Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Building a Mail Order Business 4e

Building a Mail Order Business 4e

Книгопечатная продукция

With more than 60,000 copies sold, this amazing manual has become a classic in its field - and rightfully so. Nowhere else will you find - in one book - so much valuable information on achieving success in the mail order business. Dr. Bill Cohen has drawn on his decades of experience testing, researching, and constantly refining the mail order techniques described in this invaluable guide. Building a Mail Order Business offers a virtual treasury of techniques and methods guaranteed to work in the real world of selling through the mail. You`ll get practical advice and learn tricks of the trade that will get you started quickly, with the fewest missteps and greatest chances for success.
Thorough and completely up-to-date, this authoritative guide covers every aspect of the mail order business, from the basics of getting started to the details of product selection, preparing a marketing plan, copywriting, designing graphics, printing, protecting yourself from competition, telemarketing, and advertising through magazines, radio, and television. In addition, a handy appendix lists hundreds of valuable contacts with complete addresses.
In this new Fourth Edition, you`ll learn the latest trends in mail order - what works and what doesn`t, the most effective look in ads and mailing pieces, how to put together the most attractive offers, and much more.
For entrepreneurs, direct marketers, business owners, and others eager to get into the mail order business.
Building a Mail Order Business has proven itself to be an indispensable resource for the ideas, techniques, and expert advice that will lead to success.
All the success secrets of one of America`s best-known and most respected experts on mail order and direct marketing. Now in a new edition!
4 edition.

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20.01.2025 - 05:45
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