Santiago Remacha Esteras
Infotech Workbook. English for Computer Users
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2007 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 80 стр.
"Infotech" is a comprehensive course for intermediate level learners who need to be able to use the English of computing for study and work.
The Workbook accompanying the Infotech Student`s Book can be used in the classroom, for homework or for self-study. It provides extra practice in the language used in class, with revision ot grammar and vocabulary, and further development of reading and writing skills.
Key features of the Workbook include: 30 units, which relate to the units in the Student`s Book, with informative and wide-ranging tasks. the vocabulary exercises give further practice in the main areas of the unit through word-building exercises, puzzles and word searches. the language exercises focus on the main structures of English grammar, with revision of the grammar points in the Student`s Book and extra practice in problem areas at intermediate level. the reading exercises are based on a variety of topics, from Internet history to new technologies, with comprehension tasks which develop reading skills. the writing tasks range from summarizing a text to writing e-mails and letters. the answer key provides comprehensive answers to all the exercises.
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