Joanna Gutmann
Taking Minutes of Meetings
Серия: Creating Success Series
Издательство: Kogan Page, 2013 г.
0-7494-6724-X, 978-0-7494-6724-1
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 192 стр.
Minutes are vital to the success of meetings. Attendees rely on them for information they may have missed, and they serve as an essential communications tool for non participants. In addition, the action points highlighted in minutes act as a timely reminder for the whole organization. Taking minutes involves listening skills as well as the ability to absorb information and summarize it simultaneously.
Written by training consultant and secretarial education expert Joanna Gutmann, Taking Minutes of Meetings is a no nonsense, self teaching tool instructing the potential committee secretary in the theory and application of proper forms for taking minutes (records) of a meeting. Chapters cover tips for setting up a meeting, personal preparation recommendations, guidelines for taking notes and constructing minutes, how to record decisions and actions in such a manner that any reader will immediately understand what happened, and much more.
This updated edition includes brand new chapters with guidance on using technology to maximize effectiveness, taking minutes for different types of meetings, the difference between notes and minutes, advice on writing for those with dyslexia and how to politely interrupt during a meeting.
3-d edition.
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