Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Trading Secrets: 20 Hard and Fast Rules to Help You Beat the Stock Market

Simon Thompson

Trading Secrets: 20 Hard and Fast Rules to Help You Beat the Stock Market

Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2009 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 200 стр.

Have you ever wondered how the top City traders make big profits from share trading? Do you know why the best investors know exactly when the market is going to rise or fall? And do you wish you could do the same?
By following 20 hard and fast rules, Trading Secrets shows you how you can make the same high returns as experienced investors and traders. Using historical, economic and technical trend analysis from the last fifty years, it identifies the ways for you to capitalise on such events as the clocks going back or moving forward, religious holidays, major sporting events and even the US presidential election.
Written for both experienced investors and also those with little knowledge of the stock market, Simon Thompson’s practical investing guide offers trading strategies that you can use over the short-term or the long-term. For instance, do you know how daylight changes affect how the stock market performs and, more importantly, how to make big gains by trading on this knowledge? Or do you know which sector has massively outperformed the market in the first quarter of the year – posting a quarterly return of 12 per cent – in all bar four years in the past three decades?
Trading Secrets uncovers all and more importantly explains why these trends occur, so that you can be confident your investments will pay off, even when the market is falling.

Формат: 15,5 см x 23,5 см.

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08.02.2025 - 06:49
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