Glen Broom
Cutlip and Center's Effective Public Relations
Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2008 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 504 стр.
"Effective Public Relations", 10/e, presents a comprehensive summary of public relations concepts, theory, principles, history, management, and practices. This "bible" of the public relations field continues in its role as the single most authoritative and complete reference for public relations professionals. Still the most comprehensive and authoritative introductory book, continuing its long-standing tradition as the most-cited reference book. Often referred to as the "bible of public relations," the new edition covers the many aspects of public relations theory and practice in a variety of settings. This text also serves as the basic reference for accreditation programs worldwide. Updates examples, sources, and references to provide readers with contemporary cases, contexts, and perspectives that illustrate major concepts and issues essential to understanding the field. The new edition offers an up-to-date synthesis and interpretation of the scholarly and professional literature. Expands discussions of how the public relations field relates to marketing, integrated marketing communication (IMC), and related management functions, clarifying the unique and essential role of the public relations management function in organizations. An excellent, essential desk reference for those in the practice.
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