Jane P. Laudon, Kenneth C. Laudon
Essentials of Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm and Student Multimedia Edition Package
Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2004 г.
0131330055, 978-0131330054
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 672 стр.
For sophomore/MBA-level MIS and Information Systems courses taught in MIS, IS, CIS, Business and Management departments. Ideal for courses on the quarter system and those that combine an MIS text with hands-on software, projects, or case studies. This exceptionally practical text prepares students for the constantly changing demands of using information systems as managers in today`s fast-paced organizations. Drawing extensively on examples from real businesses, the authors focus on the increasingly crucial links between information systems and business value. They present an integrated framework that demonstrates exactly how management, organization, and technology elements interrelate. Next, they use this framework to describe and analyze a wide variety of IS problems and case studies, and to guide students through the books many projects. This Sixth Edition contains extensive new coverage reflecting the latest emerging technical and organizational trends. For example, it contains an entirely new chapter on supply chain management, CRM, enterprise systems, and the latest system platforms for delivering enterprise-wide services. It also includes a new chapter on the use of knowledge management systems for capturing, distributing, and applying organizational knowledge to improve organizational performance and management decision-making. The authors introduce the latest metrics for measuring the business value of IT, and present business-focused coverage of these and other leading-edge technologies: Wi-Fi wireless networks and security; P2P, grid, and utility computing; the next-generation Internet and Semantic Web; Web services and enterprise application integration; business process management; and object oriented modeling. This edition also contains an all-new guide to helping students build structured digital portfolios that demonstrate their skills and knowledge to future employers. Also new in this edition: a "Hands-On Guide to MIS" providing how-to instructions for designing and normalizing relational databases, using entity-relationship diagrams, constructing SQL queries, modeling business processes, and solving business case studies. The book contains a running case study, as well as hands-on application software exercises, e-commerce and e-business projects, and four comprehensive projects that require students to solve demanding problems that arise as firms become more digitally integrated and Internet enabled.