Fran Rees
The Facilitator Excellence Handbook (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professiona)
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Book DescriptionThis is the thoroughly revised and updated edition of the best-selling The Facilitator Excellence Handbook. Written for both new and experienced facilitators, the second edition of The Facilitator Excellence Handbook offers a comprehensive guide for understanding the full range of skills, processes, and knowledge needed to become an effective facilitator. The book addresses a variety of facilitation opportunities, challenges, and problems and also contains A variety of verbal and nonverbal facilitation techniques Step-by-step facilitation processes and tools Information on how to facilitate conflict resolution in groups and how to facilitate difficult situations Instructions fordesigning and leading group work Examples of how various levels of facilitator competency are called for in different types of groups Techniques for facilitating meetings, teams, virtual teams, and organization-wide projects Discussions on the art of facilitating and what makes a great facilitator
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