Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Assimilating New Leaders : The Key to Executive Retention

Diane Downey, Tom March, Adena Berkman

Assimilating New Leaders : The Key to Executive Retention

Книгопечатная продукция

Newly hired senior executives don`t need any help, right? After all, they`re getting paid top dollar for knowing their stuff!

The reality is that executives often do need guidance and support when joining an organization. In fact, a recent survey reported that more than 70% of newly hired executives left their jobs within the first two years! These missteps can wreak havoc on subordinates, departments, customers, suppliers--and ultimately the bottom line.

Assimilating New Leaders offers a way to turn around this abysmal turnover rate by proposing an original four-stage process for successfully assimilating new leaders into an organization. By employing this dynamic new model and examining the book`s abundance of real-life examples, readerswill learn how to:

* Anticipate the potential pitfalls of leadership transitions
* Minimize disruption to business cycles and processes
* Give new leaders the tools they need to succeed
* Understand how to recruit--and retain--the right senior leaders
* Realize the organization`s return on investment in the new leader.

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10.02.2025 - 06:05
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