Service Operation
Издательство: Crown, 2007 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 276 стр.
Successfully bringing a well-designed service into the live environment takes efficient planning. It is necessary to deliver new or changed services with the appropriate balance of speed, cost and safety while ensuring minimum disruption to operations.
Service Transition provides and supports the `business as usual` delivery of the organization`s requirements from IT. This book provides guidance on managing the many aspects of service changes, preventing undesired consequences while allowing for innovation. It is essential reading for anyone seeking to deliver IT change with the best possible benefit to the business.
The International /fSMF organization, through its International Publications Executive Sub-Committee (IPESC), comprised of members from all /fSMF chapters around the world, has given formal /fSMF International endorsement to this book.
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