Bill Mascull
Business Vocabulary in Use: Advanced Second edition Book with answers
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2013 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
"Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced" is for students and professionals looking to expand their business vocabulary. It is for Upper-intermediate to Advanced level learners of English (levels B2 to CI of the CEF).
Bringing you right up-to-date with the language you need for business today, this second edition reflects recent developments in technology, global relations and financial practice. As well as covering a wide range of topics, from Competitive Strategy to Globalisation, it also develops skills in key areas including Business writing and Working in international teams.
"Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced" explains words and expressions used in a variety of work-based situations and provides practice in using the language. This includes "Over to you" activities so you can apply what you learn to your own work or study.
With vocabulary drawn from the Cambridge Business English Corpus - a collection of real English compiled from authentic sources including business magazines, professional journals and educational books - you can be sure that the language you`re learning is up-to-date, relevant and natural.
"Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced" is particularly useful for self-study and includes a comprehensive answer key.
2-th edition.
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