"Общая Теория Рекламы:Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 13

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10557
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 05.07.2022 0:06  |  #149434
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Продолжение поста от 05.07.2022 г. Начало поста от 05.07.2022 г.

Замглавы администрации президента РФ после визита в оккупированные города под Харьковом прибыл в Херсон
Сегодня, 4 июля, Кириенко прибыл в Херсон, посетил пункты выдачи российских паспортов и продажи сим-карт, а также отделение российского "Просмязьбанка".
Отметим, что накануне разведка Великобритании сообщила, что в Кремле работают над подготовкой "референдума" в Херсонской области по присоединению региона к РФ.

Материал полностью.

Компания "Черноморнефтегаз" работает штатно, потребители в Крыму обеспечиваются природным газом бесперебойно, сообщается в на сайте организации.


Как будут обучаться дети в Херсонской области с приходом РФ.

Интеграционные процессы, которые развёрнуты сейчас на освобождённых от неонацистов территориях, набирают обороты. Интеграция с Россией происходит не только в политической, экономической и военной сферах. Особое внимание будет уделяться образованию.

Первый заместитель Руководителя Администрации Президента РФ Сергей Кириенко, ранее посетивший Херсон, провел совещание в одной из школ в Каховке.

Обсуждались вопросы начала нового учебного года, потребности учеников и педагогов Херсонской области.
Также по сложившейся традиции были посещены магазины и аптеки Каховки.
Горожане высказали ряд пожеланий Сергею Кириенко, а решение этих проблем было взято на контроль властями района.


Реклама Агрессии.

Стоимость газа на бирже в Европе впервые с марта превысила 1800 долларов за тысячу кубометров.


Цена газа в Европе впервые с марта превысила $1700 за тысячу кубометров — РБК.

Реклама Агрессии.



4 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.

Реклама Агрессии.

"Ты сам видишь, что происходит". Появилась полная расшифровка разговора Путина и Макрона накануне войны
Расшифровку публикует французская газета Le Tempes.
Макрон: С нашего последнего разговора напряженность продолжает расти. Ты знаешь мою приверженность диалогу и решимость его продолжать. Сначала я бы хотел узнать твое видение ситуации, а после скажи мне прямо, как мы это оба делаем, каковы твои намерения. Потом я хочу понять, есть ли еще какие-то разумные действия, которые можно предпринять, и что я могу тебе еще предложить.
Путин: Что я еще могу сказать? Ты сам видишь, что происходит. Ты и канцлер [Олаф] Шольц сказали мне, что [Владимир] Зеленский был готов сделать жест, что он подготовил проект закона для имплементации Минских соглашений. […] По факту наш дорогой коллега господин Зеленский ничего не делает. Он лжет вам. […] Я не знаю, слышал ли ты его вчерашнее заявление, что Украина должна иметь доступ к ядерному оружию.
Я также слышал твои комментарии на пресс-конференции в Киеве 8 февраля. Ты сказал, что Минские соглашения должны быть пересмотрены, цитирую, "чтобы их можно было применить".
Макрон: Владимир, во-первых, я никогда не говорил, что Минские соглашения должны быть пересмотрены. Я этого не говорил ни в Берлине, ни в Киеве, ни в Париже. Я сказал, что они должны быть приняты, а их положения должны соблюдаться. У меня совсем другое представление о событиях последних дней.
Путин: Послушай, Эммануэль, я не понимаю, в чем ваша проблема с сепаратистами. По крайней мере, они сделали все необходимое, по нашему настоянию, чтобы начать конструктивный диалог с украинскими властями.
Макрон: Касательно того, что ты сказал, Владимир, несколько замечаний. Во-первых, Минские соглашения являются диалогом с вами, в этом ты абсолютно прав. В этом контексте не ожидалось, что основой обсуждения станет документ, представленный сепаратистами. Так вот, когда твой переговорщик пытается заставить украинцев обсуждать сепаратистскую "дорожную карту", он проявляет неуважение к Минским соглашениям. Сепаратисты — не те, кто будет вносить предложения по [изменению] украинских законов.
Путин: Конечно, у нас очень разное видение ситуации. Во время нашего прошлого разговора я напомнил тебе и даже прочитал статьи 9, 11 и 12 Минских соглашений.
Макрон: Они у меня перед глазами! Там четко написано, что предложение Украины должно быть согласовано с представителями отдельных районов Донецкой и Луганской областей в рамках трехсторонней встречи. Это именно то, что мы предлагаем сделать. Так что я не знаю, где твой юрист изучал право. Я просто смотрю на эти тексты и стараюсь их применить! И я не знаю, какой юрист мог тебе сказать, что в суверенном государстве тексты законов составляют сепаратистские группы, а не демократически избранные власти.
Путин (раздраженным тоном): Это не демократически избранное правительство. Они пришли к власти в результате переворота, там люди горели заживо, это была кровавая баня, и Зеленский — один из тех, кто несет за это ответственность.
Послушай меня внимательно: принцип диалога заключается в том, чтобы учитывать интересы другой стороны. Предложение существует, сепаратисты, как ты их называешь, направили его украинцам, но не получили ответа. Где здесь диалог?
Макрон: Но это потому, как я тебе говорил, что нас не интересуют предложения сепаратистов. Мы просим, чтобы они отвечали на предложения украинцев — и все должно быть сделано именно таким образом, поскольку это закон! То, что ты только что сказал, вызывает сомнения в том, насколько ты сам готов придерживаться Минских соглашений, если, по твоему мнению, тебе приходится иметь дело с нелегитимной властью террористов.
Путин (все еще очень раздраженно): Послушай меня внимательно. Ты меня слышишь? Я повторю еще раз. Сепаратисты, как ты их называешь, отреагировали на предложения украинских властей. Они ответили, но эти же власти не последовали их примеру.
Макрон: Так, окей. На основании их ответа на предложения Украины я предлагаю тебе, чтобы мы потребовали от всех сторон провести встречу в рамках рабочей группы — и продолжить двигаться вперед. Уже завтра можно попросить, чтобы эта работа была проделана, и потребовать все заинтересованные стороны отказаться от политики "пустого кресла". Однако в последние пару дней сепаратисты не высказывали желания вступать в эту дискуссию. Я немедленно потребую этого от Зеленского. Мы договорились? Если да, то я начну и завтра потребую устроить встречу.
Путин: Давай договоримся — как только мы закончим наш разговор, я изучу эти предложения. Но с самого начала надо было давить на украинцев, только никто не хотел этого делать.
Макрон: Ну нет, я делаю все возможное, чтобы подтолкнуть их, ты хорошо это знаешь.
Путин: Знаю, но, увы, это неэффективно.
Макрон: Мне надо, чтобы ты мне немного помог. Ситуация на линии соприкосновения [сторон конфликта в Донбассе] очень напряженная. Я действительно вчера звонил Зеленскому и призывал его к спокойствию. Я снова ему скажу, что всем нужно успокоиться: успокоить [людей] в социальных сетях, успокоить армию Украины. Но что я еще вижу — ты можешь призвать успокоиться свои войска, которые почти заняли позиции. Вчера было много обстрелов. Что ты скажешь — как будут развиваться [российские] военные учения?
Путин: Учения идут по плану.
Макрон: То есть сегодня вечером они закончатся, так?
Путин: Да, вероятно сегодня, но мы точно оставим войска на границе, пока ситуация в Донбассе не разрешится. Решение будет принято после обсуждения с министерствами обороны и иностранных дел.
Макрон: Хорошо. Владимир, я скажу тебе предельно искренне, для меня первостепенная задача — вернуть обсуждение в правильное русло и снизить уровень напряженности. И мне важно — и я действительно прошу тебя об этом — чтобы мы удержали ситуацию под контролем. Сейчас это самое главное. И я очень рассчитываю на тебя. Не поддавайся провокациям, какие бы они ни были в последующие часы и дни.
Я хотел сделать тебе два очень конкретных предложения. Первое — в ближайшие несколько дней организовать в Женеве встречу между тобой и президентом [Джо] Байденом. Я говорил с ним в пятницу вечером и спросил, могу ли сделать тебе это предложение. Он попросил тебе передать, что он готов. Президент Байден также обдумывал подходящие способы деэскалации ситуации, чтобы при этом учесть твои требования и четко подойти к вопросу НАТО и Украины. Назови дату, которая тебе подходит.
Путин: Спасибо большое, Эммануэль. Для меня всегда большое удовольствие и большая честь говорить с твоими европейскими коллегами, как и с Соединенными Штатами. И мне всегда очень приятно говорить с тобой, поскольку у нас доверительные отношения. Так что, Эммануэль, я предлагаю все переиграть. Прежде всего, надо заранее подготовить эту встречу. Только после этого мы сможем говорить — иначе, если мы придем вот так, чтобы поговорить обо всем и ни о чем, нас все просто осудят.
Макрон: Но можно ли сегодня сказать, по итогу этих обсуждений, что мы в целом договорились? Я бы хотел получить от тебя ясный ответ. Я понимаю твое нежелание называть дату, но готов ли ты забежать вперед и сказать: "Я хочу провести двустороннюю встречу с американцами, а после — расширенную с европейцами". Или нет?
Путин: Это предложение, которое заслуживает внимания, и если ты хочешь, чтобы мы его хорошо сформулировали, то я предлагаю поручить нашим советникам созвониться, чтобы договориться […] Но в целом я согласен.
Макрон: Очень хорошо, ты подтвердил, что в целом согласен. Я предлагаю нашим сотрудникам […] попытаться подготовить совместное заявление, что-то вроде пресс-релиза по итогам этого разговора.
Путин: Честно говоря, я собирался поиграть в хоккей. Говорю с тобой из спортзала перед тренировкой. Но сначала я позвоню своим советникам.
Макрон: В любом случае, спасибо тебе, Владимир. Будем на связи. Как что-нибудь прояснится — звони мне.
Путин (по-французски): Спасибо вам, господин президент.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10557
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 05.07.2022 0:08  |  #149435
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Продолжение поста от 05.07.2022 г. Начало поста от 05.07.2022 г.

Зеленский на английском и украинском поздравил США и Байдена лично с Днём независимости…


Источник иллюстрации.

Реклама Агрессии.

Финляндии и Швеция в понедельник за один раунд завершили переговоры о вступлении в НАТО, 5 июля будет подписан протокол о вступлении — официально.


Реклама Агрессии.

Глава ЕК: С начала войны ЕС собрал на помощь Украине около 6,2 млрд
С начала войны ЕС собрал около 6,2 млрд евро в качестве помощи Киеву. Об этом заявила глава Еврокомиссии Урсула фон дер Ляйен на международной конференции по восстановлению Украины.
В ходе мероприятия, которое проходит в швейцарском Лугано, председатель ЕК пообещала, что Европейский союз будет и впредь организовывать фонды помощи Украине.
«Цель Кремля – военное, политическое и экономическое уничтожение Украины. Мы не можем и никогда не позволим этому случиться», — подчеркнула Урсула фон дер Ляйен.
Она также сообщила, что ЕС намерен создать группу для координации усилий по восстановлению Украины после войны с Россией. «Эта платформа будет определять потребности в инвестициях, направлять финансовые ресурсы и координировать работу», - пояснила глава ЕК.
В конференции в Лугано принимают участие порядка 1 тыс. делегатов из более чем 40 стран, в том числе почти 100 – из Украины, а также представители около 20 международных организаций. Мероприятие продлится до завтра, 5 июля.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.

"Россияне дезорганизованы и демотивированы": как грузины вместе с британцами и американцами воюют в Украине

Материал полностью.

Жарын: Кремль фальсифицирует правду о ходе войны в Украине
Объявление Путиным и Шойгу об «успехе» РФ в войне против Украины преследует строго пропагандистские цели, - считатет Станислав Жарин, пресс-секретарь министра-координатора спецслужб Польши.

«Кремль фальсифицирует правду о ходе войны против Украины, делая вид, что вооруженная агрессия идет по плану. Заявление об «успехе» рассчитано на внутренний рынок. Оно имеет решающее значение для поддержания российского общества в состоянии опьянения. Послание призвано утвердить россиян в убеждении, что действия вооруженных сил якобы приносят ожидаемый результат», - написал в понедельник в своем Twitter пресс-секретарь министра координатора спецслужб Польши Станислав Жарин.
По его мнению, Россия объявила об «успехе» войны против Украины в ожидании тактической паузы, которая может быть представлена как прекращение военных действий на данном этапе, - отметил представитель внутриполитического ведомста и спецслужб Польши. В ближайшее время Кремль попытается убедить мировую аудиторию в том, что он достиг своих целей, но на самом деле следует ожидать, что после короткой тактической паузы на поле боя и перегруппировки россияне приступят к реализации следующего этап вторжения в Украину.
Следует также ожидать очень сильного давления на Украину, чтобы она одобрила статус-кво. Москва также будет оказывать давление на Запад с тем, чтобы тот заставил киевские власти отказаться от дальнейших оборонительных действий, - предостерег Станислав Жарын.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.

"Нужно понимать метафорически". В ВСУ заявили, что флаг над Змеиным не поднимали

Пресс-секретарь Оперативного командования "Юг" Наталья Гуменюк уточнила свои слова о поднятом флаге Украины над островом Змеиный. Она говорит, что ее слова о поднятом флаге следует "понять метафорически", а опубликованное фото - старое.
Об этом она сказала в комментарии CNN.
"Флаг был доставлен на остров вертолетом. Он дождется прибытия войск, а потом будет реять", — сказала Гуменюк.
"На остров никто не высаживался. Так кто же будет его устанавливать, втыкать, поднимать? Рисковать людьми ради фото для СМИ никто не будет", - — отметила секретарь ОК "Юг".
Ранее сегодня Гуменюк заявила, что украинский флаг был поднят над островом Змеиный, а Госпогранслуба опубликовала соответствующее фото.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.

L'Ukraine affirme avoir remis son drapeau sur l'Ile aux Serpents
Le drapeau ukrainien flotte à nouveau sur l'Ile aux Serpents, a annoncé lundi une porte-parole militaire confirmant sa reprise par les forces ukrainiennes. Cette petite île dans le Nord-Ouest de la mer Noire est devenue emblématique dès le premier jour de l'invasion russe lorsqu'un membre de la petite garnison ukrainienne la défendant a intimé au navire russe réclamant sa reddition d'aller «se faire foutre». Passée sous contrôle russe, elle a été reprise par les Ukrainiens la semaine dernière, à la suite de violents bombardements.
«Le drapeau de l'Ukraine a été installé sur l'Ile aux Serpents. L'opération militaire est terminée et le territoire est maintenant revenu à la juridiction de l'Ukraine», a déclaré à la presse la porte-parole des forces de défense du sud, Natalia Goumeniouk. Elle n'a pas précisé si des soldats ukrainiens se sont réinstallés sur l'île. Jeudi dernier, l'armée russe avait indiqué s'être retirée de ce territoire symbolique «en signe de bonne volonté», après avoir «accompli» les «objectifs fixés». Vendredi, l'armée ukrainienne l'a accusée d'avoir lancée sur l'île des bombes au phosphore.

Материал полностью.

Появилось фото флага Украины на острове Змеином

Материал полностью.

На острове Змеином установили флаг Украины
"Я думаю, что я начну с той новости, которую ждут все, поэтому я должна провозгласить, что флаг Украины на острове Змеиный установлен. Военная операция завершена и территория возвращена под юрисдикцию Украины", - заявила Гуменюк.

Материал полностью.

Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10557
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 05.07.2022 0:09  |  #149436
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"Литовские железные дороги" послали российских хакеров туда, куда посылали русский военный корабль

В пятницу вечером на эл. почту компании "Литовские железные дороги" ("ЛЖД") пришло письмо: лица, которые представились как российские хакеры, требовали как можно скорее связаться с политиками, чтобы те решили вопрос калининградского транзита. В противном случае Литву грозились вернуть в Каменный век. Компания "ЛЖД" угроз не испугалась.

"Как представители общины российских хакеров мы настоятельно рекомендуем выслать вашим политикам и государственным ведомствам информацию о проблеме калининградского транзита", – было сказано в письме.
Кроме того, указывалось, что если требование не будет выполнено, то ИТ "ЛЖД" будет уничтожены, у хакеров "достаточно мощностей, чтобы вернуть "ЛЖД" в Каменный век".
Компания "ЛЖД" угроз не испугалась. Представитель компании Лаура Габрилавичюте в Facebook поделилась фотографией ответа, он был простым – людей, которые назвались российскими хакерами, послали в том же направлении, что и русский военный корабль.
Этот случай не остался незамеченным в социальных сетях – ответ повеселил пользователей твитера, фейсбука и других платформ.
С 17 июня, когда в силу вступил 4 пакет санкций ЕС, Литва ограничила транзит стали и черных металлов из России в Калининградскую область.
Москва в свою очередь угрожает Литве даже военным конфликтом и утверждает, что так Литва нарушает международные договоренности.
Однако премьер-министр Ингрида Шимоните на прошлой неделе напомнила, что в ближайшее время санкций станет еще больше: с 10 июля будет запрещен импорт цемента и алкоголя, с 10 августа - угля и другого твердого топлива, а с 5 декабря – нефти и нефтепродуктов.

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Реклама Агрессии.

Военкоматы в городе Мукачево организовали патрули для вычисления мужчин призывного возраста
На улице схватили человека, который гулял с женой и ребёнком. И увезли на войну.

Реклама Агрессии.

В Литву доставлен дрон Bayraktar для Украины

Предназначенный для Украины боевой беспилотник Bayraktar доставлен в Литву, сообщил в понедельник министр обороны Арвидас Анушаускас.
"Bayraktar под именем Vanagas (лит. "Ястреб") со всем вооружением уже в Литве!" — сообщил министр в социальное сети Facebook.
По его словам, в день коронации Миндаугаса (6 июня) на авиабазе ВВС Литвы в Шяуляй состоится официальная презентация беспилотника.
Вооружение для военного дрона ТB2 приобрело Министерство обороны на средства, пожертвованные жителями Литвы, и а сам беспилотник был безвозмездно передан Литве турецкой компанией Baykar.

По словам министра, этот случай показывает, что "гражданская инициатива может свернуть горы и Ястребом обернуться".
"Его дальнейший путь — в Украину", — написал министр.
Турецкая компания, производящая дроны, решила передать самолет безвозмездно после того, как жители Литвы собрали 5,9 млн евро его покупку этого и передачу Украине, которая ведет борьбу с российским вторжением.
Когда появилась возможность использовать средства в другом месте, на вооружение самолетов было выделено 1,5 млн евро, а остальная часть пожертвованной суммы будет направлена на другие меры поддержки Украины, которые определит собиратель помощи - ТВ канал Laisvės TV.

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Экс-президент Украины Петр Порошенко сообщил, что на волонтерские средства для украинских военных закуплена новая партия бронемашин MLS SHIELD для контрнаступления .


Реклама Агрессии.

Анкара ждет ответа от Москвы по поводу переговоров в Стамбуле о вывозе зерна из Украины
По его словам, президент страны Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган хочет обсудить эту встречу с Владимиром Зеленским и Владимиром Путиным.
Чавушоглу добавил, что проблема создания безопасного коридора для вывоза зерна из Украины должна быть решена с соблюдением интересов как Москвы, так и Киева.
"План ООН отвечает экспортным интересам и России, и Украины. Однако для вывоза украинского зерна, необходимо создать безопасный коридор, без угрозы морских мин. Сегодня продовольствие в мире сильно подорожало. Мы выступаем за то, чтобы проблема была решена в интересах и Киева, и Москвы", - сказал министр.
План ООН он назвал не только объективным, но и реализуемым.

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Турция остановила грузовое судно под российским флагом у своего побережья Черного моря и расследует заявление Украины о том, что оно перевозило краденое зерно, сообщил Reuters высокопоставленный турецкий чиновник.

Турция задержала российское судно с ворованым украинским зерном
3 июля турецкие таможенные власти задержали сухогруз «Жибек Жолы» под российским флагом, на котором находится от 4,5 до 7 тысяч тонн зерна, похищеного в Украине. Сообщается, что сухогруз получил зерно в оккупированном городе Бердянск.
Казахское грузовое судно под российским флагом было задержано на основании письма Офиса Генпрокурора Украины. Посол Украины в Турции Василий Боднар сообщил 3 июля:
«У нас есть полное сотрудничество, судно сейчас стоит перед входом в порт. Оно задержано таможенными органами Турции. Завтра состоится межведомственное совещание, на котором будет решена дальнейшая судьба этого судна».
При этом посол Украины добавил, что судно арестуют, имущество конфискуют и привлекут к ответственности всех причастных:
«У нас хорошая коммуникация и тесное сотрудничество с органами власти Турецкой Республики. Убежден, что принятые решения предотвратят попытки нарушения суверенитета Украины».
Напомним, немного ранее, 30 июня, российский гауляйтер Запорожской области Евгений Балицкий сообщил о том, что с порта Бердянска было отправлено первое судно с украденным украинским зерном. Оккупанты вывозят зерно в оккупированный Крым, а также в Сирию. В частности, в Сирию РФ уже отправила 100 тыс. тонн пшеницы, стоимостью 40 млн долларов.

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Реклама Агрессии.

Цена газа в ЕС из-за ожидания остановки "Северного потока" впервые с марта превысила $1700
Стоимость августовского фьючерса на хабе TTF в Нидерландах выросла на 5,55%, достигнув 1566,85 евро за 1 МВт·ч, или $1709,79 за тыс. куб. м с учетом текущего курса. Выше отметки в $1700 за тыс. куб. м стоимость газа поднялась впервые с 9 марта 2022 года.

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В Клайпеде начались работы по демонтажу советского монумента
В понедельник в Клайпеде начался демонтаж советских скульптур, подтвердил BNS мэр Клайпеды Витаутас Грубляускас.
"Я могу подтвердить, что действительно, насколько мне известно, работы по демонтажу начались (...). Я не могу ответить, как долго они продлятся. С утра начался демонтаж, но все идет по плану, как намечено, демонтаж и вывоз", - сказал мэр.
Демонтируется композиция, которая состоит из двух вертикальных белых бетонных щитов с опущенным между ними мечом и украшающей его рукоять гирлянды из дубовых листьев, а также еще одного памятника - четырехугольного постамента, бронзовой скульптурной группы трех воинов и оборудования для вечного огня в виде пятиконечной звезды из красного гранита.
Также будут демонтированы мемориальные доски с надписями об освобождении Клайпеды на литовском и русском языках, каменная плита с надписью о вечной памяти "убитым и погибшим узникам фашистских лагерей".
Между тем гранитные таблички с фамилиями захороненных здесь будут сохранены.
22 июня городской совет Клайпеды принял решение о демонтаже скульптурной группы Воинского кладбища, обозначающей место захоронения солдат Советского Союза.
В этом месте, на улице Дауканто, захоронены военнослужащие Советского Союза, погибшие в боях с армией нацистской Германии за Клайпеду в январе 1945 года. В 1975 году на это захоронение были перенесены останки солдат из Клайпедского района и с бывшей Площади Победы в Клайпеде.
Здесь также оборудовано 47 мемориальных табличек из серого гранита с 694 фамилиями погибших военных.

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Реклама Агрессии.

Посол Украины в ФРГ Мельник вскоре может покинуть пост и продолжить работу в качестве замминистра иностранных дел - Bild со ссылкой на источники.



4 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.

Реклама Агрессии.

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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10557
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 05.07.2022 0:10  |  #149437
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The metamorphosis of J.K. Rowling

WHEN IT COMES TO J.K. ROWLING , even some of the children’s author’s biggest fans are finding it increasingly necessary to separate the work from the creator.
Join the Potter Trail walking tour in her adopted hometown of Edinburgh, and you’ll learn that Rowling wrote much of the first Harry Potter novel at Nicolsons Cafe. The establishment was co-owned by her brother-in-law — so as a broke, recently divorced single mother, she could nurse cheap espresso all day without guilt for taking up a table.
You’ll also be told how, as a bestselling author 12 years later, Rowling treated herself to exclusive luxury while finishing her last novel, at a suite in the five-star Balmoral Hotel just half a mile up the road. On a cold, blustery Wednesday in February, a Potter Trail guide named Alex recounted how Rowling downed a bottle of champagne by herself to celebrate the triumphant moment, “because she’s a legend.”
The tour is free, but wizarding fans are encouraged to provide an optional “donation” (£10 to £20 recommended, cards accepted). A proportion goes to the Scottish Trans Alliance, an activist group promoting rights for transgender people.
“Many of you may be aware of JK Rowling’s recent tweets concerning transgender issues,” reads an explanation on the tour group’s website. “It’s a difficult time to be a Harry Potter fan for many but we sincerely wish JK Rowling’s views not to diminish our appreciation of the books and their messages of inclusion and tolerance.”
The disclaimer is a quiet but unambiguous protest against Rowling’s buzziest body of work since her blockbuster series of schoolboy sorcery. It’s also a tiny but telling example of how, in a few short years, the author has gone from being an unobjectionable matron of the political left to one of its most hated villains.
Rowling’s views — and her willingness to exchange biting blows with her online critics — have been denounced by fans as transphobic, a betrayal of the values of tolerance they learned from her books. Stars of the Harry Potter movies have disavowed her statements; celebrities have taken their distance; major websites devoted to the wizarding world have said they’d stop writing about her. (On the other side of the spectrum, Russian President Vladimir Putin has bemoaned that she’s been “canceled.”)
None of this seems to have given Rowling pause — or done much to put a crimp in her commercial prospects. Twenty-five years after the publication of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” her books continue to fly off the shelves. The third installment of the Harry Potter spin-off “Fantastic Beasts” hit theaters in March. If anything, as the criticism has mounted, Rowling has only become more combative, cheerfully retweeting her detractors to trigger pile-ons from fellow thinkers.
What’s more: When it comes to driving the debate, she seems to be winning. Asked earlier this year by an anonymous poster whether her battle was a hill she wanted her legacy to die on, she answered tartly:
“Yes, sweetheart. I’m staying right here on this hill, defending the right of women and girls to talk about themselves, their bodies and their lives in any way they damn well please,” she tweeted. “You worry about your legacy, I’ll worry about mine 😉”

* * *

FOR MOST OF HER CAREER , Rowling sat politically in the milquetoast center left.
In a speech to Harvard graduates in 2008, she described her first job out of university, at Amnesty International, where the personal testimonies of African political prisoners and victims of torture stirred her soul. She told the Ivy League graduates that their elite status and influence is “your privilege, and your burden” and exhorted them to use it “on behalf of those who have no voice.”
In 2010, she wrote movingly of having relied on the welfare state when her “life hit rock bottom,” explaining why she was happy to keep paying British taxes: “This, if you like, is my notion of patriotism.”
Indisputably, Rowling has been extraordinarily generous. She famously gave so much to charity in 2011 — 16 percent of her net worth — that she was knocked off the Forbes billionaires list the next year. Most recently, she pledged to match up to £1 million in donations to her charity Lumos for its work helping vulnerable children in Ukraine.
When it comes to politics, Rowling hasn’t hesitated to invoke her fiction to talk about her real-world views, or to issue post-hoc clarifications in defense of the moral legacy of the world she created.
In October 2007, a few weeks after the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series was published, Rowling announced that Hogwarts’ beloved headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is gay and had fallen in love with a fellow wizard. In 2015, when the Black British actor Noma Dumezweni was cast to play Hermione Granger in a play, Rowling tweeted “Rowling loves black Hermoine,” noting that the text had never specified the character’s skin color. The following year, she said she had made a popular character a werewolf as a metaphor for the stigma of HIV.
Rowling’s views have, until recently, been unambiguously left-leaning. However, when she has waded directly into electoral politics, it has typically been in defense of the status quo. It’s a fact that has caused increasing tension with her younger, more progressive fan base.
During the debate over Scottish independence — predominantly a left-wing cause — Rowling fell behind those advocating to remain in the United Kingdom. One hundred days before the 2014 independence referendum, she donated £1 million to the effort — which was run by her personal friend and neighbor, the Labour Party politician Alistair Darling — and wrote an essay on her website to explain her position.
The gist: The imagined rewards weren’t worth the very real risks (including to the Scottish medical research that she’d heavily invested in). And to any nationalists who would deem her inadequately Scottish to merit an opinion, she wrote that was “a little Death Eaterish for my taste.”
The response on Twitter was venomous; Rowling later remembered being called a “‘traitor,’ ‘w-—-’ and ‘b——,’ told to go back where I came from.”
Two years later, with another referendum on the horizon, she waded into the Brexit debate, in defense of staying in the European Union. Saying that she’s not an expert in much but does “know how to create a monster,” she compared the villainous specter of the EU evoked by the Leave campaign to Hannibal Lecter, Big Brother and her own Lord Voldemort.
After the Brexit result, she turned her fire on Jeremy Corbyn — the bearded, professorial hard leftist who as leader of the Labour Party had declined to take a clear stance on the issue. Responding to a tweet by a fan who described Corbyn as a “political Dumbledore,” she answered, “I forgot Dumbledore trashed Hogwarts, refused to resign and ran off to the forest to make speeches to angry trolls.”
A month later, as it became clear that Corbyn would fend off a post-Brexit-vote leadership challenge, she followed up with another tweet: “Corbyn. Is. Not. Dumbledore.”
In a preview of the slugfests she would later engage in on trans rights, she spent much of the following hours responding to attacks from Corbyn supporters with blasts of her own. “I’m going nowhere!” she tweeted in response to one piece of criticism. “Little known fact about filthy bourgeois neoliberal centrists – we’re tougher than you’d think ;)”
Rowling’s interactions that day also foreshadowed another aspect that would become apparent as she engaged with her online opponents: a willingness to use the power of her platform against relatively powerless detractors. By directing her then-8 million followers toward “fairly anodyne critics,” Rowling “behaved irresponsibly,” Guardian columnist Ellie Mae O’Hagan wrote in 2016.

* * *

WHEN SOMEBODY IS AS FAMOUS AS ROWLING , even the smallest online gesture will be parsed over, reacted to and criticized.

The Harry Potter author’s first foray into the trans-rights debate was ambiguous: a “like” on a tweet she later described as accidental. The March 2018 tweet in question was by a Labour Party activist, and it referred to trans women as “men in dresses.” Rowling’s liking of it was set upon by LGBTQ activists as evidence of transphobia.
It was just a “clumsy and middle-aged moment,” a Rowling spokesperson told PinkNews, saying the author hit “like” while holding her phone incorrectly. Rowling later acknowledged this wasn’t the complete truth — she’d meant to privately screenshot the tweet to research it later, rather than visibly “like” it.
Her official entrance into the debate came about a year and a half later, when Rowling came to the defense of Maya Forstater. An obscure global development expert, Forstater had lost her contract at a think tank after a series of tweets her coworkers felt were transphobic, including one that stated: “that men cannot change into women.”
“Dress however you please,” Rowling tweeted in December 2019. “Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotaDrill.”
Rowling’s message blew what had been a small, national story into an international furor, with people on both sides quick to weigh in, sometimes aggressively. When someone sent Forstater the tweet over WhatsApp, she thought, “Somebody made that to cheer me up. And then I saw that it was real. And, you know, the Internet was going crazy… just all these likes and retweets.”
The media started showing up at Forstater’s doorstep, and the glaring coverage was often hostile. “It was a complete shock,” she said.
Yet she wasn’t “averse” to the attention Rowling drew to her.
“She didn’t really know anything about me,” Forstater said. “But she must have looked and gone, ‘Is this person going to crumble if I do this?’ Because that is a huge thing to shine that light on somebody.”
Rowling herself was at first cowed by the blowback. She stayed relatively quiet — later citing the need to protect her mental health from the abuse — until June 2020, when she posted another missive: a tweet linking to an article headlined “Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate,” an example of language intended to be an inclusive catchall for both assigned females at birth and trans men.
“‘People who menstruate,’” Rowling mused. “I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”
A few days later, she followed up with a 3,700-word essay laying out the reasons why she was so “worried about the new trans activism” and the effort “to erode the legal definition of sex and replace it with gender.”
“The ‘inclusive’ language that calls female people ‘menstruators’ and ‘people with vulvas’ strikes many women as dehumanizing and demeaning,” Rowling wrote. “I understand why trans activists consider this language to be appropriate and kind, but for those of us who’ve had degrading slurs spat at us by violent men, it’s not neutral, it’s hostile and alienating.”
She was concerned, she added, about the “huge explosion in young women wishing to transition and the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning.” She described her own struggles with feeling “mentally sexless” as a youth. “I too might have tried to transition,” Rowling wrote, if she’d been born 30 years later. Given a supportive online community, Rowling mused, “I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred.
“Transition will be a solution for some gender dysphoric people,” she wrote. But she worried that too many checks were being removed too quickly. “The current explosion of trans activism is urging a removal of almost all the robust systems through which candidates for sex reassignment were once required to pass.”
Specifically, Rowling cited her concern about a proposal by the Scottish government to allow people to self-identify as a new gender, rather than get a medical diagnosis. Doing that, she said, would make women less safe. “When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman,” she wrote, “then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside.”
Rowling said she could understand why trans women seek safe spaces. “At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe,” she said, by letting men declare themselves legally women.
In support of her argument, she revealed her history as a survivor of both sexual assault and domestic violence. “I managed to escape my first violent marriage with some difficulty,” she wrote. (“I’m not sorry for slapping her,” her ex, Jorge Arantes, later told a U.K. tabloid, insisting that there was no “sustained abuse.”)

* * *

ROWLING COULDN’T HAVE WADED into a more bitter battle, or a more intractable one. Both sides see themselves as battling bigotry — and the other side as unwittingly supporting reactionary forces seeking to roll back decades of progressive advancement.
Heightening the tension is an explosion of referrals for gender-dysphoria services for children and young people in the U.K., which have gone from 50 in 2009 to 2,500 annually by 2020. The spike first started in 2014-2015, according to an interim report National Health Service gender services made public in March; the backlog now totals 4,600 people, who can expect about two years on the waitlist.
For trans-rights activists, those numbers reveal under capacity in British health care. Growing caseloads are a welcome sign that more kids are comfortable seeking the help they need — and the system needs to respond with more resources and training for general practitioners, not moralizing or efforts to limit people’s choices.
Those on this side of the debate describe women like Rowling as “trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” or TERFs, an acronym that is deployed as a slur. In their view, references to sexual violence like Rowling’s are a textbook “dog whistle,” casting trans people as an insidious enemy to be feared — while sounding perfectly reasonable to the untrained ear.
They say that evocations like Rowling’s of bathrooms and changing rooms are a scare tactic and that phrases like “natal woman” and “single-sex spaces” undermine trans peoples’ legitimacy and fuel the idea that trans women are a threat. Efforts to block gender-affirming care, they warn, could fray at laws that give women and girls control over their own bodies and gay people freedom to love as they please.
Rowling and other so-called gender-critical feminists (the more neutral term) see things differently. For them, the spike in reported gender dysphoria is evidence of persistent misogyny and homophobia. Fueled by TikTok, girls who hate their bodies can be persuaded that they are actually boys, and men who desire men are given a chance to become straight women.
Efforts by trans activists to shut down any attempt to question whether so many people should be seeking to transition, their thinking goes, not only puts young girls at risk of making choices they’ll regret; it puts women in danger of men who adopt a trans identity in order to gain access to spaces that were previously off-limits.
The push to replace sex-based rights with gender is “the biggest threat to feminism that we’ve seen,” said Julie Bindel, the author of “Feminism for Women: The Real Route to Liberation,” a book Rowling called “timely, necessary and important.”
After four decades in the activist trenches, Bindel said the toxicity of the debate is “exceptional,” because it creates a politically acceptable path for liberal men to attack women — particularly older women. “The ideology has enabled men … to say that they are standing up for women, when in fact, what they’re doing is attempting to strip away all of our rights,” said Bindel.
“They’re screaming at feminists, ‘TERFS,’ when they want to say, ‘c—-s,’” she said.

* * *

THERE’S LITTLE EVIDENCE that Rowling has suffered financially from her cancellation, but her stance has come with a personal cost.
Six days before Rowling tweeted her message in support of Forstater, she had been awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award for Human Rights for her work helping institutionalized children. The award, which was also bestowed on U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was “one of the highest honors I have ever been given,” said Rowling as she accepted it.
If her youngest had been a boy, Rowling added, she’d have named him Robert, after Robert Kennedy. She said she picked the pen name she uses to write mystery novels, Robert Galbraith, “in tribute to my political hero.”
That’s according to a tweet that’s since been deleted by RFK Human Rights. After criticism from Kennedy’s daughter, who said Rowling’s “deeply troubling transphobic tweets and statements” represented a “repudiation of my father’s vision,” Rowling voluntarily gave up the prize in August 2020. No award “means so much to me that I would forfeit the right to follow the dictates of my own conscience,” she wrote.
The cascade of divorces by die-hard fans was just beginning.
“Transgender women are women,” proclaimed Daniel Radcliffe, schooling the woman, 25 years his senior, who created the character that launched his acting career; other Harry Potter stars piled on with similar messages. Obsessive fan sites MuggleNet and Leaky Cauldron announced they would stop posting fan art with her likeness and avoid coverage and purchase links not directly related to the “Wizarding World,” in a statement crafted with the LGBTQ advocacy groups GLAAD and the Trevor Project.
Just last week, during a junket at Warner Brothers Studios promoting a new Harry Potter-themed display, Britain’s Sky News was asked by the company’s press handlers not to bring up Rowling during an interview.
Rowling said she’s received “so many death threats I could paper my house with them.”

* * *

IF ANYBODY KNOWS WHAT IT’S LIKE to follow Rowling’s path from popular progressive to pariah, it’s Suzanne Moore. A former leftist columnist for the Guardian, she underwent a similar saga after she wrote a piece in March 2020 sticking up for a historian whose speech to a feminist conference was canceled due to links to a group opposed to gender self-identification.
Moore’s underlying message was a plea to focus on a shared mission: F—- the patriarchy. “The materiality of having a female body may mean rape or it may mean childbirth — but we still seek liberation from gender,” Moore wrote. But it was also a defiant call to arms: “You can tell me to ‘die in a ditch, terf’ all you like, as many have for years, but I self-identify as a woman who won’t go down quietly.” She concluded, “There are more of us than you think.”
Apparently, Moore had fewer sisters in arms than she hoped for. Within a week of the column, 338 of her colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic signed a letter accusing the Guardian of being “hostile to trans rights and trans employees.” Moore left the Guardian voluntarily in November 2020.
With a CV that includes street activism on AIDS, bylines in Marxism Today and decades in journalism devoted to confronting the liberal Oxbridge elite on their failures toward the working class, Moore has always considered herself “radical and left” — now she’s accused of being “funded by Christian rightwing evangelicals,” she said.
Moore now writes a regular column in the Telegraph, a right-leaning newspaper. Between that and her Substack, she’s making more than she was before. Yet she’s still adjusting to the idea that the debate about trans rights has become “totemic” and may define her legacy.
“It doesn’t matter what I say or do,” she said. “I’m transphobic, I’m a TERF, I go around murdering trans people in my spare time. You know, that’s how I’m seen by certain people.” She and her daughters have faced threats of rape bad enough to call the police — and she asked one of her daughters if she wanted to drop the name Moore, lest she face cancellation-by-association.
Asked if the trans rights issue is the most important to her, given her long history of activism, Moore responded quickly: “No!” and burst into laughter. “No, that’s the thing. It’s become important.” The trans debate, she conceded, “pushed everything else out of the way.”
But if Rowling and Moore’s positions on trans issues have cost them friends, it has also attracted new ones, and brought them together. Moore and Rowling met in person for the first time in April, when they both joined a raucous gathering of bold-faced names from the gender-critical movement.
Notoriously private, Rowling flaunted the boozy brunch at the River Café on the Thames Wharf, tweeting photos with her arms draped around lesbians, backbenched left-leaning politicians and prominent polemicists. With glossy red hair and a plunging neckline, Rowling out-glammed them all, even as the poses got sloppier with each bottle of wine.
Admitting her recollection was hazy, Moore later reported in her Telegraph column that the speeches “were mostly about how wonderful it was to be together having felt so outcast.”
“Her power is real and it is global,” Moore wrote a week later to her paying Substack subscribers, reminding them she was no stranger to power, having met leaders like George W. Bush and Boris Johnson. “Rowling’s soft power feels pretty damn solid and yes of course its [sic] to do with money. But it is also to do with her steel.”

* * *

FOR THOSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DEBATE , what Moore describes as “steel” can very often look like cruelty. While Rowling’s critics haven’t held back in their attacks, the Harry Potter author hasn’t hesitated from responding in kind — at least when it involves punching down.
She’s been silent in the face of high-profile slights from the stars of her movies. She said nothing after the blasphemously irreverent director John Waters singled out Rowling for cancellation, in an interview about his willingness to “defend the worst people in the world.” Rather than pick a fight with the bestselling author Stephen King when he said “transwomen are women,” she simply blocked him. Nor did she react publicly when the New York Times broached the idea of “imagining Harry Potter without its creator” in a February advertising campaign.
However, in April, Rowling responded to an amateur music video with lyrics “J.K. hope you fit in a hearse” by tweeting a public complaint — eliciting a howl of protest from the original poster (whose video was taken down by Twitter).
“The most powerful TERF in the world (billionaire, lives in castle, 14.1M followers) sent a mob after me (broke, lives with mom, 1.1k followers),” tweeted Faye Fadem, the bedroom producer behind the video and a trans woman. “She made a conscious choice to target me because she felt threatened by a young trans woman expressing herself. If u want to come in here and say ‘but u did death threat’ I’m an artist with 0 power expressing myself.”
Last year, Rowling accused three trans activists of “doxxing” her after they posted a photo of their protest in front of her Edinburgh mansion that included her address — easily discovered information. The activists took so much heat from Rowling’s followers that they deleted the photo — and their accounts.
Trans-rights advocates say Rowling, a self-professed expert at monster creation, is using those skills to whip up a false narrative that casts trans people as a threat to women and their rights.
Fiona Robertson, a Scottish National Party activist who worked on the proposed gender-identification overhaul that Rowling objected to, called the novelist’s intervention in the debate “a perfect campaign in terms of radicalizing people.” Rowling’s essay, Robertson said, kicked off a vicious circle, as “a huge influx of people with no grounding and no knowledge on this issue” adopted language perceived as hateful by the trans community — which responded by lashing back.
Skeptics of trans rights who had cast their objections as “just asking questions” found permission in Rowling’s letter to go “full in on the cruelty,” Robertson said. “It enabled and ennobled,” she added. “People felt like they had a champion on their side, and significantly a champion with a f—-ton of money.”

* * *

EVEN AS SHE WAGES BATTLE ONLINE , Rowling has generally declined to allow herself to be meaningfully challenged. She thrust Forstater into the spotlight with a tweet and promoted the work of Bindel and Moore — all of whom agreed to interviews — but she has personally refused to engage when she doesn’t have full control over the text. “JKR isn’t doing interviews on this subject,” her publicist said.
On Twitter, however, it’s hard to escape the impression that Rowling is having a lot of fun. In 2015, she called the social media platform an “unmixed blessing, trolls included,” and there are few signs that sentiment has changed.
That might be because her side seems to be winning. Bindel described the fallout from Rowling’s essay as a watershed moment. “The tide has turned because now regular people with no engagement in feminism, or trans politics, or gender identity or any other kind, are now recognizing that this is a mob of bullies,” said Bindel. Rowling’s intervention, Robertson agreed, “caused one of the larger tipping points.”
Admitting her recollection was hazy, Moore later reported in her Telegraph column that the speeches “were mostly about how wonderful it was to be together having felt so outcast.”
“Her power is real and it is global,” Moore wrote a week later to her paying Substack subscribers, reminding them she was no stranger to power, having met leaders like George W. Bush and Boris Johnson. “Rowling’s soft power feels pretty damn solid and yes of course its [sic] to do with money. But it is also to do with her steel.”

* * *

FOR THOSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DEBATE , what Moore describes as “steel” can very often look like cruelty. While Rowling’s critics haven’t held back in their attacks, the Harry Potter author hasn’t hesitated from responding in kind — at least when it involves punching down.
She’s been silent in the face of high-profile slights from the stars of her movies. She said nothing after the blasphemously irreverent director John Waters singled out Rowling for cancellation, in an interview about his willingness to “defend the worst people in the world.” Rather than pick a fight with the bestselling author Stephen King when he said “transwomen are women,” she simply blocked him. Nor did she react publicly when the New York Times broached the idea of “imagining Harry Potter without its creator” in a February advertising campaign.
However, in April, Rowling responded to an amateur music video with lyrics “J.K. hope you fit in a hearse” by tweeting a public complaint — eliciting a howl of protest from the original poster (whose video was taken down by Twitter).
“The most powerful TERF in the world (billionaire, lives in castle, 14.1M followers) sent a mob after me (broke, lives with mom, 1.1k followers),” tweeted Faye Fadem, the bedroom producer behind the video and a trans woman. “She made a conscious choice to target me because she felt threatened by a young trans woman expressing herself. If u want to come in here and say ‘but u did death threat’ I’m an artist with 0 power expressing myself.”
Last year, Rowling accused three trans activists of “doxxing” her after they posted a photo of their protest in front of her Edinburgh mansion that included her address — easily discovered information. The activists took so much heat from Rowling’s followers that they deleted the photo — and their accounts.
Trans-rights advocates say Rowling, a self-professed expert at monster creation, is using those skills to whip up a false narrative that casts trans people as a threat to women and their rights.
Fiona Robertson, a Scottish National Party activist who worked on the proposed gender-identification overhaul that Rowling objected to, called the novelist’s intervention in the debate “a perfect campaign in terms of radicalizing people.” Rowling’s essay, Robertson said, kicked off a vicious circle, as “a huge influx of people with no grounding and no knowledge on this issue” adopted language perceived as hateful by the trans community — which responded by lashing back.
Skeptics of trans rights who had cast their objections as “just asking questions” found permission in Rowling’s letter to go “full in on the cruelty,” Robertson said. “It enabled and ennobled,” she added. “People felt like they had a champion on their side, and significantly a champion with a f—-ton of money.”

* * *

EVEN AS SHE WAGES BATTLE ONLINE , Rowling has generally declined to allow herself to be meaningfully challenged. She thrust Forstater into the spotlight with a tweet and promoted the work of Bindel and Moore — all of whom agreed to interviews — but she has personally refused to engage when she doesn’t have full control over the text. “JKR isn’t doing interviews on this subject,” her publicist said.
On Twitter, however, it’s hard to escape the impression that Rowling is having a lot of fun. In 2015, she called the social media platform an “unmixed blessing, trolls included,” and there are few signs that sentiment has changed.
That might be because her side seems to be winning. Bindel described the fallout from Rowling’s essay as a watershed moment. “The tide has turned because now regular people with no engagement in feminism, or trans politics, or gender identity or any other kind, are now recognizing that this is a mob of bullies,” said Bindel. Rowling’s intervention, Robertson agreed, “caused one of the larger tipping points.”
In Scotland, Rowling’s essay was part of a wave of political pushback that forced the Scottish government to spend another couple of years shoring up (and watering down) its legislation on gender self-identification. The bill was published in March and remains the subject of heated debate.
In the U.K. more broadly, the definition of “woman” is on its way to becoming a full-fledged wedge issue — Prime Minister Boris Johnson cited “biology” in March, while top Labour pols have waffled when quizzed on that vocabulary. Meanwhile, cases like Forstater’s and Moore’s are becoming rarer, as their once-taboo positions become increasingly mainstream among the British left-leaning commentariat. At the Guardian, Sonia Sodha and Hadley Freeman write sympathetically about the gender-critical perspective.
And as much as Rowling and her British allies are angry about being equated to the American right, the bottom line is that their arguments are being used by conservatives in the U.S. to push back against trans rights. Democrats warn that Republicans are gearing up to use so-called bathroom bills — state-level legislation to bar trans people from single-sex spaces like bathrooms and locker rooms — as a key front in the culture wars ahead of congressional elections in 2022.
In 2020, a conservative Republican senator quoted Rowling’s essay to explain why he was voting against a bill that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the list of classes protected from discrimination.
“To say in the words of J.K. Rowling this past week where she wrote, ‘All I’m asking, all I want is for similar empathy, similar understanding to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats or abuse,’” Jim Lankford (R-Okla.) said on the Senate floor.
The measure remains blocked.

* * *

ROWLING MAY PROFESS TO BE UNCONCERNED about her legacy, but it’s becoming increasingly likely that her stance on trans rights — perhaps as much as her novels — will be what defines it.
During the coronavirus pandemic, Nicolsons Cafe, where Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book, changed hands several times and at one point even closed. Today, it’s once again serving coffee and a budget-friendly bite for anybody looking to write the next blockbuster young adult series — or just bask in the afterglow of the last one.
The décor is devoted to Harry, not J.K., but there are some handwritten tributes to the author on Post-It notes stuck to the wall: “HP got my now 27-year-old to read. Now she is a teacher. Rock n Roll JKR,” reads one. Another, in Spanish, thanks her for creating the “marvelous world.” But there are complaints too: “We needed more Ravenclaw rep! JK is a turf!”
When a reporter approached a group of students who were discussing a project at a big table in the corner, most of them shrugged and said they hadn’t been paying much attention to the trans debate. But one of them, Francisca Escobar, an exchange student at the University of Edinburgh from Chile, had some understandably conflicted feelings to share.
Escobar, 33, is an artist who says she performs as a drag king. She’s got a trans sister. And she’s a big Harry fan — but maybe no longer so much an admirer of Rowling.
“Her books talk about inclusion and nondiscrimination,” Escobar said. “Then, J.K. said these trans people should be excluded. And I’m like, ‘Hey, are you Voldemort, or what?’”

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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 05.07.2022 0:13  |  #149438
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Окончание поста от 05.07.2022 г. Начало поста от 05.07.2022 г.

‘Distressed’ Ukrainian boy, 8, missing after being spotted alone on North Yorkshire housing estate

The youngster is described as about 4ft tall, of medium build, with blonde hair and wearing light-coloured joggers and a pale blue sweatshirt with orange writing on it.
Police said in a statement: “Just before 6.40pm on Sunday a member of the public contacted police with concerns for a young child she’d seen out alone on his scooter near Nursery Gardens in Yarm.
“The boy had very limited English but appeared to indicate he was Ukrainian.
“As the caller was relaying to police she believed the child was lost and distressed, he bolted into the nearby estate and disappeared from sight.
“Officers immediately began enquiries to identify and locate the child and to check his welfare and wellbeing.
“Police have still not received any report of a missing child matching the boy’s description, however enquiries have continued overnight, and we need to confirm he is safe and well and back with his family.
“The original call was made in good faith and we’d like to thank other callers who rang in with information.
“We would ask anyone else who may have information to contact Cleveland Police on 101 quoting ref 115208.”

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22 нояб. 2012 г.
Источник видео.

Само собой, а.п. выражает искреннюю надежду на то, что мальчик скоро найдётся, в хорошем настроении и добром здравии. Но осадок от особенностей островного здравомыслия непременно останется.

Реклама Агрессии.


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Первый советский гоночный автомобиль. ГАЗ-ГЛ-1. СССР, 1938 год.

Собрание американской организации «Друзья новой Германии», Нью-Йорк, 1934 год.

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Koтик гpeeтся в бopoде смотрителя мaяка, конeц XIX вeкa.

Женская баскетбольная команда, 1900 год. Примечательно, что они играли в платьях с длинными рукавами и надевали корсеты.

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Инструкция от журнала Life «как правильно целоваться», 1942 год.

В 1859 году в Австралии на волю было выпущено 24 кролика. За 6 лет их число возросло до 6 000 000 особей...

Извержение вулкана Сакурашима. Япония, 1914 год.

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Доброе утро.

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Русский город Дальний.

Си Цзиньпин и карликовый соцреализм.

Утренняя зарядка в китайской школе.

Доброе утро понедельника.

Реклама Агрессии.



26 апр. 2012 г.
Источник видео.


11 сент. 2015 г.
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4 авг. 2015 г.
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3 окт. 2014 г.
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4 окт. 2017 г.
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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 06.07.2022 10:37  |  #149440
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Социальная реклама на Украине.
Баба жжёт траву, что запрещено. Можно получить срок.
Дед спрашивает -зачем? Она говорит, что готовит барбекю из русских, которые лежат в траве. Дед приносит бензин и поливает им траву.

Реклама Агрессии.

"Ничего не угрожает Сувалкскому коридору... Сувалкский коридор с точки зрения логистики никому не нужен"
Алиханов сказал РИА Новости, что предположения об угрозе полосе длиной около 100 км между Белоруссией и Калининградской областью - натовская мифология, сформулированная ради милитаризации Польши и Литвы.

Алиханов заявил РИА Новости, что при согласии Литвы можно построить выделенную железную и автомобильную дорогу с основной территории России в Калининград.

Алиханов заявил РИА Новости, что в истории с ограничением транзита через Литву есть ощущение руки США.

Ситуация с транзитом в Калининград показала, что только угрозами ответных действий можно чего-то добиться, спокойный разговор до собеседника не доходит, заявил Алиханов.

Возможный запрет на ввоз и вывоз в Россию товаров через территорию Прибалтики не является блокадой Литвы, есть Сувалкский коридор, по нему можно ездить в Польшу, заявил РИА Новости Алиханов.

Реклама Агрессии.



6 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.

Радио Sputnik, эфир от 6 июля (записали вечером 5-го).

Реклама Агрессии.

РИА Новости со ссылкой на источник в российских спецслужбах подтверждает подлинность опубликованных хакерами данных о сотрудниках украинской разведки.

Российская группа хакеров RaHDIt опубликовала данные тысячи сотрудников Главного управления разведки Минобороны Украины.
По информации RaHDlt, обнародованы данные кураторов украинской разведывательной деятельности в Польше, Венгрии, Болгарии, Словакии, а также посольских резидентур Украины в РФ, Индии, Австрии, Вьетнаме, ЮАР, Италии, Турции и Иране.


Реклама Агрессии.

Продолжение поста от 06.07.2022 г. следует…

Последний раз редактировалось: Dimitriy (06.07.2022 11:34), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10557
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Добавлено: 06.07.2022 10:38  |  #149441
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Продолжение поста от 06.07.2022 г. Начало поста от 06.07.2022 г.


5 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.


5 июл. 2022 г.
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5 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.

Реклама Агрессии.


5 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.


4 июл. 2022 г.
Источник видео.

Реклама Агрессии.

Россия в сфере технологий на 66% зависит от ЕС и США и всего на 11% от Китая - Боррель
"Что касается передовых технологий, то Россия на 45% зависит от Европы и на 21% - от США. Для Китая этот показатель составляет всего 11%", - сказал он.
"То есть перекрыть импорт технологий за счет Китая России будет сложно - это хотел сказать Боррель", - комментирует ситуацию Телеграм-канал "Политика страны".
По его мнению, санкции ограничивают возможности России производить высокоточные ракеты, такие как "Искандер" или Х-101.

Материал полностью.

НАТО не планирует размещать свои военные базы в Швеции и Финляндии - замгенсека Альянса
"Мы не планируем дополнительного присутствия в этих двух странах, у них есть крепкие национальные силы. У них есть возможность защитить себя... В настоящее время мы не собираемся иметь базы НАТО в этих двух странах, потому что это страны с очень высокой военной и стратегической зрелостью", - сказал Мирча Джоанэ.

Он также выразил надежду на то, что все страны-участницы альянса быстро ратифицируют протоколы о вступлении Швеции и Финляндии.

Материал полностью.

Ага, щас…

Реклама Агрессии.

Россия оккупировала больше одной пятой всех сельскохозяйственных земель Украины

Войска РФ оккупируют около 22% сельскохозяйственных земель Украины.
Об этом свидетельствует исследование NASA Harvest.
Анализ спутниковых снимков показал, что под контролем России находятся поля, где засеиваются 28% озимых и 18% яровых культур, включая кукурузу и подсолнечник.

Материал полностью.

В Офисе генпрокурора просят Турцию проверить три российских судна с украденным зерном из Херсона - Reuters
Офис генпрокурора Украины обратился к министерству юстиции Турции с просьбой провести расследование в отношении трех судов, которые могут быть причастны к транспортировке зерна из Херсона.
Об этом сообщает Reuters.
В письме ОГПУ, с которым ознакомилось агентство, говорится, что суда отправлялись из главного зернового терминала Крыма в Севастополе в апреле и мае, и потребовало от Анкары получить документацию об их грузе и прибытии в турецкие порты.
Все три крупных сухогруза — "Михаил Ненашев", "Матрос Позынич" и "Матрос Кошка" — принадлежат дочерней компании российской государственной компании "Объединенная судостроительная корпорация", находящейся под санкциями.

Ранее мы писали, что Турция начала расследование происхождения зерна на борту российского корабля, стоящего на якоре у черноморского порта Карасу, после того, как Украина заявила, что груз был украден. На данный момент судно еще не пришвартовалось и не разгрузилось. Оно ждет в порту, пока Турция расследует происхождение и траекторию груза, заявили анонимно официальные лица в комментарии Bloomberg.

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Добавлено: 06.07.2022 10:40  |  #149442
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Художники-карикатуристы «Independent», по-видимому в отпусках, по этому редакция, реагируя на развитие событий, размещает фрагмент старой карикатуры.

Реклама Агрессии.

It’s finally over for Boris Johnson – those who work most closely with the PM have given up on him
It’s over. So the dam has broken at last. It’s strange the way this game of consequences plays out. The albino greased piglet is well and truly stuck, an apple firmly rammed in his gob. Et tu, Rishi?
A prime minister can survive the resignation of a chancellor, but not in circumstances such as these, with Boris Johnson already wobbling towards oblivion. It was always said that a couple of junior ministerial resignations might destabilise the administration. Now two of the more competent figures in Johnson’s government have quit. Let no one say this is some sort of Remoaner conspiracy: those who’ve worked most closely with Johnson have given up on him.
No wonder they looked so grim in front of the cameras at the cabinet table this very morning. It was like a video version of The Last Supper, or a dinner of mafia bosses, the unease around the table palpable, thoughts of treachery and despair etched on the faces of this most undistinguished of governments.
It must have been coordinated with Sajid Javid in some form – the (now) ex-health secretary, ex-home secretary, ex-chancellor. So that’s both of Johnson’s chancellors gone.
It’s impossible to see the PM surviving this one, and you wonder who will now be next to go – Johnson himself, or a cascade of his top team. By the end of the evening I can see only Nadine “the prime minister doesn’t lie” Dorries and Jacob Rees-Mogg sticking with the old booby. Indeed, things may move very rapidly now – and Johnson may be gone by the summer recess, leaving a huge “Big Dog” mess behind him, and Dominic Raab looking after the show until a replacement emerges.
For the Tories, it’ll be an opportunity. They can reset, get some fresh talent in, and ditch the jokes (in all senses). For the opposition parties, it’ll be a moment of danger. For the past year and more, Johnson, along with his government, has been the gift that keeps on giving for Labour, the Lib Dems and the SNP. He was, and still is, a walking scandal machine. The job he obviously enjoyed so much has proved in the end to be too much for him. The short, nasty Johnson premiership will soon be over.
Who will take over? It hardly matters, strange to say. Just not being BoJo will be sufficient to restore integrity to public life, bring back rationality to policymaking, and, please God, end the ceaseless exhausting culture wars. We really do not need to scrap the BBC, next prime minister.
The list includes Penny Mordaunt and Liz Truss, Javid and Nadhim Zahawi – but probably not anyone who went to Eton. It will make a refreshing change. They might go for a more establishment figure such as Ben Wallace, defence secretary and activists’ favourite, or Jeremy Hunt or Tom Tugendhat. The relief were any of those to be installed would be palpable. The least the country can expect is competence, and some semblance of an economic policy. And less lying.
The Tories have got some talent around the place, but they’ve been lacking the right leader to make the most of their best people, and to take full advantage of the vast civil service machine at their disposal. They need some policies, but of course a new leader won’t resolve the ideological divisions that continue to plague the party. Tax cuts or spending cuts? More borrowing or less? What to do about “levelling up”? Subsidise gas bills and petrol bills, or go for greener growth? To frack or not to frack? Smash the BBC or save it? Renegotiate Brexit or make it work? Reform the NHS? Rwanda or bust?
There’s no doubt fresh leadership will revitalise the government, but the old challenges will remain. Brexit is still there, along with the war in Ukraine and the post-Covid pandemic dislocations. So inflation isn’t going to go away, interest rates are still going to ramp up, a recession is still around the corner, and the UK is stuck in stagflation – sluggish growth and persistent price rises, not to mention strikes, shortages and delays.
In a way, it is a poisoned chalice – as bad an inheritance as any since the Second World War – but there’ll still be no shortage of candidates.
And Boris? The great irony is that it was Brexit that gave him the premiership, rather unexpectedly, via the 2016 referendum and the 2019 election. Yet its divisive, convulsive effects on his party and the country’s economy have, short of an act of God, also ended his premiership prematurely.
If he quits now, he may escape being found to have lied to the Commons by the committee investigating just that, and being forced out in greater disgrace. Even so, his reputation will sink even further after he leaves office, and it will take a long time for history to treat him more kindly. He’ll be ritually thanked for “getting Brexit done”, the vaccine rollout, and standing by Ukraine.
He’ll take that. He’ll enjoy life once more as a grand journalist and writer, and travelling around on the beach and speech circuit, making the money he often seemed so short of. But he was in the wrong job.

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Boris Johnson scrambles to save himself
LONDON — Boris Johnson isn’t going anywhere — at least not for now.
Despite losing his Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid within minutes of each other, after both resigned Tuesday evening, Johnson won’t budge, according to his allies. In total, 10 people in Johnson’s administration quit, including two unpaid trade envoys.
The turbulence marks an escalation of a crisis that has engulfed Johnson’s government for months. A string of revelations, first about coronavirus lockdown-busting parties attended by key figures at the top of British politics including Johnson himself, and later concerning the government’s poor handling of successive allegations of abusive behavior by Conservative MPs, have shaken the prime minister’s grip on power.
Compounded by a poor performance in two recent by-elections, many senior Conservatives report a consensus that Johnson’s time in power is coming to an end.
But the vagaries of the British political system, particularly in the hands of a prime minister who critics agree would need to be dragged out of power kicking and screaming, make it likely Johnson will cling on for a while yet.
There is no immediate mechanism to remove him. Convention dictates that a prime minister do the gentlemanly thing and bow out voluntarily once they lose the confidence of their party.
Johnson narrowly survived a vote of confidence in his leadership in June and under current Conservative Party rules, he is immune from another challenge until 12 months have passed. But anti-Johnson rebels are working to get themselves elected onto the executive of the 1922 committee of Tory backbenchers — which oversees the rules — in order to scrap this rule and trigger an earlier confidence vote. A senior Tory source said the executive of the committee will meet this Wednesday to fix the date for the elections — widely expected to be July 13.
The prime minister also faces a probe by the privileges committee — a group of MPs that has been tasked to examine whether he misled the House of Commons with his statements on lockdown-breaking parties in No. 10 Downing Street. The results of that investigation are expected in the autumn and could trigger his resignation.
Another more unlikely way for Johnson to be ousted is by losing a no-confidence vote in the Commons, a scenario which would require enough Conservative MPs to side with opposition parties to force him out by a simple majority.
Finally, his position could become politically untenable if he faced a mass Cabinet resignation, with more members of his top team quitting en masse.
All signs Tuesday were that the prime minister was staying put, with a defiant reshuffle of his top team designed to shore up his position. Nadhim Zahawi was made chancellor — the U.K. finance minister and second most senior figure in government — and Steve Barclay became health secretary, where he will oversee the NHS.
Unfortunately for Johnson, the steady drumbeat of backbench MPs expressing dissatisfaction in his leadership only grew louder, with a number who said they were fully behind him a month ago now telling journalists they had submitted letters of no confidence in his leadership.
The prime minister also appeared to be bleeding support from Conservative party members and voters. A snap poll by YouGov found that 69 percent of voters thought he should resign, up 11 points on a month ago, and that 54 percent of people who voted Tory in 2019 shared that view.

Brace, brace
Officials in both the Sunak and Javid camps insisted that their resignations, which came less than 10 minutes apart, were not coordinated. An official in Sunak’s team said the first he had learned of Javid’s resignation was seeing his resignation letter published online.
Javid quit with a blast at Johnson’s integrity, saying he could no longer serve in his government in “good conscience.” Sunak wrote that he believed the government should be “conducted properly, competently and seriously” and that those standards were “worth fighting for.” He stressed that their approaches to the economy were “fundamentally too different.”
Sunak and Javid are close political allies and are talked about as potential leadership contenders. Javid was chancellor before Sunak but quit in an internal power struggle over the running of No. 10. Both position themselves as fiscal conservatives, not as comfortable boosting spending on public services as Johnson.
Tory party vice chairman Bim Afolami later effectively resigned live on air.
Afolami told the talkTV news channel that he no longer supported the prime minister and that he believed both the Tory party and the country felt the same. When the program host reminded Afolami that he is a government minister, he responded that he is “probably not after having said that” and confirmed he is planning to quit.
Even later on Tuesday night, Alex Chalk, the solicitor general, quit with a letter saying that under Johnson, “public confidence in the ability of Number 10 to uphold the standards of candor expected of a British government has irretrievably broken down.”
The prime minister could count on the public backing of a handful of his most loyal allies. Nadine Dorries, the culture secretary, tweeted that she was “100 percent” behind him and that he “consistently gets all the big decisions right.”
On Wednesday, Johnson is due to face the so-called Prime Minister’s Questions in parliament and a grilling by the powerful liaison committee, which is made up of Commons select committee chairs.

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
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Добавлено: 06.07.2022 10:43  |  #149443
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Papers call on PM to quit after shock resignations throw No 10 into chaos

Boris Johnson’s premiership may have reached the point of no return after a wave of sudden and incendiary Cabinet departures shook the Conservative front benches on Tuesday.
The explosive resignations of now former chancellor of the exchequer Rishi Sunak and ex-health secretary Sajid Javid, who stepped down amid anger over the prime minister’s handling of misconduct allegations against Chris Pincher, hailed he biggest leadership crisis of Mr Johnson’s premiership so far.
It followed a bodged confession by No 10 that, despite intially denying it, he was in fact aware when promoting Mr Pincher to his role as deputy chief whip that a misconduct complaint had been upheld against him.
In his letter of resignation to the prime minister, Mr Sunak said “the public rightly expect government to be conducted properly, competently and seriously”, adding “I believe these standards are worth fighting for and that is why I am resigning.”
Meanwhile, Mr Javid said the British people “expect integrity from their government” but voters now believed Mr Johnson’s administration was neither competent nor “acting in the national interest”.
And Tuesday’s list of resignations did not end there, with the likes of Javid’s parliamentary private secretary Saqib Bhatti MP and trade envoy to Morocco Andrew Murrison joining its ever-growing ranks.
By the skin of his teeth, Mr Johnson survived a confidence vote last month which saw almost 150 of his own MPs try to force him from the helm of the Conservative party.
In the midst of the ministerial coup, Britain’s papers have now leant their front pages to crys for Mr Johnson to step down.
Here’s what they have to say:

Game over for Boris Johnson - The Times
The Times has called in its leading article for the prime minister to resign, saying that every day he remains “deepens the sense of chaos.”
“For the good of the country, he should go,” it adds.
The newspaper pinned Mr Johnson’s demise on his “persistent lying and flagrant disregard for the codes and conventions that necessarily underpin public life”, which they said were characters flaws that had “dogged his entire career.”
It also called for a renewed vote of confidence in the prime minister should he continue to refuse to remove himself from office.

The prime minister’s time is up - The Guardian
We deserve better than Boris Johnson’s “rudderless administration” to lead us through the cost of living crisis, The Guardian writes.
The newspaper also called on PM’s remaining circle of Cabinet ministers to follow in the footsteps of Mr Sunak and Mr Javid and resign “in the interests of preserving their own self-respect.”
Its lead article concludes: “The prime minister needs to be confronted with the truth: his time is up.”

Lord Frost calls on Johnson to go - The Telegraph
David Frost - who dramatically resigned from government minister last year - has issued a plea for Mr Johnson to stand down from offfice, citing his “refusal to acknowledge the need for change” at a time of geopoltical uncertainty and economic crisis.
“If he hangs on, he risks taking the party and the Government down with him. That’s why it is time for him to go,” Mr Johnson’s former Brexit negotiator wrote in The Telegraph.
He implored the prime minister to give way to a “new team” in government - “one that is able to win the next election convincingly.”
Lord Frost adds: “That is in the Conservative Party’s interest, in Leave voters’ interest, and in the national interest. It needs to happen.”

The newspaper’s associate editor Camillia Tominey, meanwhile, accused Mr Johnson of being trapped in a “time Warp of self-delusion.”
She compared Mr Johnson to “a toddler with his fingers stuck in his ears, screaming: “La, la, la”, while No 10’s handling of the Chris Pincher row sent MPs into a frenzy over the fraught future of the party.

‘Can even Boris the greased piglet wriggle out of this?’ - The Daily Mail

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Majority of Tory voters now want Johnson to quit, YouGov poll suggests
The majority of Conservative voters and two thirds of Britons think Boris Johnson should resign as prime minister after a series of high-profile government resignations shook his premiership, a poll has found.
The snap survey published by YouGov on Tuesday night revealed that 54 per cent of Tory voters were in favour of Mr Johnson stepping down, while 33 per cent said he should remain.
The pollster said it was the first time that the number calling for him to leave had been higher those who want him to stay.
Meanwhile, the number of Britons who were in favour of Mr Johnson resigning reached a record high, at 69 per cent.

It comes as Mr Johnson faces the biggest leadership crisis of his premiership after Rishi Sunak quit as chancellor and Sajid Javid resigned as health secretary.
The twin resignations came in the wake of No 10 ‘s bodged handling of the row over scandal-hit former deputy chief whip Chris Pincher.
A humiliating apology from the prime minister was unable to prevent the departure of two senior ministers and potential leadership rivals, with both writing incendiary resignation letters.
Mr Sunak said “the public rightly expect government to be conducted properly, competently and seriously”, adding: “I believe these standards are worth fighting for and that is why I am resigning.”
Nadhim Zahawi was promoted to be the new chancellor, with universities minister Michelle Donelan taking his place as education secretary.
Mr Javid said the British people “expect integrity from their government” but voters now believed Mr Johnson’s administration was neither competent nor “acting in the national interest”.
He was replaced as health secretary by Steve Barclay, the prime minister’s chief of staff.
By the skin of his teeth, Mr Johnson survived a confidence vote last month which saw almost 150 of his own MPs try to force him from the helm of the Conservative party.
And Tory backbencher Andrew Bridgen has today warned the PM that the backbench 1922 Committee will “deal” with his leadership.
Mr Bridgen said: “The portcullis is the emblem of our Parliament, it is the last defence of our democracy.
“The 1922 committee will deal with this turbulent prime minister, it’s what it was created for.”

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Добавлено: 06.07.2022 10:44  |  #149444
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Conservative Party vice chairman resigns live on air saying he ‘can’t serve’ under Boris Johnson
The Conservative Party’s vice chairman Bim Afolami has resigned from his position live on air, saying Boris Johnson no longer has the support of the country.
His comments came just moments after the prime minister suffered a devastating blow with the resignations of the chancellor Rishi Sunak and health secretary, Sajid Javid.
Mr Afolami told Talk TV Mr Johnson should also resign from No 10 and said he “can’t serve under the prime minister” after months of turmoil.
He said that after recent allegations regarding the former deputy chief whip, Christopher Pincher, and other damaging scandals, Mr Johnson did not have his support.
“I just don’t think the prime minister any longer has, not just my support, but he doesn’t have, I don’t think, the support of the party, or indeed the country any more,” he said.
“I think for that reason he should step down.”
Confirming he would be resigning, he continued: “I think you have to resign because I can’t serve under the prime minister – but I say that with regret because I think this government has done some great things.”
Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, also said Mr Johnson is “unfit to government” and said he would support a general election if one were called.
Sir Keir told broadcasters: “He is unfit to be prime minister. He is not fit to govern the country. That is dawning on many people across the Conservative party, but they have to reflect on that, that they have backed him for months and months and months.
“Resigning today means nothing against their complicity for all those months when they should have seen him for what he was, they knew who he was. We need a change of government.”
Asked if he would support an election if one were called in the next few weeks, Sir Keir said: “Yes. We need a fresh start for Britain. We need a change of government.”

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Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak quit – throwing Boris Johnson’s future into doubt
Boris Johnson’s premiership was on the brink of collapse after the chancellor, the health secretary and a string of Conservative aides dramatically quit, dealing a crushing blow to his authority after a slew of self-inflicted scandals.
Publishing damning resignation letters within minutes of each other, Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid pointed to a lack of grip in Downing Street.
The prime minister attempted to recover his authority by swiftly appointing Nadhim Zahawi as his chancellor and Steve Barclay as health secretary. But the credibility of the move was undermined as reports emerged that Zahawi had threatened to quit unless he got the job instead of the foreign secretary, Liz Truss.
The resignations of Javid and Sunak, both considered potential future leadership contenders, come at a moment of significant danger for the prime minister. Elections to the 1922 Committee executive next week are expected to strengthen the hand of rebels hoping to call another vote of no confidence.
There is growing expectation among MPs that there will be moves to change the rules to allow a second confidence vote before the summer recess begins on 21 July, a feat previously seen as administratively impossible.
In his resignation letter Sunak said the public expected government to be conducted “properly, competently and seriously”.
Javid wrote: “We may not have always been popular but we have been competent in acting in the national interest. Sadly, in the current circumstances, the public are concluding that we are now neither.”
He added: “The vote of confidence last month showed that a large number of our colleagues agree. It was a moment for humility, grip and new direction. I regret to say, however, that it is clear to me that this situation will not change under your leadership – and you have therefore lost my confidence too.”
Sunak highlighted differences of opinion over economic management between him and Johnson in the run-up to a joint speech the pair had planned next week. It will increase speculation that he has not given up on a run at the premiership.
Their resignations were followed by several more junior Tories quitting, including Alex Chalk as solicitor general, who said he could no longer “defend the culture and course set on [Johnson’s] watch”. Jonathan Gullis, a former ultra-loyalist, stepped down as a parliamentary private secretary, while Bim Afolami quit as vice-chair of the party.
Gullis said: “I feel for too long we have been more focused on dealing with our reputational damage rather than delivering for the people of this country and spreading opportunity for all. It is for this reason I can no longer serve as part of your government.”
Lord Heseltine said he did not think Johnson could recover fro the crisis, calling it a matter of trust. Speaking on BBC’s Newsnight, the Tory grandee said people across the UK and the world knew Johnson will “say whatever suits him regardless of whether it was true or not”.
He compared the departures of Javid and Sunak to that of Geoffrey Howe, whose resignation is regarded as precipitating that of Margaret Thatcher.
Former Brexit minister Lord Frost urged Johnson to resign, warning in the Telegraph: “If he hangs on, he risks taking the party and the government down with him.” He said other Cabinet ministers now needed to consider “whether they are truly happy with the current direction of travel”.
Lord Frost wrote of the Chris Pincher scandal: “Confronted with a problem which appeared to reflect badly on the prime minister’s judgment, we saw once again the instinct was to cover up, to conceal, to avoid confronting the reality of the situation.”
Theo Clarke, former trade envoy to Kenya and member of the women and equalities select committee, said: “To learn that [Johnson] chose to elevate a colleague to a position of pastoral care for MPs, whilst in full knowledge of his own wrongdoing, shows a severe lack of judgement and care for your Parliamentary party.”
Andrew Murrison, a former trade envoy to Morocco, strongly urged Johnson to go, saying he “cannot square Mr Johnson’s patronage with my personal sense of decency and honour”.
Saqib Bhatti, former parliamentary private secretary to the health secretary, said: “My conscience will not allow me to continue to support this administration.”
Tuesday’s walkouts followed an extraordinary intervention over Pincher. On Tuesday morning, former Foreign Office permanent secretary Simon McDonald made clear in an excoriating letter that Johnson had been briefed about an investigation into Pincher, the former deputy chief whip, in 2019.
That contradicted statements from Downing Street that Johnson did not know about “specific” claims against Pincher before he quit last week amid allegations of drunken groping.
During a febrile day in Westminster, MPs in the Commons were told Johnson “did not immediately recall” that he had been informed about an investigation into Pincher. The prime minister later conceded it had been a mistake to appoint Pincher as deputy chief whip, a role that involves pastoral care of MPs.
“What I wanted was to give Chris Pincher, if not the benefit of the doubt, then the ability to prove that he could do better. And I’m afraid that he couldn’t. And I feel very, very bitterly disappointed and also sorry for the mistake I made,” Johnson said.
Throughout the day, a growing number of Conservative MPs, including some who had previously been supportive, said this latest incident had been the last straw.
Andrew Murrison, a Tory former minister, resigned as a trade envoy, saying: “Others must square, as best they can, their continuing enjoyment of your patronage with their personal sense of decency, honour and integrity but I no longer can … In February, reflecting on your achievements, I wrote a supportive op ed for the Guardian in which I said that if you were obliged to leave office you would do so with your head held high. I would no longer write in those terms.”
Sunak published his resignation letter minutes after Javid, saying: “I am sad to be leaving government but I have reluctantly come to the conclusion we cannot continue like this.”
He added: “The public rightly expect government to be conducted properly, competently and seriously. I recognise this may be my last ministerial job, but I believe these standards are worth fighting for and that is why I am resigning.”
Afolami said: “I think what’s been very sad over the recent allegations about the former deputy chief whip and other things that have happened over the last few weeks is that I just don’t think the PM has any longer, not just my support but I don’t think the support of party, or indeed the country, any more. I think for that reason he should step down.”
Johnson had earlier toured the House of Commons tea room hoping to shore up support among his backbenchers – but one MP said his message about the Pincher scandal had been “everyone deserves a second chance” – a sentiment that did not go down well with some present.
As well as his new roles for Zahawi and Barclay, Johnson appointed the universities minister Michelle Donelan as education secretary to replace Zahawi. Sources close to other cabinet ministers, including Liz Truss, Ben Wallace, Dominic Raab and Priti Patel, said they would remain in post but rumours of more junior resignations continued to sweep through Westminster.
The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, said: “If they [ministers] had a shred of integrity they would have gone months ago. The British public will not be fooled. The Tory party is corrupted and changing one man won’t fix that. Only a real change of government can give Britain the fresh start it needs.”

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Cabinet resignations: Hugh Grant and Nish Kumar among celebrities to react to Sunak and Javid departures
Celebrities have been celebrating on social media after Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid’s resignations, which came within minutes of each other on Tuesday evening (5 July).
Sunak quit as chancellor and Javid resigned as health secretary as Boris Johnson’s leadership faced a fresh crisis.
The resignations came after Johnson was forced into an embarrassing apology over his handling of the Chris Pincher row, after it emerged he had forgotten about being told of previous allegations of “inappropriate” conduct.
Pincher quit as deputy chief whip last week following claims that he groped two men at a private members’ club, but Johnson was told about allegations against him as far back as 2019.
Reacting to news of the resignations on Twitter, Hugh Grant retweeted a post by Count Binface, a satirical political character created by comedian Jonathan Harvey who was a candidate in the 2019 general election against Johnson. The post was a picture of Johnson and Binface, with the caption: “Britain chose poorly.”
Comedian Nish Kumar tweeted: “Balancing out the fact that I can’t stand Javid or Sunak with the fact that I love to see a rich white man brought down by Asians.”
“WOW!!! Chancellor Rishi Sunak has also resigned. Cabinet dominos falling... it’s over for Boris,” posted Piers Morgan.
Actor Sanjeev Bhaskar wrote: “Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak resigned! Desis out the door! What was in their paranthas this morning? Seems like operation big dog or dead dog or whatever hasn’t really gone to plan. Unless this was the plan?”
“Queen has resigned,” joked comedian David Baddiel. “God has resigned.”
This Is Going to Hurt author Adam Kay tweeted: “It’s collapsing like a house of c***s.”
Actor Mark Gatiss added: “These hateful s***s suddenly deciding they have principles having relentlessly defended a man they knew from the very beginning was unfit to hold office.”
See other tweets from celebrities, including Kathy Burke, Rylan, and Omari Douglas below.
The Prime Minister’s authority had already been damaged by a no-confidence vote, which saw 41 per cent of his MPs vote against him.
Johnson is now immune from a Conservative leadership challenge until June next year under party rules, but the latest resignations put pressure on him to leave Number 10 himself.

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Telegram - важный инструмент в арсенале PR-специалистовTelegram - важный инструмент в арсенале PR-специалистов
Владимир Ступников, Генеральный директор коммуникационного агентства АУРА в составе Газпром-Медиа Холдинга. Социальные медиа становятся все более важным инструментом в работе каждого PR-специалиста, и одной из относительно новых, но стремительно растущих платформ, является Telegram. Этот мессенджер, изначально позиционировавшийся как безопасный и приватный инструмент связи, приобретает все большую популярность и привлекает внимание маркетологов и PR-специалистов по всему миру.
PR-специалисты будущего: какие компетенции и требования профессии...PR-специалисты будущего: какие компетенции и требования профессии... (1)
Татьяна Жигаленкова, управляющий партнер LotUS Communications, рассказала какие компетенции, и требования PR-специалистов будут актуальны через 5 лет.
Маркетинг с AR и VR от HICLICKМаркетинг с AR и VR от HICLICK
В 2024 году маркетологи все чаще начинают использовать метавселенные. По сравнению с социальными сетями, вовлеченность пользователей в иммерсивных площадках гораздо больше. Одним из самых интересных для клиентов форматов являются АR и VR. Как технологии будущего применять в маркетинге уже сегодня, разобрали в агентстве высоких откликов HICLICK.
Коkос Group: ИИ в рекламной индустрии: модный тренд или революция?Коkос Group: ИИ в рекламной индустрии: модный тренд или революция?
Искусственный интеллект уже давно среди нас. Он прочно вошел в нашу жизнь, используется абсолютно в разных её сферах и кардинально меняет лицо современного бизнеса. Рекламная индустрия - не исключение. Самый яркий и известный пример - это нейросети, на основе которых построен поиск рекламных систем Яндекса. Использование нейросетей и других алгоритмов ИИ, делает рекламу еще более эффективной и качественной. Евгений Халин, директор по продуктам Коkос Group рассказывает о том, как работает ИИ, в чем его преимущество и какие перспективы нас ждут.
Как подготовить маркетинг к 8 марта и 23 февраляКак подготовить маркетинг к 8 марта и 23 февраля
В период гендерных праздников предприниматели отмечают 50%-ый рост продаж. – Даже в случае торговли сепараторами или двигателями, при должном подходе. Для маркетологов это время – забег на короткие дистанции. Поэтому важно грамотно подойти к выбору инструментов.

Книги по дизайну

Загрузка ...


Дизайн под грифом "секретно"Дизайн под грифом "секретно"
На чем раньше ездили первые лица страны? Эскизы, редкие фотографии и прототипы уникальных машин.
"Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции..."Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции...
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое...Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое... (2)
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».

на правах рекламы

19.04.2024 - 23:01
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