Russia in Figures. 2010
Издательство: Росстат, 2010 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 560 стр.
The handbook contains information on the social and economic situation of Russia in 2009 as compared with the previous years.
It presents data characterizing the public structure of the Russian Federation, production and use of the Gross domestic product. Information is published on the population its employment and money incomes. The handbook highlights problems of social sphere, results of R&D work and innovation activities finances, investments, prices and tariffs. Some materials are dedicated to situation in organizations of different kinds of economic activities. Reflected are the external economic activities and information on the Balance of payments of the Russian Federation. Selected international comparisons are also given.
The handbook is intended for managerial personnel managers and employees of enterprises and organizations, 'scientific, entrepreneunal and banking circles, professors and lecturers, under-graduate and post-graduate students of hiqher economic education institutions and other users.