John Rogers
Market Leader: Intermediate Business English Practice File (+ CD)
Издательство: Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2006 г.
0-582-83820-7, 978-0-582-83813-0
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 112 стр.
Market Leader New Edition reflects the fast-changing world of business with thoroughly updated material from authentic sources such as the Financial Times. The new edition retains the dynamic and effective approach that has made this course so successful in business English classes worldwide.
The Market Leader New Edition Practice File includes: All New - Language work (grammar, vocabulary and writing); All New - Talk Business (pronunciation plus `survival` English); All New - Enclosed CD material for Talk business (also available on cassette).
Market Leader delivers a complete teaching solution for the business English classroom - the videos, tests and specialist titles enable teachers to tailor the course to the specific needs of their students.
Market Leader Companion Website.
Find out more about the course and access resources such as topic-related links for every unit. Receive new ready-made lessons every week when you subscribe to the Market Leader Premier Site.
Издание на английском языке.
Формат: 21 см х 29,5 см.
Прилагаемый к изданию диск CD упакован в специальный целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги.
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