Richard Denny
Selling to Win
Издательство: Kogan Page, 2013 г.
0-7494-6631-6, 978-0-7494-6631-2
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 224 стр.
British inspirational business speaker, Richard Denny has helped numerous salespeople become successful, and in Selling to Win, he explains how to put his winning techniques into action.
This 25th anniversary edition has been revised and is full of sales tips and essential practical advice. It has been updated to reflect current selling techniques and includes success stories from readers of the previous editions who applied what they learned in the book. It includes useful advice on: getting a sale despite not being the cheapest, turning a customer into an ambassador, building a positive attitude that gets results, beating the competition and closing a sale.
Recognized as an effective sales improvement guide, Selling to Win is a valuable text for sales and marketing professionals.
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