Barbara A. Budjac Corvette
Conflict Management: A Practical Guide to Developing Negotiation Strategies
Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2006 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 336 стр.
Well honed negotiating skills can benefit everyone both personally and professionally. This book explores how to develop critical negotiation skills using a very individual, personalized approach. It examines how personality and temperaments influence negotiation styles and techniques and provides numerous strategies proven effective with different personality types. Readers become more skilled in negotiations by understanding how conflict often begins the negotiation process. Exercises, self-assessment tools, and examples give readers an opportunity to identify, develop, practice, and perfect their own unique set of negotiation skills. Recognizes the link between personality and conflict management styles. Discusses psychological and sociological factors along with gender and cultural differences inherent in thenegotiation process. Offers self-assessment exercises to help readers identify their personal negotiation and conflict management styles. Looks at rules of negotiation and the common mistakes we all make. Covers team negotiation and third-party negotiation. For courses in business and communications or for anyone interested in improving personal negotiating skills.
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