Erik Banks
The Simple Rules of Risk : Revisiting the Art of Financial Risk Management
Серия: The Wiley Finance Series
Издательство: Wiley, 2003 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 156 стр.
In an age where companies and financial institutions are keenly focusing on managing the financial risk of their operations, the implementation of quantitative methods and models has been of tremendous help, allowing firms to analyze and manage their risk more efficiently and effectively. However, the focus on quantitative risk management, while important, can sometimes be over-emphasized at the expense of judgement, logic and experience. Market dislocations of the 1990’s have revealed the shortcomings of purely quantitative approaches to risk management – and the need for a strong grounding in the "common sense" aspects of the discipline.
At is core, the successful management of risk is largely an "art". In The Simple Rules of Risk, the author, based on over fifteen year’s experience in senior risk management positions around the world, takes a fresh look at the qualitative aspects of risk management. Providing detailed presentation and discussion of the simple rules that should form the core of any effective risk management process, including the 10 "cardinal rules", Erik Banks shows how these, in conjunction with new or existing quantitative procedures, can form the basis of an effective and robust risk management framework.
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