Lois P. Frankel
Nice Girls Don`t Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money
Издательство: Business Plus, 2005 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 288 стр.
Borrowing on your credit cards? Saving instead of investing? Caring for others financially and ignoring your own needs? The things you learned as a girl may be preventing you from becoming financially independent and following your own dreams. Now bestselling author Lois Frankel tackles the outdated concepts that keep you from having the wealth you deserve, and she offers tried-and-true coaching tips to help you take control of your money and your life. Discover all the "nice girl" behaviors-and how to overcome them today!
Mistake #4: Not playing to win. Being polite, quiet, and fair to a fault is playing the financial game "like a girl". Mistake #10: Choosing to remain financially illiterate. Knowledge is power. Learn to manage your major purchases, investments, and banking. Mistake #20: Spending as an emotional crutch. Understand your emotions; don`t make purchases just to lift your spirits. Mistake #45: Saving instead of investing. Fear can keep your funds in low-interest accounts. Get educated-and get wealthy.
Get the financial savvy you need to change negative behaviors, make smart money choices, and embrace the life you want.
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