Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Screw It,  Let`s Do It: Lessons in Life

Richard Branson

Screw It, Let`s Do It: Lessons in Life

Издательство: Virgin Books, 2006 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 122 стр.

The global icon shares his secrets of success and exciting plans for the future.
Throughout my life I have achieved many remarkable things. In Screw It, Let`s Do It, I will share with you my ideas and the secrets of my success, but not simply because I hope they`ll help you achieve your individual goals. Today we are increasingly aware of the effects of our actions on the environment, and I strongly believe that we each have a responsibility, as individuals and organisations, to do no harm. I will draw on Gaia Capitalism to explain why we need to take stock of how we may be damaging the environment, and why it is up to big companies like Virgin to lead the way in a more holistic approach to business.
In Screw It, Let`s Do It I`ll be looking forwards to the future. A lot has changed since I founded Virgin in 1968, and I`ll explain how I intend to take my business and my ideas to the next level and the new and exciting areas - such as launching Virgin Fuels - into which Virgin is currently moving. But I have also brought together all the important lessons, good advice and inspirational adages that have helped me along the road to success. Ironically, I have never been one to do things by the book, but I have been inspired and influenced by many remarkable people. I hope that you too might find a little inspiration between these pages.

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09.02.2025 - 20:29
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