good enough for first place over Japan's Karoi Sakamoto. And even that was controversial to some (former Olympian Adam Rippon included) who thought Sakamoto's showing surpassed Valieva's.
Where and how this ends we just don't know. The IOC, for its part, has made clear that should Valieva, the heavy favorite for gold, finish on the podium, there will be no medal ceremony, same as what went down with the team event, stating that "it would not be appropriate ... as it would include an athlete who on the one hand has a positive A-sample, but whose violation of the anti-doping rules has not yet been established ..."
While this decision robs other skaters -- including the silver-medal-winning US squad in the team event -- of the thrill of their podium moment in Beijing, the IOC promises it will hold "dignified medal ceremonies" when all is said and done.
Yet it seems as though the time for dignified anything has come and gone. Just as Sha'Carri Richardson, whose positive test last summer -- marijuana -- dashed her hopes for a medal in Tokyo, has been vocal about what she sees as a double standard, CAS's insistence on taking care of Valieva as a "protected person" rings hollow as she is returned to the coaches and support staff, including team doctors, who ostensibly, in the best-case scenario, gave an unknowing teen a drug to boost her stamina.
Russia gets to have it all ways. Its ban involved state-sponsored doping. Valieva's reprieve is largely based on her age, and the assumption that if guilty, she is a victim of -- wait for it -- state-sponsored doping. No matter how many points she scores, no matter how many quads she lands, no matter what kind of a historic skater she is -- and yes, let's be clear, she is a once-in-a-generation skater -- the only thing that is certain is that there will be no winners, no one protected, in women's figure skating in Beijing.

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U.S., Russian Aircraft Flew Perilously Close to Each Other Amid Ukraine Tensions

WASHINGTON—U.S. and Russian aircraft operating in the Mediterranean Sea flew dangerously close to each other in three separate incidents over the weekend, including one in which the two nations’ aircraft came within 5 feet of each other, U.S. defense officials said.

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Реклама Агрессии.


Заранее подготовленный фейк ЦИПсО ВСУ об "обстреле детского садика" в станице Луганской (украинская сторона). Обратите внимание на абсолютно целые стекла на внешнем фото, и аккуратно расставленные футбольные мячи на полках. При таких прилетах такого не бывает.

Зеленский проинформировал председателя Евросовета об обстрелах в Станице Луганской и поблагодарил за инициативу проведения донорской конференции
"Из Мариуполя провел разговор с президентом Европейского совета Шарлем Мишелем. Проинформировал о ситуации с безопасностью и сегодняшних провокационных обстрелах, в частности Станицы Луганской. Поблагодарил за инициативу проведения донорской конференции в поддержку Украины", - написал Зеленский в Twitter в четверг.
Ранее пресс-центр штаба операции Объединенных сил сообщил, что в результате применения российскими наемниками тяжелого артиллерийского вооружения снаряды попали в постройку детсада в Станице Луганской.
В результате обстрела детского сада в Станице Луганской в четверг утром пострадали две женщины и один мужчина, всего в заведении во время обстрела находилось 20 детей и 18 работников, сообщили в оперативно-тактической группировке "Север".
Глава правления "Укрзализныци" Александр Камышин в Telegram сообщил, что российские наемники обстреляли железнодорожную станцию Кондрашевская-Новая в Луганской области, под обстрелы попала станция, локомотивное депо и детский сад.

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Зеленский назвал провокацией обстрел в Станице Луганской и подчеркнул важность присутствия в Украине дипломатов и ОБСЕ
"Обстрел пророссийскими силами детского сада в Станице Луганской – это большая провокация. Важно, чтобы дипломаты и ОБСЕ оставались в Украине – их мониторинговая деятельность является дополнительным сдерживающим фактором. Нам необходим действенный механизм фиксации всех нарушений тишины", - написал Зеленский в Twitter в четверг днем.
Как сообщалось, в Луганской области в четверг утром в результате применения российскими наемниками тяжелого артиллерийского вооружения снаряды попали в здание детсада в Станице Луганской. В результате обстрела пострадали две женщины и один мужчина. Всего в заведении во время обстрела находилось 20 детей и 18 работников, сообщили в оперативно-тактической группировке "Север".
Около 10:25 в четверг произошел обстрел со стороны временно оккупированной территории по населенному пункту пгт Врубовка, в результате чего один из снарядов попал во двор Врубовского лицея Попаснянской городской территориальной громады. На момент обстрела в лицее находились 30 учеников и 14 человек персонала. Информация о пострадавших и разрушениях уточняется.

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СБУ открыла дело по факту обстрелов боевиками детсада и школы в Луганской области
"Установлено, что 17 февраля около 9 утра российские наемники обстреляли Станицу Луганскую из крупнокалиберной артиллерии и минометов. В результате повреждены военная техника и объекты гражданской инфраструктуры. Один из снарядов пробил стену детского сада, где находились дети с воспитателями. Дети не пострадали только потому, что были на занятиях в другом помещении. Однако трое работников дошкольного учреждения получили контузии и доставлены в больницу, - говорится в сообщении, размещенном в четверг на сайте СБУ.
По информации украинской спецслужбы, обстрел длился около 40 минут, огонь велся прицельно для нанесения потерь.
"По предварительным данным, враг использовал боеприпасы калибра 120 и 152 мм. Через полтора часа враг нанес артиллерийский удар по поселку Врубовка Северодонецкого района. Обстрелом повреждено здание местной школы, в которой на момент атаки находились 30 учеников и 14 педагогов. Дети и взрослые вынуждены были спасаться в подвале школы", - отмечается в сообщении.
В СБУ информируют, что в результате попадания снарядов в газопровод без газоснабжения осталось 70 квартир в многоэтажках и 96 частных домов. Также обстрелом поврежден жилой дом во Врубовке.
На местах работают оперативно-следственные группы СБУ: допрашивают свидетелей, очевидцев и пострадавших от вражеских атак, изучают и документируют обстоятельства преступлений.

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Представьте себе, что в Ваш дом пришла беда.
Как Вы поступите? Разно. Но уж точно, Вы не приметесь звонить об этом на весь мир.
А.п. специально взял официальные сообщения официального СМИ Украины.
Зеленский связался с властями на местах?
Поддержал местных руководителей?
Распорядился оказать помощь пострадавшим?
Нет! Нет! И ещё раз нет!
Президент Украины кинулся торговаться со спонсорами.


Как похорошела Великая китайская стена при Собянине.

На Германию обрушился ураган "Иления". В ряде регионов остановлено движение поездов. Десятки тысяч домов остались без электричества из-за падения деревьев на провода. По меньшей мере 2 человека погибли. В Гамбурге на вышедшем в шторм на Эльбу пароме вода пробила окна и залила салон.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Искусственный интеллект уже давно среди нас. Он прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, используется абсолютно в разных её сферах и кардинально меняет лицо современного бизнеса. Рекламная индустрия - не исключение. Самый яркий и известный пример - это нейросети, на основе которых построен поиск рекламных систем Яндекса. Использование нейросетей и других алгоритмов ИИ, делает рекламу еще более эффективной и качественной. Евгений Халин, директор по продуктам Коkос Group рассказывает о том, как работает ИИ, в чем его преимущество и какие перспективы нас ждут.
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На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».

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19.04.2024 - 11:06
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